SCIO press conference on fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, advancing the high-quality development of China's energy sector | April 19, 2023


Over the past two years, there has been a regional energy supply imbalance in our country. As summer is around the corner, what are the work arrangements to ensure energy supplies in the summer peak consumption season? Thank you.

Liang Changxin:

Thank you for your question. The NEA has faithfully implemented the important arrangements for energy security and power supply made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and worked together with local departments and enterprises to ensure power supplies. During last year especially, we have effectively dealt with the challenges brought by high temperatures, drought disasters, and extreme water scarcity during the summer months. The country's maximum power load is expected to exceed 1.36 billion kilowatts this year, a substantial growth compared to last year. According to our research and judgment, power supplies across the country can be well ensured in general, though certain provinces may encounter a shortage of power during peak hours. We will strengthen coordination and make every effort to ensure the work relating to the following five aspects is done well.

First, we will lay more focus on monitoring, analysis, and early warning systems. We will intensify efforts to monitor power supply situation on a regular basis. During the summer peak consumption season, we will ensure power supply in line with the principle of "one policy for one province." We will also closely monitor water supplies and demand conditions in certain provinces like Yunnan and Guizhou, fully take into consideration the uncertainty of water supply during the flood season, and be well prepared for power supply work in the summer peak consumption season in advance.

Second, we will intensify the construction and production of supporting power supply sources and transmission channels. In accordance with the principle of "measured progress while allowing for flexibility," we will see that various power supply sources are operational before peak summer demand to ensure a stable supply. Among these, the supporting power supply will be no less than 17 million kilowatts. We will continuously optimize the regional main grid structure and enhance emergency response capabilities. 

Third, we need to ensure an adequate supply of thermal coal. We will focus on ensuring the stable quantity, quality and price of thermal coal supply. We will urge and guide local governments to speed up the construction of coal mines, promote the swift commencement of approved projects, and optimize the schedule of coal mines under construction to put them into production as quickly as possible. We will also urge provinces across the country to closely monitor the quantity and performance of long-term thermal coal supply agreements and ensure effective implementation and coordination through diligent supervision.

Fourth, we will make every effort to ensure the stability of power generation units. We will urge power generation enterprises to maintain a stable supply of thermal coal and gas, sign high-quality medium- and long-term agreements on thermal coal and gas, and strengthen performance supervision. We will also urge power generation enterprises to enhance both production and equipment management, and resolutely follow dispatching instructions to ensure that electricity generation units perform well and stably.

Fifth, we need to do a good job managing the load scientifically. We will urge local authorities to guide the public in supporting, understanding, and participating in demand-side initiatives. This will further enhance demand-side response capabilities, and effectively alleviate the pressure during peak hours. We also urge local authorities to further optimize plans for orderly electricity usage and refine their implementation. Thank you.

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