SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Water Resources | August 13, 2024


Shou Xiaoli:

One last question.


On May 1 this year, China unveiled regulations on water conservation, the first of its kind in the country. May I ask what measures the MWR has taken to promote the conservation and efficient use of water resources? Thank you.

Chen Min:

I would like to invite Mr. Yu from the Department of Water Resources Management to answer this question.

Yu Qiyang:

Thank you for the question. China has a large population but limited water resources, with low per capita water availability. Relative water scarcity is a fundamental issue in China. Therefore, improving water use efficiency and promoting water conservation are crucial for achieving high-quality development. In terms of managing and using water resources, we mainly take the following measures.

First, we adhere to the dual control of regional water use volume and intensity. We control the total volume of water used in regions and have established a water use volume control index system covering provincial, municipal, and county-level administrative regions. This ensures that the national total water use volume will be controlled within 640 billion cubic meters by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period. We also control water use intensity and have formulated water quota standards for different industries. A national water quota standard system has been established covering over 80% of all water use.

Second, we strictly manage water abstraction and use. Water abstraction directly from rivers, lakes, and underground sources in China is subject to water abstraction licensing management. We have comprehensively implemented electronic license management for water abstraction permits to ensure scientific, convenient, and efficient management. So far, 630,000 such electronic licenses have been issued. This means that information on any legitimate and compliant water abstraction that requires a license can be accessed online. To strengthen the management of water abstraction and use, we launched a three-year initiative starting in 2020 to crack down on water abstraction and use that violated regulations. This initiative has clarified the situation of various water intakes nationwide and addressed a series of issues related to unlawful water abstraction. At the same time, we have accelerated the construction of a water abstraction monitoring and measurement system, with the online measurement rate of water abstraction above the designated scale nationwide reaching 88%.

Third, we strengthen the implementation of water-saving measures. We have deeply implemented the national water conservation action, promoting a joint effort among various departments. We continuously encourage water conservation in key areas by improving water-saving and efficiency in agriculture, reducing water use and emissions in industry, and cutting water waste in urban areas. We also enhance the utilization of unconventional water sources, achieving relatively good results. Currently, the leakage rate of urban public water supply networks has dropped to below 10%, and the annual utilization of non-traditional water sources has reached 21.23 billion cubic meters.

Going forward, the MWR will work with relevant departments to fully implement regulations on water conservation, accelerate the implementation of the rigid regulation system for water resources, improve the water resources monitoring and measurement system, strengthen the supervision and management of water abstraction and use, accelerate the implementation of water-saving measures, encourage and support the development of water-saving industries, and further enhance the level of water resources conservation and intensive utilization. These efforts ensure that limited water resources can better support high-quality development.

Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you to Mr. Chen, all the other speakers, and the journalists present. Today's press briefing will conclude here. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Qian, Gong Yingchun, Huang Shan, Li Xiao, Zhou Jing, Liu Caiyi, Yuan Fang, Liu Jianing, Li Huiru, Mi Xingang, Ma Yujia, Yan Bin, Zhang Junmian, Zhang Tingting, Wang Wei, Wang Ziteng, David Ball, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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