SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Water Resources | August 13, 2024


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The MWR is vigorously promoting the construction of a digital twin system for water resource management. What is the current progress? What role does this work play? Thank you.

Chen Min:

As you said, the MWR is vigorously promoting the development of the digital twin water resource management system. We view this as an important pathway for cultivating new quality productive forces and promoting high-quality development in water conservancy. By combining cutting-edge technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence with water resource management, we're creating real-time digital maps of rivers, lakes, and water conservancy projects. This provides a smart "brain" for water management tasks, enabling accurate forecasts, early warnings, rapid simulations, and emergency planning for flood prevention and control and water resource management. Over the past three years, we've been developing digital twins for river basins, water networks, and water resource management projects.

In terms of digital twin river basins, we accelerated the establishment of digital twin platforms for the MWR and seven major rivers including the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Huaihe River, to support flood control management in these river basins. For example, during the "23-7" super large flood in the Haihe River Basin last year, we comprehensively utilized meteorological, hydrological and hydrodynamic models to simulate the runoff yield and flood routing in advance, so the Yongding River flooding was accurately forecasted, and preparations were made for the opening of Dongdian and other flood detention and storage areas three days in advance.

Regarding digital twin water networks, we have enhanced the capacity of water resource allocation by building the middle route of the South-North Water Diversion Project as well as seven provincial-level water network monitoring and dispatching platforms. For example, through electronic fences and a remote control system, we conduct real-time monitoring of more than 1,300 kilometers of channels along the middle route of the South-North Water Diversion Project, and accurately adjust and control more than 60 sluice gates to ensure the security of the project, water supply and water quality. In addition, the digital twin of the water diversion project in eastern Zhejiang province has realized dynamic analysis of the regional water resource situation for the coming 15 days, ensuring a clean water environment and a sound aquatic ecosystem for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

As for digital twin projects, we have built a number of digital twin systems of key water conservancy projects, improving the level of project operation and management. For example, to establish the digital twin Three Gorges project, we advanced simultaneous interactive images for the physical project and its digital twin project, effectively boosting the comprehensive management capacity of the Three Gorges project and delivering more benefits. As mentioned earlier by Mr. Chen, digital twin irrigation areas are also a practical effect of the application in the field of digital twin engineering.

Thank you.

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