Press conference on 'Hebei: Carrying forward the Xibaipo Spirit and rising to challenges in the new era' | June 28, 2021


Guangming Daily:

More than 70 years ago, the CPC Central Committee left Xibaipo in Pingshan county, Hebei province for Beijing for "a big exam in the capital city." With its profound revolutionary history and rich revolutionary resources, how is Hebei fully utilizing its advantages to conduct studies on the Party's history? Thank you. 

Wang Dongfeng:

Thank you for your question. This question goes to Mr. Zhang. 

Zhang Zheng:

I am delighted to answer this question. As the starting place of the CPC Central Committee's move to Beijing, and the birthplace of the Xibaipo spirit, Hebei boasts rich revolutionary resources. Many revolutionary sites, including the Xibaipo revolutionary site, the former site of the 129th division headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and the former site of the government of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region, are all located in Hebei, which is also the home province of many revolutionary pioneers and heroes, such as Li Dazhao, an important founder of the Party, and the Five Warriors of Mount Langyashan. We have earnestly implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on utilizing revolutionary resources in studying Party history. Mr. Wang has given clear instructions that we should conduct studies on the history of the Party under the theme of "doing well in the exam in the new era." Next, I will explain the situation from three aspects. 

First, we have made good use of red resources to study CPC history. Hebei is very rich in red resources. There are 21 national patriotic education demonstration bases located in the province, as well as 528 provincial, municipal, and county-level patriotic education bases. The number of Hebei's provincial patriotic education bases ranks among the highest across the country. To implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, we have launched high-quality "5+N" routes to turn red resources into spiritual products for Party history learning and education. The "5" routes cover sites of historical interest in Hebei and detail representative figures of profound influence from the founding of the CPC to the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression then to the Chinese People's War of Liberation. We also highlight events in the new era, such as General Secretary Xi Jinping calling for national efforts to battle poverty in Fuping county, and Hebei pooling provincial resources into three major projects, namely the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the construction of the Xiongan New Area, and the preparatory work for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Based on the "5" basic routes, "N" represents another 80 routes for Party history learning which span the entire province. For each route, its theme of study, activities, location, road map and schedule are all determined. In line with the requirements of the central leading group for Party history learning and education campaign, we have launched the campaign across the province to allow people easy access to Party history education and encourage them to learn and think. As a result, the campaign attracted more than 20 million people during the May Day holidays alone.  

Second, we have told stories about red activities to make people better understand our theories. We have staged plays with old heroes telling stories about red activities. We invited 21 storytellers to give five touching lectures in this vivid form, including a friend of the well-known martyr Wang Erxiao, who is 84 years old this year and who still protects the young hero's grave; as well as descendants and relatives of revolutionary forefathers and martyrs such as Li Dazhao and Dong Cunrui. Activities have been carried out across the province, inviting old Party members, heroes, role models, Party secretaries, and soldiers to give lectures on the Party history. These have aroused strong feelings among CPC members and officials, and especially students.

Third, we have made our red resources and stories into spiritual products while carrying out publicity and education among the general public on the history of the CPC, the country, reform and opening up, and socialist development. To give full play to the role of red resources as a vivid means to convey fresh values, we have conducted activities targeting three groups. First, for CPC members and officials, we produced several special lessons on the Party's history. Second, for students, we conducted an activity creating and singing songs themed on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC to carry out publicity and education on the history of the CPC, the country, reform and opening up, and socialist development. So far, more than 110 universities have participated in the activity, which will soon travel to all universities in the province. By doing so, students will integrate the Party history learning and education with songs, which will trigger new inspirations and a fresh understanding of the Party's theory. Third, for the general public, we created and put forward a batch of artistic works themed on the Party's history. For example, we produced a film about the creation of the well-known song "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China," which was written in Hebei by local composer Cao Huoxing. We also produced a film called "Revolutionary" to tell the story of Li Dazhao during his pursuit of the right revolutionary path, and a popular TV series "The Awaking Age" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. We recommend you to go see the upcoming film "Revolutionary" at cinemas in order to witness our forefather in pursuit of great revolutionary spirit. What's more, we released a song and dance drama to commemorate the creation of the well-known song "Unity Is Strength," which was written in Hebei 78 years ago and has been sung across the province ever since. By watching films and performances and by singing these songs, CPC members, officials, and the public will better understand and pass on the traditions of revolution. 

Next, Hebei will make further use of its red resources, better tell stories about red activities, advocate the great revolutionary spirit, and promote the CPC history learning and education campaign further in communities and among the general public, so as to let the campaign become ingrained in people's minds. Thank you.

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