SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology | July 24, 2024


People's Posts and Telecommunications News:

Recently, a State Council executive meeting reviewed and adopted an action plan for the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. All localities are actively taking steps to implement this digital transformation. Could you please brief us on the relevant work and the focus for the next stage?

Jin Zhuanglong:

Thank you for your question. A few days ago, Premier Li Qiang chaired a seminar on the digital transformation of manufacturing in Jiangsu province. The digital shift in manufacturing is now progressing further. I would like to invite Mr. Xin to address this question.

Xin Guobin:

Thank you for your interest in the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. This transformation is indeed an important direction for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. In recent years, with widespread attention and support from all parties, China has made significant progress in digitally transforming its manufacturing sector, creating favorable conditions for promoting high-end, intelligent, and green development. Allow me to share some key sets of data with you. China's installed industrial robot capacity now accounts for more than 50% of the world's total. The industrial internet has achieved full coverage of major industrial categories, and 421 national-level demonstration factories for smart manufacturing have been cultivated, all built according to Chinese standards. As of the end of last year, out of 153 lighthouse factories in the world, 62 were in China, accounting for more than 40% of the total. These lighthouse factories were built by both multinational and local companies. In terms of effectiveness, the product development cycle of demonstration factories in the fields of large aircraft, new energy vehicles, and high-speed electric multiple units (EMUs) has been shortened by about 30%. Production efficiency in these factories has increased by nearly 30%. It's fair to say that many manufacturing companies, once equipped with these "digital wings," have been able to fly faster and more efficiently than their counterparts.

Not long ago, a State Council executive meeting reviewed and adopted an action plan for the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. This plan defines the objectives and pathways for systematically promoting this transformation. The MIIT will collaborate with all localities and departments to implement the action plan, making simultaneous efforts in "dots, lines and fields." We will strive to achieve full coverage of digital transformation for industrial enterprises above designated size in major industrial provinces, cities and key industrial parks by 2027. Moreover, we will build approximately 200 high-standard digital industrial parks. By 2030, we will strive to basically complete a round of digital transformation for all industrial enterprises above designated size. To be specific:

"Dots" means focusing on key enterprises and promoting digital and intelligent transformation. We will prioritize leading enterprises in industrial chains and specialized, innovative SMEs. Our primary aim is to promote digital transformation in equipment manufacturing enterprises, large-scale durable consumer goods manufacturers, and enterprises undertaking large-scale equipment renewal. We will support enterprises with a solid digital foundation to innovate digital integrated applications. Additionally, we'll guide enterprises with a high level of digitalization to construct smart factories in a tiered manner.

"Lines" means focusing on key industrial chains and promoting coordinated digital transformation. We will formulate implementation plans for the digital transformation of key industries, adopt a "one chain, one strategy" approach to carry out coordinated digital transformation across key industrial chains in the manufacturing sector, and promote typical scenarios and solutions for segmented industries. We will support chain leaders and leading enterprises to open data interfaces, guide supply chain enterprises to access these systems and create a number of digital supply chains.

"Fields" means focusing on key industrial clusters and parks, with the aim of building a number of high-standard digital industrial parks. We will launch the construction of high-standard digital industrial parks, streamline the data, innovation, industrial, and supply chains within these parks, and explore pathways for overall digitalization improvements across these parks. We will continue to implement actions to cultivate and improve national advanced manufacturing clusters, promoting national clusters to take the lead and set examples in digital transformation.

That is all for my introduction. Thank you.

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