ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era

Press conference on achievements in building China's strength in cyberspace in the new era | September 6, 2022

General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed that promoting positive energy is the primary guiding principle for the integrated development of media, which should be well regulated and made good use of. What progress and achievements have been made in promoting positive energy? What will be done next to strengthen the development of online content to offer more high-quality "online feasts" to the people? Thank you.

Niu Yibing:

Thanks to the reporter from is an online media sponsored by People's Daily. Next, we will have Mr. Zhang Yong, deputy director general and first-level inspector of the Cyber Communication Bureau, answer your questions. 

Zhang Yong:

Thank you for your attention to the development of online content. General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed that online public communication should be the top priority of our publicity and ideological work. In accordance with the unified arrangement of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, cyberspace departments nationwide have taken online publicity of General Secretary Xi Jinping and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the top priority, coordinated online communication resources, increased supply of high-quality content, and launched a large number of phenomenal new media works such as "Watching the Main Peak in the Majestic Mountains" and "Holding Mother's Hand," demonstrating the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the leader of the major political party and major country in a comprehensive and multifaceted way and making the Party's theoretical innovations more accessible to the general public. 

We have been committed to making innovation on the basis of what has worked in the past and pursuing progress while ensuring stability. Focusing on major themes, we have earnestly carried out online publicity and set the agenda on major issues. We have proactively promoted in-depth integrated development of media, and accelerated constructing a landscape of mainstream tone in public communication, which integrates online and offline communication and coordinates domestic and international communication, in an effort to gain the upper hand in the guidance on public communication, ideological guidance, cultural inheritance, and serving the people. Focusing on major themes, including celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China, ecological conservation, poverty alleviation, rural vitalization, and combating COVID-19, we have launched a series of themed online publicity events, such as the event titled "The CPC bears its eternal great cause in mind, and the centenary only ushers in the prime of life," fully demonstrating our achievements in economic and social development, and creating an unstoppable force to enable us to forge ahead on the new journey and make still greater contributions in the new era. To improve online international communication and accelerate the construction of China's own discourse and narrative, we have launched online international communication events such as "A Date with China" and "DAKA China," in an effort to better tell China's stories and the CPC's stories and strengthen the attraction of Chinese culture, the affinity with China's image and the persuasiveness of Chinese discourse, enabling a far and widespread Chinese voice.

Next, our main task concerning online positive publicity and guidance on online public communication will be setting the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress and publicizing and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. We will understand the laws underlying online communication in a scientific way, and constantly promote innovation in work concepts, methods and means, carriers and channels, and institutions and mechanisms. We will continue to deepen online learning, publicity, and education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen the position of the mainstream tone in online public communication, and cultivate positive and healthy online culture. We will enhance and improve our online international communication work, strengthen the penetration, guidance, influence, and credibility of the mainstream tone in online public communication, making the Party's voice always the strongest in cyberspace and setting the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress with concrete actions. Thank you.

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