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BRICS Trade Union Forum opens in Beijing

International Exchange
The sixth BRICS Trade Union Forum opened in Beijing on July 24 to discuss the trade union role in sustainable development.

XinhuaUpdated: July 25, 2017

The sixth BRICS Trade Union Forum opened in Beijing on July 24 to discuss the trade union role in sustainable development.

The sixth BRICS Trade Union Forum kicks off in Beijing, capital of China, July 24, 2017. Leaders from 14 trade unions of the BRICS countries attended the event. [Photo/Xinhua]

The sixth BRICS Trade Union Forum kicks off in Beijing, capital of China, July 24, 2017. Leaders from 14 trade unions of the BRICS countries attended the event. [Photo/Xinhua]

It is China's first time to host the BRICS Trade Union Forum since it was established in 2012.

The two-day meeting will focus on issues including challenges and opportunities facing the labor world, helping achieve the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and strengthening exchanges and cooperation among the group.

The forum will release a declaration, a joint statement toward the BRICS Labor and Employment Ministerial Meeting and other documents.

The forum is one of the supporting activities of the Ninth BRICS Summit to be held in the eastern Chinese port city of Xiamen in September.

The five BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are home to 42 percent of the world's population. Their total share in the global economy has risen from 12 percent to 23 percent in the past decade, while contributing more than half of global growth.

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