SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Water Resources | August 13, 2024


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your introduction. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking your question.

Economic Daily:

The Outline of the National Water Network Construction Plan has been in place for over a year now. What progress has been made in building this network? How has it benefited people's daily lives? Thank you.

Chen Min:

This is indeed an issue of great concern to many. I'll now invite Mr. Wu to address your questions.

Wu Wenqing:

Thank you for your interest in the construction of our national water network. Since the CPC Central Committee set major strategic arrangements to accelerate the construction of the national water network, the MWR has focused on the following targets. We aim to create a well-developed system that is safe and reliable, intensively and efficiently managed, green and intelligent. This system must also feature smooth circulation and orderly regulation and control. Intensified efforts have been made to advance the building of the national water network. This aims to ensure the country's water security more broadly and at a higher level, while providing strong support for promoting high-quality development and enhancing people's well-being.

First, we have expedited the improvement of the core framework and vital arteries of the national water network. The first phase of the eastern and middle routes of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project have cumulatively transferred more than 72.9 billion cubic meters of water. This has become an important water source for 44 large- and medium-sized cities along the routes, benefiting 176 million people. For example, the middle route provides water for over 75% of Beijing's population and almost 100% of urban Tianjin. We've also stepped up efforts to promote the high-quality development of follow-up projects. Construction has begun on the middle route project to channel water from the Yangtze River to the Hanjiang River. We're also expediting the groundwork for the western route and follow-up projects for the eastern route. Furthermore, we will establish a water source security and quality system for the middle route. We'll intensify efforts to protect water sources and ensure that water transferred from south to north remains clean.

Second, we have bolstered the construction of key national water network projects. Since 2022, several mega cross-basin and cross-regional water transfer projects have been completed and put into operation. These include water diversion projects from the Yangtze River to the Huaihe River, from the Hanjiang River to the Weihe River, and water resource allocation projects in the Pearl River Delta. We've begun construction on several major projects, such as the Beibu Gulf Rim water resources allocation project and key water network projects in Jilin province. Moreover, we have started building 26 major large-scale water management projects. These include the Linhai Reservoir in Heilongjiang province, Xiangyang Reservoir in Chongqing municipality, Taoyuan Reservoir in Yunnan province, Changtang Reservoir in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, and Huatanzi Reservoir in Guizhou province. These projects will provide a solid foundation for water security during the implementation of major national strategies. These include the development of the western region, the rise of the central region, the comprehensive revitalization of northeast China, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. They will also promote the optimization and adjustment of population density, economic layout, and territorial space utilization patterns.

Third, we have coordinated the planning and development of water networks at the provincial, city and county levels. To date, all provincial-level water network development plans have been approved and implemented, while 72% of city-level and 40% of county-level plans have been formulated. The MWR has initiated the construction of water network pilot areas at the provincial, city, and county levels, fully leveraging the role of pilot areas in boosting the development of water networks at all levels by actively drawing from local experience. At the same time, we have enhanced collaboration and integration of water networks at all levels and strengthened the coordinated development of water networks and related industries. We've also developed digital twin water networks and accelerated the development of a national water network system. This system aims to integrate urban and rural areas and improve interconnectivity. By doing so, we have bolstered the high-quality development of our economy and society while continuing to improve the well-being of our people.

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