SCIO press conference on promoting steady operation and quality upgrading of industry and ICTs

The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Feb. 28 to brief the media on promoting the steady operation and quality upgrading of industry and information and communication technologies (ICTs).  March 3, 2022

Bauhinia Magazine:

The industrial sector is an important sector for the goals of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. Regarding this matter, what is the consideration of the ministry? And what specific measures will you take this year to make steady progress in green and low-carbon industrial transformation? Thank you.

Xiao Yaqing:

Thank you for your questions. To peak carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee in consideration of both domestic and international dynamics. It will be a broad and profound transformation, and it is an inherent requirement and an inevitable choice for high-quality development. Energy consumption in the industrial sector accounts for about 65% of China's total energy consumption, and it is one of the major areas of energy conservation and carbon reduction efforts. We have a tight schedule to accomplish this arduous task. It is a major challenge as well as a major opportunity. Green and low-carbon industrial development will certainly bring new growth space, new innovation impetus, and new development opportunities to the industrial economy. There are many things we can do and many areas we can explore in green and low-carbon development. We will conscientiously implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, bear in mind the country's most fundamental interests, and adhere to a holistic view in order to handle well the relationships between development and emission reduction, the whole and the parts, long-term goals and short-term goals, and government and the market. We will make overall considerations to keep the proportion of manufacturing basically stable, ensure the security of industry chains and supply chains, and meet reasonable consumption needs. We will rationally break down goals and tasks to promote green and low-carbon industrial transformation in a steady and orderly manner.

Our work will cover the following aspects.

First, we will strengthen the top-level design of policies. We will implement the Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030 issued by the State Council, actively take actions for peaking carbon emissions of the industrial sector, and release action plans for the industrial sector and key industries. With a focus on industries like iron and steel, building materials, petroleum chemistry, chemical industry, and nonferrous metal, we will formulate a series of categorized and targeted policies based on industry characteristics and development conditions to push for peaking carbon emissions in the industrial sector in a steady, sound, scientific and orderly manner.

Second, we will make in-depth adjustments to the industrial mix in an orderly way. We will pursue new development before ruling out the obsolete: we will deepen supply-side structural reform in key industries and build an industrial structure conducive to reducing carbon emissions; we will strictly implement production capacity swap policies in industries like iron and steel, cement, plate glass, and electrolytic aluminum; and resolutely restrict the haphazard development of projects that are energy intensive and have high emissions and low levels of production. In particular, we will strictly control the scale of energy use in key industries such as iron and steel.

Third, we will implement green and low-carbon transformation in the manufacturing sector. We will release a directory to guide key industries in green and low-carbon upgrading and transformation, and promote the innovation of low-carbon techniques and the digital transformation in key industries and sectors. We will push for sound implementation of the plan for the comprehensive utilization of industrial resources, and strengthen energy conservation monitoring and supervision and energy conservation diagnosis. We will speed up the cultivation of green data centers, give play to their demonstrative and leading role, and build public service platforms for key industries concerning peaking carbon emissions.

Fourth, we will build a supply system for green and low-carbon products. We will improve the green manufacturing system, improve the green design of products, and cultivate a number of demonstrative companies in green design. We will increase the supply of photovoltaic equipment, fans, and energy-saving motors, carry out special actions to pursue the innovative development of the smart photovoltaic industry, and improve the industry chain for wind power equipment. We will revise and improve the system for parallel administration of auto companies' fuel consumption and new energy vehicle credits. As Mr. Xin briefed just now, we will step up efforts to popularize new energy vehicles, vigorously develop green smart ships, promote the certification of green building materials products, and make moves to get rural areas access to green building materials. By increasing the supply of green and low-carbon products, we will help sectors like energy, transportation, and urban and rural development peak carbon emissions.

It is a very important task, and we need to push forward it step by step for notable outcomes. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for your introduction. Thank you to all the speakers and media friends. That concludes today's press conference. See you next time.

Translated and edited by Zhang Rui, Liu Qiang, Lin Liyao, Zhou Jing, Wang Mengru, Wang Wei, Yan Xiaoqing, Li Huiru, Zhang Tingting, Chen Xia, Zhu Bochen, Liu Sitong, Zhang Jiaqi, Ma Yujia, David Ball and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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