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SCIO briefing on plan for Shenzhen park of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone

China.org.cn | September 21, 2023


China Daily:

Building an international scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism involves personnel entry and exit, cargo management, the cross-border flow of funds and data, as well as intellectual property protection, and many other fields that touch on deep-seated differences in the legal, institutional, and regulatory aspects between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. What specific arrangements has Shenzhen made in promoting the implementation? In addition, what key projects will be implemented on the Shenzhen side? Thank you.

Qin Weizhong:

Thank you for your questions. As this involves some of the earlier arrangements in Shenzhen and the subsequent key projects, I will answer these questions. The plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ puts forward a set of clear requirements for building an international scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism. Next, with support and guidance from national ministries and commissions such as the NDRC, MOST and GACC, as well as the People's Government of Guangdong Province, we will fully implement the tasks outlined in the plan, continue to free our minds, innovate with courage and strive to accelerate the formation of a flexible, efficient and risk-controllable cross-border scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism. The GACC has just briefed us on the entry and exit of personnel and cargo. To put it simply, administration is divided by sub-lines in the customs supervision area of the Shenzhen park. In the first sub-line, the control of goods will be more flexible, while in the second sub-line control will be effectively implemented. And the goods enjoy free movements within the park. The purpose is to speed up the preparation and opening up of special cross-border ports in the cooperation zone. We have implemented "whitelist" filing management for scientific research institutions and enterprise exploration. In terms of the cross-border flow of scientific research funds, we have devised supportive policies to facilitate the cross-border flow of scientific research funds for enterprises in the Shenzhen park, promoted the establishment of an early-stage dual-currency Fund of Funds(FoF) and a series of sub-funds in the HTCZ, and directed more funding into the field of scientific and technological innovation. In terms of cross-border data flow, we have started construction of dedicated international data channels, and are exploring the construction of international information and communications facilities, including the Administration of International Communications Gateways . In terms of intellectual property protection, we will improve the intellectual property protection system to align with international standards, and build a whole-chain intellectual property protection system that expedites acceptance, authorization, confirmation and rights safeguarding in a timely manner. We are establishing a high-level scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property trading center. This trading center has already been established and is currently located at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Regarding the major project developments that you inquired about, as I just introduced, this Thursday we will hold a contract signing activity for projects in the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ. We have also done some preparatory work in the early stage. Around 40 projects have been signed and are now moving in. In addition, as I also just mentioned, the Shenzhen branch of the Hong Kong Science Park will officially open. Next, we will also step up efforts to build a large number of sci-tech innovation and industry projects such as the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Comprehensive Service Center, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Open Innovation Center, and the International Collaborative Innovation Zone. These efforts will bring together a cluster of Hong Kong and international key laboratory in advantageous disciplines, as well as high-level research centers and top enterprise R&D centers to create major synergy projects that support each other with the functions of the Hong Kong park and are closely related to the field. This will lift the development and construction of the HTCZ to a new level. Thank you.

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