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SCIO press conference on deepening reform and opening-up across the board, accelerating the development of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence

China.org.cn | April 16, 2024


Red Star News:

The growth rate of Hainan's expenditure in research and experimental development has ranked among the top nationwide in recent years. What are the features and highlights of Hainan in terms of sci-tech innovation? Thank you.

Xie Jing:

In recent years, Hainan has fully leveraged its comparative advantages in temperature, depth, latitude and greenness, referred to as "three degrees and one color," to accelerate the establishment of innovation hubs in key industries such as seed development, deep-sea exploration, and aerospace. These efforts have also contributed to promoting green transformation. Significant achievements have been made in sci-tech innovation. Notable examples include Sanya's Nanfan Silicon Valley and the Deep Sea Science and Technology City, which have emerged as national benchmarks and clusters for sci-tech innovation in the seed industry and deep-sea research, respectively. With the completion of the country's first commercial aerospace launch site, aerospace research forces are also accelerating their convergence in Hainan.

In the past three years, the sci-tech development in Hainan can be summarized by "four new achievements": First, there have been a leap in the number of national-level sci-tech innovation platforms, marked by the establishment of the Yazhou Bay National Laboratory, which resulted in the doubling of the number of national-level sci-tech innovation platforms in Hainan. Second, research and development (R&D) investment has reached new heights, with the growth rate for R&D spending by the entire society ranking at the forefront of the country for three consecutive years and the number of patent applications granted more than doubling. Third, there have been new achievements in introducing and cultivating sci-tech professionals, with the number of national-level professionals in key areas growing geometrically and the full-time equivalent of R&D personnel doubling. Fourth, there has been new progress in corporate innovation, with a 75% increase in the number of high-tech enterprises in the province and nearly a threefold increase in the turnover of technology contracts.

Going forward, Hainan will focus on the following aspects to accelerate the development of sci-tech innovation and the sci-tech system reform:

First, we will further leverage comparative advantages to enhance sci-tech innovation capabilities in key areas such as land, sea and air, thereby significantly contributing to national strategic development in science and technology.

Second, we will further concentrate on developing useful science and technology, centering on emerging industries such as the digital economy, petrochemical new materials, and biomedicine, as well as the three future industries of Nanfan, or seed breeding in south China, deep-sea exploration, and aerospace. We plan to launch a series of scenario applications, enhance the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the deep integration of the innovation and industrial chains.

Third, we will further emphasize institutional integration and innovation, launch a three-year intensive campaign for sci-tech system reform, reinforce the principal role of enterprises in innovation, and strive to achieve landmark results.

Fourth, we will fully leverage the open advantages of the FTP to enhance international sci-tech cooperation level and create a competitive international open innovation environment. Thank you!

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