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SCIO briefing on Working Guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to Support Fujian in Exploring New Pathways for Promoting Integrated Development between the Two Sides of the Straits and Build a Demonstration Zone for Integrated Cross-Straits Development

China.org.cn | September 28, 2023


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Pan. Next, Mr. Cong will have the floor.

Cong Liang:

The Xinhua News Agency was authorized to issue the guidance, and I will now further elaborate on its main content. The guidance serves as a significant measure to implement General SecretaryXi Jinping's important discourse on work related to Taiwan and the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. The guidance has put into practice the conviction that we are all of the same family . It follows the approach of always respecting, caring for and benefitting Taiwan compatriots, and fully leverages Fujian's unique advantages and pioneering role in Taiwan-related work. It highlights the efforts to promote integration through increased connectivity, favorable policies and cultivating affinity. It also properly utilizes resources from all aspects to improve institutional arrangements and policies that help enhance the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, and strives to build a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development across Fujian. The specific arrangements are focused on three aspects and six key points.

To promote integration through increased connectivity, first, we will proactively build transportation, logistics and infrastructure projects as appropriate. We will strengthen support in factors such as funding, and increase infrastructure connectivity between Fujian and Taiwan as much as possible. We will establish a multilayered and comprehensive transportation hub that connects Taiwan, improve connectivity between Fujian, Taiwan and the rest of the mainland, and complete a regional logistic distribution system. Second, we will further optimize and expand passenger and cargo transportation routes between the coastal areas of Fujian and Taiwan island as well as the islands of Kinmen and Matsu . This initiative aims to create more convenient conditions and a more reassuring environment for compatriots on both sides to travel between Fujian and Taiwan, as well as for Taiwan compatriots residing in and visiting Fujian. It also seeks to encourage more Taiwan compatriots who have yet to visit the Chinese mainland to explore Fujian and gain an understanding of its actual development.

To promote integration through favorable policies, first, we have introduced a series of policies that support Taiwan compatriots to pursue education, study, and secure jobs, as well as to facilitate their lives in local areas and enhance their social engagement and participation. We welcome more students, teachers, medical workers and professional personnel from Taiwan to come to Fujian to explore better career opportunities and achieve greater life aspirations. Second, we will continue improving the business environment related to Taiwan. We support more Taiwan enterprises to engage in Fujian-Taiwan industrial and sci-tech innovation cooperation. In particular, we welcome Taiwan's agricultural, fishery and small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and thrive in Fujian and share the opportunities offered by the mainland's development.

To promote integration through forging closer bonds. First, we will deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan. We will support NGOs, think tanks, and religious groups to conduct regular communication, and encourage compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to carry forward excellent traditional Chinese culture. Additionally, we aim to continuously expand the circles of friends and business partners shared by youths of Fujian and Taiwan. Second, we will support regions in Fujian to fully leverage their advantages of communication and cooperation with Taiwan. We will encourage the in-depth integrated development of Xiamen, Fuzhou, Kinmen, and Matsu. Furthermore, we will expedite the opening up and development of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone and promote other regions in Fujian to engage in integrated cross-Straits development.

Moving forward, based on the current cross-Straits development and the realities of the integrated development between Fujian and Taiwan, we will adopt a problem-oriented and steady approach. We will roll out and implement supporting policies step by step, prioritize pilot programs and empower more practices. Our goal is to further promote innovation in policies and mechanisms, aiming to release more policy dividends. Thank you.

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