ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era

Press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era | September 6, 2022

China Media Group:

"Xi Jinping: Building China's Strength in Cyberspace" was published last year. The book reflects General Secretary Xi Jinping's rumination on building China's strength in cyberspace, puts forward precise requirements, and makes significant deployments. Could you share your understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought in this regard based on the specific practices in cyberspace and information technology in the new era? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thank you. As I said just now, the historic achievements and changes secured in cyberspace and information technology are, in the final analysis, attributed to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace.

Now, Mr. Yang Shuzhen will answer your question. 

Yang Shuzhen:

Your question is significant, and I would like to answer it.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new concepts, ideas, and strategies on cybersecurity and IT, forming the critical thought on building China's strength in cyberspace. In my opinion, the thought has five distinctive features.

First, it is in keeping with the times. Nowadays, the great, strategic rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the changes in the world unseen in a century, and the tide of the information revolution are embracing a historic convergence. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace is a major part of the cyberspace chapter of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is a scientific summary and theoretical sublimation of the way of governance with Chinese characteristics and a guideline for the thoughts and actions that leads China's cyberspace and IT development. It has increasingly shown its strong power of truth in practice.

Second, it is practical. The important thought was developed through General Secretary Xi Jinping's local and central leadership practice over the long term. As early as working in Zhengding county, Hebei province, the general secretary pointed out that science and technology are key, while information is the soul. At that time, China had not yet entered the internet era, but he predicted the development trend of the future "smart century" with great foresight. While working in Fujian province, he creatively put forward the important strategic plan of building "digital Fujian," which has now become a source of ideas and practice in building digital China. During his work in Zhejiang province, he actively promoted the construction of "Digital Zhejiang." As a result, Zhejiang's IT development now leads the country. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace has been put forward clearly, leading to historic achievements and changes in China's cyberspace and IT sectors. China is striding forward from a big player in cyberspace to a strong player in cyberspace.

Third, it is creative. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on building China's strength in cyberspace proposes a series of original ideas and scientific conclusions. It clarifies the important position, strategic objectives, principles and requirements, international propositions, and basic methods of building a strong cyberspace player in the overall cause of the Party and the country, forming a scientific system with rich contents and complete structures.

Fourth, it is people-oriented. General Secretary Xi Jinping underscored that the internet and IT development should prioritize the people so they can have a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security in IT development.

Fifth, it is internationally minded. The four principles of global internet development and governance and five proposals on building a cyberspace community with a shared future pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping are an essential part of his thought on building a community with a shared future for mankind. The principles and proposals are guidelines, point to international cyberspace security and development direction, and provide a practical path, which has won positive response and wide praise from the vast majority of countries worldwide.

Through preliminary study and research, we have deeply realized that General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound and clear understanding, long-term and in-depth thinking, and a scientific and systematic description of internet development. This reflects the profound insight and comprehensive grasp of the trend of the times and development by a leader of a major party and a major country. It shows a strong sense of vigilance and historical responsibility for our Party to stand the governance test, improve the governance capacity, and fulfill the governance mission; and also demonstrates the broad vision and mind to seek peace and development for the world as well as civilization and progress for mankind. Thank you.

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