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SCIO briefing on Working Guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to Support Fujian in Exploring New Pathways for Promoting Integrated Development between the Two Sides of the Straits and Build a Demonstration Zone for Integrated Cross-Straits Development

China.org.cn | September 28, 2023


People's Daily:

Fujian province is the main ancestral home of our Taiwan compatriots. In the future, what convenience will be brought to Taiwan compatriots to study, work, start business, and live in Fujian so as to promote the atmosphere that people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of one family, and Fujian-Taiwan bond even closer? Thank you.

Luo Dongchuan:

Thank you for the question. I will address this matter. The recently issued guidance by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council places great emphasis on respecting, caring for, and benefiting our Taiwan compatriots. It highlights the significance of improving policies related to their education, employment, and livelihoods in Fujian. Regarding the province, we are committed to implementing more effective and pragmatic measures to ensure the implementation of these policies.

First, our commitment is to support Taiwan students coming to Fujian for study and research. Currently, Fujian has opened admissions for Taiwan students in 36 universities and colleges. It is also the only province on the Chinese mainland that pilots independent enrollment examinations for Taiwan students and admits them based on their scores of the Joint College Entrance Examination for Technological and Vocational Education (JCEE). At present, full-time Taiwan students studying in Fujian constitute one-sixth of the national total. More than 70 universities and colleges in Fujian have established cooperation agreements with over 110 universities and colleges in Taiwan, leading to the implementation of more than 200 cooperative education programs and joint training for over 24,000 technical and skilled professionals. According to the guidance, Fujian will further support Taiwan students in coming to the province for study and research, particularly by implementing a welcoming policy that promises equal treatment, and encourages enrollment based on proximity for Taiwan students studying in Fujian. In Fuzhou and Xiamen, I have heard Taiwan compatriots mention that their children often attend the best primary schools. I have personally witnessed Taiwan compatriots' children studying in a primary school in Fuzhou. Efforts will be made to further support Fujian's universities, colleges and research institutes in expanding the enrollment of Taiwan students. I have also inquired with some universities; this year's admission numbers have exceeded those of previous years. Furthermore, support will be provided for high-standard learning institutions and programs jointly run by institutions across the Straits and diversified cooperation among them, along with measures such as establishing several cross-Straits youth research and study bases.

Second, our focus is on supporting the employment of Taiwan compatriots in Fujian. Currently, Fujian has recognized 45 professional qualifications from Taiwan, attracting over 40,000 Taiwan compatriots, including both young and elderly people, to come to Fujian for internships, employment, and entrepreneurship. Building on this foundation, measures will be implemented to encourage enterprises, particularly those invested by Taiwan business people, to hire more Taiwan employees. Additionally, efforts will be made to recruit Taiwan teachers in vocational schools, expand the recognition of professional qualifications from Taiwan, facilitate the practice of Taiwan physicians in Fujian, and gradually broaden the scope of practice for Taiwan residents who have obtained national legal professional qualifications in Fujian. These measures are designed to provide greater opportunities for Taiwan compatriots and young people to find employment in Fujian.

Third, our objective is to facilitate the livelihood of Taiwan compatriots in Fujian. Equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots and enterprises has been implemented, alongside the enhancement of public service platforms. Measures have been taken to provide access to old-age insurance, basic health insurance, housing provident funds, and affordable housing for Taiwan compatriots. These measures aim to improve their sense of gain, happiness, and security. According to the guidance, additional initiatives will include the removal of temporary residence registration requirements, and allow Taiwan compatriots to freely settle and register their residence. The application scope of the residence permit for Taiwan residents will be expanded to ensure equal convenience with Chinese mainland resident identity cards. We are currently studying how to align the residence permit for Taiwan residents with the Chinese mainland resident identity cards, both in terms of application scenarios and convenience. Institutional guarantees for Taiwan compatriots in employment, healthcare, housing, old-age services, and social assistance will be enhanced, with the goal of incorporating Taiwan compatriots in Fujian into the Chinese mainland social security system in accordance with laws and regulations.

Thank you.

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