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Liu Yunshan gives orientation speech at Party School of CPC Central Committee

Liu Yunshan, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee and president of the Party School of CPC Central Committee, gave an orientation speech at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

China SCIOUpdated: June 1, 2017

On May 16, Liu Yunshan, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee and president of the Party School of CPC Central Committee, gave an orientation speech for the second batch of students of this year's spring semester at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

Liu's speech focused on the Marxist standpoint, views and methods reflected in the speeches of President Xi Jinping. Liu pointed out President Xi's speeches are the new development of Marxism in contemporary China and have great political, theoretical, practical and methodological significance.

"In the past five years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the new achievement made in the causes of the Party and the country is essentially attributable to the guidance provided by President Xi's speeches," Liu said.

Liu shared his understanding of studying President Xi's speeches from six aspects.

First, firm belief and faith in communism and socialism. Liu quoted President Xi's metaphor that firm belief is like the calcium in the bones of the CPC members' mind. CPC members should uphold their conviction in communism and socialism as well as confidence in China's development path, guiding theories, political system and the Chinese culture.

Second, people-oriented perspective. Liu said that people-oriented perspective is the basic standpoint of the CPC and distinguishes the CPC from other political parties in the world. He elaborated on President Xi's vivid interpretation of serving the people in speeches, and reiterated President Xi's deeds for the people at local and central government for years.

Third, strong sense of historical responsibility. Liu said that the word "responsibility" is frequently seen in President Xi's speeches. President Xi not only calls for CPC members to shoulder their responsibility towards the Chinese nation and Chinese people, but also walks the talk himself. Liu added that CPC members should bear in mind their responsibility as China is now in the key period of meeting various goals and faced with a number of challenges.

Fourth, pursuing truth and working hard. "Empty talks would lead the country astray, and hard work can rejuvenate the nation." Liu cited Xi's remarks to call for the Party School students to seek truth and be industrious and practical in their work.

Fifth, innovation. Liu pointed out that visions like the "Chinese Dream" and "Two Centenary Goals" that President Xi put forward in his speeches have all demonstrated new characteristics of the times. Besides, Liu also stressed that President Xi has also given innovative and visionary guides and arrangements to the cause of further reform and opening-up.

Sixth, the methodology in President Xi's speeches. Liu said that President Xi's speeches contain both insightful thoughts and abundant thinking and working methods, like dialectical thinking, strategic thinking, historical perspective, sense of risk control, consciousness of problems, scientific planning and so on, which will inspire CPC members to better carry out their work.

On this basis, Liu called for the Party School students and government officials to comprehend Xi's speeches and the Marxist standpoint, views and methods integrated in the speeches to improve their capability, leadership and themselves.