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SCIO briefing on NPC's decision on improving HKSAR's electoral system

Around China
The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on March 12 in Beijing to brief the media about the decision of the National People's Congress (NPC) on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).  March 19, 2021

Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group:

The Clause 7 of Annex I and Clause 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law, as well as NPC Standing Committee's relevant interpretations in 2004, stipulated a "five-step" procedure for amending the methods for the selection the Chief Executive and the formation of the LegCo. Why did the central authorities still adopt "decision plus amendments" approach, instead of authorizing the HKSAR to amend them in accordance with the "five-step" procedure? Thank you.

Zhang Yong: 

Thank you for your question. Amending and improving the electoral system of the HKSAR through the form of "decision plus amendments" is an important decision we made after repeatedly studying and carefully weighing various factors. Mr. Zhang just clarified its imperative and significance during his opening remarks. Here I would like to add one more point. 

The chaos in Hong Kong society in recent years has clearly exposed the institutional loopholes and deficiencies in Annex I and Annex II of the Basic Law. These can be demonstrated in two aspects. First, those who oppose China and destabilize Hong Kong have made use of the institutional loopholes in the electoral system to enter the political structure, brazenly engaging in activities that undermine not only the nation's sovereignty, security and development interests, but also the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Second, those who oppose China and destabilize Hong Kong have taken advantage of the institutional deficiencies in procedures, deliberately destroying the constitutional order and effective governance of Hong Kong and obstructing its democratic development.

We all know that as early as in 2007, the NPC Standing Committee made a decision which clearly stipulated that the fifth chief executive could be selected through general election in 2017. In August 2014, the NPC Standing Committee further stipulated the roadmap and timetable for selecting the HKSAR's chief executive and forming LegCo through general elections. Unfortunately, those who oppose China and destabilize Hong Kong made use of the "five-step" procedure to veto the proposal for electing the chief executive. As a result, the aim of selecting the chief executive and forming LegCo through general elections was hence far beyond reach. If the institutional loopholes enabling anti-China disruptors in Hong Kong to enter the body of political power were not fundamentally plugged, the "five-step" procedure you mentioned would exist only in name and lead nowhere. Through the "decision plus amendments," the NPC and its Standing Committee, at the state level, exercised its constitutional power to establish a democratic electoral system with Hong Kong characteristics that suits the actual conditions of Hong Kong. This is an effort to reform from the bottom to ensure "patriots administering Hong Kong," to restore constitutional order, and to improve governance efficiency, laying a solid institutional foundation for the sound and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems." Thank you.

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