SCIO press conference on 'Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies and Actions' white paper

On Oct. 27, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing on a new white paper titled “Responding to Climate Change: China’s Policies and Actions.”  November 2, 2021

Phoenix TV:

What measures will China take to enhance compliance and transparency in addressing climate change? Thank you.

Ye Min:

Thank you. Mr. Sun will answer this question.

Sun Zhen:

Thank you, Mr. Ye, and thanks for the question. On this topic, let's start with the Convention. The global response to climate change should be based on the unity and cooperation of all countries. The provisions of the Convention on parties to submit national greenhouse gas inventories and strengthen transparency are not only compliance requirements for addressing climate change but also a cooperative mechanism for building mutual trust and positive incentives. The detailed implementation rules of the Paris Agreement set higher requirements in terms of content, quality and frequency of communications to ensure that policy actions and effects on climate change are more comparable and transparent. At the same time, it also clearly gives developing countries some flexibility on the issue of transparency, and requires developed countries to provide financial and capacity-building support to developing countries.

As the largest developing country, China has attracted extensive attention in regard to its transparency around climate change. So far, China has submitted three national communications and two biennial update reports, including five annual national greenhouse gas emission inventories. The inventory data released by China is reliable and the accounting method is scientific, which has been widely recognized by the international community.

The statistical accounting system of greenhouse gas emissions is the basis for inventory preparation and transparency construction. After years of efforts, we have established and improved the basic statistical system of greenhouse gas emissions, put forward a statistical index system covering five categories and 36 indicators, and built a statistical reporting system for addressing climate change. At the enterprise level, we have issued accounting methods and reporting guidelines for greenhouse gas emissions of enterprises in 24 industries, and organized the accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions of enterprises. Recently, China has also set up a working group on carbon emission statistics and accounting under the leading group office of carbon peak and carbon neutralization work.

In the next step, China will continue to improve the statistical accounting system of greenhouse gas emissions, improve the support and guarantee ability to deal with climate change, ensure that China's statistical system to deal with climate change can meet the new requirements of the implementation rules of the Paris Agreement, and promote China's governance system and capacity to deal with climate change to a new level. Thank you.

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