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SCIO press conference on deepening reform and opening-up across the board, accelerating the development of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence

China.org.cn | April 16, 2024



Hainan has proposed building itself into an important player for developing new quality productive forces. Can you introduce the advantages of Hainan? Going forward, what are the key areas for Hainan to focus on? Thank you.

Liu Xiaoming:

Thank you for your questions. I will address them. We are relying on Hainan's comparative advantages in two key areas to build the province into an important player for developing new quality productive forces. The first area is its natural endowment in terms of temperature, depth, latitude and greenness, also known as the "three degrees and one color." The second area is the benefits derived from the policies for the FTP and opening-up. Specifically, we will make great efforts in the following five aspects to build Hainan into an important player for developing new quality productive forces:

First, we will strive to develop the seed industry. Hainan is a tropical province, and more than 70% of China's main crop varieties are cultivated through seed breeding in south China, forming what is known as the Nanfan seed industry. Currently, we have gathered over 2,800 innovative seed enterprises, with the output value of the Nanfan seed industry exceeding 12 billion yuan. Next, we will exert all efforts to make breakthroughs in developing seeds, often referred to as "agricultural chips." We will also accelerate the construction of the Nanfan Agricultural Silicon Valley , which serves the whole country. For example, a variety of domestically produced durians, branded Shushangshu, was first introduced to the market in Sanya and was well received last year. We will strengthen research, development, innovation, and utilization to promote the localization of more imported fruits and vegetables.

Second, we will strengthen the marine industry. Hainan is the province with the largest marine area in China, thereby boasting a wide range of application scenarios. Currently, Hainan has over 1,000 high-tech marine enterprises, and a batch of major deep-sea equipment has been put into operation. Going forward, we will actively advance emerging marine industries such as deep-sea technology, marine intelligent equipment manufacturing, and deep-sea aquaculture. This year, the goal is to exceed 310 billion yuan in gross marine product. Moreover, we have a greater goal of building a stronger Hainan with a thriving marine industry over the next decade.

Third, we will focus on the aerospace industry. Hainan is ideally suited for the development of the aerospace industry due to its geographical latitude. The No. 1 launch pad of China's first commercial spacecraft launch site was completed at the end of last year, and the construction of the No. 2 launch pad was also finished at the end of March this year, expected to be capable of supporting regular launches starting in June. Currently, many leading domestic commercial aerospace enterprises are competing for launch opportunities. With a focus on the rocket chain, we will also expand and promote the establishment of "space plus" industrial projects, such as the satellite chain and the data chain, striving to develop the Wenchang International Aerospace City into a hub that integrates space launches, R&D, manufacturing, tourism, and international exchanges.

Fourth, we will pursue green development. We are deepening our efforts to build a "clean energy island," significantly reducing carbon footprints. The proportion of installed clean energy equipment has reached 78.5%, ranking among the highest in China. During the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024, the near-zero carbon demonstration zone at Dongyu Island received wide attention. We will explore more practical approaches for transforming carbon into a valuable resource, building a 2.0 version of the clean energy island, developing green industries such as offshore wind power and photovoltaic projects, promoting the production, storage, transportation and utilization of green hydrogen, and advancing the green transformation and upgrading of industries such as petrochemical new materials.

Fifth, our efforts will focus on digitization. We will leverage the Hainan FTP's policies on the secure and orderly flow of data, and improve digital infrastructure such as 5G, green computing power and international communication submarine cables. We will also establish a comprehensive bureau for stepping up international communications services as soon as possible. We will enrich application scenarios for different sectors including helping Chinese games "go global", and develop local industries with a competitive edge, such as digital health and key components, to promote the digital economy of the Hainan FTP.

As a Chinese saying goes, "Seeing is believing." We welcome friends from the media to visit Hainan and experience firsthand the development and panoramic display of the new quality productive forces there. Thank you.

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