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China stresses B&R Initiative has no military or geo-strategic aims

National Defense
The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China has no military or geo-strategic intentions, according to a Chinese defense ministry spokesperson Thursday.

XinhuaUpdated: May 26, 2017

The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China has no military or geo-strategic intentions, according to a Chinese defense ministry spokesperson Thursday.

Ren Guoqiang, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense at a routine press conference. [Photo/mod.gov.cn]

"The saying that the initiative has the underlying purpose of expanding China's military presence along the Belt and Road is ungrounded," said Ren Guoqiang, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense at a routine press conference.

Ren said that China proposed the initiative with the purpose of seeking common development by providing surrounding countries and regional cooperation with more public goods. The move also contributes to economic prosperity in such countries and to the regional economic development.

"China does not seek dominance over regional affairs or its sphere of influence, and China will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries," Ren said.