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SCIO briefing on NPC's decision on improving HKSAR's electoral system

Around China
The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on March 12 in Beijing to brief the media about the decision of the National People's Congress (NPC) on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).  March 19, 2021

China Review News Agency:

The NPC decided to establish a candidate qualification review committee of the HKSAR. What significance does this have in ensuring the nomination of "patriots"? Does it conflict with the rights of HKSAR residents guaranteed by the Basic Law to exclude certain residents from standing for elections based on their political stance? Thank you.

Deng Zhonghua:

The candidate qualification review committee of the HKSAR will be established to vet and confirm the qualifications of candidates for members of the Election Committee, chief executive and LegCo members. It is an important system for implementing "patriots administering Hong Kong." It aims to rule out anti-China, destabilizing forces from the HKSAR's governance structure. It aims very clearly to exclude them and ensure that the chief executive, LegCo members, and the Election Committee members are all true patriots, and that the power to administer the HKSAR is firmly in the hands of patriots.

The establishment of the qualification review mechanism ensures that candidates' qualifications conform with the Basic Law, relevant laws, interpretations, decisions and local laws of the HKSAR. This is an entirely different matter from safeguarding the rights of the HKSAR residents as stipulated by the Basic Law, including the right for HKSAR permanent residents to vote and stand for election. The two do not contradict one another at all. Essentially, the qualification review mechanism provides an institutional guarantee for the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," ensuring the sound and sustained implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle in the HKSAR. It is a basic premise for HKSAR residents exercising the right to vote and the right to stand for election.

Just think what Hong Kong would be like if those who oppose China and destabilize Hong Kong occupied core positions of the HKSAR's body of political power? The turbulence over the amendment bill in 2019 cannot ever be allowed to happen again. Thank you. 

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