SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: National Immigration Administration
Beijing | 10 a.m. Aug. 19, 2024

The State Council Information Office invited officials from the National Immigration Administration to brief the media on promoting high-quality development on Monday.


Liu Haitao, deputy commissioner of the National Immigration Administration

Peng Ling, director general of the Department of Citizens Exit-Entry Management of the National Immigration Administration

Liu Jia, deputy director general of the Department of Foreigners Management of the National Immigration Administration


Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO

Read in Chinese


Mr. Liu Haitao, deputy commissioner of the National Immigration Administration (NIA)

Ms. Peng Ling, director general of the Department of Citizens Exit-Entry Management of the NIA

Mr. Liu Jia, deputy director general of the Department of Foreigners Management of the NIA


Ms. Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


Aug. 19, 2024

Xing Huina:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), as part of the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we have invited Mr. Liu Haitao, deputy commissioner of the National Immigration Administration (NIA), to brief you on relevant developments and to take your questions. Also present today are Ms. Peng Ling, director general of the Department of Citizens Exit-Entry Management of the NIA; and Mr. Liu Jia, deputy director general of the Department of Foreigners Management of the NIA.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Liu for his introduction. 

Liu Haitao:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. It's a great pleasure to meet you again. I would like to express my gratitude to you for your long-term interest in and support for the immigration management work. 

The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) issued the resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively. Established in April 2018 following reforms, the NIA has firmly implemented the series of important instructions and directives of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, regarding immigration management work. The NIA has continuously deepened immigration management reform as well as policy and institutional innovation, creating a secure, orderly and dynamic immigration management environment for high-quality development.

First, the NIA has significantly enhanced services to promote the nation's opening up and development. In line with the strategy of invigorating China through developing a quality workforce, we have implemented more proactive and effective immigration management policies to attract talent. This has involved improving a comprehensive response system for international talent in all links, including entry and exit, stay and residency, permanent residency, and social integration. We have facilitated and coordinated the introduction of a large number of international professionals across various fields such as science, education, culture, health and sports, including those urgently needed in critical sectors. These efforts have gathered an increasing amount of intellectual resources. By assembling the brightest minds from all over and fully drawing on their expertise, we aim to achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology. We have proactively contributed to the creation of a new development pattern and accelerated the institutional opening up of immigration management. We have introduced over 300 measures to stabilize industrial and supply chains and to promote the development of shipping, saving shipping enterprises a total of 2.05 billion yuan in various fees since the beginning of the year. By helping enterprises ease difficulties, reduce costs and increase efficiency, we have consolidated and enhanced our new advantages in participating in international competition and cooperation. Furthermore, we have vigorously promoted personnel exchanges and interactions, issuing over 110 policies and measures to facilitate the entry of foreign nationals into China. We have continuously refined polices for visa-free entry, visa-free transit and port visas among others, leading to a steady rise in the number of foreign visitors. Recently, "China Travel" has gone viral online, with more foreign tourists witnessing firsthand a China that is open, confident, civil and safe. They have also personally experienced China's development achievements and the positive, united and hardworking spirit of its people. The 144-hour visa-free transit policy, which has become very popular recently, now covers 37 ports and 54 countries, and I believe vividly illustrates the high-level opening up and high-quality development of China's immigration management services.

Second, the NIA has consistently taken practical measures to make it easier for the public to obtain documents and handle procedures. In recent years, we have been dedicated to addressing people's expectations regarding exit and entry processes. To simplify document acquisition, we have introduced several policies, including "one-trip" and "nationwide accessibility" services for gaining exit and entry permits, full online processing for exit and entry permit replacement and reissuance, mainland services for replacing and reissuing the Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, and options for Taiwan residents to obtain mainland travel permits online, at ports or through centralized agencies. These initiatives have made obtaining exit and entry permits faster, smoother and more economical for the public. To streamline customs clearance, we have taken measures to ensure that Chinese citizens wait no longer than 30 minutes in line, reducing the average inspection time to 45 seconds per person. Our customs clearance speed has been among the fastest in the world. To enhance service satisfaction, we have established the Government Service Platform of the National Immigration Administration, offering one-stop services including service appointment, document processing and exit-entry record inquiries. We have also launched the 12367 service hotline, providing 24/7 policy consultation. Additionally, we have rendered the use of exit-entry permits more convenient, so that Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents, as well as overseas Chinese, can enjoy convenience in 35 areas such as travel, communication and financial services, simply by using their exit-entry permits. 

Third, we have safeguarded national security and stability of borders through new efforts. High-quality development depends on high-level security. These last few years, we have always adhered to enforcement that is strict, standardized, impartial and civilized. We protect lawful actions, crack down on illegal ones and guide people to abide by the law, maintaining the normal order in entry and exit administration according to the law. The entry-exit and border inspections at ports are tight. Foreigners' visas are signed and issued in adherence with the rules. Border patrol and control have been strengthened. For four straight years, we have conducted special actions to combat criminal activities disturbing border management, cracking down on illegal border crossings, cross-border gambling and electronic fraud, the smuggling and trafficking of drugs as well as other cross-border illegal and criminal activities. This has resulted in a continuous decrease in the number of illegal border crossings, with the security situation at the border continuing to improve. After years of efforts, the order of entry-exit administration is the best in history. Immigration administration is becoming a brand-new window for China's efforts in advancing law-based governance and ensuring security. 

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee raised new requirements on further deepening reform and promoting modernization in immigration administration while injecting new momentum for implementation. We will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the third plenary session, stepping up efforts to boost development while ensuring security, increasing vitality while maintaining order, and strengthening regulation while improving services in order to continue our contribution to Chinese modernization.

That's all for now. Next, my colleagues and I are happy to take your questions. Thank you!

Xing Huina:

The floor is now open to questions. Please identify the news agency you work for first.


Red Star News:

We have noticed that since last year China has trialed unilateral visa-free policies for several countries and has implemented mutual visa-free policies with other countries. In particular, our immigration authority has extended the coverage of the 144-hour visa-free stopover policy and has adjusted as well as eased port visa application requirements, among other policies and measures, with the aim to facilitate foreigners travelling to China. What results have these measures achieved? Do you plan to roll out more facilitative measures? Thank you.

Liu Haitao:

Thank you for the questions. I will address them. I just mentioned that the hashtag "China Travel" has recently gone viral on social media platforms worldwide. Thanks to this, our policies and measures that provide convenience to foreign visitors, including the 144-hour visa-free stopover, have become well-known. Over the years, the NIA has worked with relevant departments to expand the scope of the visa-free policy to include more countries, and has carried out a series of policies and measures to facilitate foreigners coming to China. These policies can be summarized in three aspects, as I will explain. 

First, the 144-hour visa-free stopover policy offers convenience to foreigners. The visa-free transit policy has been implemented since January 2013, with eligible countries and ports, length of stay, and areas for stay continuously being optimized. Since the beginning of this year, this policy has further released dividends, attracting foreign tourists and making the increasing openness of China more well-known.  

Second, differentiated visa-free transit policies attract foreign visitors from diverse regions. These policies include: 144-hour visa-free entry for foreign tour groups to Guangdong via Hong Kong and Macao; 144-hour visa-free entry for tour groups from ASEAN countries to Guilin, Guangxi; 30-day visa-free stay for visitors from 59 countries entering Hainan; and 15-day visa-free stay for foreign tour groups on cruises across China's coastal provinces. Recently, we launched a 144-hour visa-free transit for foreign tour groups entering Hainan via Hong Kong and Macao. More than 5.9 million foreign tourists have benefited. 

Third, we have innovated port visa policies to attract foreign businesses by further easing the requirements for port visa applications. Foreigners who urgently need to come to China to engage in business, trade, visits and other activities can apply for port visas with 100 relevant authorities in 73 cities. We provide many convenient services for foreign business personnel and investors, including re-entry visas, to ensure their easy entry and easy stay. 

These policies are complementary and synergistic, and the benefits are multifaceted. The most direct change they bring is the rapid increase of foreign visitors to China. According to NIA statistics, from January to July of this year, a total of 17.25 million foreigners have entered China via different ports, an increase of 129.9% year on year. The number of port visas issued was 846,000, an increase of 182.9% year on year. 

The most significant impact has been the direct boost to China's inbound tourism market. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2023, foreign tourists visiting China spend an average of 3,459 yuan daily, which is expected to directly boost consumption by over 100 billion yuan.

Moving forward, we will continue to optimize and improve policies and measures such as visa-free transit. We plan to expand the scope of activities, increase interconnected regions, and enhance our openness strategy. These efforts will further increase the value and appeal of our policies. Additionally, we will actively coordinate with relevant departments to improve convenience for foreigners visiting and staying in China.

I would also like to extend an invitation to our friends from around the world. We welcome you to visit China at your convenience and experience firsthand the beauty of China in the new era. China's doors are always wide open to you. We welcome your visit. Thank you.


The Poster News APP:

Currently, residents in 20 cities, including Beijing, can apply for and renew their exit-entry documents online without requiring an in-person visit. Could you share the experiences gained from these pilot programs? Will the scope of these trials be expanded in the future? Thank you.

Liu Haitao:

I'd like to invite Ms. Peng to answer your questions.

Peng Ling:

Thank you for your question. To further advance online reforms in immigration services, we launched a pilot program on May 6 this year in 20 cities, including Beijing, allowing local residents to apply for and renew their exit-entry documents entirely online. In the past three months, we have issued documents to more than 70,000 people, earning widespread praise from the public.

Our experience can be summarized as follows: First, we prioritize convenience for the public as the primary focus of reform. The "fully online process" has expanded options for handling exit-entry documents, allowing people to apply with just a few clicks anytime, anywhere, saving applicants significant time and effort. This meets the public's expectations for immigration management services that can be fully handled online and strengthens our confidence to continue deepening reform based on people's needs. Second, we prioritize the protection of citizens' personal information. We enforce strict security standards and rigorous measures. We have established a robust network security system to safeguard information storage and transmission, ensuring the absolute security of citizens' personal information. Third, we focus on problem-solving. During the pilot phase, some applicants reported issues with the online system's user-friendliness and low acceptance rate for submitted photos. In response, we quickly optimized over 20 functional modules and created step-by-step instructional video guides, continually boosting user experience and satisfaction.

Since the beginning of this year, the implementation of convenient measures, including the fully online process, has boosted the issuance of entry and exit documents. To date, we've issued 15.82 million regular passports and 61.73 million exit-entry permits and endorsements for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, representing year-on-year increases of 25% and 6%, respectively.

Next, we will promptly evaluate the outcomes of the pilot programs. Following the principles of "safety first and orderly progression," we plan to gradually expand the range of pilot cities, document types, and eligible applicant groups, allowing more people to enjoy the benefits brought by these reform measures.

Thank you.


People's Daily:

In recent years, with China's rapid economic development and increasing openness, mainland residents have shown a strong demand for international travel, business and study. The number of travelers crossing national borders has been steadily rising. What measures has the NIA taken to serve and support mainland residents' exit and entry needs, and what have been the results? What favorable policies or measures are planned for the future? Thank you.

Peng Ling:

Thank you for your question. As you noted, our country's high-quality socio-economic development has increased mainland residents' desire for international travel. Public interest in immigration management services is strong, with high expectations for international standards and work performance. In response, we are committed to establishing a modern immigration management system and mechanism that aligns with new institutions for a higher-standard open economy.

First, we have always adhered to performing our duties according to the law, having firmly established the concept of strict, standardized, impartial and civilized enforcement as well as resolutely preventing and cracking down on illegal and criminal activities that involve the field of exit and entry while effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. By continuously improving our governance capabilities, we have established a lawful, safe and orderly exit and entry management, providing solid and smooth guarantees for Chinese citizens and enterprises to go global.

Second, in the reform driven by the one-stop government services initiative, we have continuously streamlined application documents, optimized certificate issuance procedures, scientifically set up service windows, and increased technological empowerment. As a result, the entry/exit documents application has evolved from a nationwide, one-stop service that required a one-time visit to an intelligent express service that is fully processed online and doesn't require any visit.

Third, we have continually enhanced the efficiency of entry and exit and border inspections. By setting up dedicated channels for Chinese citizens at ports with heavy passenger traffic, we have brought warm feelings to those traveling afar and returning home. Express lanes have been established at over 200 land, sea and air ports to further shorten customs clearance time and improve travel experiences. Furthermore, we have implemented joint inspection and one-time release at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Hengqin Port, effectively alleviating congestion at large ports.

Additionally, to safeguard the entry and exit rights and security interests of Chinese citizens, we have collaborated with diplomatic departments to promote more countries to facilitate the entry, stay and residency of Chinese citizens. We proactively strengthen security risk warnings, guiding citizens to avoid dangerous regions and preventing personal harm and property losses. We also respond to and cooperate with our overseas institutions around the clock, promptly and properly handling overseas emergencies and actively providing emergency services and support to citizens and their families.

In the next step, we will continue to wholeheartedly do practical and beneficial things and solve difficulties for the people, providing more high-quality, efficient and convenient immigration management services for the vast number of people entering and leaving the country, continuously enhancing people's sense of fulfillment, happiness and security.

Thank you!


Global Times:

On Dec. 1 of last year, the NIA officially launched the issuance of a new ID card for foreign permanent residents, also known as the "five-star card." May I inquire about its current effect and the conveniences it offers in use? Thank you.

Liu Jia:

Thank you for your questions. The "five-star card" is a legal identity document issued by the NIA to eligible foreigners who have been approved for permanent residency in China. The issuance of this card is an important measure of the NIA to implement the strategy for making China a talent-strong country as well as to serve and safeguard the country's high-standard opening up and attract talents and investment. Since Dec. 1 of last year, the number of international talents applying for the new Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card, or the "five-star card," has increased by 30% year on year, which is closely related to the facilitation that the card brings. Allow me to briefly introduce some of its conveniences.

In terms of transportation, the "five-star card" can be used to purchase train, air and bus tickets online and offline. It can also be used for ticket checking, check-ins and security checks at airports, train and bus stations and other venues equipped with self-service devices by simply swiping the card. For accommodations, the "five-star card" can be used alone to check in and register at hotels by swiping the card. In terms of communications, it can be used to apply for fixed-line telephones, to register mobile phone accounts and to subscribe to broadband services at telecommunication service outlets. For financial services, the "five-star card" can be used as proof of identity to open accounts, manage finances and conduct other businesses at commercial banks, insurance companies and securities firms. Additionally, the "five-star card" has been integrated into the system for access to all government services through one single portal, enabling holders to enjoy mobile payments, utility bill payments, public transportation and other services via over 30 internet applications such as WeChat, Alipay and Douyin. It is fair to say that the "five-star card" is as convenient and user-friendly as a Chinese resident identity card in public service areas.

To facilitate the renewal of the "five-star card," we have implemented a service that facilitates the submission of application by card holders at service locations near their permanent residences. In the next step, we will work with relevant authorities to further expand the social application functions of the "five-star card," making it even more convenient and user-friendly. Thank you!



With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous expansion of its opening-up policy, Chinese ports are experiencing a significant surge in the volume and speed of inbound and outbound traffic for both people and goods. Given this situation, what measures has the NIA taken to ensure the security and smooth functioning of ports nationwide? What achievements have been made?

Liu Haitao:

Thank you for your questions. I'll answer them. According to the NIA, 341 million inbound and outbound trips were made from January to July this year, an increase of 62.34% year on year. Additionally, 18.176 million cross-border trips were made by various modes of transport, including aircraft, vehicles, ships and trains, representing a 52.09% year-on-year increase. These figures demonstrate that an open China provides enjoyable travel for passengers and ensures the smooth transport of goods. This smooth flow is closely tied to the immigration administration's policy support.

As for the effectiveness of these policies, I would say they can be encapsulated by the terms "more convenient" and "more efficient."

First, we have more efficiently ensured the smooth flow of industrial and supply chains. We've set up customs clearance "green channels" for major cargo flights at hub airports and implemented priority processing for critical and time-sensitive shipments. We've enacted simplified border procedures for direct round-trip flights and connecting flights. Additionally, we've introduced a one-stop border clearance policy for international passenger and cargo flights on direct round-trip routes entering and exiting the country. For maritime ports, we've adopted time-saving and cost-reducing measures to help businesses, including 10 measures to promote the construction of shipping hubs in the Yangtze River Delta, 16 measures to support shipping enterprises, and a zero-wait policy for inbound international vessels and a zero-delay policy for outbound vessels. Moreover, we have fully digitized border inspection services for matters requiring government approval, with more than 95% of border inspections now processed entirely online. We have introduced "fast channels" at land ports for key cross-border freight vehicles, ensuring immediate inspection upon arrival and expedited customs clearance. As such, 78,000 China-Europe freight train trips have enjoyed immediate inspection upon arrival at border crossings, with an average annual growth rate of 23.4%. The China-Europe Railway Express now delivers vegetables and fruits from Henan and Shandong provinces to Europe 30 days faster than maritime shipping. 

Second, we have streamlined entry and exit procedures at border crossings for greater convenience. As I mentioned previously, the average border inspection time for Chinese citizens has been reduced to 45 seconds. I'd like to share two more data sets that are highly representative. The average clearance time per person at over 2,400 fast lanes in all 227 designated inspection ports for travelers nationwide is less than 15 seconds. As a result, over 1 million inbound and outbound travelers now enjoy efficient and convenient border clearance services every day. The average customs clearance time for vehicles at Hengqin port is no more than 2 minutes. Thanks to the new border inspection model, ports cooperate with each other to implement one-off customs clearance. This promotes the integrated development of Hengqin and Macao. There are a lot of other data sets similar to this. For example, we have implemented facilitation arrangements for border entry and exit for Belt and Road countries in 24 ports, setting up more than 200 special channels. This has enabled 10.66 million inbound and outbound trips by personnel from countries along the Belt and Road in the first half of the year, a 1.6-fold increase compared with the same period last year. Moreover, we've introduced a policy of 24-hour direct transit without border checks this year at nine hub airports: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu and Xi'an. Therefore, over 2 million travelers have enjoyed this direct transit service without undergoing border check procedures in the past seven months. 

Going forward, the NIA will continue to actively and prudently advance the institutional opening-up of immigration management. We aim to offer more support for Chinese enterprises, products and personnel venturing abroad while attracting more foreign investment, investors and enterprises. These efforts are designed to serve and promote high-quality development. Thank you. 


Zhinews of Shenzhen Satellite TV:  

With the rapid development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the high-quality development of Belt and Road cooperation, Hong Kong and Macao are integrating themselves into China's overall development at an unprecedented scale and depth. In July, the NIA, in accordance with the law, began issuing mainland travel permits to non-Chinese permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macao. What benefits does this new policy offer? How has the permit issuance process progressed so far? Thank you.

Liu Haitao:

You raise a good question. This matter has been receiving a lot of attention online recently. I would like to invite Ms. Peng to answer your question.

Peng Ling:

Thank you for your question. Non-Chinese permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macao participate in and contribute to the development of the two special administrative regions. Granting them with mainland travel permits is a major reform measure that embodies our full and accurate implementation of the One Country, Two Systems policy. It also aligns with the new demands and expectations of the Hong Kong and Macao societies, significantly accelerating institutional openness in the field of entry and exit.

There are advantages for permit holders in contrast to the previous requirement of a passport for travel. First, the permit's five-year validity allows for unlimited travel to and from the mainland, facilitating spontaneous trips. Furthermore, each entry allows for a stay of up to 90 days on the mainland, fully meeting the practical demands of investment negotiations, business collaboration, scientific exchanges and personal visits. Additionally, permit holders benefit from expedited customs clearance, as they are exempt from filling out entry cards and can use fast-track lanes at border inspections, thereby experiencing China's speed and efficiency.

Since the policy took effect on July 10, in just over one month, nearly 30,000 non-Chinese permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macao have applied for permits. Some individuals have already enjoyed the enhanced efficiency and convenience of this streamlined border crossing process on the very day they received their permits.

Looking ahead, we will further explore and expand the practical applications of the One Country, Two Systems policy in the realm of entry and exit strategies. Our goal is to enhance mutual exchanges between the peoples of the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, continually injecting new impetus into the socioeconomic development of Hong Kong and Macao. Thank you.


China Daily:

Just now, Mr. Liu mentioned that the NIA has facilitated, coordinated and served the introduction of a large number of international talents in various fields such as science, education, culture, health and sports. Could you provide more details on the outcomes achieved so far and outline the future plans in this respect? Thank you.

Liu Jia:

Thank you for your question. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to develop our cause well, it is essential to select the best minds of the world." In recent years, based on China's national conditions and the needs of high-quality economic and social development, the NIA has systematically optimized and improved visa, residence, permanent residence, naturalization and other policies and measures, providing strong support and guarantees for international professionals living and working in China.

First, we aim to attract and retain more talent. We have relaxed visa regulations, allowing eligible foreigners to obtain multiple-entry visas valid for up to 10 years at Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. For those unable to secure visas before arrival, entry visas can be issued at ports of entry. In cases where legitimate reasons necessitate frequent international travel, we offer facilities to issue or renew multiple-entry visas. Notably, professionals invited to engage in technical collaborations, economic and trade activities at leading Chinese universities, research institutions and renowned companies, as well as high-level talents and their teams working in China, are eligible for multiple-entry visas valid for two to five years.

Second, we aim to ensure a secure and supportive environment for talent. To facilitate this, we have streamlined and simplified the procedures for international talents working and living in China. In collaboration with relevant departments, we have implemented a "one-stop" service for foreigners applying for work permits and work-type residence permits that allows for simultaneous applications, approvals and issuances. We support leading domestic universities, research institutions and large enterprises in their efforts to recruit international talents. Additionally, those transferred within their organizations across regional boundaries are exempt from the need to reapply for residence permits. Qualified high-level foreign professionals are allowed to hold concurrent positions for innovative and entrepreneurial activities upon registration. Furthermore, we have actively engaged with employers, carefully aligning talent supply with demand, establishing linkage mechanisms and consistently devising strategies to help organizations attract and retain talent.

Finally, we aim to improve the living standards of international talents residing in China. We have issued a new version of the foreign permanent resident ID card, known as the "five-star card," and promoted convenient social applications. We have launched the China Immigration Service Hotline 12367 that provides 24/7 service worldwide, and launched the NIA website covering the six official languages of the United Nations. We have also promoted the construction of immigration service centers and sites, which have greatly improved the quality of life for international talent in China.

Next, we will implement the plan set forth by the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to "explore avenues for establishing an immigration system for highly-skilled personnel." We will actively collaborate with relevant departments to enhance policy research and refine system design, with the aim of providing highly-skilled personnel working and living in China with more comprehensive, convenient and efficient immigration management policies. Thank you.


New Yellow River App:

Could you elaborate on the new characteristics and changes in illegal land border crossings and smuggling at ports in recent years? Additionally, what measures has the NIA taken to ensure the safety and stability of the nation's borders and the normal order of exit and entry, and what results have been achieved? Thank you.

Liu Haitao:

Thank you for your question. I will address this. In recent years, with changes in the international landscape and regional geopolitical situations, illegal activities affecting border management have also exhibited new trends and characteristics. In the field of immigration management, this is primarily reflected in two aspects: First, in border areas, illegal exits of Chinese nationals have been curbed, with the number of apprehended individuals decreasing by 30% compared to last year. However, due to various factors, there has been an increase in the number of foreign nationals illegally entering for work through cross-border smuggling. We have been closely monitoring this. Second, at open ports, domestic and international smuggling gangs have been collaborating. They recruit individuals, falsify invitation letters, defraud social security payments and mask would-be smugglers as businesspeople or qualified company employees to obtain travel documents. These gangs then organize them to engage in cross-border criminal activities abroad. There remains a notable phenomenon of criminal groups organizing mainland residents to travel via Hong Kong and Macao to countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Central and South America for transit smuggling.

To ensure the safety and stability of national borders and the normal order of entry and exit, the NIA has coordinated and guided immigration management institutions nationwide to deepen the integrated approach of "strike, investigate, manage, treat and coordinate" in combating all forms of illegal activities affecting national border management.

We have continuously carried out special crackdown operations. As I mentioned earlier, we have been conducting the "Mongoose" operation for four consecutive years. The mongoose, a natural enemy of snakes, symbolizes our operation. Relying on the "Mongoose" initiative, we have strengthened supervision over major and serious cases, and centrally deployed cluster campaigns. This approach has enabled concentrated analysis of similar cases, collaborative investigation of cross-regional cases, and comprehensive strikes against entire criminal networks. We have successfully severed numerous smuggling routes and effectively dismantled many illegal profit chains, effectively deterring the audacity of criminals both domestically and abroad.

We have enhanced targeted inspections at border ports. In fulfilling our statutory responsibilities for border inspections, we promptly analyze trends in cross-border crimes such as smuggling and dynamically adjust targeted inspection measures to rigorously monitor and prevent illegal entry and exit activities.

We have strengthened border patrols and controls. We have improved the three-dimensional border defense system by leveraging physical, technological and human defenses. This includes effective management of mountain passes, trails and ferry points that connect to external areas, further reinforcing the border defense line.

We have also implemented source management in critical areas. By integrating the dual strategies of enforcement and governance, we have integrated anti-smuggling efforts into grassroots comprehensive governance. We have conducted concentrated rectification activities in these areas, closing down non-compliant and illegal intermediary agencies and investigating non-compliant and illegal businesses. As a result, smuggling in critical areas has been effectively curbed.

We have continuously deepened international law enforcement cooperation, strengthening collaboration with relevant countries and regions. We have improved mechanisms for sharing intelligence, jointly investigating and handling cases, and pursuing and capturing fugitives. Efforts in the overseas "Mongoose" operation have been ramped up, resolutely squeezing the space for criminals abroad to evade justice.

Since this year, more than 22,000 illegal and criminal cases that obstruct border administrations have been solved nationwide, resulting in the arrest of over 39,000 criminal suspects. More than 6,000 illegal immigrants have been apprehended and 103 fugitive targets who had fled abroad have been successfully captured in cooperation with relevant countries. The effectiveness of these actions in deterring and combating such crimes continues to grow. Moving forward, the NIA will remain focused on the overall situation of national political security as well as economic and social development. We will unwaveringly apply a holistic approach to national security. With higher standards, more detailed planning and more concrete measures, we will maintain a strong and sustained crackdown on various crimes that hinder national (border) security. Our goal is to fully safeguard national political security, border stability and the proper order of entry and exit. Thank you!


21st Century Business Herald:

In recent years, the NIA has released a series of policies to facilitate personnel exchange between mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. What are the policies' effects? What future deployment and arrangements can we expect? Thank you. 

Peng Ling: 

Thank you for your questions. In recent years, we have continued to innovate policy provisions and have rolled out measures that facilitate mainland citizens' travel to and from Hong Kong and Macao. First, in promoting the movement of talent, we have piloted the issuing of a "talent visa" in Beijing, Shanghai and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for six professional categories in the fields of science, education, culture and health. So far, over 23,000 high-level talents have been issued these visas, allowing them to make unlimited trips to Hong Kong and Macao for periods of 1 to 5 years. Each stay can last up to 30 days, providing ample time for research exchanges and academic discussions, which significantly facilitates the free, convenient and efficient flow of talent and technology. In promoting economic and trade exchanges, business personnel can apply for business permits conveniently at over 4,000 entry-exit service windows across China. The duration of each stay in Hong Kong and Macao has been extended from 7 to 14 days. In advancing the development of the tourism industry, we have added 10 new cities, including Xi'an and Qingdao, as eligible for "individual visit schemes," increasing the total number of included cities to 59. In addition, we have allowed tourist groups to make multiple trips between Macao and Hengqin via the Hengqin Port, supporting the integrated development of tourism between Hengqin and Macao. 

At the same time, we have been continuing to introduce entry and exit policies and measures that facilitate Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents' travel to and from the mainland. In serving Hong Kong and Macao residents, we have introduced policy allowing Hong Kong and Macao residents to replace and renew their mainland travel permits on the mainland, ending over 40 years of requiring residents to return to Hong Kong or Macao to complete these processes. Like mainland residents, they can now enjoy the convenience of applying in a single visit at a nearby service window and receiving the permit through postal delivery. So far, 312,000 people have benefited from this service. In serving Taiwan residents, we have focused on addressing their needs and have established specialized windows for Taiwan compatriots and companies, as well as entry-exit service stations. Since the beginning of this year, we have issued 798,000 certificates to Taiwan residents, a 21.6% year-on-year increase. We fully support Fujian province in building a demonstration zone for the integrated development across the Straits, rolling out 10 convenient measures including online application for the mainland travel permits for Taiwan residents. They can also apply for longer travel permits upon arrival or entrust travel agencies to make the application and then retrieve the documents upon arrival at the port of entry. These measures enable Taiwan compatriots to enjoy the benefits of integrated development and kinship between Fujian and Taiwan. The number of Taiwan residents applying for residency in Fujian has now exceeded the total of the previous 10 years. In addition, we have established an ID verification service platform for entry-exit documents to better serve Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents living and working on the mainland. Together with 17 other departments, including the Ministry of Transport and the People's Bank of China, we have actively promoted the convenient use of the mainland travel permits for Hong Kong and Macao residents and the mainland travel permits for Taiwan residents in areas such as government services and public services on the mainland, ensuring that they can handle affairs smoothly and travel with peace of mind with just one certificate. So far, we have provided free, real-time identity verification services to 110 million people.

Looking ahead, we will continue to deepen reform and innovation in entry and exit administration services, better maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and actively promote the integrated development across the Straits. Thank you!


Xing Huina:

Next question, please. I notice two journalists have their hand raised. 

China News Service:

As the number of inbound and outbound travelers continues to rise, we would like to know what assistance the immigration authorities provide for them when they encounter problems and difficulties during entry and exit activities. Thank you.

Liu Jia:

Thank you for your question. Pressing difficulties and problems that concern inbound and outbound travelers the most are also the focus and responsibility of immigration authorities. China's 12367 immigration service platform, launched on April 8, 2021, has become a "customer service center" to help solve these difficulties and problems.

Why put it this way? First of all, the 12367 service platform is "capable of answering" all inquiries, and it always responds whenever there is a question. As the first government hotline in China that provides direct, bilingual human services in Chinese and English to both domestic and overseas callers, it has received and handled in the past three years of operation a total of 12.768 million calls with regard to immigration-related service consultation, suggestions and advice. The service covers 147 countries and regions around the world. Moreover, the 12367 service platform is capable of "handling problems", as it can offer timely and effective access to services. Besides the hotline, the NIA's official website, "National Immigration Administration Government Service Platform 12367" mobile app as well as WeChat and Alipay mini programs also have access to the functions of the "12367 online service," providing 24/7 bilingual human service or intelligent real-time response services in Chinese and English, truly offering a service that is always online, dutiful and continuous.

In addition to 12367, we also have launched a government website in the six official U.N. languages of Chinese, English, Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic, and offer functions such as guidance on immigration management, and office information query, making facilitations for Chinese and foreign personnel to inquire about China's immigration management services, keep abreast of relevant laws and regulations, and obtain other information they need. Since the website went online, the number of visits in total has been over 1.58 billion.

In the next step, we will continue to optimize the 12367 service platform and multilingual versions of our website, expand channels and functions of services, and make greater efforts to provide more efficient and convenient services to facilitate the entry and exit of personnel. Thank you!


Xing Huina:

Last question, please.

Nanfang Metropolis Daily:

The resolution adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee said that China will pursue high-standard opening up. It also stressed that we will improve relevant measures to make it more convenient for people from outside the mainland to live, receive medical services and make payments on the mainland. What arrangements have been made by the National Immigration Administration with regard to that? Thank you.

Liu Haitao:

Thank you for your question. I will take it. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee adopted the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization, putting forward specific requirements for improving relevant measures to make it more convenient for people from outside the mainland to live on the mainland, improving the support mechanisms for recruiting talent from overseas, and exploring avenues for establishing an immigration system for highly-skilled personnel, thus sending a clear signal of expanding high-standard opening up. Immigration management work is at the forefront of opening up as well as at the intersection between domestic and international dual circulation. To thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and safeguard high-quality development, it is critical to steadily expand institutional opening up on the basis of ensuring security. We will take the revision of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China as an opportunity, accelerating the improvement of the immigration management institution that has comparative advantages and is aligned with international economic and trade rules, so as to provide a sound immigration management environment for fostering a new development paradigm, accelerating the development of new quality productive forces and promoting high-quality development.

In combination with the functions of immigration management, I believe that we can make great progress in the following aspects.

First, we will further support the work related to attracting, gathering and keeping talent. In combination with the characteristics of cross-border flow of talent and the developmental law of talent cultivation, we will focus on key links such as facilitating the entry and exit of highly-skilled personnel, their stay and residency, permanent residency, as well as naturalization as Chinese nationals and restoration of Chinese nationality, and vigorously attract overseas high-level talent to pursue their development, business and other innovative ventures in China, enhancing the confidence of global talent in their long-term development in China.

Second, we will further advance high-standard opening up. We will contribute to the development of new institutions for a higher-standard open economy. We will introduce new policies for immigration management to serve major national strategies, minimize social costs and boost the vitality and creativity of market entities. We will empower the development of new quality productive forces, make the institutional supply of the immigration management better adapted to the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, improve the system of immigration management policies and regulations, making them conducive to the smooth flow of various quality production factors, and propel immigration management to better integrate into and serve the modern economic system. We will facilitate personnel exchange between China and other countries, continuing to optimize the visa-free transit policy, regional visa-free entry policy and port visa policy, and thus making it easier for foreign nationals to work, study and travel in China as well as promoting high-standard opening up through institutional opening up in the area of immigration management.

Third, we will further improve government services for immigration management. We will make administrative approval more efficient. Just now, my two colleagues also shared some information. In the next step, we will make more frequently-used services be accessible at one stop, near people's homes, online and at one time. We will facilitate customs clearance, carry out reservations for rapid customs clearance of cross-border vehicles, promote the mode for fast vehicle customs clearance as well as the mode for mobile inspection and release, continue to explore application of innovative facial recognition and other technologies in the field of border inspection and customs clearance, strengthen the construction of new inspection infrastructure and cutting-edge equipment, further optimize the inspection process, and improve the efficiency of customs clearance, so as to ensure the efficient and smooth flows of personnel, commodities and other factors of production. We will refine social integration services, expand convenient application scenarios for entry and exit documentation, accelerate the multi-channel, multilingual and intelligent development of the 12367 service platform, create an "Internet+" government service brand that is globally-oriented, has complete functions and enjoys high public satisfaction, and make greater effort to remove obstacles and chokepoints in various services for overseas personnel that are traveling, working and living in China.

Thank you!

Xing Huina:

Today's briefing is hereby concluded. Thank you to the three speakers and our friends from the media. Goodbye everyone.

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Wei, Liu Sitong, Wang Qian, Liu Caiyi, Wang Yiming, Wang Ziteng, Gong Yingchun, Huang Shan, Liao Jiaxin, Li Huiru, Yang Chuanli, Liu Qiang, Liu Jianing, Xu Kailin, Zhang Junmian, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Rochelle Beiersdorfer. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

/5    Xing Huina

/5    Liu Haitao

/5    Peng Ling

/5    Liu Jia

/5    Group photo