SCIO briefing on 'China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation' white paper

White Paper
On June 25, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media on a new white paper titled "China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation."  June 30, 2021


You often say that non-CPC political parties are part of China's political party system, but why should they accept the leadership of the CPC? Thank you.

Xu Yousheng:

Thank you for your question. As I said earlier, a very important feature of China's political party system is the leadership of the CPC. Why should other political parties accept the leadership of the CPC? I think it can be explained from two perspectives: realistic needs and historical choices. As is well known, China is a large country with a vast territory, many ethnic groups and a population of 1.4 billion. In such a large country, if there is no core leadership that exercises overall leadership and coordinates the efforts of all, it will inevitably end up falling apart and nothing will get accomplished.

We say that the leadership by the CPC is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The CPC has rallied all other political parties and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups during its 100 years of hard work. From the founding of the Party, to the establishment of the People's Republic of China, to reform and opening up, the Party has created remarkable achievements that Chinese people can feel proud of. As a result, the Chinese nation has made a historic leap from standing up, to growing rich and to becoming stronger. It's fair to say that the Party has won the heartfelt love and support of people of all ethnic groups in the country, including non-CPC political parties.

As I said earlier, the CPC's role in leading the country was not confirmed by itself. It is the choice of history, of the people, and also of non-CPC political parties. Mr. Cheng Siwei, former chairman of the Central Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association, once said that China's political party system is like singing in a "chorus," and there must always be a conductor. From the perspective of history and reality, only the CPC is qualified for the work. I think that Mr. Cheng's words are very much to the point.

I want to make it clear that the CPC exercises leadership over other political parties through political guidance, mainly on political principles, direction, and major policies. The CPC respects the status of non-CPC political parties to participate in state governance under socialism with Chinese characteristics. Each political party has its own charter, political program, and organizational structure, and performs its functions and conducts activities independently as per the Constitution and laws. Thank you.

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