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SCIO briefing on NPC's decision on improving HKSAR's electoral system

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The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on March 12 in Beijing to brief the media about the decision of the National People's Congress (NPC) on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).  March 19, 2021


The central authorities started rolling out a series of measures last year, including the formulation and implementation of the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. During the "two sessions" over the last few days, the NPC adopted the decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR. What is the impact of such a decision on the implementation of "one country, two systems"? Going forward, what other systems does the central authorities plan to improve? Thank you. 

Zhang Xiaoming:

I'll take this question. The NPC and its Standing Committee have adopted decisions or formulated the law regarding Hong Kong five times since last May, including the decision of the NPC on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard national security, adopted on May 28, 2020; the law on safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, adopted by the NPC Standing Committee on June 30, 2020; the decision of the NPC Standing Committee for the sixth Legislative Council of the HKSAR to continue to discharge duties, made on Aug. 11, 2020; the decision of the NPC Standing Committee issues relating to the qualifications for members of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR, on Nov. 11, 2020; and the decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR which was adopted yesterday (March 11, 2021). All these decisions and legislation — which have been adopted in a short period of time — are precise, effective and highly timely. On behalf of Mr. Xia Baolong and the relevant departments responsible for Hong Kong and Macao affairs, I would like to express our high respect and sincere gratitude to all the members of the NPC Standing Committee and every NPC deputy.

Hong Kong has been troubled by two major institutional problems since its return. The first lies in the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, and the other concerns the development of Hong Kong's political structure. The former problem led to the absence of a law in Hong Kong safeguarding national security, and the latter problem intensified political turmoil in Hong Kong. Thanks to the formulation and implementation of the law on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong, the first problem has been resolved. The NPC and its Standing Committee's amendments to the relevant laws this time and in the future are for the sake of the second problem. In fact, they concern political stability and the security of political power. Both of the two measures will work together to jointly lay a solid institutional foundation for the implementation of "one country, two systems" in a comprehensive and accurate manner, which will ensure the steady implementation of the principle in the long run, and usher in new progress of Hong Kong.

Regarding possible new institutional reforms that the central authorities may adopt, as I mentioned previously, the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee has explained explicitly in relevant resolutions in this regard. It has made the overall plan on upholding and improving the system and institutions of "one country, two systems," especially those systems and institutions to be improved in relation to the implementation of the Basic Law of the HKSAR. Moreover, we will also improve political, economic, cultural, educational and social systems and institutions. All these institutional reforms will definitely be advanced in light of the "one country, two systems" principle and within the framework of the Basic Law. Joint efforts from the HKSAR government and people from all walks of life in Hong Kong are needed to address the problems and make rectifications to restore order in certain areas, such as education. Thank you. 

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