SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology | July 24, 2024


The industrial sector is one of the major carbon emitters. What achievements have been made in saving energy and reducing carbon emissions? How can the green transformation in industry be accelerated? Thank you.

Jin Zhuanglong:

Thank you for your questions. Green development is a key direction for industrial growth. Our industrial development focuses on being high-end, intelligent, and green. Mr. Zhao will now address these questions.

Zhao Zhiguo:

Thank you for your interest in the green development of the industrial sector. Industry has consistently been a key area for energy consumption and carbon emissions in China. Green and low-carbon development represents an important trend in the new revolution in science, technology and industry. Promoting green and low-carbon development in the industrial sector is an intrinsic requirement for accelerating new industrialization.

In recent years, we have thoroughly implemented actions to enhance industrial energy efficiency, promoting the reasonable and efficient use of energy by industrial enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations. This has yielded significant results. In the first two years of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the energy consumption per unit of added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size nationwide cumulatively decreased by 6.8%. Energy-intensive industries have been transferred in an orderly manner to regions with clean energy advantages. By the end of 2023, we had cultivated 196 national-level green data centers, with the average utilization rate of electricity generated from renewable energy sources increasing from 15% in 2018 to over 50%. Additionally, the energy consumption per 5G base station site has decreased by more than 20% compared to the early stages of commercial use. Meanwhile, the scale and technological level of new energy vehicles and new energy equipment have rapidly improved, with new orders for green ships accounting for 57% of the global total.

Next, we will firmly uphold and act on the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. We will implement plans for peaking carbon dioxide emissions in the industrial sector and accelerate the green transformation of the industry. Our efforts will focus on the following three main areas:

First, in promoting green and low-carbon transformation, we will deeply implement energy-saving and carbon-reducing actions, primarily targeting key industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, and building materials, as well as key sectors like data centers and communication base stations. We will synergistically advance digital and green transformations to enhance energy utilization efficiency. We will support enterprises in building a number of digital energy and carbon management centers. Additionally, we will accelerate the establishment of a resource recycling system, promote large-scale and high-value utilization of industrial solid waste and renewable resources, and improve the security and assurance of resource supply.

Second, in building a green manufacturing system, we will introduce an action plan for the green and low-carbon development of the manufacturing industry, implement green manufacturing projects, and cultivate green factories and green industrial parks. We will pioneer the development of green supply chains in sectors such as aviation, shipbuilding, new energy vehicles, and energy electronics. We will actively explore effective methods for managing the carbon footprint of industrial products and promote the development of carbon footprint accounting standards for key products.

Third, in cultivating and expanding green industries, we will strengthen the development and supply of green and low-carbon technology and equipment products. We will accelerate the development of green and low-carbon industries such as hydrogen energy, new ways of storing energy, eco-friendly equipment, green intelligent computing, and smart microgrids, continuously creating new competitive strengths for the industry. Thank you.

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