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Premier Li urges proper handling of suggestions, proposals

Suggestions and proposals from National People's Congress deputies and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference members should be handled properly to achieve the desired effects, Premier Li Keqiang stressed on Feb. 7.

english.gov.cnUpdated: February 9, 2018

Suggestions and proposals from National People's Congress deputies and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference members should be handled properly to achieve the desired effects, Premier Li Keqiang stressed at a State Council executive meeting on Feb. 7.

It was reported at the meeting that over the past five years, 58,773 suggestions and proposals were handled. In 2017 alone, the State Council dealt with 7,471 suggestions and 3,665 proposals, accounting for 89.4 percent and 87 percent, respectively, of the year's total. These suggestions and proposals have offered solutions to a wide range of problems related to China's reform and opening-up as well as the vital interests of the people.

Proper handling of these suggestions and proposals embodies the government's law-based administration, and its efforts to address social concerns and serve the people through scientific and democratic decision-making, Premier Li said.

"The government must follow the people's wishes in exercising governance," the Premier said, adding that the suggestions and proposals, which reflect a variety of social problems and people's concerns, should be valued and studied carefully.

As the two sessions are just around the corner, the departments concerned should be more innovative in communicating with NPC deputies and CPPCC members, such as engaging them in relevant meetings or field inspections, to make their suggestions and proposals more targeted and feasible, according to the Premier.

He also urged related departments to enhance supervision and examination; disclose results via websites, new media and other platforms in a timely manner; and keep records of and deliver on commitments to win the trust of the people.