SCIO briefing on 'China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation' white paper

White Paper
On June 25, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media on a new white paper titled "China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation."  June 30, 2021

China Daily:

China's political party system includes the CPC, non-CPC political parties, as well as prominent individuals without affiliation to any political party. As important components of the system, what role do these non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates play in China's economic and social development? Thank you.

Sang Fuhua:

Thank you for your question. I appreciate the attention you've paid to the important role of non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates. Over the years, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have fully employed their strengths in gathering talent, pooling wisdom, being widely and well connected, and enjoying a uniquely detached position. They are significant contributors to China's economic and social development. The white paper has already elaborated on this topic, so I'll give you a brief introduction to help you better understand this issue. The role non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have played can be summarized in three broad areas.

First, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have offered suggestions and proposals, and helped improve the decision-making process. For years, they have actively conducted inspections, researches and studies and provided consultancy and advice on major economic and social issues which are of overall, strategic and pioneering importance. As my colleague Mr. Zhang Jian mentioned earlier, when discussing and participating in the administration of state affairs, they have provided many valuable and important opinions and suggestions concerning the development of the BRI, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as well as major issues and strategies on strengthening China's strategic sci-tech capacity. Their suggestions have provided important references and consultancy for the decision-making of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

Second, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have played their part in providing services to the society. They have launched initiatives such as intellectual support to underdeveloped areas, built schools, and worked proactively to help win the battle against poverty. Here, I'd like to take an example from the white paper. Bijie used to be a deeply impoverished region in Guizhou province. For a long time, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have worked hard to establish Bijie Pilot Zone and made great contributions to the city's poverty-alleviation undertaking. I'll present a group of statistics here. Over the years, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have injected funds of 2.19 billion yuan, facilitated 2,665 programs, created 287,800 training opportunities for various professions, helped construct, renovate or expand over 200 schools of various kinds, and helped build 235 town/township health centers and village clinics. Through the joint efforts of all parties concerned, the pilot zone has helped 6.75 million people, while seven national-level poor counties, and 1,981 poor villages rise above poverty. The city's GDP exceeded 202 billion yuan. These are all tangible achievements. As parties participating in the administration of state affairs, these non-CPC political parties spare no efforts to consistently support the ruling CPC and address the development and reduction of poverty in a once deeply impoverished region. This can only be accomplished under China's political party system.

Third, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates have stood together with the CPC to meet challenges. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, non-CPC political parties immediately took actions to make donations and offer proposals. Many of their party members fought the disease on the frontlines. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates made donations of funds and supplies worth of over 500 million yuan within the very first month, which won widespread acclaim from all sectors of society. After the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, they responded to the call of the CPC Central Committee immediately, standing firmly alongside the CPC and acting together to battle against the virus. Partial data indicates that more than 60,000 frontline medical workers were either members of non-CPC political parties or non-affiliates. Over 4,000 opinions and proposals were submitted to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council by the non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates. Many of these have become concrete policies. They also actively donated funds and supplies worth around 5.11 billion yuan. Through their practical actions, they have proven themselves to be outstanding advisors, assistants, and colleagues of the CPC. Therefore, these non-CPC political parties deserve our appreciation, and China's political party system deserves our acclaim. Thank you.

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