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Xi's call for good rural roads

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, Xi Jinping has called on government at all levels to ensure rural roads are well-constructed, well-managed, well-maintained and well-operated.

chinadaily.com.cnUpdated: February 8, 2018

The Derung Highway was opened in Yunnan province in November 2014, linking the country's smallest ethnic group to the outside world. The Dulongjiang township, homeland of 70 percent of the Derung ethnic group in China, sits on the southwestern border of the country. Before the highway was opened, access to the township was blocked by snow from October to late April. [Photo by Zhou Mingjia/Asianewsphoto]

Keywords: Highway to Dulongjiang

Date: January 2014

In January 2014, Xi praised efforts to improve conditions for the Derung and enhance their lifestyle. He congratulated the Derung on the yet-to-be-completed highway to Dulongjiang and sent his wishes for a better life to the ethnic group.

A population of the Derung ethnic group was isolated in a canyon with a depth of 3,800 meters and surrounded by the Tibetan Plateau in the north, the Gaoligong Mountain in the east, and the Dandanglika Mountain in the west.

About the highway

The highway from Gongshan county to Dulongjiang township cost 780 million yuan (US$127 million), the distance from the township to Gongshan county was shortened to 76 km from 96 km, and the traveling time was reduced to two hours from four and a half hours.

The highway was opened in Nov 2014. It has a 6.68-km tunnel, the longest in Yunnan's history.

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