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Logo, website unveiled for Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations

The logo and official website were unveiled Thursday for the upcoming Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC).

XinhuaUpdated: April 25, 2019

The logo and official website were unveiled Thursday for the upcoming Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC).

The logo for the upcoming Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC). [Photo/Xinhua]

The main pattern of the logo resembles a peony with six petals representing the six geographic regions of Asia. Nonrepresentational figures of the hand-in-hand humans are embedded in the logo to symbolize communication between different cultures. The seven colors of the petals indicate the colorfulness of Asian civilizations. The acronym of the conference – "CDAC," is displayed in the center.

The official website (http://www.2019cdac.com) will provide related and updated news and service information on the conference in both Chinese and English, including information for sub-forums, the Asian cultural carnival and Asian food festival.

Registration for guests and media will also be available on the official website.

The conference, scheduled to be held in Beijing in May, will focus on the theme of exchanges and mutual learning among Asian civilizations, as well as a community with a shared future for Asia and for humanity.