SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: National Data Administration | August 13, 2024


Red Star News:

We have noticed that there are still some bottlenecks that restrict the availability, flow, usage and security of data. Regarding the issue of availability, what attempts and efforts have been made to expand the supply of public data? What are the plans for the next stage? Thank you.

Liu Liehong:

I would like to ask Mr. Zhang to answer these questions.

Zhang Wang:

Thank you for the question. Public data is generated by government departments at various levels and relevant enterprises and institutions while performing their duties and providing public services. This data is characterized by its strong foundation, relatively standardized management, and high economic and social value. As a result, both the market and society have placed great expectations on its potential. Currently, public data resources are developed and utilized in three main ways: sharing, opening, and authorized operation. Sharing refers to data sharing and exchange between government departments at various levels. This practice is mainly used to address information asymmetry between different departments and regions, helping governments at all levels better perform their duties and serve enterprises and the public more effectively. In recent years, the State Council has issued six batches of data-sharing responsibility lists, supporting services such as "one visit at most," "online services," and "one-stop government services." Opening refers to making public data or datasets available online, primarily to facilitate free access for enterprises and the public. According to relevant institutions, 226 localities nationwide have established public data platforms, including at the provincial and municipal levels, offering over 340,000 datasets. However, some data resources, while economically valuable, are sensitive. These need to be processed appropriately to ensure security while serving economic and social development. For such data, some regions and departments have begun providing services through authorized operations, accumulating some experience. However, there is still a need to strengthen policy guidance to both support development and regulate operations. 

To better promote the development and utilization of public data resources, the NDA will thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. We will focus on better leveraging market mechanisms to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public data resource allocation and utilization in several areas. On the one hand, we will continue to enhance government data sharing and public data openness. On the other hand, we will treat authorized operations as an important supplement to sharing and openness, resolving unclear responsibilities in data supply and usage management and insufficient motivation for data provision. Our main approach is to promote the reform of public data resource management and operational mechanisms. We aim to clarify the responsibilities and obligations for data supply, usage and management, stimulating motivation for data provision and market innovation. We are establishing a public data resource registration system, standards for authorized operations, and corresponding information disclosure mechanisms. We're also clarifying compliance policies and management requirements while cooperating with relevant departments to enhance oversight of public data product and service pricing. For public data in governance and public welfare, we advocate conditional free use. We will also support and cooperate with various regions and departments to intensify the development and openness of public data resources. By promoting collaboration between ministries and provinces, as well as government and enterprises, and launching partnerships with relevant departments, regions, and operating entities, we aim to jointly create a positive ecosystem for data resources that ensures they are readily available, easily circulated, effectively used, and securely protected.

That concludes my answer. Thank you.

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