SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology | July 24, 2024


The central authorities have initiated a large-scale equipment upgrading initiative. How will the MIIT seize the opportunity for this new round of industrial equipment upgrading? How will you apply new technologies and equipment to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries? Thank you.

Jin Zhuanglong:

Mr. Xin will answer this question.

Xin Guobin:

People generally place a lot of importance on the development of strategic emerging industries and disruptive technologies, so thank you for your interest in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Traditional industries usually refer to those that have been developed for a long time, have a large industrial scale, broad market demand and strong employment absorption capacity, and are primarily labor- and capital-intensive. These industries play a fundamental role in the national economy, and mainly include petrochemicals, chemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry and textiles. The main indicators of these industries, such as added value, revenue, profit and employment numbers, account for about 80% of the entire manufacturing sector. The products they produce are indispensable in our daily lives. Therefore, traditional industries are the foundation of the modern industrial system and the fundamentals of our manufacturing development. We must promote the transformation and upgrading of these traditional industries and absolutely not treat them as "low-end industries" to simply be phased out.

Since last year, the MIIT, together with relevant departments such as the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, successively issued the Guidance on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industries and the Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Sector. In the coming period, our key task will be to focus on the implementation of these two documents, targeting high-end, intelligent, green and integrated development directions. We will support pilot cities in new technology transformation, implement major technical transformation and upgrades and large-scale equipment renewal projects in the manufacturing industry, and help these traditional industries "sprout new branches," making them important carriers for new quality productive forces.

In terms of equipment renewal, we will focus on key industries, adhere to market-driven advancement and standardization, implement integrated renewal of advanced equipment and software, and eliminate a batch of inefficient and outdated equipment.

In terms of technological upgrades, we will continuously promote technological innovation in industry, encourage research of key generic technologies and demonstration of industrial applications for traditional industries, strengthen innovation and iteration of new technologies and products, and strive to increase varieties, improve quality and build brands.

In terms of digital empowerment, we will implement the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, accelerate the deep integration of traditional industries with digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and 5G, promote the application of intelligent equipment such as industrial robots and intelligent logistics, and support the construction of a batch of smart factories, digital supply chains and parks.

In terms of green development, we will solidly advance energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformations in key industries, accelerate the renewal and replacement of key energy-consuming equipment such as electric motors and boilers, expand the application of solid waste treatment and water-saving equipment, build a batch of green factories, and actively develop green and low-carbon industries.

In terms of safety guarantees, we will accelerate comprehensive technical renovations of old installations in the petrochemical industry, implement the principle of "mechanization, automation and robots replacing humans" in the civilian explosives industry, increase the promotion and application of safety technologies and equipment in the manufacturing industry, and enhance the intrinsic safety level of enterprises.

That is all for my answer. Thank you.

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