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SCIO briefing on plan for Shenzhen park of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone

China.org.cn | September 21, 2023


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify your news outlet before raising a question.


We have seen that in recent years, the CPC Central Committee has issued a series of supporting policies and initiatives concerning major cooperation platforms among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, such as Hengqin, Qianhai and Nansha. As mentioned, specific arrangements have been made concerning the development of the HTCZ. What are the differences in the functions and positions of these four platforms? What are the considerations when developing the key tasks in the plan? Thank you.

Guo Lanfeng:

I will answer your questions. When we develop regional policies, we always emphasize leveraging the respective strengths and local features of different regions, and provide targeted support to empower them in specific domains. The reporter just now asked very good questions. Let me give a brief introduction about the characteristics of the major platforms, including Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha, and Hetao, along with some supporting policies.

Over the years, the CPC Central Committee has issued the General Plan for Building the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. As you all know, Hengqin Cooperation Zone is located in Hengqin, Zhuhai city, and covers an area of 106 square kilometers. The CPC Central Committee has issued the Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone. Qianhai cooperation zone is situated in Shenzhen, which has grown expansively from its initial 15 square kilometers to now encompass 120 square kilometers. Furthermore, the State Council has issued the Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao with a Global Perspective. Each of these plans has made specific arrangements for the construction of major cooperation platforms. Now, the State Council has issued the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ. The framework for the system of major cooperation platforms focusing on Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha, and Hetao in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA has been further refined and improved.

Based on the names of the four platforms, you can figure out their primary areas of focus. In terms of strategic position, these four platforms have distinctive focuses and distinct features.

For example, the cooperation zone in Hengqin focuses on the original goal of promoting the moderately diversified economic development of Macao. It's positioned to serve Macao and promote the integrated development of both Hengqin and Macao. The cooperative mechanism of mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration, and shared benefits between Guangdong and Macao is a major breakthrough. In other words, the 106 square kilometers of Hengqin Cooperation Zone mainly serve the moderately diversified development of Macao's economy. Surely, there is a major institutional breakthrough, known as the mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration and shared benefits, which we refer to as the "four joints" in our operations.

Qianhai Cooperation Zone, on the other hand, centers on the modern service sector – a prominent industry in Hong Kong. It bolsters the deepened collaboration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in Qianhai, aiming jointly to pioneer a testing ground for thorough reform and innovation and a portal for high-level opening-up. That is to say, Qianhai Cooperation Zone mainly cooperates with Hong Kong to develop the modern service industry.

Nansha Cooperation Zone has a relatively broad space, focusing on two key points: "comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao" and a "global perspective." We have developed a batch of industrial programs cooperating with Hong Kong and Macao. We have also established public service facilities serving Hong Kong and Macao and worked together with both regions to expand opening up.

HTCZ is the smallest platform among the four, covering an area of 3.89 square kilometers across two industrial parks in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. However, it boasts distinctive scientific and technological innovation features. It has strengths in straddling the boundaries between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, with its "one zone, two parks" consisting of two portions in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The area of the Hong Kong section is smaller. It houses an array of Shenzhen-Hong Kong tech innovation resources. It is pivotal in fostering a collaborative innovation hub and robustly supporting the building of the GBA into an international center for technology and innovation.

Based on the distinct missions of these four platforms, we have also implemented differentiated designs in the research, planning, task arrangement and policy measures. It can be said that we have tailored our approach specifically for each platform. For instance, as mentioned earlier, during the development of the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ, we have consistently adhered to "three commitments."

First, we are committed to giving importance to both technological and institutional innovation. On one hand, we have clearly implemented the "first sub-line" area and "second sub-line" area management for the flow of personnel and goods in customs supervision areas with specific closed management to promote the efficient and convenient flow of innovative elements and create a highly interconnected research and institutional environment with Hong Kong and the international community. On the other hand, we have supported interdisciplinary basic research and technological breakthroughs in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone, continuously generating a series of technological innovations and industrial achievements.

Second, we are committed to the coordinated development of the Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks. We have supported the strengthening of connectivity between the development timelines, key areas and major projects of the Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks. This includes promoting infrastructure interconnectivity, sharing of services and fostering collaborative innovation. By doing so, we have actively supported Hong Kong's strategy for technological innovation development and provided strong support for the planning and construction of Hong Kong's northern Metropolis.

Third, we are committed to the global leverage of world-class scientific and technological innovation resources. We aim to build a more open innovation ecosystem, promote the sharing of scientific and technological resources, and attract top global talent for research collaboration. We have fully leveraged Hong Kong's role as a "super-connector" to establish internationally leading clusters of scientific research facilities, actively integrating into the global innovation network.

Next, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will work with relevant departments and local authorities to support major platforms such as the HTCZ in exploring and accumulating experience in key areas and critical aspects. This will lead and drive comprehensive deepening of cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Thank you.

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