Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era
Beijing | 10 a.m. Aug. 19, 2022


Niu Yibing, deputy director of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, vice minister of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), and spokesperson of the CAC

Yang Shuzhen, director general of the Policy Research Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Zhang Yongjun, director general of the Comprehensive Cyberspace Governance Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Sun Weimin, director general of the Cybersecurity Coordination Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Wang Song, director general of the Informatization Development Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Qi Xiaoxia, director general of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Zhang Yong, a person in charge of the Cyber Communication Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission


Shou Xiaoli, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee

Read in Chinese


Niu Yibing, deputy director of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, vice minister of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and spokesperson of the CAC

Yang Shuzhen, director general of the Policy Research Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Zhang Yongjun, director general of the Comprehensive Cyberspace Governance Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Sun Weimin, director general of the Cybersecurity Coordination Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Wang Song, director general of the Informatization Development Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Qi Xiaoxia, director general of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

Zhang Yong, senior official of the Cyber Communication Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission


Shou Xiaoli, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)


Aug. 19, 2022

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. Today, we are holding the 22nd press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." We have invited Mr. Niu Yibing, deputy director of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, vice minister and spokesperson of the CAC, to brief you on the achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era and take your questions. Also joining us today are Mr. Yang Shuzhen, director general of the Policy Research Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission; Mr. Zhang Yongjun, director general of the Comprehensive Cyberspace Governance Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission; Ms. Sun Weimin, director general of the Cybersecurity Coordination Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission; Mr. Wang Song, director general of the Informatization Development Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission; Ms. Qi Xiaoxia, director general of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission; and Mr. Zhang Yong, senior official of the Cyber Communication Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission.

Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Niu for his introduction.

Niu Yibing:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press, good morning. It's a great pleasure to attend this press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." Thank you for your long-standing interest in and support for the work on cybersecurity and information technology application. Now, my colleagues and I will brief you on the achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era and take your questions.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has actively followed the development trend of the information revolution, coordinated the work on cybersecurity and information technology application with great attention, and realized historic achievements and transformations in this field. General Secretary Xi Jinping has charted the course and put forward a series of groundbreaking new ideas, visions and strategies, thus forming the important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace with rich and sophisticated connotations. Under the guidance of the thought, China, a country with an extensive cyber presence, is making big strides toward becoming a leader in cyberspace. This progress is reflected in the following 10 aspects.

First, the Party's centralized and unified leadership on cyber-related work has been enhanced. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has taken the Party's leadership on cyber-related work as an essential political principle, reformed and improved the leadership for internet management, and established the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission. Provincial, prefectural and municipal Party committees across the country have set up cyberspace affairs commissions, thus forming a three-level system for work on cyberspace affairs. Relevant documents have been issued, including opinions on strengthening cybersecurity and information technology application and the 14th five-year plan for cyberspace administration, to better implement the systems of responsibility for ideological work and cybersecurity, and ensure the Party's leadership on cyber-related work.

Second, mainstream values and positive energy have become more dominant in cyberspace. We have publicized the Party's innovation theory, promoted the spread of positive energy, organized publicity activities on major themes, and strengthened and improved international communication in cyberspace. We have carried out over 100 themed publicity activities each year with various highlights and held "China's positive energy" and "Five 100" presentations of excellent publicity works to boost the prevalence of positive energy in cyberspace. We have improved the online risk prevention mechanism to ensure ideological and political security in cyberspace.

Third, the system for integrated internet management has been improved. We have issued opinions on accelerating the establishment of a system for integrated internet management to promote preemptive and coordinated cyberspace governance. Since the launch of the "Clear and Bright" campaign, we have carried out more than 30 campaigns to address prominent issues such as undesirable fan culture, problems regarding internet accounts and online abuse, removing over 20 billion illegal and unhealthy pieces of information and nearly 1.4 billion accounts. We have issued opinions on improving ethical standards and advancing civility in cyberspace, launched the China Internet Civilization Conference, encouraged good netizenship, strengthened integrity in cyberspace, and worked to ensure a clean and healthy cyberspace.

Fourth, the building of cyber infrastructure has accelerated. China tops the world in the number of internet users and country code top-level domains. The country ranks second in the overall level of internet development. From 2012 to 2021, the number of internet users in China grew from 564 million to over 1.03 billion, and internet coverage rate increased from 42.1% to 73%. We have built the world's largest 5G and fiber optic networks with around 1.85 million 5G base stations and 455 million 5G mobile users. Fiber optic networks have been established in almost all prefecture-level cities, and all administrative villages and villages that have been lifted out of poverty have now been connected to broadband. Notable progress has been made in the deployment of the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based network, and China has the world's second largest number of IPv6 addresses. The country is stepping up its development of high-speed, ubiquitous, intelligent, convenient, green, low-carbon, secure and controllable information infrastructure with an integrated space-ground network and integrated interconnection.

Fifth, the digital economy has been gaining momentum. China has ranked second for several years in the market size of its digital economy, which increased from 11 trillion yuan in 2012 to 45.5 trillion yuan in 2021. The digital economy as a share of its GDP grew from 21.6% to 39.8%. The country's scale of e-commerce and mobile payment transactions are the largest in the world. The foundation for the development of digital industries has become more solid and the digitalization of traditional industries has been accelerated. In addition, we have held the Digital China Summit for five consecutive years.

Sixth, breakthroughs have been made in innovation in core information technologies. China has maintained its advantages in high performance computing, achieved leadership in 5G technology, industry and applications, and constructed the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System global network. The country has improved its chip development capabilities and the performance of domestic computer operating systems, and made positive progress in research on big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain. In 2021, China filed over 30,000 patent applications in the cyber and information sector via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), accounting for more than one-third of the global total.

Seventh, outstanding achievements have been made in using information to benefit the people and make their lives more convenient. Information-related services have been expanded, with internet-aided education and medical services further promoted. Great outcomes have been achieved in the fight against the pandemic through digital technologies. The campaigns to build digital government and digital villages have been accelerated. Over 1 billion people have signed up to China's integrated administrative affairs service platform, which enables people to handle such affairs entirely online and are not restricted by their location.

Eighth, we have strengthened the cybersecurity system and our capabilities in this regard. We have built and improved the cybersecurity protection system, enhanced protection of key information infrastructure, and strengthened data security management and personal information protection. The cybersecurity review has been carried out in an orderly manner. We have developed the academic discipline and talents regarding cybersecurity. The China Cybersecurity Week has been held for eight years in a row. We are also committed to the idea of cybersecurity for the people and by the people, significantly increasing society's awareness and capacities in protecting cybersecurity. 

Ninth, we have expedited our efforts to promote the rule of law in cyberspace. We have promoted the promulgation of over 100 related law and rules, including the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law. The Cyberspace Law Enforcement and Supervision Bureau has been set up to strengthen enforcement in cyberspace. Violations of laws and regulations have been rigorously dealt with. In the first half of this year, we summoned 3,491 websites and platforms for regulatory talks in accordance with the law, punished and fined 283 websites, suspended the operation or update of 419 websites, and taken down 177 mobile applications. Working along with telecommunication authorities, we have also dealt with 12,292 illegal websites, either canceling their permits or records, or shutting them down. In July, we imposed a fine of 8.206 billion yuan on Didi Global Inc, based on the findings of the company's violations of laws and rules.   

Tenth, international cooperation regarding cyberspace has expanded. We have held the World Internet Conference (WIC) for eight years straight, set up a WIC-related international organization, and put forward a concept paper and initiative for building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. The cyberspace governance ideas and suggestions proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping are gradually becoming international consensus. 

In the new era, we will follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace, and march forward with bravery to write a new chapter in the great cause of cyberspace work in order to provide strong services, support, and guarantee for achieving the second centenary goal. Thank you all. 


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you for your introduction, Mr. Niu. Now is the Q&A session. Please identify your news outlet before raising questions. Now the floor is open. 

China News Service: 

We can see from your introduction just now that significant achievements have been made in building China's strength in cyberspace since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. Can you please decode what's behind all these achievements? What are the plans for the future? Thank you. 

Niu Yibing:

Thank you for your questions. I hope my answer can be something of a "decode."

Reflecting on China's cyberspace development in the new era, our most prominent and deepest feeling is that the rapid development, tremendous changes, and remarkable achievements, in the final analysis, are a result of the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, as well as a result of the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace. As the core of the CPC and its Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping led and promoted China's cyberspace development, pointing the way forward and providing the fundamental principles for our work. 

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have strengthened our work in cyberspace through practice and made innovations while keeping to the right path, thus achieving hard-won and precious experience. The experience is demonstrated in the following aspects: We must uphold the principle of the Party overseeing the internet and keep strengthening the Party's overall leadership over cyberspace work; we must follow the guidance of important ideas and thoughts, using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace, to lead our cyberspace work; our work must be people-centered, so that the people can have a better sense of gain, happiness and security; we must be committed to reform and innovation, continuously exploring ways of cyberspace governance with Chinese characteristics; we must stick to coordination and negotiation, in order to boost cohesion to build China's strength in cyberspace; we must also be committed to opening up and cooperation, in order to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace.  

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) and beyond, we will summarize and utilize the experience gained since the 18th CPC National Congress, so that they will be reflected and made full use of in our cybersecurity and informatization work. Following the requirements of developing strong technology, content, and talent pool, building a solid base and having a better say in related international affairs, we will strive to make key breakthroughs in major areas in order to achieve a great rise in cyberspace development. We will also cement our comprehensive strength in cyberspace so that a pattern of cyberspace work supporting the construction of a great modern socialist country will take initial shape. The internet will have more positive energy, a healthier cyber ecology, an improved industrial system, and become more civilized. Our capabilities of guaranteeing cybersecurity, making independent innovations, and achieving industrial development in cyberspace will be markedly strengthened. Our comprehensive strength in information infrastructure will reach an advanced level globally, and our governance capabilities of digital government and digital society will see all-around improvement. China will have a notably stronger international presence in cyberspace, and significant progress will be made in building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. Thank you. 



The digital economy provides a new driving force for global economic development. A report issued at the 5th Digital China Summit showed that the scale of China's digital economy remained the second largest worldwide, totaling $7.1 trillion in 2021. Can you please tell us the achievements that were made in building a digital China? What will we do to seize the development opportunities of the digital economy? Thank you. 

Niu Yibing:

Thank you. Mr. Wang Song from the Informatization Development Bureau will answer your questions. 

Wang Song:

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has systematically planned, coordinated, and promoted the construction of Digital China, achieving remarkable results. 

First, digital infrastructure has seen leapfrog development. Mobile communication technology has evolved from 3G and 4G to 5G. China's 4G base stations account for more than half of the world's total, and our 5G base stations have reached 1.854 million, with the number of 5G users exceeding 450 million. Fiber-optic networks were established in all prefecture-level cities. All administrative villages have access to broadband networks. China now ranks second in the world regarding computing power, and active IPv6 users reach nearly 700 million.

Second, the release of the value of data resources has accelerated. From 2017 to 2021, China's data output increased from 2.3 zettabytes (ZB) to 6.6ZB, ranking second worldwide. Moreover, the scale of the big data industry rose from 470 billion yuan to 1.3 trillion yuan, and the practical data sets of provincial public data sharing platforms reached nearly 250,000.

Third, the scale of China's digital economy leads the world. The scale of China's digital economy in 2021 was more than four times that of 2012, accounting for 39.8% of GDP. Furthermore, the revenues of the large electronic information manufacturing industry and software businesses were 1.7 times and 3.8 times that of 2012. Digital transformation accelerates in various fields, providing strong support for improving the quality and efficiency of the real economy.

Fourth, the efficiency of digital government services is significantly improved. China's e-government online service index jumped to ninth place in the world. It has become a standard practice for governments at various levels to provide services via mobile phone applications. Positive progress has been made in making government services accessible through a single portal and on an inter-provincial basis, and digital anti-epidemic measures have accelerated the exchange and sharing of data. The widespread use of health codes has reached an unprecedented level, and their security and stability have been greatly improved. Since the beginning of this year, the bearing capacity of health code systems across the country has increased sevenfold on average.

Fifth, the general use of digital services for public benefit has accelerated. The population of netizens in China has increased from 560 million to 1.032 billion, and internet usage has reached 73%. We have established the world's largest online education platform and a national unified medical insurance information platform, and telemedicine covers more than 90% of our counties and districts. The internet-empowered poverty alleviation efforts have helped win the battle against absolute poverty. The building of digital villages has been steadily advanced, so urban and rural residents could share the fruits of digital development. This is the status quo of the Digital China initiative.

Coming to your question on digital economy. The world is experiencing changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century. China's economic development is facing the triple pressures of shrinking demand, disrupted supply, and weakening expectations. New and higher requirements have been put forward to accelerate the digital economy's development. The digital economy involves many aspects. We will strengthen the systems thinking in promoting the Digital China initiative. We will speed up the breakthrough of core technologies in the information field, advance the construction of new infrastructure, consolidate the foundation for the development of the digital economy, and establish and improve the data resource system. Moreover, we will enhance the momentum of the digital economy, advance the digital transformation in industries through innovation, boost the development of digital initiatives in key fields, and lift the core competitiveness of China's digital economy. We will continuously improve the governance system for the digital economy, and ramp up cybersecurity and digital security barriers to promote the regulated and orderly development of the digital economy. We will take an active part in international cooperation on the digital economy and build a community with a shared future in the cyberspace domain to benefit the people of all countries. Thanks.



Question from Bloomberg. Two questions, actually. So the first one is regarding companies that manage data and who are seeking overseas IPOs. I wonder if you could tell us some of the latest details, for example, how many such applications has the CAC processed? And how are those reviews conducted? Are they, for example, conducted under a tiered approval system according to the sensitivity of the level of a company's data, as reported by some media? The second question is about Didi. Its app hasn't resumed yet and that has led to some speculation that there might be more regulatory requirements pending or more regulatory actions pending. Can you share the latest progress in the case? And does the $1.2 billion fine you mentioned mean that your probe has finished? Is it concluded? And can Didi expect to soon get back to signing up new users and pursuing its expansion plans? Thank you very much.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you for your question. Indeed, your question is of very high interest and targeted. I'd like to refer this question to Ms. Sun Weimin.

Sun Weimin:

First of all, I will answer the first question. In alliance with the requirements of the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, the Personal Information Protection Law, and other laws and regulations, the CAC, together with relevant departments, revised the Methods on Cybersecurity Review, which began to be formally implemented on Feb. 15 this year. The revised methods require that any online platform operators' data processing activities that affect or may affect national security must be reviewed. Moreover, it stipulates that online platform operators having personal information of more than 1 million users must declare to the Cyberspace Security Review Office for review when seeking for overseas listing. According to the methods, the authorities will review online platform operators pursuing overseas listing, assessing risks of critical data, important data or a large amount of personal information being stolen, leaked, damaged, illegally used, and illegally exiting the country that may be brought about by listing overseas. They will also review risks to key information infrastructure, critical data, important data or a large amount of personal information being influenced, controlled, and maliciously used by foreign governments. Finally, they review the risks of online information security and other factors. We always support domestic enterprises that rationally use overseas capital markets for financing and development in accordance with laws and regulations. Opening-up is a fundamental state policy of China and a distinctive feature of contemporary China. The country will not change its resolve to open wider at a high standard, to share development opportunities with the rest of the world, and to make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all. This is my answer to your first question.

Second question. In July last year, to prevent national data security risks, safeguard national security, and guarantee the public interest, the Cyberspace Security Review Office conducted a cybersecurity review on Didi Chuxing in accordance with the National Security Law, the Cybersecurity Law, and the Methods on Cybersecurity Review. Next, the CAC will guide and urge Didi to rectify and eliminate potential security risks appropriately. We will strengthen law enforcement in cybersecurity, data security, and personal information protection. We will deal with illegal acts that endanger national cybersecurity and data security and infringe on citizens' personal information in accordance with laws. We will safeguard national cybersecurity, data security, and the public interest, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Thank you.


China Media Group:

"Xi Jinping: Building China's Strength in Cyberspace" was published last year. The book reflects General Secretary Xi Jinping's rumination on building China's strength in cyberspace, puts forward precise requirements, and makes significant deployments. Could you share your understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought in this regard based on the specific practices in cyberspace and information technology in the new era? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you. As I said just now, the historic achievements and changes secured in cyberspace and information technology are, in the final analysis, attributed to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace.

Now, Mr. Yang Shuzhen will answer your question. 

Yang Shuzhen:

Your question is significant, and I would like to answer it.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new concepts, ideas, and strategies on cybersecurity and IT, forming the critical thought on building China's strength in cyberspace. In my opinion, the thought has five distinctive features.

First, it is in keeping with the times. Nowadays, the great, strategic rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the changes in the world unseen in a century, and the tide of the information revolution are embracing a historic convergence. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace is a major part of the cyberspace chapter of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is a scientific summary and theoretical sublimation of the way of governance with Chinese characteristics and a guideline for the thoughts and actions that leads China's cyberspace and IT development. It has increasingly shown its strong power of truth in practice.

Second, it is practical. The important thought was developed through General Secretary Xi Jinping's local and central leadership practice over the long term. As early as working in Zhengding county, Hebei province, the general secretary pointed out that science and technology are key, while information is the soul. At that time, China had not yet entered the internet era, but he predicted the development trend of the future "smart century" with great foresight. While working in Fujian province, he creatively put forward the important strategic plan of building "digital Fujian," which has now become a source of ideas and practice in building digital China. During his work in Zhejiang province, he actively promoted the construction of "Digital Zhejiang." As a result, Zhejiang's IT development now leads the country. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace has been put forward clearly, leading to historic achievements and changes in China's cyberspace and IT sectors. China is striding forward from a big player in cyberspace to a strong player in cyberspace.

Third, it is creative. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace proposes a series of original ideas and scientific conclusions. It clarifies the important position, strategic objectives, principles and requirements, international propositions, and basic methods of building a strong cyberspace player in the overall cause of the Party and the country, forming a scientific system with rich contents and complete structures.

Fourth, it is people-oriented. General Secretary Xi Jinping underscored that the internet and IT development should prioritize the people so they can have a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security in IT development.

Fifth, it is internationally minded. The four principles of global internet development and governance and five proposals on building a cyberspace community with a shared future pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping are an essential part of his thought on building a community with a shared future for mankind. The principles and proposals are guidelines, point to international cyberspace security and development direction, and provide a practical path, which has won positive response and wide praise from the vast majority of countries worldwide.

Through preliminary study and research, we have deeply realized that General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound and clear understanding, long-term and in-depth thinking, and a scientific and systematic description of internet development. This reflects the profound insight and comprehensive grasp of the trend of the times and development by a leader of a major party and a major country. It shows a strong sense of vigilance and historical responsibility for our Party to stand the governance test, improve the governance capacity, and fulfill the governance mission; and also demonstrates the broad vision and mind to seek peace and development for the world as well as civilization and progress for mankind. Thank you.



The first question, to promote the building China's strength in cyberspace, what significant adjustments and supervision improvements will relevant authorities make in platform review? The second question, given the strategy of building China's strength in cyberspace proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, enhancing cybersecurity is the top priority. Thus, what technologies will relevant departments apply to improve China's early warning and monitoring capacity regarding internet early warning and monitoring to enhance cybersecurity? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thanks to this foreign friend from Reuters. The well-regulated, healthy, and sustainable development of internet companies has long been a common concern both at home and abroad. Just as you mentioned in your questions, cybersecurity has been the top priority of our cyberspace affairs. I will answer these two questions.

In recent years, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and relevant departments have improved the means and efficiency of supervision and issued a series of policies and regulations to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of internet companies. These effective measures have further clarified rules, drawn a clear bottom line, and brought better order to the industry. They have set up red and green lights for the development of enterprises, restraining violations of regulations among internet companies, filling the vacuum of supervision, and defusing potential risks for the development of enterprises. These measures will help deepen the reform of internet companies, strengthen their management, and regulate their operations, so that they can grow in a more healthy, orderly, and sustainable way.

As the working body of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission is the functional department to coordinate the development of China's cyber and information sector. It is always our important mission to promote the healthy and sustainable development of internet companies. We will, together with relevant departments, earnestly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee, work unswervingly both to consolidate and develop the public sector and to encourage, support, and guide development of the non-public sector, further the implementation of policies to ensure fair competition, continue to foster a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment, and continue to concern ourselves with and support the healthy growth of internet companies in terms of both scale and strength. We will strengthen communication between government and business, step up planning and coordination of preferential policies for enterprises, strengthen the publicity of policies and the guidance on public communication, further improve mechanisms for communication with enterprises, and provide strong support for enterprises to participate in major events and projects outlined in our 14th five-year plan. We will promote the development of enterprises while strengthening supervision and regulation, provide policy guidance while managing enterprises in accordance with the law, and give equal emphasis to both social benefits and economic returns. We will explore innovative standards and models of supervision, enhance cybersecurity for enterprises, foster a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of internet companies and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and take concrete measures to foster a strong, healthy and uplifting atmosphere for entrepreneurship. 

As General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out, without cybersecurity, there would be no national security, and no stable economic and social development, and the interests of the people could hardly get protected. Cyberspace departments nationwide have been working on making parallel progress in development and security, improving the system and capacity for safeguarding cybersecurity, and greatly strengthening the whole of society's awareness of cybersecurity and protection capabilities. The foundation for the work on cybersecurity has been continuously stepped up; the national cybersecurity emergency response system has been improved; the overall capabilities for network security situational awareness, case analysis, origin tracing, and emergency response have been enhanced; and a sound environment for cybersecurity featuring multi-party participation, mutual complementarity, and integrated development has been created. Thank you.


General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed that promoting positive energy is the primary guiding principle for the integrated development of media, which should be well regulated and made good use of. What progress and achievements have been made in promoting positive energy? What will be done next to strengthen the development of online content to offer more high-quality "online feasts" to the people? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thanks to the reporter from is an online media sponsored by People's Daily. Next, we will have Mr. Zhang Yong, deputy director general and first-level inspector of the Cyber Communication Bureau, answer your questions. 

Zhang Yong:

Thank you for your attention to the development of online content. General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed that online public communication should be the top priority of our publicity and ideological work. In accordance with the unified arrangement of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, cyberspace departments nationwide have taken online publicity of General Secretary Xi Jinping and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the top priority, coordinated online communication resources, increased supply of high-quality content, and launched a large number of phenomenal new media works such as "Watching the Main Peak in the Majestic Mountains" and "Holding Mother's Hand," demonstrating the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the leader of the major political party and major country in a comprehensive and multifaceted way and making the Party's theoretical innovations more accessible to the general public. 

We have been committed to making innovation on the basis of what has worked in the past and pursuing progress while ensuring stability. Focusing on major themes, we have earnestly carried out online publicity and set the agenda on major issues. We have proactively promoted in-depth integrated development of media, and accelerated constructing a landscape of mainstream tone in public communication, which integrates online and offline communication and coordinates domestic and international communication, in an effort to gain the upper hand in the guidance on public communication, ideological guidance, cultural inheritance, and serving the people. Focusing on major themes, including celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China, ecological conservation, poverty alleviation, rural vitalization, and combating COVID-19, we have launched a series of themed online publicity events, such as the event titled "The CPC bears its eternal great cause in mind, and the centenary only ushers in the prime of life," fully demonstrating our achievements in economic and social development, and creating an unstoppable force to enable us to forge ahead on the new journey and make still greater contributions in the new era. To improve online international communication and accelerate the construction of China's own discourse and narrative, we have launched online international communication events such as "A Date with China" and "DAKA China," in an effort to better tell China's stories and the CPC's stories and strengthen the attraction of Chinese culture, the affinity with China's image and the persuasiveness of Chinese discourse, enabling a far and widespread Chinese voice.

Next, our main task concerning online positive publicity and guidance on online public communication will be setting the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress and publicizing and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. We will understand the laws underlying online communication in a scientific way, and constantly promote innovation in work concepts, methods and means, carriers and channels, and institutions and mechanisms. We will continue to deepen online learning, publicity, and education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen the position of the mainstream tone in online public communication, and cultivate positive and healthy online culture. We will enhance and improve our online international communication work, strengthen the penetration, guidance, influence, and credibility of the mainstream tone in online public communication, making the Party's voice always the strongest in cyberspace and setting the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress with concrete actions. Thank you.


Phoenix TV:

How has the CAC explored and innovated internet management and governance since the 18th CPC National Congress? In addition, what problems and challenges still exist? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you. As the reporter said, we, as cyberspace administration workers, have been exploring how to manage and govern the internet and deal with the new issues and challenges internet management and governance face. Let me answer your questions.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that maintaining the initiative in the realm of ideology in cyberspace is to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and state power. The national cyberspace administration system regards cyberspace ideological work as the top priority of ideological work. Our work strengthens the Party's overall leadership over cyberspace ideological work and effectively enhances the sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency in fulfilling duties. We strictly implement the responsibility system for cyberspace ideological work and vigorously maintain ideological and political security.

Facing the new issues and challenges brought by the internet to ideological work, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core which sees it from the perspective of carrying out a great struggle with many new historical characteristics, emphasized that "the online public opinion work should be taken as the top priority of publicity and ideological work." The national cyberspace administration system insists that promoting positive energy is the primary guiding principle for the integrated development of media, which should be well regulated and made good use of, to firmly grasp the initiative of cyberspace ideological work.

First, we ensure we fulfill our responsibility. We formulated and implemented the implementation guidelines on Party committee (Party group) cyberspace ideological work responsibilities and the implementation plans for Party committee (Party group) cyberspace security work responsibilities, so as to ensure the Party's governance of the internet through concrete actions.

Second, we have held our ground. We have strengthened risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, established and improved working mechanisms, prudently monitored and responded to various sudden and sensitive public opinions, strongly refuted historical nihilism and other wrong ideas and viewpoints, and resolutely cleaned up all kinds of harmful information such as rumors and slanderous remarks, and audio and video of violent terrorist activities. We have strengthened the work of online reporting and built a unified rumor-refuting internet platform in China.

Third, we have strengthened governance. We have improved the system for integrated internet management which covers the leadership's management, positive energy dissemination, content management and control, social collaboration, law-based internet governance, and cyberspace governance by technology, to realize integrated online and offline governance.

Fourth, we strictly enforced the law. We have actively explored the cyberspace law enforcement system and mechanism that meet the needs of internet development, punished illegal activities such as violations of personal information security per the law, protected the rights and interests of the people, and safeguarded social interests.

In the next step, we will continue to deepen the exploration and innovation in comprehensive internet management. First, we will further strengthen the Party's leadership over the work of cyberspace ideology, strengthen top-level design, and build a cyberspace ideology work pattern featuring rational division of work, smooth coordination and joint management and governance so that we can take good care of the direction, the battlefront, and the team. Second, we will vigorously enhance the comprehensive internet governance capability. We will accelerate the construction of the integrated internet management system, give full play to its leading role in the management and governance of the internet, and provide strong support for creating a sound cyberspace ecology, building a clean and healthy cyberspace, and building China's strength in cyberspace. Third, we will ensure the platforms' primary responsibility is fulfilled. We will start with improving the laws and regulations, focusing on key areas and links, clarifying the boundary of an enterprise's primary responsibility, and ensuring enterprises shoulder due responsibilities for their information content management. Fourth, we will speed up increasing the level of rule of law in cyberspace, continue increasing cyberspace law enforcement's strength, and resolutely investigate and deal with various cases that violate laws and regulations. Moreover, we will effectively improve the efficiency of cyberspace management and governance and then transform the internet, the biggest variable element, into the biggest boost for the development of the Party and the country. Thank you. 


Shou Xiaoli:

The last two questions, please.

Jiemian News:

In recent years, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and other departments have focused on dealing with problems affecting sound online environment, such as vulgar pornography, chaos in the digital fandom circles, and cyber violence, which gained support from many internet users. May I ask what the cyberspace administration department has done to foster a sound online environment? What's the plan for the next step? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you. I mentioned in the introduction that the "Clear and Bright" campaign by the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission has carried out more than 30 special rectification actions, and we have cleaned up a lot of illegal and harmful information and accounts. I would like to ask Mr. Zhang Yongjun to answer your questions in detail.

Zhang Yongjun:

I can answer the questions. Cyber ecological governance has always been an important part of cyberspace management and governance. In recent years, under the great attention and strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission has aimed to improve the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security in cyberspace. We have solidly carried out cyber ecological governance work, mainly in three aspects.

First, we emphasize establishing rules and regulations to tighten the institutional cage of ecological governance. With the implementation of the Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content in 2020, we officially opened the prelude to comprehensively and profoundly managing the cyber ecology. We have successively issued circulars to rectify the fandom circle's chaos and standardize entertainers' online information, significantly reducing the room for irrational fanatic acts. We have formulated and revised regulations on user accounts, public accounts, and applications, to strengthen the supervision of the whole process and all elements. Moreover, we have published documents on subjects such as livestreaming marketing and livestreaming rewards, and refined the standards of conduct. At the same time, we issued relevant opinions on ensuring the primary responsibility of websites and platforms is fulfilled, and clarified the substance and tasks of the primary responsibility. The introduction of these documents has laid an excellent institutional foundation for cyber ecological governance. Of course, we have issued more documents than these, but I will not mention them all here one by one.

Second, we will strengthen routine supervision, prevent and deal with various kinds of ecological problems, urge platforms to improve community rules and firmly guard the first pass to ecological governance. Meanwhile, we will focus on key platforms, key website pages and important links, strengthen inspection in areas where most problems occur and have great impact, and deal with problems in a timely manner. We will focus on key issues and continue to crack down on deep-rooted problems. We will conduct strict investigation into and publicly expose platforms that have the most concentrated problems and fail to carry out rectification, so as to generate sufficient deterrence among participants. We will get to the root of problems and identify the causes and profit chains behind disorder online, striving to solve problems at the source.

Third, we will conduct special campaigns and resolutely crack down on prominent improper online behavior. The "Clear and Bright" campaign has produced notable results over the last few years and become a byword for purifying the online environment. Every year, we have addressed issues related to the online environment of public concern, including by following leads provided by many journalists in this room, conducted extensive research into identifying key targets for crackdowns and carried out multiple special campaigns targeting various kinds of problems online such as undesirable fan culture, fake view data, unhealthy short video content, cyberviolence and the protection of minors. We conducted more than 10 campaigns in 2021, removed over 22 million pieces of illegal information, punished 1.34 billion accounts, removed 2,160 mobile applications, and closed over 3,200 websites. During the process of network ecological governance, many network platforms have actively cooperated with us, worked proactively and made constant efforts, so as to jointly improve the network ecological environment. It is clear that our cyber ecological governance work has achieved notable progress in recent years. However, it also goes without saying that there are still some problems. Therefore, going forward, we will focus on prominent issues of great concern to the public, adhere to a problem-orientated and result-oriented working approach, constantly explore new methods, and continuously promote network ecological governance, in a bid to create a clean and healthy cyberspace for the many netizens in China. Thank you.


Southern Metropolis Daily:

My question is about building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. What efforts and achievements have the CAC made in this aspect? With the establishment of the WIC organization in July, could you please give us a preview of the WIC's development direction and vision? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you for your questions. We have already held the WIC for eight years in a row. As you mentioned, we also established an international organization of the WIC last month. I would like to invite Ms. Qi Xiaoxia to answer your questions.

Qi Xiaoxia:

Thank you for your questions. I'm delighted to answer them.

As we all know, the concept of a community with a shared future in cyberspace was put forward for the first time by President Xi Jinping in his opening speech at the Second WIC in December, 2015. Under the leadership of the widely recognized concept across the international community, we have enhanced the awareness of a community with a shared future and conducted our work from the following four aspects:

First, we have built a community of shared development. We have actively facilitated the construction of global information infrastructure and strived to build a digital development environment featuring openness, fairness, justice and non-discrimination. We have comprehensively implemented the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap and the Putrajaya Vision 2040, promoted the launch of the G20 Hangzhou Summit, put digital economy high on the agenda for the first time, and adopted the G20 Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative. We have also jointly launched the Belt and Road digital economy international cooperation initiative with relevant countries.

Second, we have built a community of shared security. We have signed memorandums of cooperation on cybersecurity with the relevant authorities of Indonesia, Thailand and other countries, and established cooperative partnerships with 274 cybersecurity emergency response organizations in 81 countries and regions.

Third, we have built a community of shared responsibility. We have promoted international governance of cyberspace under the framework of the United Nations (U.N.) and deeply engaged in related activities such as the U.N. Internet Governance Forum. We have also conducted international exchanges and cooperation on cyberspace including hosting the China-U.K. Internet Roundtable and the China-Germany internet economic dialogue. We have also held the China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum, released the initiative of building a China-Africa community with a shared future in cyberspace and put forward the China-Africa Partnership Plan on Digital Innovation.

Fourth, we have built a community of shared interests. We have worked with the international community to jointly bridge the digital divide, helped developing countries to improve their level of access and contributed to poverty eradication in the Asia-Pacific region by hosting APEC. We have jointly released reports with UNICEF, and conducted international cooperation on cybersecurity for minors. We have continued to make positive contributions to the implementation of the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Regarding the international organization, as Mr. Niu mentioned earlier, the founding of the international organization on the basis of the successful hosting of eight successive WICs is an important step to keeping abreast of trends of the information age and will deepen international exchanges and cooperation in cyberspace. As we have all noticed, President Xi Jinping expressed his hope that the WIC will encourage extensive consultation through dialogue and exchanges, promote the sharing of benefits through practical cooperation and contribute solutions and strength to the development and governance of the global internet in his letter congratulating the establishment of the international organization on July 12. The letter pointed out the direction and mapped out the vision for the future development of international organization. I would like to emphasize that the international organization of the WIC was started in China, belongs to the world, and acts as a shared platform for the international internet family. China, as the host country, is ready to provide continuous support and convenience for the high-level operation of the international organization. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you Mr. Niu, and thank you to all of the speakers and friends from the media. Today's briefing is now concluded. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Zhang Lulu, Zhang Rui, Yan Bin, Liu Qiang, Xu Xiaoxuan, Xu Kailin, Wang Wei, Huang Shan, Qin Qi, Zhou Jing, Wang Qian, Zhang Liying, Li Huiru, David Ball, Tom Arnsten, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.