SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: National Data Administration | August 13, 2024


Hong Kong Economic Herald:

I am particularly interested in China's international cooperation in the digital economy. Could you please share what work the NDA has done in this area? Furthermore, how is the administration planning to align with current development trends to further strengthen international exchange and cooperation in the field? Thank you.

Liu Liehong:

Thank you for your interest in international cooperation in the digital economy. I will answer this question. Data has become a fundamental resource and innovation driver for global economic development. The digital economy and green development are now key areas of focus and cooperation for countries worldwide. The NDA is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the data field and participating in the formulation of international digital governance rules. 

Since its establishment, the NDA has actively fulfilled its responsibilities. We've strengthened intergovernmental data trust and signed memorandums of understanding on the digital economy with over 10 countries, fostering pragmatic cooperation in this field. In June, we hosted the inaugural meeting of the China-Singapore Digital Policy Dialogue Mechanism in Beijing, engaging in thorough exchanges and cooperation on issues such as cross-border data and artificial intelligence. We've also been actively implementing the eight major steps for supporting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and the Beijing Initiative for Digital Economy Cooperation. We're further aligning with international rules by participating in Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) and the UN Global Digital Compact negotiations. Additionally, we're collaborating with relevant international organizations to establish standards in the data field. We're also committed to creating a favorable environment for the development of Chinese and foreign digital enterprises. We support and encourage Chinese companies, especially those in the digital sector, to expand their brands and quality products and services internationally, and to provide good solutions and experiences for digital transformation worldwide. We also remain committed to addressing practical issues for foreign companies in China and providing high-quality services. We welcome companies from all over the world to participate in China's process of marketizing and valorizing data elements, sharing in the dividends and opportunities of development.

Thank you.

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