Press conference on 'Hebei: Carrying forward the Xibaipo Spirit and rising to challenges in the new era' | June 28, 2021


The Beijing News:

We have noticed that the environment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has constantly improved in recent years, with more blue sky and white clouds. My question is, what measures has Hebei taken to curb air pollution, and what roles has the province played?

Wang Dongfeng:

Thank you for your question. Mr. Xu will answer your question. 

Xu Qin:

Thank you. The air quality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has improved a lot in the past few years, allowing us to see more and more blue sky and white clouds. This is a result of the region's comprehensive implementation of Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization, which has brought greater green benefits for the people. 

Attaching great importance to ecological protection of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important instructions. Unswervingly adhering to General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions, the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee has been striving to build a beautiful Hebei province with blue sky, green land and clean water. We have drawn up and implemented the "1+18" series of policies and an action plan for containing air pollution, while utilizing scientific, targeted and law-based methods. Therefore, the average density of PM 2.5 in Hebei province last year had declined by 56.9% from that of 2013. From January to May this year, this decreased by a further 11.1%. Hebei is committed to winning the "battle for blue skies" as part of the coordinated efforts by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to curb pollution. We must fight the pollution in an all-round manner and find the root causes. That is why we have emphasized restructuring industry, energy and transportation.

First, we have adjusted the industrial structure. Implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for Hebei to cut overcapacity, adjust structures and accelerate shift of the growth model, we have handled overcapacity, restructured industries, and made innovations in accelerating shift of the growth model. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), Hebei cut production capacity by more than 82 million metric tons of crude steel, more than 55 million metric tons of coal, more than 11 million metric tons of cement, more than 31 million metric tons of coke, 49 million weight cases of plate glass, and 2.3 million kilowatts of thermal power. Meanwhile, we have stepped up efforts to foster strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries, and have seen the number of national high-tech companies rise from over 2,000 to more than 9,000 by the end of last year, while this number is expected to exceed 10,000 this year. High-tech enterprises above designated size are very robust, with their average added-value enjoying double-digit growth in the last three years. The industrial structure has been further improved and emissions have been reduced at the source. 

Second, we have further optimized the energy structure. We have insured cleaner use of coal and substituted coal with clean energy, promoting the development of green energy. Using clean energy for winter heating in northern China is at the core of improving air quality in winter. Resolutely implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on clean heating in northern China, we have upheld the principles of using gas, electricity and coal according to the specific conditions. With the huge support of the National Development of Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, pooling the whole province's efforts, we have replaced the use of coal in 11.25 million households with clean energy such as gas and electricity, thus improving the local environment. Meanwhile, we have accelerated the renovation of coal-fired industrial boilers, taking the lead in the country in eradicating those at or below 35 steam tons per hour. We have now phased out almost all of our more than 90,000 such boilers. As for coal-fired boilers above 35 steam tons per hour, we have basically completed their ultra-low emission renovation. We have taken an active role in developing clean energies such as wind energy and solar energy. By the end of 2020, the installed capacity of wind power and photoelectricity of Hebei amounted to 44.64 million kilowatts, ranking among the top provinces in China. 

Third, we have further improved existing capacity and deepened controls of industrial pollution. Hebei province has completed ultra-low emission renovation in industries like steel, coking, plate glass and ceramics, and further promoted the reduction of emissions in coal-fired electricity plants. Over the past three years, the whole province has completed 1,058 projects in ultra-low emission renovation and deep emission reduction, reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide by around 50% and 43%, respectively. 

Fourth, we have tackled pollution from motor vehicles. We have actively promoted transportation restructuring, and formulated regulations along with Beijing and Tianjin to prevent and contain pollution from motor vehicles and non-road mobile machinery. We have adopted the China VI vehicle emission standards, and encouraged more transportation to shift from roads to railways, and sea-rail multimodal transport. We have installed exhaust filtration devices on heavy-duty diesel vehicles. Coal transportation in Qinhuangdao Port, Tangshan Port and Huanghua Port has basically realized container gate-in by rail and water transportation. In addition, we have greatly increased the proportion of rail transportation for container gate-in and gate-out, and promoted new energy vehicles. Since 2019, almost all new and replacement buses were new energy vehicles. 

Fifth, we have scaled up comprehensive control of wind-borne dust pollution. We have created regulations to control wind-borne dust, promoting its comprehensive control on construction sites, city roads, and stock areas of enterprises. We have intensified efforts to plant trees, with 39.54 million mu of land afforested across the province, and forest coverage increasing to 35% from 31% during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Water Resources and other departments, we have advanced the management of riverways, further improving the ecological environment there. 

Next, we will adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding principle, and thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Progress and the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on Hebei province. Following the arrangements and decisions of the CPC Central Committee, we will fully implement the new development philosophy in a complete and accurate manner, and practice the principle that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." We will contain pollution and lower carbon emissions in a coordinated manner to speed up guiding social and economic development onto a "green and low carbon" track, so that people can enjoy more good weather with blue skies and white clouds. That's all. Thank you. 

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