SCIO press conference on fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, advancing the high-quality development of China's energy sector | April 19, 2023



The 20th CPC National Congress outlined a grand blueprint for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization. What new missions and tasks will the energy industry undertake in promoting the Chinese path to modernization? Thank you.

Zhang Jianhua:

Thank you for your question; I would like to answer it. The Chinese path to modernization is a bright path for realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and embodies distinctive Chinese characteristics. The energy industry will firmly grasp the essential requirements of Chinese modernization and unswervingly pursue a high-quality development path with Chinese characteristics, contributing our energy-related efforts to building China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

First, we will provide a solid material foundation for building China into a modern country. Energy is the lifeblood of modern society, and ensuring sufficient, stable and affordable energy supplies an essential requirement for Chinese modernization. We must strengthen the foundations for energy supply security, develop clean energy supply systems such as wind, solar, hydro and nuclear power, and enhance the resilience and security of the energy industry and supply chains. This will support the building of a modern country with reliable energy supplies.

Second, we will provide essential support for building a modernized industrial system. The energy industry is characterized by its large scale, long supply chains, extensive coverage, active innovation, and strong driving effects, making it both a fundamental and strategic industry for the national economy. The energy sector will deepen the implementation of projects for upgrading industrial infrastructure and for achieving breakthroughs in key technical equipment. We will strive to foster new growth drivers, such as new energy and high-end equipment, construct a modernized infrastructure system and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

Third, we aim to provide strong support for safeguarding national security. Energy security is crucial for national development, people's well-being, and national security. Faced with uncertain and unpredictable factors, such as geopolitical turbulence and frequent extreme weather events, the energy industry will focus on improving the levels of self-reliance, safety and control over essential resources, infrastructure, industrial chains and supply chains. This will establish a new energy security landscape that supports a new development paradigm. 

Fourth, we aim to provide significant momentum for promoting sustainable economic and social development. Energy is crucial in building an eco-civilization and transitioning to low-carbon energy, which is the key to achieving sustainable development. We must accelerate the readjustment of our energy mix, improve our capacity to develop and utilize clean energy, promote the development of green and low-carbon ways of working and living, and thus contribute to the realization of a modernization where humanity and nature can coexist harmoniously. Thank you. 

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