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SCIO press conference on deepening reform and opening-up across the board, accelerating the development of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence

China.org.cn | April 16, 2024


Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine:

The business environment is a crucial aspect of the development of the FTP. What measures will Hainan take to further improve its business environment and attract more business entities to settle there? Thank you.

Chen Jiyang:

We often say, "Whether a business environment is good or not, business entities have the final say." The CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and Hainan provincial government regard the business environment as one of the eight important pillars supporting the development of the FTP. Hainan is taking all kinds of pragmatic and effective measures to optimize its business environment in order to enhance enterprises' sense of gain and satisfaction.

We have proposed to boost two brand initiatives in Hainan: One is called "Hainan FTP Welcomes Your Complaints" and the other is "Hainan FTP Serves You." Supporting the first brand initiative is a business environment complaint platform, which has been in operation for more than three years. We have received over 7,000 complaints from enterprises, with more than 95% of them resolved, including some long-standing problems that existed before the establishment of Hainan province.

For the other brand initiative, "Hainan FTP Serves You," we continually launch a variety of service measures for enterprises. For example, in the second half of last year, Hainan province carried out large-scale research and service activities targeting enterprises above designated size as well as specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products. Led by principal officials of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and Hainan provincial government, we visited the enterprises, provided corresponding policies and services, and settled various problems. The enterprises rated our services and expressed their satisfaction with a rating of over 96%.

This year, the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the Hainan provincial government have launched a comprehensive campaign to improve the overall business environment. The primary focus is on being responsive to all requests and minimizing unnecessary disturbances. In terms of responsiveness, we have optimized several mechanisms. For instance, we have integrated services for handling business environment issues, the 12345 hotline, and various other channels for gathering feedback. This integration has enabled us to establish a comprehensive mechanism for collecting and addressing all enterprise issues. Businesses can now easily voice their concerns anywhere and at any time. With all issues incorporated into a single system, the resolution process is transparent to both businesses and government departments concerned, making it easier for us to track and supervise its progress. To achieve the goal of minimizing unnecessary disturbances, we have also recently launched an integrated monitoring platform for business-related activities. Government departments must now register to get data and material when they pay visits to enterprises, extend invitations to business leaders for events, or carry out enforcement inspections. While this may cause some inconvenience for the government, it offers greater convenience and peace of mind to businesses, allowing them to focus more effectively on their production and operations. Thank you.

Liu Xiaoming:

Let me add further details to Mr. Chen's response. Hainan possesses two main features. The first emphasizes the rule of law in the development of the FTP. Therefore, in the process of building the business environment, we are dedicated to creating a setting that is based on the rule of law and is both international and convenient. In 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress enacted the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Hainan Free Trade Port ," which formally anchors relevant policies in legal documentation, providing business entities with more stable expectations. The second feature is that Hainan has established a business environment management system. At the end of 2022, Hainan set up the country's first provincial business environment construction department, and in 2023, business environment bureaus were successively established at the municipal and county levels. This framework aims to coordinate efforts to improve our business environment. Thank you.

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