SCIO briefing on white paper 'Marine Eco-Environmental Protection in China' | August 14, 2024


Beijing Youth Daily:

Just now, Mr. Guo introduced some of the changes to the Marine Environment Protection Law following its latest revisions. We also noticed that in the latest version, the law has included a series of new regulations on the protection of marine biodiversity. What is the current situation regarding marine biodiversity? And what work will be done going forward to restore biodiversity? Thank you. 

Guo Fang:

Thank you for your questions. The world is paying more and more attention to the topic of biodiversity you mentioned. As a Chinese saying goes, "All beings flourish when they live in harmony and receive nourishment from Nature." Biodiversity gives the Earth its vigor and vitality and is the root and lifeline for all life on Earth. The ocean is the largest ecosystem on Earth and a treasure trove rich in biodiversity. By protecting marine biodiversity, we are extending the oldest and most beautiful story of life. 

China is a major maritime country. We have recorded over 28,000 species of marine life, accounting for 11% of the marine life known in the world. It is one of the countries with the richest marine biodiversity in the world. China attaches great importance to the protection of marine biodiversity and has been advancing protection and restoration as well as regulations and governance. The newly revised Marine Environment Protection Law has also given priority to protecting marine biodiversity and required improvements to the systems of investigation, monitoring, assessment and protection, as well as the protection and restoration of important marine ecological corridors.

According to the 2023 communique on China's marine ecology and environment, the condition of 24 typical marine ecosystems under monitoring has generally improved. Since the beginning of 2021, all "unhealthy" areas have been eliminated, with marine biodiversity steadily improving. With the help of the media, there are more and more reports and pictures concerning harmonious coexistence between marine life and humanity. For example, the Chinese white dolphins in the Pearl River Estuary and Sanniang Bay and the Bryde's whales in Shenzhen Bay and Weizhou Island, have become local internet celebrities and city representatives.

In December 2022, the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) established the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which was a landmark event. Based on that framework and with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has worked with relevant departments to formulate and issue China's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030), which takes the ocean as an important area and a key objective and will focus on strengthening the rehabilitation and restoration of the marine ecosystem including estuaries, bays, mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass beds. Just now, Mr. Sun has also made a detailed introduction in this regard. 

Next, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other relevant departments will implement the requirements of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, carry out China's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan, guide and urge coastal areas, in combination with the building of beautiful bays, to systematically launch refined investigations, focus on carrying out ecological protection, restoration and rehabilitation, and continue to strengthen investigation and monitoring as well as supervision and management, taking multiple measures to protect marine biodiversity. Thank you.

Xing Huina:

Please continue with your questions. There are two reporters with their hands raised.

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