Sustainable Development of Transport in China

(December 2020)

Sustainable Development of Transport in China

I. A New Path for Transport in the New Era

China's transport industry has followed a new path to keep up with the new development dynamic, serving high-quality domestic development and high-standard opening up. China is taking advantage of a period of golden opportunities to improve infrastructure, upgrade services and make transformation in order to build a comprehensive transport system that is intelligent, safe, and green.

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II. China's Growing Strength in Transport

In the new era, China is accelerating the high-quality development of its transport industry – it is seeing consistent progress in infrastructure construction, marked improvements in transport capacity, quality and efficiency, stronger technological support, greater accessibility and convenience, and more efficient freight transport. China is building up its strengthen in transport.

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III. A Key to Poverty Alleviation and Moderate Prosperity

Achieving moderate prosperity in China's rural areas - the key for completion of this overall national task - hinges largely on the improvement of the transport network there. China is very conscious of the role of transport in poverty alleviation, and sees it as an important support to all-round moderate prosperity across the country, the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and shared benefits from reform and development.

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IV. Modernization of Transport Governance

China is the largest developing country in the world. The complexity and rapid development of its sizable transport sector have created difficulties in managing the industry. Based on national conditions and drawing on international experience, China has devoted serious effort to modernizing its transport governance.

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V. Building a Global Community of Transport for All

Pursuing a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up, China expands cooperation with other countries in the field of transport, actively promotes global connectivity and engages in global transport governance. It earnestly fulfills its international responsibilities and obligations and pursues win-win results and common development through cooperation in wider fields and at higher levels, contributing to building a global community of transport for all.

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VI. Future Prospects for China's Transport

The 19th CPC National Congress laid out the goals for realizing basic socialist modernization by 2035 and developing China into a great modern socialist country by the middle of the century. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed that we should accelerate the effort to build China into a country with a strong transport industry, which would bring in a period of good opportunities for the sector's development.

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