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NPC session presidium meets

The presidium of the second session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) has decided to submit a list of draft resolutions and a revised draft law to deputies for further deliberation.

XinhuaUpdated: March 13, 2019

The presidium of the second session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) has decided to submit a list of draft resolutions and a revised draft law to deputies for further deliberation.

Li Zhanshu, executive chairman of the presidium of the second session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), presides over the second meeting of the presidium at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 12, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

The decision was made Tuesday at a presidium meeting, presided over by Li Zhanshu, one of the executive chairpersons of the presidium.

The executive chairpersons of the presidium proposed adopting the government work report that Premier Li Keqiang delivered at the session last Tuesday, after hearing review opinions by deputies and revisions suggested by the State Council accordingly. A draft resolution was drawn, which the presidium voted to submit to deputies for deliberation.

The presidium decided to submit a draft resolution on the implementation of the 2018 national economic and social development plan and the 2019 national economic and social development plan, as well as a draft resolution on the implementation of the 2018 central and local budgets and the 2019 central and local budgets to deputies for deliberation.

The presidium also heard revisions to the draft foreign investment law based on suggestions of the deputies, and voted to submit the revised version of the draft law to all delegations for deliberation.