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SCIO briefing on Working Guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to Support Fujian in Exploring New Pathways for Promoting Integrated Development between the Two Sides of the Straits and Build a Demonstration Zone for Integrated Cross-Straits Development

China.org.cn | September 28, 2023


Shou Xiaoli:

Due to the time limit, we'll have one last question.


Currently, the Chinese mainland, including Fujian, is expediting the construction of a modernized industrial system, and, with a strong industrial and innovation base, offers vast opportunities for further growth. How will the guidance support our Taiwan compatriots' and enterprises' participation in the integration of Fujian-Taiwan industrial, supply, and innovation chains? Thank you.

Cong Liang:

Thank you for your question. The mainland has now gradually developed a complete, full-fledged, and highly competitive industrial system, with industrial scales of electronic information, petrochemicals, machinery and equipment, textiles, and other light industries leading the world. In recent years, we have issued supportive policies equally applicable to our Taiwan compatriots and enterprises, encouraging them to participate in Fujian's development of electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemicals, modern textiles and clothing, new materials, new energy, new medicine, and other industries. In addition, we have sped up the building of a Straits regional innovation platform to open up broader prospects of development for our Taiwan compatriots and enterprises.

Going forward, we will follow the guidance and boost the integrated development of Fujian-Taiwan industrial, supply, and innovation chains by supporting manufacturing, collaborating on technology research, building collective brands, expanding market together, and partnering on capital. Measures will be taken in the four following respects.

The first is to strengthen Fujian-Taiwan industrial cooperation. We will focus our efforts on developing the Gulei petrochemical base in Zhangzhou city and the power battery cluster in Ningde city into an industrial base and advanced manufacturing cluster that pool cross-Straits production factors and resources as well as boast a global competitive edge. This aims to make the industrial and supply chains across the Straits safer and more resilient. 

The second is to innovate models of cross-Straits non-governmental capital collaboration. We will promote the establishment of a cross-Straits fund for integrated industrial development, support the innovation and upgrading of the Taiwan Equity Exchange under the Haixia Equity Exchange , and enhance the cooperation and alignment with the National Equities Exchange and Quotations. We will help more eligible, high-quality Taiwanese enterprises located in Fujian to go public and encourage more Taiwanese companies to participate in the development of the mainland's financial market. 

The third is to help Taiwan's agriculture and fishing industries, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, develop in Fujian. We will encourage Taiwan's farmers and fishermen to participate in the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in Fujian's rural areas and make it more convenient in terms of land use, financing, and domestic market expansion. Furthermore, we will support broader Fujian-Taiwan cooperation in such fields as trade in services, future industries, fashion and creative industries, and tourism resource development.

The fourth step is to cement Fujian-Taiwan cooperation on sci-tech innovation. We will encourage enterprises and research institutions in Fujian and Taiwan to jointly build platforms for generic technology R&D and make the Taiwan enterprises in Fujian more digitalized, intelligent, and internet-based. We will support Fuzhou and Xiamen to establish distinctive, complementary, and synergistic platforms for pooling talents. We will set up platforms for applying sci-tech achievements regarding the cross-Straits ecological environment and support our Taiwan compatriots' and enterprises' participation in the development of the green economy.

We hope that our Taiwan compatriots and enterprises will join us in working toward Chinese modernization and boosting Fujian's high-quality development on all fronts and jointly modernize cross-Straits industrial systems to strengthen the national economy and secure greater development for themselves. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thanks to all the speakers and friends from the media. Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Qian, Liu Jianing, Zhu Bochen, Yang Xi, Zhang Tingting, Huang Shan, Wang Ziteng, He Shan, Zhang Rui, Li Huiru, Liu Qiang, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnsten. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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