SCIO briefing on white paper 'Marine Eco-Environmental Protection in China' | August 14, 2024


Shenzhen TV Zhi News:

We understand that coastal areas, due to industrial agglomeration and high resource demands, often face significant pressures related to eco-environmental protection. This has, to some extent, constrained the economic and social development of these areas. Therefore, what efforts have been made in recent years to balance resource development with ecological protection, and to promote the development of the marine economy in coastal regions? Thank you.

Sun Shuxian:

Thank you for your question. The development of the marine economy in coastal areas has been a topic of great concern in recent years. The MNR has adhered to the principle of balancing development and protection, actively supporting high-quality marine development through high-level protection. Our main efforts have been focused on the following aspects:

In terms of optimizing the spatial development and protection pattern of the ocean, we have implemented the marine-related requirements of the Outline of the National Territorial Space Plan (2021-2035) issued by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. We have formulated spatial plans for coastal zones and nearshore waters, drawn red lines for marine eco-conservation, defined marine ecological space and areas for development and utilization, and comprehensively optimized distribution arrangements for key marine utilization activities.

To strengthen the protection of marine resources, we have issued the Notice on Further Improving the Protection of Land and Sea Resources. This notice simplifies and optimizes the requirements and procedures for demonstrating sea area use in relevant projects. We have also implemented strict controls for new land reclamation and island utilization projects.

To promote efficient and intensive use of marine resources, we have steadily advanced a multi-rights system for sea areas, shifting from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional management approach. We've begun exploring legal ways to grant transfer, mortgage, and lease rights for uninhabited islands, gradually expanding the role of market-based allocation in the marine sector.

We've strengthened green and low-carbon technological innovation to promote the marine industry's transformation. We have intensified technological research and development in areas such as seawater desalination, ocean energy development, marine biological resource utilization, and marine engineering equipment. These efforts are injecting new momentum into and shaping new advantages for the high-quality development of the marine industry.

Currently, China has achieved remarkable progress in marine industry development and marine ecological protection. Just now, Ms. Guo provided a comprehensive overview of the continuous optimization of the eco-environment. In terms of marine economic development, in 2023, China's marine economy GDP reached 9.9097 trillion yuan, increasing by 6% year on year, with a growth rate 0.8 percentage point higher than that of the national GDP. The marine economy is experiencing a strong recovery, improving in terms of both quantity and quality, and has become a new engine for national economic growth. Thank you.

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