China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a white paper titled "China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System" on Thursday. June 16, 2016

四、推动北斗系统应用与产业化发展 IV. BDS Application and Industrial Development
中国积极培育北斗系统的应用开发,打造由基础产品、应用终端、应用系统和运营服务构成的北斗产业链,持续加强北斗产业保障、推进和创新体系,不断改善产业环境,扩大应用规模,实现融合发展,提升卫星导航产业的经济和社会效益。 China strives to enhance BDS application development, in an effort to build a BDS industrial chain which comprises the basic products, application terminals, application systems and operational services, keeps strengthening BDS-related industrial supporting, promotion and innovation systems, continuously improves the industrial environment, expands the application scale for integrated development, and increases the economic and social benefits of the satellite navigation industry.
(一)构建产业保障体系 (I) Establishing an Industrial Supporting System
——出台有关产业政策。中国已制定了卫星导航产业发展规划,对卫星导航产业中长期发展进行了总体部署,鼓励国家部门与地方政府出台支持北斗应用与产业化发展的有关政策。 - Industrial policies. China has formulated development plans for the satellite navigation industry, making overall arrangement for medium- and long-term satellite navigation industrial development, and encourages competent departments and local governments to enact relevant policies to support BDS application and industrial development.
——营造公平的市场环境。努力建立竞争有序的导航产业发展环境,提高资源配置效益和效率;鼓励并支持国内外科研机构、企业、高等院校和社会团体等组织,积极开展北斗应用开发,充分释放市场活力。 - Equitable market environment. China is making efforts to build a development environment for the satellite navigation industry marked by orderly competition, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation. It encourages and supports domestic and overseas organizations, including scientific research institutions, enterprises, colleges, universities and social organizations, to actively develop BDS applications, and fully release market vitality.
——加强标准化建设。2014年,成立了全国北斗卫星导航标准化技术委员会,建立并完善北斗卫星导航标准体系,推动标准验证与实施,着力推进基础、共性、急需标准的制(修)订,全面提升卫星导航标准化发展的整体质量效益。 - Standardization process. In 2014 the National Technical Committee on BeiDou Satellite Navigation of Standardization Administration of China was established, and the BeiDou Satellite Navigation Standard System was set up, which has been constantly improved. China promotes the standards verification and implementation, and expedites the formulation and revision of standards which are fundamental, generally applicable and in urgent need, so as to enhance the quality and benefits of the procedure-based development of satellite navigation.
——构建产品质量体系。着力建立健全卫星导航产品质量保障公共服务平台,积极推进涉及安全领域的北斗基础产品及重点领域应用产品的第三方质量检测、定型及认证,规范卫星导航应用服务和运营,培育北斗品牌。逐步建立卫星导航产品检测和认证机构,强化产品采信力度,促进北斗导航产品核心竞争力的全面提升,推动北斗导航应用与国际接轨。 - Product quality system. China is working to establish and improve a public service platform for satellite navigation product quality assurance. It also actively promotes third-party quality test, type approval and authentication efforts of BDS basic products used in the security sector and application products in key fields. It is regularizing satellite navigation application services and operations, and cultivating the BeiDou brand. It aims to gradually establish satellite navigation product test and authentication institutions, strengthen admissibility of third-party certification, promoting the upgrading of the core competitiveness of BDS products on all scales, and pushing forward BDS applications in line with international conventions.
——建设位置数据综合服务体系。基于北斗增强系统,鼓励采取商业模式,形成门类齐全、互联互通的位置服务基础平台,为地区、行业和大众共享应用提供支撑服务。 - Comprehensive service system of location data. China welcomes commercial operation to be introduced to help build the basic platform of location service based on its BDS augmentation systems, which will have extensive coverage of application fields and interconnections, and provide support services to different regions and industries and to public customers.
(二)构建产业应用推进体系 (II) Establishing an Industrial Application Promotion System
——推行国家关键领域应用。在涉及国家安全和国民经济发展的关键领域,着力推进北斗系统及兼容其他卫星导航系统的技术与产品的应用,为国民经济稳定安全运行提供重要保障。 - Application in key sectors. Great efforts are being made to promote the application of BDS technologies and products, which are compatible with other systems, in the key sectors related to national security and economy, to provide important assurance for the steady and safe running of the national economy.
——推进行业/区域应用。推动卫星导航与国民经济各行业的深度融合,开展北斗行业示范,形成行业综合应用解决方案,促进交通运输、国土资源、防灾减灾、农林水利、测绘勘探、应急救援等行业转型升级。鼓励结合“京津冀协同发展”“长江经济带”以及智慧城市发展等国家区域发展战略需求,开展北斗区域示范,推进北斗系统市场化、规模化应用,促进北斗产业和区域经济社会发展。 - Industrial and regional applications. China is pushing forward close integration between satellite navigation and each industry in the national economy, carrying out demonstrations of BDS industrial applications, formulating comprehensive application solutions for industries, and promoting transformation and enhancement in the areas of transportation, national land resources, disaster prevention and reduction, agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, surveying and exploration, and emergency response and rescue. It encourages BDS regional application demonstrations to meet the requirements of the state strategies on regional development, such as the "Coordinated Development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region," the building of "Yangtze River Economic Zone" and the development of smart cities. It is also promoting commercial and large-scale BDS applications, and enhancing BDS-related industries, as well as regional economic and social development.
——引导大众应用。面向智能手机、车载终端、穿戴式设备等大众市场,实现北斗产品小型化、低功耗、高集成,重点推动北斗兼容其他卫星导航系统的定位功能成为车载导航、智能导航的标准配置,促进在社会服务、旅游出行、弱势群体关爱、智慧城市等方面的多元化应用。 - Mass market application. The goal is to produce miniaturized, low power-consuming and highly-integrated BDS-related products, oriented to the mass market in the sectors of smart phones, vehicle-borne terminals and wearable devices. The focus is on pushing forward the adoption of satellite navigation and positioning functions based on the BDS and other compatible systems as a standard configuration in the fields of vehicle-borne and intelligent navigation, and promoting diversified applications in social services, transportation, caring for vulnerable groups, and smart cities.
(三)构建产业创新体系 (III) Establishing an Industrial Innovative System
——加强基础产品研发。突破核心关键技术,开发北斗兼容其他卫星导航系统的芯片、模块、天线等基础产品,培育自主的北斗产业链。 - Research and development of basic products. To make breakthroughs in key technologies, China is developing chips, modules, antennae and other basic products based on the BDS and other compatible systems, and fostering an independent BDS industrial chain.
——鼓励创新体系建设。鼓励支持卫星导航应用技术重点实验室、工程(技术)研究中心、企业技术中心等创新载体的建设和发展,加强工程实验平台和成果转化平台能力建设,扶持企业发展,加大知识产权保护力度,形成以企业为主体、产学研用相结合的技术创新体系。 - Establishment of an innovation system. China encourages and supports the construction and development of key laboratories for satellite navigation application technologies, research centers of engineering (technology), technology centers of enterprises, and other innovative bodies, enhances the capacity of engineering experiment platforms and achievement transformation platforms, supports relevant enterprises, and makes more efforts to protect intellectual property rights, so as to form a technology innovation system which relies on the enterprise as the main body and combines the efforts of universities, research institutes and application.
——促进产业融合发展。鼓励北斗与互联网+、大数据、云计算等融合发展,支持卫星导航与移动通信、无线局域网、伪卫星、超宽带、自组织网络等信号的融合定位及创新应用,推进卫星导航与物联网、地理信息、卫星遥感/通信、移动互联网等新兴产业融合发展,推动大众创业、万众创新,大力提升产业创新能力。 - Integrated industrial development. China encourages the integrated development of the BDS and Internet+, big data, and cloud computing, supports the integrated positioning and innovative utilization of satellite navigation together with mobile communications, WLAN, pseudo-satellites, ultra-wide band and Ad Hoc Network signals, promotes integrated development of satellite navigation and emerging industries such as the Internet of Things, geographic information, satellite remote sensing and communication, and mobile Internet, and encourages people to start their own businesses and make innovations, so as to vigorously upgrade the innovation capability of the industry.

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