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SCIO holds spokesperson workshop

The State Council Information Office hosted a workshop for spokesmen and spokeswomen from departments of the CPC Central Committee and ministries in Beijing on June 8.

China SCIOUpdated: June 9, 2017

The State Council Information Office hosts a workshop for spokesmen and spokeswomen from departments of the CPC Central Committee and ministries in Beijing on June 8.  [Photo by Jiao Fei/China SCIO]

The State Council Information Office (SCIO) hosted a workshop for spokesmen and spokeswomen from departments of the CPC Central Committee and ministries in Beijing on June 8.

Shan Jixiang, director of the Palace Museum, and Yang Yu, commentator of China Central Television, made keynote speeches. The workshop was chaired by Xi Yanchun, spokeswoman of the SCIO.

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