SCIO press conference on promoting steady operation and quality upgrading of industry and ICTs

The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Feb. 28 to brief the media on promoting the steady operation and quality upgrading of industry and information and communication technologies (ICTs).  March 3, 2022

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for your introduction. Let's move on to the question-and-answer session.


Mr. Xiao, you just mentioned in your introduction that you will try your best to achieve a stable continuity in the first quarter and promote the smooth running of the industrial economy, build a solid economic "ballast stone." What is the trend of China's industrial economy in the first two months of this year? Next, what measures will the MIIT take to achieve a good start in the first quarter and a smooth running of the industrial economy throughout the year?

Xiao Yaqing:

Thank you for your questions. In general, after efforts from various aspects, so far, China's industrial economy has continued the trend of a steady recovery in the fourth quarter of last year, and the overall operation is stable. Particularly with the implementation of various policies and measures for the growth of the industrial economy, phased results have been achieved in boosting the industrial economy. I don't have the statistics for February yet, but today is the last day of this month, so I would like to introduce the following aspects:

The first is the production during the Spring Festival and the resumption of work after the festival. Our questionnaire survey on more than 20,000 key industrial enterprises showed that 14.5% of enterprises didn't stop production during the Spring Festival, 89.5% of enterprises resumed work before the Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the first lunar month, and 95.5% of enterprises resumed work before Feb. 20. The second is the production and operation of enterprises in key industries in January. According to statistics from relevant associations, the production and sales of automobiles in January were 2.422 million and 2.531 million, respectively, up 1.4% and 0.9% year-on-year, respectively. Among them, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 452,000 and 431,000, an increase of 1.3 times and 1.4 times, respectively. According to monitoring by the China National Coal Association, the average daily output of coal by key coal enterprises reached 7.44 million tons in January, a year-on-year increase of 1.8%. In January, the SMEs development index was 89.4%, up 0.2% month-on-month, and kept rebounding for three consecutive months. The third is about the situation of industrial-related indicators. The manufacturing PMI in January was 50.1%, which maintained above 50% for three consecutive months; the prosperity index of China's logistics industry was 51.1%, which also remained in the prosperity range; the scale of newly increased social financing and RMB loans both hit record highs and newly increased medium and long-term corporate loans showed a year-on-year increase for the first time since July last year.

Of course, we must also see that, affected by multiple factors, the current situation of the stable recovery of the industrial economy is not yet solid, and great efforts are still needed to promote the smooth operation of the industrial economy.

In the next step, first, we will make every effort to boost the industrial economy and ensure smooth continuity of the first quarter. We will conscientiously implement a series of policies and measures to promote the steady growth of the industrial economy, strengthen policy support, and promote the implementation of various policies and measures. At the same time, we must remain vigilant in identifying potential problems and solve them in a timely and coordinated manner.

Second, we will focus on breaking through the block on the supply of key products. And we will strengthen the guarantee and coordination of energy, logistics, labor, and other factors, give priority to ensuring the stable operation of key enterprises such as basic industrial products and important living materials, including agricultural materials and fertilizers.

Third, we will actively boost effective investment in manufacturing. We will ensure the implementation of major programs and projects in the 14th Five-Year Plan and start the implementation of a number of industrial infrastructure re-establishing projects. We will encourage and support enterprises to strengthen technological transformation, and promote telecom operators to accelerate the progress of investment and construction for 5G and gigabit optical networks.

Fourth, we will take concerted measures to expand consumer demand. We will continue to implement policies such as subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles, incentives and subsidies for charging facilities, and reduction and exemption of vehicle and vessel taxes. At the same time, we will carry out activities of bringing new energy vehicles, green smart home appliances, and green construction materials to the countryside. We will also further promote the action of increasing varieties, improving quality, and creating brands for products, and fully support foreign trade enterprises to expand exports. Thank you.

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