ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era

Press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era | September 6, 2022

Phoenix TV:

How has the CAC explored and innovated internet management and governance since the 18th CPC National Congress? In addition, what problems and challenges still exist? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you. As the reporter said, we, as cyberspace administration workers, have been exploring how to manage and govern the internet and deal with the new issues and challenges internet management and governance face. Let me answer your questions.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that maintaining the initiative in the realm of ideology in cyberspace is to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and state power. The national cyberspace administration system regards cyberspace ideological work as the top priority of ideological work. Our work strengthens the Party's overall leadership over cyberspace ideological work and effectively enhances the sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency in fulfilling duties. We strictly implement the responsibility system for cyberspace ideological work and vigorously maintain ideological and political security.

Facing the new issues and challenges brought by the internet to ideological work, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core which sees it from the perspective of carrying out a great struggle with many new historical characteristics, emphasized that "the online public opinion work should be taken as the top priority of publicity and ideological work." The national cyberspace administration system insists that promoting positive energy is the primary guiding principle for the integrated development of media, which should be well regulated and made good use of, to firmly grasp the initiative of cyberspace ideological work.

First, we ensure we fulfill our responsibility. We formulated and implemented the implementation guidelines on Party committee (Party group) cyberspace ideological work responsibilities and the implementation plans for Party committee (Party group) cyberspace security work responsibilities, so as to ensure the Party's governance of the internet through concrete actions.

Second, we have held our ground. We have strengthened risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, established and improved working mechanisms, prudently monitored and responded to various sudden and sensitive public opinions, strongly refuted historical nihilism and other wrong ideas and viewpoints, and resolutely cleaned up all kinds of harmful information such as rumors and slanderous remarks, and audio and video of violent terrorist activities. We have strengthened the work of online reporting and built a unified rumor-refuting internet platform in China.

Third, we have strengthened governance. We have improved the system for integrated internet management which covers the leadership's management, positive energy dissemination, content management and control, social collaboration, law-based internet governance, and cyberspace governance by technology, to realize integrated online and offline governance.

Fourth, we strictly enforced the law. We have actively explored the cyberspace law enforcement system and mechanism that meet the needs of internet development, punished illegal activities such as violations of personal information security per the law, protected the rights and interests of the people, and safeguarded social interests.

In the next step, we will continue to deepen the exploration and innovation in comprehensive internet management. First, we will further strengthen the Party's leadership over the work of cyberspace ideology, strengthen top-level design, and build a cyberspace ideology work pattern featuring rational division of work, smooth coordination and joint management and governance so that we can take good care of the direction, the battlefront, and the team. Second, we will vigorously enhance the comprehensive internet governance capability. We will accelerate the construction of the integrated internet management system, give full play to its leading role in the management and governance of the internet, and provide strong support for creating a sound cyberspace ecology, building a clean and healthy cyberspace, and building China's strength in cyberspace. Third, we will ensure the platforms' primary responsibility is fulfilled. We will start with improving the laws and regulations, focusing on key areas and links, clarifying the boundary of an enterprise's primary responsibility, and ensuring enterprises shoulder due responsibilities for their information content management. Fourth, we will speed up increasing the level of rule of law in cyberspace, continue increasing cyberspace law enforcement's strength, and resolutely investigate and deal with various cases that violate laws and regulations. Moreover, we will effectively improve the efficiency of cyberspace management and governance and then transform the internet, the biggest variable element, into the biggest boost for the development of the Party and the country. Thank you. 

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