SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: National Financial Regulatory Administration
Beijing | 3 p.m. Aug. 21, 2024

The State Council Information Office invited officials from the National Financial Regulatory Administration to brief the media on promoting high-quality development on Wednesday.


Xiao Yuanqi, vice minister of the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA)

Wang Shengbang, director general of the Legal and Regulation Department of the NFRA

Liao Yuanyuan, director general of the Statistics and Risk Surveillance Department of the NFRA

Yin Jiang'ao, director general of the Property and Casualty Insurance Supervision Department of the NFRA


Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO

Read in Chinese


Mr. Xiao Yuanqi, vice minister of the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA)

Mr. Wang Shengbang, director of the Legal and Regulation Department at the NFRA 

Ms. Liao Yuanyuan, director of the Statistics and Risk Surveillance Department at the NFRA 

Mr. Yin Jiang'ao, director of the Property and Casualty Insurance Supervision Department at the NFRA 


Ms. Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


Aug. 21, 2024

Xing Huina:

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), as part of the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we have invited Mr. Xiao Yuanqi, vice minister of the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), to brief you on relevant developments and to take your questions. Also present today are Mr. Wang Shengbang, director of the Legal and Regulation Department at the NFRA; Ms. Liao Yuanyuan, director of the Statistics and Risk Surveillance Department at the NFRA; and Mr. Yin Jiang'ao, director of the Property and Casualty Insurance Supervision Department at the NFRA. 

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Xiao for his introduction. 

Xiao Yuanqi:

Thank you. Good afternoon. I'm very pleased to meet with you again to introduce the progress of the NFRA in promoting high-quality development. On behalf of the NFRA, I would first like to express our gratitude to friends from the media for your strong support, attention and assistance toward the financial work and financial supervision. My colleagues and I are all very willing to answer your questions.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the NFRA has fully embraced the political and people-oriented nature of financial work. We have promoted high-quality financial development to contribute to the building of a strong nation and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. China has established a multi-tiered, broad and diversified financial institution system. The banking sector now ranks first globally in terms of size of assets, while the insurance market ranks second in the world. Since the beginning of this year, the NFRA has thoroughly implemented the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), as well as the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the Central Financial Work Conference, and the Central Economic Work Conference. We have adhered to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, fully and faithfully applied the new development philosophy on all fronts, and focused on the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, achieving new results in promoting high-quality development.

We have remained committed to deepening supply-side structural reform in the financial sector, and guiding financial institutions to adopt the right perspectives on performance and development, focus on their core responsibilities, enhance their capabilities, and transition toward more refined internal management, thereby promoting high-quality and sustainable industry development. I would like to share a few key figures with you: Asset growth has remained stable. As of the end of July, the total assets of banking financial institutions reached 423.8 trillion yuan, marking a year-on-year increase of 7%. The insurance industry's total assets stood at 33.9 trillion yuan, up 7.7% from the beginning of the year. Asset quality has remained stable, with the non-performing loan (NPL) ratio continuing to decline steadily. This year, credit risks have been generally under control. By the end of July, the NPL ratio of the banking sector was 1.61%, down 0.08 percentage point from the same period last year. The disposal of non-performing assets has also intensified, with banks disposing of 1.4 trillion yuan of non-performing assets in the first half of this year. Risk buffers have steadily increased. As of the end of July, the loan loss provision coverage ratio of banks was 216.7%, meaning that loan loss provisions were more than double NPLs. Additionally, by the end of the first half of this year, the capital adequacy ratio of banks stood at 15.53%, while the comprehensive and core solvency ratios of insurance companies were 195.5% and 132.4%, respectively, indicating that banks and insurance institutions are well-equipped to withstand risks. Liquidity has been improving steadily. The two main liquidity indicators for banks, the liquidity coverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio, both meet regulatory requirements. Therefore, China's banking industry is currently stable and improving, with controllable risks and key business and regulatory indicators within healthy and reasonable ranges.

Financial institutions have further enhanced their ability to serve the real economy, with a continued increase in financial supply, particularly for major strategies, key areas and weak links, becoming more precise and efficient. The total deposit balances held by all financial institutions has maintained steady growth. By the end of July, the balance of RMB loans reached 251 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.5 trillion yuan compared to the beginning of the year. The balance of bond investments by banking and insurance institutions stood at 103 trillion yuan, up 4.9 trillion yuan compared to the beginning of the year. The insurance fund investment balance stood at 31 trillion yuan, a rise of 7.4% compared with that at the beginning of 2024. These numbers reflect the supply side of financial funds. Moreover, the funding structure has been optimized. We have intensified our support for the advanced manufacturing and sci-tech innovation sectors. By the end of July, loans to the manufacturing sector rose 11.4% year on year, and loans to the high-tech industry increased by 13.9% year on year. In addition, financial services for micro and small enterprises, as well as for agriculture, rural areas and rural residents, have also improved. Inclusive finance lending to micro and small businesses rose 17.1% year on year by the end of July. Support for the health industry and silver economy has been strengthened. By the end of July, loans to the elderly care sector were up 16.1% compared to the beginning of the year. To support the in-depth integration of the digital economy with the real economy, loans to core industries of the digital economy increased 12.4% year on year. The insurance industry played an important role in the rapid recovery of life and work after disasters, providing effective coverage for damage caused by rainstorms, floods and other calamities. In the first seven months, insurance companies paid out a total of 1.39 trillion yuan in claims and benefits, a 30.2% year-on-year increase. By the end of July, the insurance industry provided financing support totaling 28.5 trillion yuan through bonds, stocks, and other means. These are some key figures I'd like to share.

In accordance with the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee, we have constantly improved financial regulatory systems and mechanisms. As a result, the building of regulatory systems has accelerated comprehensively, regulatory and law enforcement capabilities have been strengthened, and financial regulation has become more digitalized and smarter.

Currently, the NFRA is earnestly studying the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. We follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, acquiring a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will continue to uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We will further align our thinking and actions with the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, ensuring that the principles, policies, decisions and arrangements related to financial work made by the Party Central Committee are thoroughly implemented. We will focus on further deepening reform comprehensively with a view to advancing Chinese modernization. We will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with our remarkable contributions.

That's all for my introduction. We would like to answer your questions now. Thank you.


Xing Huina:

Thank you. The floor is now open for questions. Before asking your question, please identify the media outlet you represent.


In May this year, the NFRA issued guidance on developing technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance in the banking and insurance sectors. Several months have passed. Can you introduce the work you have carried out and the achievements you have obtained? What measures will you take in the next step? Thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi:

These questions are of great concern to us. As you mentioned, the NFRA issued this guidance in May, and we appreciate your attention to it.

Developing technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance is a major task assigned to us by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Central Financial Work Conference.

In terms of technology finance, we mainly focus on targeting the global frontiers of science and technology, the development of the economy, the major needs of the country, and the health and safety of our people. We have accelerated developing a financial system for scientific and technological innovation, concentrating on key links and vital areas. We've provided technology companies with financing services and insurance guarantees better adapting to their businesses and development phases. Meanwhile, we have advanced a virtuous circle of technology, industry, and finance. By the end of June 2024, the balance of loans to high-tech companies nationwide reached 15.3 trillion yuan, with credit loans and medium- to long-term loans each accounting for more than 40%. The loan balance grew 19.5% year on year. Since tech companies often can't provide sufficient collateral, we encourage banking institutions to offer credit loans. Moreover, as it takes time for scientific and technological innovations to become profitable products, we also encourage banks to provide more medium- and long-term loans to sci-tech businesses and industries. This approach ensures loan funds are more compatible with the development cycle of sci-tech firms and industries.

In the area of green finance, the NFRA has introduced guidance on promoting the high-quality development of green insurance and continued improving its work on green finance standards and evaluation. By the end of June, the green credit balance of 21 major banks was 31 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.9%. Green insurance claim payments in the first half of this year reached 85 billion yuan.

Regarding inclusive finance, we have issued a notice on inclusive credit work in 2024 and guidance on promoting the high-quality development of inclusive insurance. These two documents have played an important role in advancing inclusive finance in the banking and insurance sectors. Meanwhile, we have further improved the inclusive credit system. By the end of June, the balance of inclusive loans to micro and small enterprises stood at 32 trillion yuan, registering a year-on-year growth rate of 17%.

For pension finance, the NFRA has cooperated with relevant departments to jointly promote private pension schemes. More than 60 million accounts have been set up, and over 500 products have been developed, covering savings deposits, wealth management and commercial pension schemes. We have vigorously advanced commercial pension schemes, accumulating a pension scale worth more than 6 trillion yuan and covering nearly 100 million people. We've also developed financial products for old-age care such as savings accounts, wealth management products and private pension schemes. Previously introduced as pilot projects in some cities and financial institutions, these products are now promoted nationwide.

For digital finance, the NFRA has issued guiding opinions on the digital transformation of the banking and insurance sectors. This aims to accelerate the development of digital financial products and services, as well as strengthen data capability and infrastructure construction.

These major works are what have been carried out recently. Looking forward, in terms of technology finance, the priority is to supervise and urge financial institutions to earnestly implement the full lifecycle financial service requirements for technology-based enterprises, and to guide and nurture more long-term and patient capital to invest in projects at the early stages, in small enterprises, over long time horizons, and in advanced core technologies. In terms of green finance, we need to further improve the relevant statistical systems while enriching the supply of green financial products, particularly enhancing the precision and effectiveness of green financial services. In terms of inclusive finance, our main focus is to further implement and refine the two aforementioned notices, as well as the Implementation Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Inclusive Finance, to achieve effects. In terms of pension finance, we must steadily promote the development of commercial pension finance while requiring insurance institutions to design pension insurance products that are simpler, more convenient and more stable, in order to cater to the characteristics and needs of pension insurance. In terms of digital finance, we must further strengthen top-level design and overall planning, promote innovative applications of digital technologies in the financial sector, increase digital empowerment and enhance the management level of financial institutions. Thank you.


People's Daily:

In recent years, extreme weather and natural disasters have occurred frequently. Could you elaborate on the positive role that the insurance industry has played in responding to disasters and accidents? How can we further leverage functions of the insurance industry to assist in disaster prevention, mitigation, relief, and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction ? Thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi:

I'd like to invite Mr. Yin Jiang'ao to answer these questions. He often arrives at the frontlines of disasters promptly to expedite insurance services alongside insurance and financial institutions. Please welcome Mr. Yin Jiang'ao.

Yin Jiang'ao:

Thank you for your interest in this issue. In recent years, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters has caused significant losses to the people. For example, in the first half of this year, direct economic losses caused by natural disasters in China amounted to approximately 93.2 billion yuan, significantly higher than the 38.2 billion yuan recorded during the same period last year. The NFRA has earnestly implemented the important directives made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, as well as the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, to promote the role of the insurance industry as an economic buffer and social cornerstone. We have actively responded to disasters and accidents as well as have serviced protection for people's livelihood specifically in the following aspects:

We have strengthened industry coordination and deployment. Facing disasters and accidents, under the unified deployment of relevant local party committees, governments and departments, we have prompted the banking and insurance industry, as well as financial regulatory bureaus in affected regions, to promptly activate emergency response plans, establish green channels, improve service standards and play an active role in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief.

We have guided the industry to provide effective claims services. As Mr. Xiao Yuanqi mentioned earlier, in the first seven months of this year, our insurance industry's claims payments totaled approximately 1.39 trillion yuan, representing a year-on-year growth rate of 30.2%, which is significantly higher than the 5.2% growth rate of premium income during the same period, indicating a rapid growth in claims payments. In response to disasters, we have encouraged the industry to introduce policies such as "three exemptions and four expediting measures" for auto insurance claims and "four expediting measures and two exemptions" for farmhouse insurance claims, ensuring timely and comprehensive compensation. As of now, approximately 2.8 billion yuan in insurance claims have been paid out in southern regions severely affected by disasters, such as Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces. Insurance institutions have deployed approximately 87,000 personnel and dispatched nearly 58,000 survey and rescue vehicles, effectively help bring production and life back to normal in affected regions.

We have promoted industry collaboration in disaster prevention and loss mitigation. We have guided the insurance industry to play a risk reduction role in pre-disaster warning, in-disaster management and post-disaster rescue. For example, the insurance industry, in conjunction with relevant departments, recently conducted risk assessments for 143,000 enterprises, identifying approximately 540,000 risks and potential dangers. By facilitating rectification measures, we have achieved disaster prevention and loss mitigation.

In summary, the role of our country's insurance industry in responding to disasters and accidents is increasingly prominent. However, compared to the global average, there is still much to be improved. For example, in the first half of this year, global economic losses from natural disasters totaled approximately $120 billion, of which insurance payments accounted for roughly $60 billion, or about 50%. In contrast, insurance payments in China accounted for approximately 10% of disaster-related economic losses, indicating substantial room for growth.

Looking forward, we will follow the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC and the Central Financial Work Conference to better leverage the functions of the insurance industry. In terms of institutional improvements, we will establish evaluation systems for insurance protection capabilities and refine mechanisms for graded responses to disasters and accidents. For pilot programs, based on the expansion of residential catastrophe insurance coverage's scope earlier this year, we will summarize the practices in Hebei, Hubei, Beijing's Mentougou district and other regions, and promote pilot programs across the country. In deepening reforms, we will expand the supply of agricultural insurance and improve co-insurance mechanisms to enhance risk prevention for major projects. In strengthening supervision, we will optimize standards for underwriting and claim settlements, enhance the quality and efficiency of insurance services and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

That's all I have to say. Thank you!


Market News International: 

In recent years, the net profit growth of Chinese commercial banks has continued to slow down, with private banks experiencing negative growth. What are the main reasons for this and how do you anticipate the future trend of bank's net interest margin? Thank you.

Liao Yuanyuan:

Thank you for the questions from this international media friend. In recent years, the growth rate for net profits of China's commercial banks has continued to slow down, mainly due to the continuous decline in lending rates and the narrowing of net interest margins. From January to July of this year, the average interest rate of newly issued corporate loans by banks fell by 39 basis points compared with the same period last year, and by more than 100 basis points from the previous high point in 2021. In the first half of this year, the net interest margin of commercial banks was 1.54%, a year-on-year decrease of 19 basis points and a decrease of more than 50 basis points from the previous high point. The narrowing of the net interest margin has led to a significant slowdown in the growth rate of banks' net interest income. Since the net interest income of China's commercial banks accounts for about 80% of their operating income, and the commercial banks in our country mainly engage in deposit and loan business, the slowdown in the growth rate of net interest income has a very significant impact on profits. Another factor affecting net profits is that commercial banks have continuously reduced service fees in recent years, with fee and commission incomes declining year on year for five consecutive years.

We all know that maintaining a reasonable profit level is crucial for banks to timely replenish capital, maintain stable operations and enhance their ability to serve the real economy. Faced with pressures from slowing profit growth, in recent years, commercial banks have tapped into internal potential to lower costs and improve efficiency through various measures. Currently, the profitability of Chinese commercial banks remains within a reasonable range. In the first half of this year, the net profit of commercial banks increased by 0.4% year on year, still achieving positive net profit growth. During the same period, the return on assets and return on capital of banks remained basically stable. Moving forward, the NFRA will guide banking institutions to continue strengthening refined management, optimizing the asset-liability structure, cultivating new profit growth points, and continuously improving profitability.

As you just mentioned, the net profit growth rate of private banks has turned negative. We have also noticed this. In the first half of this year, private banks overall remained profitable, but the net profits of several private banks declined year on year. This was primarily because these banks significantly increased their provision allocations compared to the same period last year, which directly impacted their current profits, leading to a temporary decline in net profits for private banks. Thank you.


Haibao News:

How can the five major regulatory requirements be specifically implemented to enhance the full-process and full-chain monitoring and early warning systems for financial institutions and activities? Thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi:

I would like to invite Mr. Wang to answer this question.

Wang Shengbang:

Thank you for your interest. Our primary responsibility at the NFRA is regulation. In line with the "five major regulatory requirements" clearly outlined at the Central Financial Work Conference, we are diligently implementing these requirements, emphasizing a strong and strict regulatory approach. We are leveraging the advantages of our four-tier vertical management system — headquarters, provincial offices, branch offices and sub-branch offices — working together at all levels to continuously strengthen financial risk monitoring and early warning, and enhance risk prevention capabilities. I would like to share several key aspects of our work.

First, we have emphasized the principle of "comprehensive coverage" to achieve full coverage in financial regulation. The Central Financial Work Conference proposed that financial regulatory activities must cover all areas. In accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, financial regulation must cover not only legal but also illegal activities, and manage risks across the entire industry. We adhere to the principles of financial licensing and licensed operations, ensuring that we address both "violations in licensed operations" and "unlicensed activities." The NFRA has utilized new technologies and methods to strengthen information connectivity and improve the monitoring and early warning platform for illegal financial activities. This has improved our ability to identify illegal financial activities and entities, enabling dynamic monitoring, timely warnings, proactive intervention and early resolution.

Second, we have adhered to a risk-based approach and strengthened the prudential regulatory framework for financial institutions. Our regulation is grounded in a risk-based prudential framework, further clarifying the boundaries for the sound operations of financial institutions and guiding them toward prudent management. As you may know, last year the NFRA issued new versions of the "Commercial Bank Capital Management Measures" and the "Measures for the Risk Classification of Financial Assets of Commercial Banks." These two measures form the foundational framework for our prudential regulation. Their implementation will play a crucial role in enhancing the risk management capabilities of commercial banks, further guiding them toward prudent and regulated operations, and strengthening the banking sector's ability to withstand risks. You may have also noticed that two weeks ago, the NFRA officially released a draft of "Measures for the Risk Classification of Insurance Assets" on its website for public comment. This draft emphasizes the importance of identifying the underlying assets of insurance investments based on the principle of transparency and classifying them according to their actual risk, thereby systematically improving the risk management capabilities of insurance companies. Recently, we have also continued to revise the management measures for fixed asset loans, working capital loans and personal loans — part of what was previously known collectively as the "three measures and one guideline" — to further standardize the credit-granting processes of commercial banks and improve their efficiency in serving the real economy.

Third, we have implemented the "four early" requirements to enhance the forward-looking nature of risk warnings. The NFRA has done a lot of work to further improve the risk rating system for financial institutions. We have introduced regulatory rating measures for insurance companies, trust companies and corporate financial companies, which play a foundational role in risk regulation. We have also further developed the risk monitoring and early warning system, enriched the risk monitoring and early warning indicators, and established a regulatory big data platform. By using intelligent analysis tools, we have enhanced our ability to probe and identify risks, increasing the forward-looking nature of risk recognition and improving the precision of regulation. We are also drafting work procedures for early intervention in financial institutions to establish a system with strict constraints for early intervention. The aim is to achieve early identification, early warning, early exposure and early resolution of financial risks.

Fourth, we have increased regulatory intensity and improved regulatory effectiveness. We are implementing stringent regulatory requirements, enhancing oversight by the NFRA, and ensuring coordination among administrative licensing, off-site monitoring, on-site inspections, regulatory enforcement measures and administrative penalties. We are addressing market anomalies and focusing on "key issues" affecting financial stability, such as credit, investment and bills; "key individuals" who pose financial risks, including senior executives and shareholders; and "key behaviors" that disrupt market order, such as related-party transactions and circular capital injection. We are strengthening supervision and imposing strict penalties for illegal and irregular activities. Last Friday, you may have noticed that the NFRA published a draft of the "Regulations on Compliance Management of Financial Institutions" on its official website for public comment. This draft aims to comprehensively enhance compliance management requirements for financial institutions, clarify compliance management responsibilities, and foster a compliance culture that permeates all levels of financial institutions. Over time, compliance will become an intrinsic part of financial institutions, solidifying the micro-foundation of our financial stability. Thank you. 



Risk prevention and stringent regulation are important tasks for the NFRA in promoting the high-quality development of the financial industry. What progress has been made in the reform and risk mitigation efforts for small and medium-sized financial institutions? Will the consolidation of regional banks be accelerated in the future? Thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi:

This issue is very important, and many people are concerned about it. I will answer your question. Small and medium-sized banks and insurance institutions are a crucial part of China's financial system. As of the end of June, there were 3,830 small and medium-sized banks nationwide — including city commercial banks, rural commercial banks, rural credit cooperatives and village banks — with aggregate assets reaching 115 trillion yuan, accounting for 28% of the total of the banking industry. Their loan balance is 62 trillion yuan, with nearly 80% directed toward small and micro enterprises and the sectors of agriculture, rural areas and rural people. There are 163 small and medium-sized insurance companies, with aggregate assets of 9.7 trillion yuan, accounting for 30% of the total of the insurance industry. Overall, small and medium-sized financial institutions are operating steadily nationwide, and both their operating and regulatory indicators remain within healthy and reasonable ranges. For example, small and medium-sized banks have a capital adequacy ratio of 13% and a provision coverage ratio of 155%. The solvency of insurance companies, whether in terms of comprehensive solvency or core solvency, remains above regulatory thresholds. This is the basic situation.

Regarding the reform and risk mitigation you mentioned, and whether the consolidation of regional banks will be accelerated, our overall considerations and strong regulatory approach for the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions include the following aspects:

In terms of reform, we adhere to the principle of seeking practical and steady progress, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach. China is very large, and small and medium-sized financial institutions are distributed across various regions, from large cities to medium and small cities, counties, towns and villages. Each institution serves a different area, and each has its own unique circumstances. Therefore, we maintain the principle of adopting tailored policies for each province, each bank and each company.

In terms of regulation, our first priority is to strengthen corporate governance. We must reinforce the Party's leadership and convert the institutional advantages of Party leadership into governance effectiveness for these institutions. It is essential to establish and improve systems and procedures for major decision-making to ensure standardized operations. Additionally, we must enhance information disclosure and leverage market discipline and external supervision. This is the first point: strengthening corporate governance. The second point is enhancing the supervision of conduct, focusing on the behavior of major shareholders and strictly preventing large shareholders from manipulating or overriding small and medium-sized financial institutions. Regardless of whether they are large or small shareholders, we support financial institutions in making decisions according to corporate governance procedures and policies. The stable operation of small and medium-sized financial institutions is the most responsible approach toward shareholders, as it ensures that the value of shareholders and stakeholders is realized. We must also strengthen supervision of the behavior of directors, senior management and key personnel, primarily to ensure they diligently perform their duties, to assess their competence and to evaluate their performance outcomes. The third point is that small and medium-sized financial institutions should accurately identify their market positioning. The general principle is to pursue differentiated and specialized development. Differentiation is about avoiding complete homogeneity, while specialization refers to leveraging strengths to form core competitiveness. The fourth point is focusing on core responsibilities and businesses without blindly pursuing size and scale. Small and medium-sized financial institutions should pursue progress while ensuring stability, and avoiding overextending their capabilities and resources by chasing overly rapid growth, excessive scale or overly complex businesses. They should prioritize serving small and micro enterprises, supporting agriculture, rural areas and rural people, advancing rural revitalization, and serving communities and local areas. These are their strengths. By fully leveraging these advantages, small and medium-sized financial institutions have very broad prospects.

Of course, we also need to optimize the regional financial layout. This primarily involves optimizing the financial layout based on factors such as the scale of regional economic development, the total amount of finance, development trends and changes in financial demand. Regarding your question about whether the financial institutions in these regions will accelerate restructuring and layout, the optimization of regional financial layout is an ongoing process, and there is no issue of speed. The main consideration is to optimize the layout based on the total size of the local economy and finance, development trends and financial demand. The fundamental goal is to ensure that financial supply and services can meet the multi-level and diverse financial needs of market entities and financial consumers. Thank you.



The resolution of the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC stated that the mechanisms for protecting financial consumers and cracking down on illegal financial activities should be improved. We all know that protecting the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers not only concerns the immediate interests of consumers but also plays a crucial role in preventing and defusing financial risks, as well as maintaining financial security and stability. Could you please elaborate on what efforts you plan to make in this area moving forward? Thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi:

This is an important question. Today, we are joined by the director general of the Legal and Regulation Department, so I would like to invite him to answer this question.

Wang Shengbang:

Thank you for your question. As we all know, the banking and insurance industry, or the financial industry, is highly relevant to the public. On both sides of a bank's balance sheet, the liabilities side represents people's deposits and a significant portion of the assets side is also closely related to the public, such as housing mortgage loans. Therefore, the operations of the banking and insurance industry are closely connected to the vital interests of our people. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers and safeguarding people's wealth is an inherent duty of our financial regulation, and can be said to be both the starting point and the goal. Only by effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, can we strengthen the public's confidence in the financial system and maintain financial stability. I fully agree with the reporter's view just now. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers is a concrete action showcasing the political- and people-centered nature of financial work. According to the Plan on Deepening Reform of Party and State Institutions, the NFRA is responsible for the overall coordination of consumer protection in the financial sector. Since last year, the NFRA has focused on improving new mechanisms for financial consumer protection and building a new framework for financial consumer protection. We have made some progress and conducted some explorations in several areas of the work.

First, we have established a financial consumer protection system with clearly defined responsibilities. In June this year, the NFRA, in collaboration with the People's Bank of China and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, established a coordination mechanism to enhance information sharing and cooperation on financial consumer protection. At the same time, the NFRA has strengthened its cooperation with courts, procuratorates, public security departments, internet regulators, and market regulators to jointly address cross-industry and cross-sector financial consumer protection issues, such as false advertising and misleading promotions. Additionally, the administration's branch offices at four administrative levels have established local financial consumer protection coordination mechanisms.

Second, we are strengthening whole-process protection for financial consumers. Prior to transactions, we require financial institutions to assess both the risks of financial products and the risk tolerance of consumers and investors. Institutions must adhere to the "triple appropriateness" principle: appropriate target customers, products and sales channels. This ensures that suitable products are offered through proper methods to qualified investors, preventing mismatches. We also aim to enhance consumer education to increase risk awareness. Post-transaction, we enhance protection through regulatory reporting and evaluation mechanisms to ensure compliance. To address the high volume of consumer-financial institution disputes, we need to explore establishing diverse financial dispute resolution mechanisms. We aim to implement the grassroots social governance practices of the new era, enhance the efficiency of dispute resolution, and better safeguard consumers' legal rights.

Third, we aim to enhance the responsiveness of financial consumer protection. We focus on key issues that affect people's daily lives, such as addressing forgotten insurance policies and notifying people about dormant bank accounts. Some individuals have forgotten about insurance policies purchased years ago, while numerous bank accounts lie dormant, unknown to their holders. Therefore, we are working to clean up these forgotten policies and remind people about dormant accounts, ensuring that our efforts genuinely benefit the public and reflect the warmth of financial regulation.

Fourth, we are creating a well-regulated and trustworthy financial consumer environment. We are advancing the development of an integrity system within the financial sector, establishing mechanisms to restrict dishonest entities, and increasing penalties for serious violations. We are also enhancing coordinated governance mechanisms in the financial consumer sector to combat illegal activities and regulate marketing practices. These efforts aim to strengthen consumer protection measures, laying a solid foundation for the sustained, healthy development of the financial industry. Thank you.



How do you view the impact of market interest rate fluctuations on the insurance industry? Thank you.

Yin Jiang'ao:

Thank you for your question. Interest rate management is crucial for insurance companies, especially life insurance companies, as it directly affects the industry's stability and high-quality development. Currently, China's insurance industry is undergoing a period of transformation and upgrading, which inevitably brings difficulties and challenges. The NFRA places great emphasis on the high-quality development of the insurance industry by following a coordinated approach and addressing both symptoms and root causes. We have taken multiple measures to push forward the insurance industry, especially the life insurance industry, to strengthen its management of profit sources and improve the quality of liabilities. To enhance interest rate margin management, we're guiding the industry to lower assumed life insurance product pricing rates at a proper time and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism linking these rates to market interest rates. We're expediting the transfer of asset-side yields to liability fund cost rates, improving asset-liability matching. This reinforces how investment returns constrain settlement rates and dividend levels, ensuring realistic and reasonable customer benefits. Additionally, we are urging insurance companies to adjust product structures, optimize the illustration of policy interest rates, and reasonably guide market expectations.

In terms of cost and expense management, we have deepened the alignment of reported expenses with actual practices. This approach enhances life insurance products' precision and scientific management across various channels, improving operational efficiency. Additionally, we have guided the China Association of Actuaries in compiling the fourth set of experience mortality tables for the life insurance industry, providing a solid foundation for accurate and scientific pricing by insurance companies.

Looking ahead, we will continue to drive the insurance industry to transform its development approach, deepen supply-side reforms, and enhance efficiency while reducing costs, thereby promoting high-quality development in the sector. At the same time, we will follow development principles, strengthen the linkage between assets and liabilities, solidify the foundation for growth, and foster a favorable environment. This approach will ensure effective public insurance coverage while enhancing service quality and efficiency for the real economy, ultimately improving social welfare. Thank you.


The Paper:

Could you discuss the progress and achievements of the real estate financing coordination mechanism since its inception? What areas of concern remain? Thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi:

I'll defer to Ms. Liao, who has been directly involved in this work, to address these questions.

Liao Yuanyuan:

Thank you. In January of this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the NFRA jointly issued guidelines for local governments to establish urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms. To ensure the effective implementation of the mechanisms, our two ministries set up a national task force in April to jointly concentrate on the work, while also guiding local governments to establish their own task forces to carry out related work. In June, with the approval of the State Council, the NFRA and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued a notice introducing several optimization measures to improve the efficiency and quality of the whitelist project recommendations. These measures are intended to further leverage the role of the urban financing coordination mechanism, address legitimate financing needs for real estate projects, and support timely and good-quality housing delivery.

The urban coordination mechanism requires cities to take primary responsibility and centers on specific projects. Through collective efforts, the mechanism has effectively supported the financing of real estate projects, achieving phased results. Currently, commercial banks have approved 5,392 projects on the "whitelist," with approved financing totaling nearly 1.4 trillion yuan. The mechanism has ensured timely funding for whitelisted projects that meet the criteria, playing a positive role in facilitating project completion and delivery, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of homebuyers, and stabilizing the real estate market.

Currently, to ensure the timely delivery of housing projects, urban coordination mechanisms are comprehensively gathering information on ongoing real estate projects within their jurisdictions that are under construction and have been sold, but not yet been delivered. For projects that need financing support through the whitelist, but have not yet met the criteria, the urban coordination mechanisms are urging banks to provide targeted advice and recommendations, and real estate enterprises to take timely measures to rectify problematic projects. Meanwhile, local governments are urged to strengthen coordination to ensure that projects meeting the whitelist criteria are promptly included in the program.

Since the beginning of this year, the NFRA has continuously guided financial institutions to provide real estate financing services through multiple channels. By fully utilizing various policy measures, including the urban coordination mechanism, banking institutions' financing of the real estate sector has maintained a steady and increasing trend. At present, the balance of real estate development loans has increased by over 400 billion yuan since the beginning of the year, commercial property loans have seen a 19% year-on-year increase, and merger and acquisition loan balances have increased by 21% year on year. From January to July, commercial banks issued a total of 3.1 trillion yuan in new personal housing loans, effectively supporting the rigid and improving housing demands of residents.

Next, the NFRA will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council regarding real estate work, continue to promote the fulfillment of responsibilities among local governments, real estate enterprises and financial institutions in collaboration with relevant departments, and better leverage the role of the urban coordination mechanism. It will guide financial institutions to continuously improve real estate financial services, supporting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Thank you.


China Banking and Insurance News: 

My question is about agricultural insurance. What measures has the NFRA taken in recent years to promote agricultural insurance, serve agricultural production and standardize the development of agricultural insurance? What policy initiatives will be introduced going forward to promote the high-quality development of agricultural insurance? And, in response to current meteorological changes, what innovations will be developed in agricultural insurance products? Thank you.

Yin Jiangao:

Thank you for your question. Agricultural insurance is a crucial means to safeguard agricultural production. In recent years, the NFRA has been focusing on promoting the transformation and upgrading of agricultural insurance, enhancing its protection and service capabilities, and has achieved positive progress. In the first half of this year, agricultural insurance payouts amounted to 47.5 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1% year on year, benefiting 16.26 million rural households. Here are some key points:

We have focused on "expanding coverage, increasing varieties and raising standards" to broaden the scope of agricultural insurance and enhance its protection levels. This year, we have extended comprehensive cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three main grains — corn, wheat and rice — to all regions across the country. According to estimates, this has added approximately 400 billion yuan in insurance coverage for agricultural production nationwide. At the same time, we have added local specialty agricultural insurance products, such as comprehensive cost insurance and planting income insurance for sugar cane in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Given the significant differences in agricultural production across the country, there is still considerable room for exploration in local specialty agricultural insurance.

We have promoted the standardization of agricultural insurance business and strengthened the protection of farmers' interests. We have introduced the Agricultural Insurance Underwriting and Claims Management Measures and the Agricultural Insurance Actuarial Regulations. We have also released the industry benchmark pure risk loss rate table for the cost insurance of the three main grains at the prefecture-level, primarily to support differentiated pricing in various regions. Additionally, we have arranged special annual inspections of agricultural insurance, strictly investigating and dealing with illegal and non-compliant activities, to promote business standardization.

We have strengthened the standardization of agricultural insurance, promoting the improvement of management and operational levels. We have organized the industry to compile service specifications for underwriting and claims in planting insurance, livestock insurance and forest insurance, and guided the industry to develop the Agricultural Insurance Product Development Guide, releasing model clauses for insurance of the three main grains, among others. Overall, we have achieved positive progress.

To promote the construction of an agricultural powerhouse, agricultural insurance must play a more pivotal role. For example, last year, China's added value of agriculture was approximately 9 trillion yuan, ranking first globally. During the same period, the amount of protection provided by agricultural insurance in China was around 5 trillion yuan, suggesting ample room for growth. Next, we will deepen the reform of agricultural insurance, broaden its service areas, and serve the high-quality development of agriculture. We will build a multi-level agricultural insurance product system, extending from protecting replacement costs to protecting economic value, and enhance the level of agricultural insurance protection. We will also promote the introduction of pure risk loss rates for major insurance types, industry model clauses for comprehensive cost insurance and planting income insurance, and precise policy documents for underwriting and claims, to promote the standardized operation of agricultural insurance.

In terms of climate change, we will also guide insurance enterprises to respond proactively and gradually launch innovative pilot projects such as weather-based index insurance and regional yield insurance. We will promote the gradual transformation of agricultural insurance from cost protection to income protection. We will also expand from covering only the production stage to covering the entire industrial chain. This will gradually form a comprehensive insurance protection system for agricultural development. Thank you.


Xing Huina:

One last question, please.

Science and Technology Daily:

In recent years, China has continued to strengthen financial support for scientific and technological innovation. What work has been carried out by the NFRA concerning the reform of technology finance? What aspects will be focused on in the next steps? Thank you. 

Wang Shengbang:

Thank you, media friends, for your keen interest in scientific and technological innovation. As you all know, China's economy is transitioning from a stage of high-speed development to one of high-quality development. Implementing an innovation-driven development strategy is a crucial focus. Within this overall strategy, sci-tech companies, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises, play a vital role. Our primary tasks, both now and in the near future, are to further enhance innovation of technology finance, improve the financial sector's ability to serve scientific and technological innovation, and develop a sci-tech financial system that aligns with scientific and technological advancements. The NFRA has earnestly implemented the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the Central Financial Work Conference. We have strengthened regulatory guidance to encourage banks and insurance institutions to increase their investment in sci-tech enterprises, giving priority to cultivating patient capital and long-term investment. As you all know, sci-tech enterprises have distinctly different characteristics from those in other industries. They are characterized by innovation-driven processes, technology intensity, high-growth potential, extended R&D cycles and high levels of uncertainty. Therefore, traditional financing models cannot fully adapt to their needs. In light of this, the NFRA has undertaken several initiatives.

First, we are improving the technology finance policy framework. The NFRA has issued guidelines on developing technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance for the banking and insurance sector. We have also issued a document on technology finance, namely the notice on strengthening full life-cycle financial services for sci-tech enterprises. This notice further optimizes the service mechanism for offering credit loans to sci-tech enterprises, guiding banking and insurance institutions to provide differentiated and targeted financial services to sci-tech enterprises in different industries and at different growth stages. The aim is to continuously improve service efficiency and adapt to the financial needs of different companies. Financial needs encompass both financing and intellectual support, and they vary at different stages of a company's development. A sci-tech start-up may require equity investment initially. During the growth stage, it might need loan financing. Upon reaching maturity, the company may seek more insurance products to hedge against uncertainty and risks. 

Second, we are actively developing innovative financial products. We have regulated the development of exclusive financial services such as “loans + outbound direct investment,” technology insurance, and supply chain finance for leading sci-tech enterprises. The NFRA has worked with the National Intellectual Property Administration to implement paperless online registration for intellectual property pledge financing nationwide, facilitating the financing of sci-tech enterprises. We are guiding large banks in conducting intellectual property valuation. This is crucial because registration and valuation are important prerequisites for obtaining financing. Without accurate valuation, loan issuance and financing face challenges. As Mr. Xiao just reported, by the end of June, the loan balance for high-tech companies in China had increased by 20% year on year, and the balance of intellectual property pledge loans had reached 234 billion yuan, up 38% year on year.

Third, we are further leveraging the risk protection capabilities and long-term funding advantages of insurance capital. Sci-tech enterprises inherently face high levels of uncertainty, which naturally aligns with the risk protection function of insurance. By the end of June, insurance companies had provided 6 trillion yuan in insurance coverage for risks associated with various stages of scientific and technological activities, including R&D, industrial application of advances, and application promotion. We have also supported the removal of policy barriers that previously hindered insurance funds from engaging in equity investment and venture capital investment. Some large insurance companies are now actively participating in various funds and equity investments. As of the end of July, long-term equity investments from insurance funds had reached 2.7 trillion yuan.

Fourth, we are improving regulatory incentives for technology finance and enhancing professional service capacities in this sector. Sci-tech enterprises have distinct characteristics: they are often asset-light, have long R&D cycles, and face considerable uncertainties. In the past, when banks assessed creditworthiness, they focused on traditional enterprises' assets and credit history, an approach based on tangible evaluations. This method doesn't suit sci-tech enterprises. To address this, we're working on further improving the credit evaluation system. We're encouraging a shift from the traditional focus on checking financial statements and collateral toward assessing capabilities, products, and future prospects. While traditional credit ratings look backward, credit ratings for sci-tech enterprises need to look forward. We're encouraging banks to develop differentiated credit evaluation systems that align with the operational characteristics of innovative sci-tech enterprises.

Innovative sci-tech enterprises undergo a lengthy process, from developing a single patent or technology to achieving mass production. Consequently, short-term performance evaluations struggle to accurately measure the success of equity investments and loans in this sector. We are encouraging banks to explore relatively longer-term performance assessment schemes, appropriately increase their tolerance for non-performing loans, and establish mechanisms to ensure that those which have fulfilled their duties are not held accountable.

Next, we will earnestly implement the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. With a reform-oriented mindset, we will take profound and practical measures to further advance the implementation of technology finance policies. We will establish comprehensive pilot zones for intellectual property financial ecosystems in areas with active scientific and technological innovation. These zones will provide diversified financial support to enterprises. We will explore the use of financial asset investment enterprises as platforms to expand the scope of equity investment pilot programs. We will investigate ways to raise the proportion of insurance funds that can be invested in venture capital funds. We'll support insurance companies' investments and encourage more insurance funds to act as long-term patient capital in the science and technology sector. We will also facilitate the participation of wealth management companies and other financial institutions in providing technology financial services in accordance with laws and regulations.

Thank you!

Xing Huina:

Due to time constraints, today's briefing is hereby concluded. If you have any questions, you can contact us after the briefing. Thanks to all the speakers and all our media friends.

Translated and edited by Wang Yiming, Wang Qian, Zhou Jing, Huang Shan, Wang Ziteng, Qin Qi, Yuan Fang, Mi Xingang, Zhang Junmian, Liu Caiyi, Yang Chuanli, Li Huiru, Xu Kailin, Wang Yanfang, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Rochelle Beiersdorfer. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

/6    Xing Huina

/6    Xiao Yuanqi

/6    Wang Shengbang

/6    Liao Yuanyuan

/6    Yin Jiang'ao

/6    Group photo