Press conference on 'Hebei: Carrying forward the Xibaipo Spirit and rising to challenges in the new era' | June 28, 2021


Chen Wenjun:

Because time is limited, let's answer the last question.

Phoenix TV:

I want to ask about the situation in Xiongan New Area. We know that the construction of Xiongan New Area is a great national event and a strategy that will have lasting importance for the millennium to come. It has been more than four years since its official establishment on April 1, 2017. What is the current situation of the Xiongan New Area? What are the highlights of its development so far? Thank you.

Wang Dongfeng:

Thank you for your question. I will answer this question. The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a major historic strategic choice made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed, promoted, and devoted a lot of effort to the construction of the area. For more than four years, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and with the strong support of the leading group for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's coordinated development and its offices, central departments, various ministries, as well as Beijing, Tianjin, and other provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, we have mobilized resources from the entire province to promote the planning and construction of the Xiongan New Area. The picture of the future city is gradually unfolding and new progress has been made in the high-quality development of Xiongan and the building of an innovative development demonstration zone that can translate the new development philosophy into action. A high-standard and high-quality "1+4+26" master plan for the Xiongan New Area was created to take over Beijing's non-essential functions in a steady and orderly manner. Our efforts have paid off. A total of 3,756 Beijing companies have registered for business in the Xiongan New Area, and construction of the initial area, start-up area, and the Rongdong area has advanced steadily. With a total investment of over 230 billion yuan, a total of 125 key projects are currently under construction. Historic new changes have taken place in the management of Baiyangdian Basin's ecological environment and water quality. The forest coverage rate of the area has increased from 11% before its establishment to 30.5% currently. The Xiongan high-speed railway station was completed and put into operation at the end of last year. The four expressways and three national and provincial highways on the periphery of the area began providing service in May, spanning 545 kilometers in length. Regional transportation hubs for railways and expressways have been initially formed. The sense of gain, happiness, and security of the enterprises and people has been continuously improved in the planning and construction of the Xiongan New Area. As a millennium strategy and a great national event, the Xiongan New Area has received nationwide care, support, and the world's attention. Here are the highlights of the construction of the Xiongan New Area:

First, by using a global perspective, international standards, Chinese characteristics, and panoramic and scientific mapping, we have made and filed for the approval of various plans. The "1+4+26" plan system for the Xiongan New Area was devised by pooling wisdom of China's planning experts of all fields, as well as international planning experts. We solicited ideas for the master plan, even the regulatory plan of the start-up area, from across the world. At the same time, in preparing the plan for the new area, we not only drew up the master plan and the regulatory plan but also the landscape design of the city, its areas, and individual buildings. This is an innovation in plan formulation that ensures accuracy, effectiveness, and unwavering execution.

Second, we have strictly followed the construction plan of the Xiongan New Area to build an innovative development demonstration zone that implements the new development philosophy. We have implemented the important instructions and requirements of the General Secretary on "creating a Xiongan quality standard and making it a national model in promoting high-quality development." The entire system complies with international standards. We have monitored soil liquefaction and ensured that the geological structure of the area is stable and that it can withstand the power of earthquakes, floods, and waterlogging. The area's ecological environment fortification levels are at their highest, with 200-year flood prevention and 100-year waterlogging prevention. Additionally, we have promoted the building of a national ecological civilization pilot zone and will build a "coal-free zone" in the Xiongan New Area this year. We have also tried to avoid using fossil fuels in the area's development. For example, the large trucks used for the construction sites are hydrogen-powered, marking one effort to get rid of fossil fuels. With promises of zero-pollution enterprises and no untreated sewage, Xiongan's high-quality development is reflected in the quality of its projects. A series of standards systems and strict construction methods are in place to ensure the "Xiongan quality", providing support for the millennium strategy. 

Third, we have focused on relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital and promoted several Beijing enterprises to settle in the Xiongan New Area. We have emphasized the promotion of both high-end and high-tech enterprises, focusing on taking over existing firms. We have followed market principles in the implementation of taking over the non-essential functions of Beijing. We have successively issued positive and negative lists for the access and development of enterprises and industries. A trip for the relocation of state-owned enterprises to the Xiongan New Area has been successfully organized, aiming to take over Beijing's non-essential functions in a steady and orderly manner. So far, China Satellite Networks Group Co., Ltd. and China Sinochem Holdings Co., Ltd. have registered and settled in Xiongan. The central government has made it clear that a batch of Beijing universities, hospitals, headquarters of central state-owned enterprises, financial institutions, scientific research institutes, and public institutions will gradually settle in Xiongan. These span the high-tech and high-end industries and six major areas earmarked for relocation as determined by the central government. Hebei has provided support for the relevant work.

Fourth, we have coordinated for both ecological protection and pollution control in Baiyangdian to build a green and ecologically livable new city. We have addressed pollution concerns and protected the area as per the law and specific guidelines issued by the provincial Party committee and the government. The provincial people's congress issued regulations on the ecological management and protection of Baiyangdian. We have promoted the implementation of 243 treatment projects in water replenishment, dredging, pollution control, flood control, and drainage. The total water replenishment reached 1.58 billion cubic meters and the water level remained above seven meters. The water quality of Baiyangdian Basin has been improved from Grade V in 2017 to Grade IV in 2020, with some parts of the water reaching Grade III, recovering its function as the "Kidney for North China" at a faster pace. Forestation has achieved remarkable results, with an 18-square-kilometer Xiongan Countryside Park soon to open to the public. An eco-city with blue skies and clear waters is taking shape.

Fifth, we have vigorously carried forward the spirit of reform and innovation in the new era and actively built new pacesetters of innovation in systems and mechanisms. We have earnestly implemented the Guidelines on Supporting the Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening up of Hebei Xiongan New Area issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The provincial Party committee and the government, together with relevant central government departments and ministries, have successively introduced more than 20 innovative policies in land supply, investment and financing, housing security, technological innovation, social governance, education, medical care, and health. We have deepened the reform to streamline administration and delegate powers and ensured that the affairs of Xiongan are finished within the area. We have gradually delegated provincial-level economic management powers to Xiongan. The power of 343 administrative approvals at the provincial level has been delegated to Xiongan. With the support of the central departments and ministries, Xiongan New Area is taking the lead in reforming investment and project approvals, implementing the "one meeting and three construction letters." Investment projects now take 15 days to approve compared to the more than 60 days previously, giving rise to a set of efficient practices applicable to other areas. The Xiongan New Area is a millennium strategy and a great national event. The task is daunting and the responsibility is huge. We will always adhere to the political position, firmly establish a historical outlook, earnestly fulfill our main responsibilities, and solidly promote the high-quality development of the Xiongan New Area to make new contributions to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Finally, on behalf of the CPC Hebei provincial committee, the provincial government, and the people of Hebei, Xu Qin, Zhang Zheng, and I, are very grateful to the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee for providing us with this rare platform and opportunity. We also thank our friends from the media for their lasting support, help, and coverage of Hebei. All media friends are welcome to visit Hebei for interviews and for travel. The hospitable people of Hebei welcome everyone to visit this beautiful land! Thank you, friends from the media!

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Wang, Mr. Xu, and Mr. Zhang, and thank you friends from the media. Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Goodbye!

Translated and edited by Zhang Liying, Wang Wei, Liu Sitong, Wang Qian, Lin Liyao, Huang Shan, Qin Qi, Li Huiru, Liu Jianing, Zhang Junmian, Li Xiao, Zhou Jing, Zhu Bochen, Chen Xia, Zhang Tingting, Wang Yiming, Liu Qiang, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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