• Press conference: Pursuing green development


    Li Ganjie, secretary of the Leading Party Members Group and minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection

    Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economic Affairs

    Chair:Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the 19th National Congress of the CPC and deputy director of the State Council Information Office


    Oct. 23, 2017

    The press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a press conference on pursuing green development and building beautiful China, in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 23, 2017. Chinese Minister of Environmental Protection Li Ganjie, and Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs attended the press conference. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Weimin:

    Ladies, gentlemen, friends from the media. Good afternoon. Welcome to the sixth in the series of press conferences held at the Press Center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Present here are Mr. Li Ganjie, secretary of the Leading Party Members Group and the minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Mr. Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economic Affairs. They will introduce the work being undertaken on green development and in building a beautiful China.

    Li Ganjie:

    It's a great honor for me to be a delegate to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which gave me the chance to listen to General Secretary Xi Jinping's report. The report thoroughly presented an overall plan for work on ecological civilization and ecological and environmental protection. It is very encouraging. Taking this opportunity, I'd like to provide a brief introduction with our work in this regard.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has taken a series of fundamental, insightful and innovative measures to promote historic, fundamental and overall shifts in the understanding and practice of ecological and environmental protection. Much headway has been made with the best development of ecological civilization as deeper understanding has been achieved of the issue. The efforts that have been made in this field are greater than ever, the measures taken are more solid than ever, and the advancement of various programs is faster than ever.

    Generally, we have made unparalleled achievements in five aspects.

    First, there is deeper understanding of the requirements of ecological civilization. All Party members and all Chinese people have become more willing to, and more active in carrying out the philosophy of green development. The previous indifferent attitude has changed notably.

    Second, the efforts made in pollution treatment have been greater than ever. We have started the fight against pollution by launching three special action plans, each containing 10 articles, to prevent and control airborne, water and soil pollution. Infrastructure construction for sewage and waste treatment and for other environmental purposes has gathered pace. Coal-fired power generators with a total capacity of 570 million kw have been upgraded to achieve ultra-low emissions. Approximately 18 million old or high-emission vehicles have been taken off the roads. The rural environment has been improved comprehensively. More than 110,000 villages underwent pollution treatment, benefiting nearly 200 million rural residents. Smooth progress has also been made in the implementation of major ecological conservation and restoration projects.

    Third, regulations have been enacted more frequently than before. The Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform has approved more than 40 special reform plans on ecological civilization and ecological and environmental protection. Combined, they play a significant role in promoting green development and improving the environment.

    Fourth, supervision and law enforcement have become stricter than ever before. Several laws have been formulated or revised. They include the Environmental Protection Law, the Law on Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Environmental Impact Assessment Law, the Environmental Protection Tax Law and the Nuclear Safety Law. The draft Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution is now under examination by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The new Environmental Protection Law, which was approved in 2014 and enacted in 2015, together with new rules and regulations, are playing a positive role in ensuring enterprises closely observe the law.

    Fifth, our environment has improved faster than ever. In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region and Pearl River Delta region, the concentration of PM2.5, or hazardous fine particle matter, dropped more than 30 percent in 2016, as compared to the level in 2013, the year when the Action Plan on Air Pollution Prevention and Control was launched. The proportion of areas affected by acid rain nationally dropped to 7.2 percent from the historical high of over 30 percent in the 1990s. And the drop was not only seen in terms of area, but also in intensity. In regard to water quality, 67.8 percent of surface water of sections under national monitoring reached the level of grade I to III. The coverage rate of forest also increased to 22 percent from 16.6 percent at the beginning of this century.

    Besides tackling domestic problems, we have also played an active role in global environment governance. So far, we have approved participation in more than 30 multilateral conventions and protocols concerning ecological and environmental protection. In terms of international cooperation to respond to climate change, China has become an important participant, contributor, and torchbearer in the global endeavor for ecological civilization.

    In the next stage, we will fully carry out the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, especially the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will continue to adhere to the people-oriented development philosophy, and maintain a strong commitment to socialist ecological civilization. We will vigorously promote the progress of ecological civilization and ecological and environmental protection, and meet people's growing demand for a beautiful environment.

    First, we will be dedicated to maintaining political integrity, thinking in terms of the big picture, following the leadership core, and staying aligned with the central Party leadership, thus assuming our political responsibility in the development of ecological civilization. Second, we will seek to develop eco-friendly growth models and ways of life, and restore the serenity, harmony and beauty of nature. Third, we will focus on prominent environment problems, such as air, water and soil pollution, and promote continuous improvement of the environment. Fourth, we will work to protect and restore the ecological system, and increase the supply of high-quality ecological goods. Fifth, we will attach great importance to the reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization, and optimize the environmental administration. Thank you. 

    Guo Weimin:

    Now, let's welcome Mr. Yang Weimin to give a briefing.

    Yang Weimin:

    Good afternoon. I'd like to give an introduction to the institutional reform for ecological civilization and our achievements over the past five years.

    China has achieved fast economic growth through reform and opening up, but the ecological environment had become a weak point impeding national development and public wellbeing. Ecological environment improvement calls not only for more efforts, but, even more importantly, a reform of the system. Thus, this reform has been given top priority by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core since the 18th CPC National Congress, as a comprehensive reform process has developed. Of the 38 meetings convened by the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, 20 discussed such reforms, and created 48 specific measures. The third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee set 37 tasks for reform, among which 24 have been completed, nine are partly finished, and four are now underway. These sessions issued 84 important documents on deepening the overall reform process.

    In consideration of the lack of top-level planning for ecological civilization institutions, and progress in this regard lagging behind economic structural reform, in 2015, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council formulated the Integrated Reform Plan for Promoting Ecological Progress. The Plan establishes the framework of ecological civilization with "multiple pillars" and outlines eight systems that need to be established or improved. The Plan has been implemented smoothly so far. Among the 79 reform tasks that were targeted for completion between 2015 and 2017, 73 have been finished and the remaining six basically finished.

    Presently, work to create the institutions and systems related to ecological civilization is being accelerated in following aspects. We have advanced reform of the property rights for natural resource assets, improved the system for the development and protection of territorial space, launched trial reforms of the spatial planning system, improved the system for total consumption regulation and comprehensive conservation of resources, promoted the system for payment-based resource use and compensatory conservation and protection efforts, strengthened the environmental governance system, speeded up the establishment of a market system for environmental governance and ecological conservation and developed a comprehensive evaluation and accountability system.

    Building ecological civilization represents a profound shift in China's development. Over the past five years since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have launched more reforms, advanced more rapidly, exerted more efforts and accomplished more in this regard than at any time in our history. This indicates that the cause of the Party and the country, as well as the institutions on ecological civilization, are undergoing an historic shift.

    The following are some examples showcasing these historic changes.

    In the past, there was an undefined ownership of natural resources by the whole people, except for mineral resources. The problem had existed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core launched reforms on this issue, with the aim of determining rights and establishing a proper governance mechanism. Although it takes a long time to establish a comprehensive natural resource property rights system, we made a good start.

    In the past, nearly all places strived for large-scale exploitation and development, aiming to achieve industrialization and urbanization. Actually, that was not in line with natural laws and economic principles. Therefore, we promoted building a functional zoning system, encouraging developments in accordance with the requirements of optimized development, focused development, restricted development and forbidden development. For example, Beijing falls in the category of optimized development. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Beijing should be relieved of functions not essential to its role as the national capital, embark on an intensive development path and explore an optimized mode for development in populous and economically advanced areas. This is actually a restructuring of the city of Beijing and surely a project of historic importance.

    In the past, departments in charge of natural resource management all set up their own protection zones. Large in number and in area size, such protection zones lacked oversight. General Secretary Xi presided over the review and approval of the plan on piloting a national park system, including the Sanjiangyuan National Park (123,100 square kilometers), Siberian tiger and Amur leopard habitats (14,600 square kilometers), giant panda habitats (27,100 square kilometers) and Qilian Mountain (50,200 square kilometers). The plan calls for maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the ecological system within these protection zones, with the goals of returning an area of 215,000 square kilometers, or two percent of the country's land area, to nature and its wildlife such as giant pandas, Siberian tigers and Tibetan antelopes, and preserving more green space for future generations to enjoy. This move is unprecedented in China's history.

    There was also a long-existing problem of overlapping spatial planning. An area of land might have been planned for different utilities by different departments. Effective land use requires unified and complete spatial planning. General Secretary Xi required combining different types of plans into a single spatial entity, with one plan and one blueprint for any city or county. He presided over the review and approval of plans on provincial-level pilot programs in Hainan and Ningxia. The trial programs showed such practice was totally feasible.

    We are committed to the strictest farmland protection system, ensuring that China's farmland remains at or above the red line of 120 million hectares. However, this has resulted in weaker protection on other ecological spaces, as forests, wetlands, grasslands and even oceans were sometimes used for construction. General Secretary Xi said that our mountains, waters, forests, farmlands and lakes form a community of life, which means that if we want to protect the farmland, we must also protect other ecological spaces. Therefore, we have established the system for total consumption regulation covering land, water, energy, natural forests, grasslands, wetlands, deserts, oceans and mineral resources.

    In the past, some places pursued development at the cost of the environment and ecological system. General Secretary Xi said that GDP could not be the only criteria for assessment and we must establish a lifelong accountability system for ecological and environmental damage. With the issuance of a series of institutions, all regions and all government departments have raised their consciousness and initiative to protect ecological environment. This is also a fundamental shift.

    There are also many historic changes in environmental governance, which Mr. Li has introduced.

    On the basis of the achievements attained since the 18th CPC National Congress, the report to the 19th CPC National Congress called for speeding up reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization and building a beautiful China. The commitment revealed the will and determination of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to strengthen ecological conservation. During the process of securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and embarking on a journey to fully build a modern socialist China, we must take tough steps to prevent and control pollution, shore up weak points in the ecological environment and provide more quality ecological goods to satisfy the people's ever-growing needs for a beautiful China. In this way, we will make China a country with more blue skies, clearer water and greener hills, and realize harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Thank you.


    Guo Weimin:

    Let's move on to the Q&A session.

    China Central Television (CCTV):

    My question is for Mr. Li and Mr. Yang, and it concerns reforming the system for developing an ecological civilization. As the fourth group of central inspectors completed their environmental inspection, the campaign has left its footprints all over China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Over 10,000 people were held accountable for inadequate environmental protection. How do you see the result of this inspection campaign? During the process, some people were concerned that pollution might be able to creep back in, and some polluting companies might resume operations after the inspection team leaves. How to avoid this situation? What specific arrangement will you make to ensure that the inspection system will have long-lasting and effective deterrence of wrongdoing? Thank you.

    Li Ganjie:

    The Central Environmental Inspection is a major reform campaign initiated by General Secretary Xi Jinping after the 18th CPC National Congress to promote ecological civilization. The inspection, beginning in Hebei Province in late 2015, has now covered 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and was completed before the 19th CPC National Congress opened. The two-year campaign proved quite effective and has been widely recognized. Someone compiled a summary of the efforts and results of the inspection: it is favored by the general public, recognized by the central government, supported by the localities and has indeed solved many problems. I think that's an appropriate review. The marked results can be seen in the following aspects.

    First, we have greatly improved social awareness of ecological and environmental protection as well as green development.

    Second, we have truly solved major environmental problems of concern to a large group of people. In the four rounds of inspection, we received 135,000 public complaints. After weeding out repeated items, we have handed over 104,000 cases for full examination, among which 102,000 have so far been handled. After careful examination, we found that around 80,000 cases were related to garbage disposal, oil fumes, obnoxious smells, excessive noise and the polluting activities of various companies; in addition, there were black and odorous bodies of water needing treatment. Those problems were properly handled and the inspection campaign was thus warmly welcomed by the general public.

    Third, the Central Environmental Inspection promoted industrial restructuring and transformation in various localities. Many local areas, which regarded the inspection as an opportunity to promote green development and supply-side reform, have strengthened pollution control, internalized environmental costs and provided a more level-playing field for law-abiding companies. They have taken action against heavy polluters, tackled the problem of "bad money driving out the good" and greatly improved the scale and performance of industrial development.

    Fourth, we have effectively facilitated local environmental protection and improved the system for ecological civilization. Many local governments, taking the inspection campaign as a good opportunity, have conscientiously studied and analyzed the problems exposed, and have accelerated their establishment of related rules and regulations, which, according to our rough statistics, number between 300 and 400 items. The establishment and improvement of those rules and regulations has played a major role in promoting ecological civilization and green development.

    We also summarized the following six features of the Central Environmental Inspection and its achievements.

    First, we have been upholding the principle of "putting people first" and conscientiously studying and tackling the problems of social concern.

    Second, we have strengthened overall consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in terms of the big picture, follow the guidance of the leadership core, and keep in alignment, while also taking a clear stand in emphasizing politics.

    Third, we have been keeping a close eye on both CPC committees as well as government of various levels, to ensure that all are held accountable and that officials take responsibility for environmental protection in performing their duties.

    Fourth, we have been taking a problem-oriented approach to solve all issues.

    Fifth, we have dedicated ourselves to information sharing and bringing the role of social supervision into full play. Almost all the problems and the complaints we have received have been made public.

    Sixth, we have undertaken strict measures to hold violators accountable.

    The six clear features, which involve the successful practice of the Central Environmental Inspection, are suitable for national conditions and our national system. We will continue the practices in our follow-up work in both the Central Environmental Inspection and other undertakings for environmental protection.

    You just mentioned that some people are concerned whether the Central Environmental Inspection could be sustained and whether polluting companies could possibly resume their former behavior. Thanks to the widely-recognized and highly effective measures we have taken in the past two years, as well as the valuable practices and experience accumulated, I think we will undoubtedly carry on the campaign. In fact, after this round of campaign, the Ministry of Environmental Protection is speeding up the following efforts.

    First, we are making a full review of the four inspection exercises and will continue to improve the related mechanisms and supporting measures to prepare for the second round of the campaign.

    Second, we will promote the work of drafting rules and regulations related to the Central Environmental Inspection, so as to ensure it has a law-based, standardized and long-term basis.

    Third, we will make specific inspections targeting key regions, key industries and key problems. This is still in the pipeline and is expected to introduce related measures and take specific courses of action late this year or early next year.

    Fourth, we will continue to actively guide and promote the establishment of a provincial-level environmental inspection system. The central government needs to push the efforts being undertaken by provincial-level governments, and, in turn, ensuring that they will push prefecture and county-level governments. The former mechanism has almost been established, while the latter is being speeded up through reforms in order to "conduct direct oversight by provincial-level environmental protection agencies over those at a lower level." We are now pushing for the full establishment of the system with synergized efforts of both central and provincial level government so that it will play a bigger role in the future. Thank you.

    Yang Weimin:

    Mr. Li has provided a very good statement. In the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi said that, "we will take tough steps to stop and punish all activities that damage the environment." This has demonstrated the stance, attitude and determination of the CPC, which is to "take tough steps to stop and punish all activities that damage the environment" and, as was said earlier, "impose severe punishment for environmental violations". I believe that, through this kind of institutional arrangement, we will definitely establish a long-term mechanism, and form a social environment that deters and stops people from damaging the ecological environment. Thank you.

    The Wall Street Journal:

    My question is about the aims of improving the ecological environment while maintaining steady economic growth. Are there any contradictions between the two? How will the government manage to handle them? We have noticed that, under environmental protection requirements, some factories have suspended production, so will the suspension lead to an increase in the unemployment rate?

    Li Ganjie:

    Let me answer this question first. At the press conference the day before yesterday, I noticed a reporter raised a similar question with Zhang Yong, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)–namely, will environmental protection efforts affect the GDP as well as development? I think he gave a very good answer. It is impossible for enterprises not to be affected; however, the impact is partial and at a micro level. In the long run, there will be no impact from a macro and overall viewpoint. Enhancing environmental protection and promoting green development to strengthen ecological civilization construction are positively correlated with economic development.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping has often said we must affirm the concept of viewing "lush mountains and lucid waters as valuable as gold and silver," and this was reiterated and re-emphasized in his report to the 19th CPC National Congress. He also stressed that protecting the ecological environment means to protect productivity, and improvingthe ecological environment is to develop productivity. This is a scientific judgment based on profound rational analysis as well as sufficient and countless successful evidence-based practices. There are many successful cases abroad, and we also have similar practices at home. As time is limited, I won't enumerate them here.

    As for the issue of employment, you may know that the surveyed unemployment rate in major cities has dropped to its lowest level in recent years. I don't think we could have made such progress if our efforts on environmental protection had affected employment.

    I would like to say that, in the process of enhancing environmental protection, we have stressed it is going to be a tough and prolonged battle. A problem does not emerge in just a few days, and it's impossible to solve it overnight. Therefore, in the specific implementation process, we have paid close attention to the strategy and methods. On the one hand, we pursue zero tolerance against enterprises violating laws and rules that lead to environmental pollution; on the other hand, we deal with problems on a case-by-case basis according to the principle of classified guidance.

    Some media have reported that we took the way of "one-size-fits-all;" however, I want to clarify that we firmly oppose such an indiscriminate way, regardless of whether a thing is good or bad. Those enterprises violating laws and rules have been given time to rectify their problems, depending on their circumstances. Only those without any obvious existence value, which bring heavy pollution to the environment and do not function well even with rectification, will finally be shut down.

    It is because of such a strategy and method that our overall work has been supported by all, including enterprises and local governments. Therefore, I think environmental protection and economic growth have complemented each other in the recent past. Environmental protection has been strengthened and environmental quality has been improved, and at the same time, economic growth has not been affected. Thank you.

    China Youth Daily:

    As Mr. Yang mentioned just now, the reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization has been underlined at 20 out of 38 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms in the past five years. Widely-acknowledged achievements have been made in the reform. I would like to know: what difficulties and problems have been met in advancing the reform? What will be the focus of the reform in the future? Thank you.

    Yang Weimin:

    China's reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization is exploratory, as it is lagging behind our economic reforms and little experience can be drawn from other countries. There are indeed some difficulties and problems in the reform. For example, the reform of the property rights system for natural resources is still on trial. It is difficult to determine natural resource rights, as rivers, for example, belong to the whole people, and it is hard to identify their ownership.

    In addition, we have difficulty integrating relevant systems and institutions. The problem of overlapping responsibility or shared management between departments related to ecological conservation and environmental protection has not been solved root and branch, and more measures need to be introduced based on the plans made at 19th CPC National Congress. What's more, some reforms have been slowed down by the amendment of laws and regulations on management codes and rules, which is a complicated process.

    The biggest problem, I think, is that the market has not played its role thoroughly and the incentive mechanism is not full-fledged yet, although government supervision has been strengthened comprehensively. For example, more efforts should be made to establish a mechanism for maximizing the benefits of pollution reduction, which will be the focus of the reform.

    In a word, we will speed up the reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization according to the plans made at the 19th CPC National Congress by taking a problem-oriented approach and strengthening institutional weakness. Thank you.

    China Meteorological News:

    At the beginning of this year, China's meteorological and environmental authorities said they were working on a joint forecast and warning mechanism for fog and haze weather. How far has the work progressed? Besides that, in his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, President Xi emphasized that we will continue our campaign to prevent and control air pollution in order to make our skies blue again. What is the biggest challenge? Thank you.

    Li Ganjie:

    Forecasting and early warning play very important roles in combating air pollution. The situation regarding pollutant discharges along with meteorological conditions should be figured out beforehand. Thus, forecasts and warnings depend on close cooperation between our meteorological and environmental authorities.

    Over the past year or so, we have done a better job in forecasts and early warnings. I think the most important reason for that is the close and effective cooperation between our environmental and meteorological authorities. In fact, experts from [both sides] take part in consultations and bring their specialties into full play, especially in autumn and winter. As China's environment minister, I pay close attention to these consultations and have found that their forecasts are very consistent with the actual situation. This shows our cooperation has achieved remarkable success. Admittedly, we still need to further strengthen our cooperation in other fields, as a matter of fact, we are now discussing and working on this. I believewe will do a better job in related areas through joint efforts.

    You just mentioned that General Secretary Xi had called for continued efforts to prevent and control air pollution to make our skies blue again, which means higher requirements for combating pollution. We have been closely studying to understand the main ideas of his report, and are also undertaking a series of measures to strengthen our efforts in addressing pollution. The aim is to achieve remarkable success in pollution control, especially air pollution prevention, by 2020. Targets set out in the national plan on environmental improvements for the 13th Five-Year Plan period [2016-2020] must be achieved. A total of 338 cities at the prefectural level must achieve good air quality on more than 80 percent of the days in a year, while the density of PM2.5 in those cities not meeting the standard must achieve a fall of 18 percent on average, compared with the level in 2015. Meanwhile, we should also make plans and lay a solid foundation for the target of fundamental improvementsin the environment by the end of the next stage from 2020 to 2035.

    We are conducting studies to clarify the targets for fundamental environmental improvements. However, I think that, in regard to air quality, it means the national average of PM2.5 concentration will not exceed 35 micrograms per cubic meter, even in some major regions, the average PM2.5 density should also be decreased to meet that target. It is not easy to achieve these and they will need our great effort. We will strive to do our job better to improve the environment and meet people's requirements for a beautiful ecological environment. Thank you.

    Phoenix Satellite Television:

    I have a question for Mr. Li. We have noticed that this is the final year to implement the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, but we can also see that there is still some shortfall in some places including major cities such as Beijing. Would you please introduce the follow-up measures of the Ministry of Environmental Protection? We have also noted that the smog since autumn has not been reduced this year. Does it indicate that not enough factories have been shut down? Are there other measures which can prove more powerful later on? Thank you.

    Li Ganjie:

    I have introduced some aspects of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan when I answered questions just now; now, I will elaborate since you have raised the question. The Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan made and released in September 2013 has yielded quite obvious effects in the past four years, which show that the thoughts, directions, paths and measures specified in the Plan are appropriate and well-implemented.

    Here are three sets of data. First, the Plan specified monitoring PM10 in 338 prefecture-level cities, and, by 2016, PM10 had decreased by 15.5 percent. Second, the average PM2.5 concentrations of the three main regions, in 2016, fell by 33 percent in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, 31.3 percent in the Yangtze River Delta and 31.9 percent in the Pearl River Delta respectively. Third, the proportion of days with high and medium-high air quality increased from 60.5 percent to 74.2 percent through four years of concentrated efforts, representing a gain of 13.7 percentage points; the proportion of days with heavy pollution decreased from 8.6 percent to 3 percent, down 5.6 percentage points. This data shows the significant progress made under the Plan during these four years.

    Meanwhile, there are, indeed, still many problems in preventing and controlling air pollution. First, the pollution is still quite heavy overall, and air quality is unsatisfactory with a quite large gap with public expectations and requirements. Only 84 out of the 338 cities, 24.8 percent of the total, have met the standard. The average PM10 concentration nationwide is 82 micrograms per cubic meter, 17.1 percent higher than the standard of 70 micrograms per cubic meter. The average PM2.5 concentration was 47 micrograms per cubic meter in 2016, 34.3 percent higher than the standard of 35 micrograms per cubic meter. So, pollution is still quite heavy overall.

    Second, the pollution in key regions and during key periods is more serious, for example severe pollution frequently appears in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the surrounding areas in North China during autumn and winter; especially last winter, severe pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region aroused a heated public response.

    Third, improvements and progress in the structures of industry, energy and transportation, despite some gains, are not satisfactory and obvious enough. The heavy and chemical industries, coal and highway transportation still account for far too high a percentage.

    Fourth, many problems are still to be solved in regulating the law-abiding discharge of companies. Some companies, lacking legal consciousness, are still violating the laws and regulations to discharge beyond the limits.

    Fifth, the supervisory pressure is not being effectively conveyed to the implementers. Especially in some places, we can see anxious supervisors, but relaxed implementers, and some of our policies and measures are obviously not being fully implemented.

    These problems do exist and are prominent in some places, and this naturally makes you concerned about whether we can accomplish the objectives in the Plan this year or not, what our follow-up measures will be, and whether we will keep it up or not. To be honest, we are fully aware of these problems, and we will fulfill our tasks this year in accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee.

    Actually we carried out in-depth research a few months ago concerning the existing problems, and launched related work accordingly, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the surrounding areas receiving wide attention. Certainly, other parts of the country have been covered as well. Here, I am just taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the surrounding areas as a typical example.

    The Ministry of Environmental Protection, together with 10 other government departments and all six provinces and municipalities of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the surrounding areas - Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Shanxi - worked out a 2017-2018 Action Plan for the Comprehensive Control of Air Pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the Surrounding Areas during Autumn and Winter and six specialized schemes to effectively prevent and control air pollution this autumn and winter. The action plan has been published, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection has held a press conference specially to popularize it.

    We are vigorously promoting this "1+6" document system and have achieved a satisfactory outcome. The documentary system and some specific actions we have taken so far demonstrate the following 10 features.

    First, key works highlighted;

    Second, systematic and comprehensive measures;

    Third, tasks specified;

    Fourth, Party committees and governments focused;

    Fifth, elites and talents mobilized;

    Sixth, technical support strengthened. We have sent a group of experts to each city respectively to guide their pollution prevention and control programs.

    Seventh, overall coordination strengthened. We are pushing forward unified planning, standards, licensing, monitoring, law enforcement and emergency addressing to build an air protection agency and carry out its regional pilot.

    Eighth, quantitative and rigid accountability. Applied for the first time in environmental protection, we believe it will play its assigned role. Actually, it is already in play.

    Ninth, complete openness and transparency. As you may have noted, there has been much information about addressing the air pollution issues of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the surrounding areas recently, which is closely related to this feature.

    Tenth, publicity and guidance enhanced. Publicity and guidance play a critical role in our endeavors to tackle pollution. These efforts will, on the one hand, lead the public to understand the importance, necessity, urgency and legitimacy of carrying out specialized actions, and, on the other hand, make everyone aware that to bring the PM2.5 level and overall air pollution under control requires tremendous and unremitting efforts. So, we should have both the determination and confidence to make such efforts, and the patience to make unremitting endeavor. Instead of being too anxious for success, we should know that a problem created over a long period can hardly be solved overnight.

    We are intensifying our efforts to carry forward the work in accordance with the arrangement, and the endeavor starts from this September and lasts until March next year. However, I would like to emphasize that our endeavors will not stop then. Rather, we will carry it on in the next few years. So, in this sense, these moves are not merely a campaign, and instead, we are exploring and establishing a long-term mechanism that has so far shown to be effective, so we are sure to keep it up. That is all. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    You mentioned experts have been sent to every city of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region just now. Are you referring to the prefecture-level cities?

    Li Ganjie:

    Yes, every prefecture-level city.

    Commercial Radio Hong Kong:

    My question is to Mr. Yang Weimin. Currently there are some green financial products in Hong Kong. As the southbound trading of Bond Connect remains unopened, is there any timetable being hopefully fixed for the start of the operation? Moreover, in the following five years, will there be any policies to further promote interconnection between the mainland and Hong Kong, especially, in the sector of green finance? Thank you.

    Yang Weimin:

    As I mentioned, there remains big potential for green development to be explored in China by the use of the marketing mechanism, and the green finance is among those efforts. The report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress particularly addressed the development of green finance. Last year, the People's Bank of China and other pertinent authorities jointly issued the Opinions of Building Green Finance System, with obligations assigned to different departments and the measures are now being implemented.

    The development of the green finance has achieved notable progress in its nascent stage. For instance, in the first nine months of this year, labeled green bonds issued in our country amounted to 134 billion yuan, accounting for 24 percent of global issuance and taking a leading role in the international market.

    By February, the green credit surplus from 21 major financial institutions reached 7.51 trillion yuan, a comparatively small amount, although, comparing it to the colossal credit scale, it is growing fast to reach 8.8 percent of the credit market. Besides, the continuous inception of innovative products, such as the green index products, have helped diversify market options for investors.

    Some reforms are still underway. For example, the Ministry of Finance is deliberating on an agenda to establish a State Green Development Fund; some authorities, particularly, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, are mulling ways to better release the environmental information of the listed companies, and the People's Bank of China is expected to launch major measures to build innovative pilot zones for green financial reform and encourage efforts to foster international cooperation, such as financial dialogues with Britain and France, not to mention the ongoing cooperation of green finance.

    However, despite such progress, the development, in view of the exponentially huge green market, remains insufficient and requires further exploration.

    As Hong Kong is one of the major financial hubs in the world, I believe the mainland will closely connect and cooperate with it to achieve mutual benefits and win-win outcomes, so as to promote the development of green finance and to support the growth of the country's green industries, sectors and programs. Thank you.

    Zhong Hua He Zuo Shi Bao:

    General Secretary Xi Jinping put forth the encouraging rural vitalization strategy in his report delivered at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress. I notice that many measures now in place are closely related to rural development, such as the province-wide unified distribution and delivery of pesticides by supply and marketing cooperatives at bid-winning prices which are lower than the normal factory prices in Jiangsu; the recycling of polluting animal manure in Hebei; and the nationwide pursuit of the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. I wonder whether there will be plans adopted in the near future to implement the rural vitalization strategy. Will the government come up with new measures to prevent and control agricultural pollution from non-point sources in view of the achievements already made in this area of work? Thank you.

    Li Ganjie:

    Let me give you a recap first. Ecological and environmental improvement is undoubtedly an important part of the rural vitalization strategy. Over the past few years, local governments at various levels have attached great importance to such improvement in rural areas and we have seen results. For example, just as mentioned a moment ago, we began, in 2008 as I remember it, to improve rural environments comprehensively. So far, the central government alone has spent 37.5 billion yuan on the work, which has benefited roughly 200 million people in 110,000 villages.

    As a result of these efforts, sewage and rubbish, just to name two, are no longer problems for rural residents in their everyday life. We also use ecological and environmental protection as a driver for our overall efforts to prevent and treat pollution and protect the ecology and environment in rural areas. We will continue this work in the future. Actually, relevant departments have already made arrangements in this respect with a view to increasing the number of villages to see such improvement to 200,000, or one-third of China's over 600,000 administrative villages, by 2020.

    In addition, we will intensify oversight of rural ecological and environmental protection, with the prevention of urban pollution from spreading to rural areas being a priority. Relevant departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environmental Protection are also actively promoting the prevention and treatment of pollution from livestock and poultry farming, comprehensive utilization of crop straws and the prevention and treatment of pollution from pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

    I believe with these efforts, the rural ecology and environment will be further improved like that in urban areas. I'll now stop here.

    Yang Weimin:

    I'll add something. The rural vitalization strategy is a highlight of the report delivered at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress. It represents another important strategy after the building of a new socialist countryside to solve problems related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Going forward, we will surely formulate corresponding plans to implement the strategy. I believe the central rural work conference will make such plans.

    An important task, or requirement, of the rural vitalization strategy is to build rural areas with pleasant living environments. We have to concede that in the past our focus was on preventing and treating industrial and urban pollution and that our strength and spending for preventing and treating agricultural and rural pollution is inadequate. But such a situation has turned around a lot over the past five years.

    For example, at a meeting of the CPC Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs presided over by the general secretary, the disposal and recycling of waste from livestock and poultry farming was one of the issues studied. Livestock and poultry farming will inevitably create pollutants, which, if discharged into rivers and lakes untreated, will surely cause serious pollution. This is why relevant departments have designated some areas, for example water sources, to ban livestock and poultry farming. But we have to eat meat. What shall we do then?

    The solution lies in the recycling of the animal manure, which actually creates a great resource. There are also many enterprises fermenting manure of chickens and pigs for methane which is then used to produce biogas. Biogas is used in the daily life of farmers and even used for winter heating in some rural areas, a use which we can find in Beijing. This practice also has a huge potential.

    For an additional example, waste sorting is another issue studied at the same meeting. The general secretary listened to a report by Zhejiang Province on sort-based waste disposal in rural areas. The province promotes the sorting of waste into degradable and non-degradable kinds. Such a sorting is rather understandable for the common people. Every household has two different waste bins placed before their house (for the two different kinds of waste). The province has done a pretty good job in this respect. Of course the waste can be further sorted, but the current practice has at least eliminated the problem of mixing dry and wet waste and those sorted as degradable can then be composted into organic fertilizers for farmland.

    One of the guiding principles of the integrated reform plan for promoting ecological progress is attaching equal importance to treating urban and rural pollution. I believe that in the future relevant authorities will follow the principle in their work in accordance with the requirements of the rural vitalization strategy so as to effectively treat rural environmental pollution.

    Li Ganjie:

    I'll add another point. I totally agree with Mr. Yang's analysis and judgement. Compared with urban domestic pollution and industrial pollution, rural pollution hasn't received enough attention from us over the past years. This has, in a sense, become a weak link in China's efforts to conserve the ecology and environment and build an ecological civilization. But ecological and environmental governance and improvement are of great importance. They, on the one hand, meet rural people's needs for a better life and better ecology and environment, and on the other hand, concern the quality of grain, vegetables and water everyone consumes. This means that ecological and environmental governance and improvement in rural areas will contribute to a better life for both rural and urban people and therefore must be put on the agenda.

    The general secretary has made it clear in his report delivered at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress that China will strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural pollution from non-point sources, and take measures to improve rural living environments. The statement is like the firing of a starter pistol and the sounding of a bugle for our continued efforts. The Ministry of Environmental Protection will work with other relevant departments toward pushing ecological and environmental protection in rural areas a big step forward as in other areas.

    Jiefang Daily:

    Last January, at the symposium on improving the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, General Secretary Xi Jinping said to restore the ecological environment of the Yangtze River will be an overwhelming task and no large-scale development will be allowed along the river at present and for a rather long period to come. Yet, in recent years, we find reports that it still facing serious environmental pollution problems. My question is for Minister Li. What's the next-step for the ecological environmental protection? And will there be more strict and specific measures taken? How to deal with the interest relations among parties concerned along the river? Thanks.

    Li Ganjie:

    The CPC Central Committee and State Council have always attached great importance to ecological environmental protection along the Yangtze River. Last January, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that development along the river must prioritize ecology and "green development" and restoring its ecological environment would be an overwhelming task and no large-scale development would be allowed along the river, which was also particularly pointed out in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress.

    After the symposium, local governments took effective measures to tackle the environmental problems and their efforts started to pay off. For example, there has been an improvement in water quality. Compared to last year, the share of water in the Yangtze River recorded with a quality of Grade I, II and III was up to 4.3 percentage points higher from this January to September, which is not easy, since there is no big shift in the climate and hydro-meteorological factor. Meanwhile, the share of water worse than Grade V fell from 4.2 percent to 3.4 percent, down 0.8 percentage points.

    However, we still have serious problems to tackle in ecological environmental protection along the Yangtze River Economic Belt. First, lack of infrastructure for environmental protection, such as the urban sewage treatment, let alone sewage treatment in rural areas. Second, concentrated heavy industries along the river pose an environmental risk. Third, agricultural pollution from non-point sources continues. Fourth, in terms of the ecological system, damages and destruction to wetlands has increased in recent years, resulting in a bad influence on maintaining the ecosystem service function.

    In recent years, we have taken several measures for environmental protection, putting into practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements. The first thing was to strengthen top-tier design and planning to protect the ecological environment of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. This July, we formulated and promulgated the eco-environmental protection plan covering it.

    Compared to previous plans, the plan has its own characteristics. I summarize them from three angles. First, we pay equal attention to water resources, water ecology and water environment [since the first two are closely related to the third]. To improve the water environment, we need to rationally utilize the water resources and effectively restore the water ecology.

    Second, we are taking serious actions in four aspects. The plan attached great importance to the coordinated development of upstream and downstream areas; with a particular focus on crucial areas, such as Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake and the Yangtze Estuary. It also focused on major projects of environmental protection and called for mechanism reform and innovation. Reform and innovation on system and mechanism are crucial to address the problems, giving great impetus to promote the environmental protection.

    Third, we will build the Yangtze River into a river that is harmonious, clean, healthy, beautiful and safe. By rationally developing and utilizing water resources, we will build a harmonious river. By strengthening environmental protection, we will build a clean river. By restoring and protecting the water ecosystem, we will build a healthy river. By solving the pollution problems along the river, we will build a beautiful river. And a safe river will be built through the effective regulation on environmental risks.

    So, from these three angles, I believe top-tier design and planning will play an important role in protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

    The second thing is that we sent environmental inspectors to supervise provinces (regions and municipalities) along the Yangtze River. And during their inspections, acute environmental problems on pollution and protection were addressed.

    The third thing is that we acted promptly to draw the ecological "red line" of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It is expected that the drawing up of the ecological "red line" at provincial level in the 11 related provinces will be finished by the end of this year.

    The fourth thing is that we have launched environmental protection work on drinkable water sources in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Over the next two years, we will support 1,320 water sources above county level along the Yangtze River Economy Belt to carry out comprehensive environmental improvement. The environmental improvement of water sources above prefectural level will be finished by the end of this year, and those above county level will be finished by the end of next year. The action is now being actively promoted, and we are confident of finishing it.

    To sum up, the Yangtze River is the mother river of the Chinese nation. We will make sure that restoring the ecological environment will be an overriding task and no large-scale development will be allowed along the river, providing better conditions for the future development of the Chinese nation.

    Zhejiang Satellite TV:

    It is well known that Zhejiang is where the important theory of "waters and mountains" was first put forward, and for many years Zhejiang has been committed to building itself into a beautiful province. A few days ago, a news report said that all the rivers and lakes in Zhejiang with waters worse than Grade V have been brought under control. My questions here are for the two ministers. How will you evaluate the province's efforts in building an ecological civilization? And what kind of experience can it provide for building a beautiful China? Thank you.

    Li Ganjie:

    About a month ago, sponsored by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province, a nationwide meeting on promoting the building of an ecological civilization was held in Anji County, Zhejiang Province. It is well known that, during an inspection tour to Anji in 2005, Xi Jinping first put forward the theory of "waters and mountains," that is, lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. We chose Anji as the site for last month's meeting on promoting an ecological civilization with the important purpose of popularizing some of the good practices and good experiences of Zhejiang in promoting green development and building an ecological civilization.

    For more than 10 years now, Zhejiang has made tangible progress in promoting green development and building an ecological civilization. While persistently and firmly forging ahead, the province has pioneered and accumulated a great deal of good practices and experiences. Take the topic of water you just mentioned, for example. It should be said that Zhejiang has gone far ahead of a considerable number of provinces and cities in the country now in terms of water pollution prevention and control. It has not only fundamentally brought the waters worse than Grade V under control, but also has found basic solutions to dirty and malodorous water prevention and control in both rural and urban areas. Currently, a large proportion of related facilities have been built and put into operation. The achievements are closely related to the support of central and local governments. While working in Zhejiang, Xi Jinping attached great importance to the province's water pollution prevention and control. Hereafter, all the other provincial governmental leaders also have set great store by this work. They also have adopted a lot of good approaches and never lowered their vigilance at work. Because of the limited time, I will not explain them here in detail. If you have opportunities in the future, you are welcomed to go to Zhejiang and do some interviews. I think it will be helpful for you to learn more about the province.

    China News Service:

    My question is about soil pollution. We have seen some reports on heavy metal pollution in some cities. Soil quality concerns public food safety. What measures will be taken to treat soil pollution and ensure food safety for the people? Thank you.

    Li Ganjie:

    The prevention and control of soil pollution is important, as it concerns food and water safety and it's more arduous than that of air and water pollution. Therefore, we must pay particular attention and put more effort into tackling it. The Action Plan on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution is among the three action plans on pollution issued in the past five years since the 18th CPC National Congress. Although this plan was published last year, some achievements have already been made in its implementation.

    To begin with, we have pressed ahead with two fundamental tasks. First, remarkable progress has been achieved in legislation on soil pollution, which had been lagging behind that on air and water pollution. As I mentionedjust now, the Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollutionhas been approved upon the first deliberation by the National People's Congress. Related standards and regulations are going to be introduced, and some have been promulgated. For example, we have issued the measures for soil environmental governance on agricultural land andpolluted land plots, and made some progress in a certain sense.

    Second, a soil pollution survey has been launched. Grasping soil conditions is the key to preventing and controlling soil pollution. Without a good grasp of soil conditions, our measures would not be sufficiently targeted. In order to achieve a sound understanding, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other ministries have jointly issued an overall plan for the nationwide soil pollution survey. The survey is being carried out progressively.

    What's more, there has been steady progress in the performance of two key tasks. The first is agricultural land classification led by the Ministry of Agriculture. Trials have been launched in Tianjin, Hunan, Hubei, Liaoning, etc. to set up prohibited areas for agricultural products. The ministries of Agriculture, Finance, and Land and Resources, and some other departments, have jointly promulgated a plan to explore trials of crop rotation and fallow land, initiating pilot programsin the Changzhutan (Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan) area in Hunan Province.

    The second task is tightening up construction land approvals. Now, some ministries including Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Land and Resources and Environmental Protection can share information through an information system covering polluted land nationwide. Some cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, have published a catalogue of polluted land. Some places have released lists of enterprises that require special supervision in terms of soil pollution, strengthening law enforcement and stringently controlling the launching of new projects with polluting potential.

    Another task set by the Action Plan on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution is to carry outpilot and demonstration programs. Comprehensive trials in six areas and technical experiment in 200 land plots, launched a year ago, have already made steady progress. Looking ahead, we will work together with other departments in intensifying target assessment to secure more progress in the prevention and control of soil pollution as soon as possible. At least, we will try to prevent soil pollution from taking its toll on food and water safety as well as people's health. We will speed up the restoration of polluted land to improve soil quality.

    Guo Weimin:

    This marks the end of the last in a series of press conferences held by the Press Center of the 19th CPC National Congress. I would like to express my appreciation to all friends from the media for your attention and coverage. Thank you.

  • Press conference: Securing and improving people's livelihood

    Mr. Chen Baosheng, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and minister of the Ministry of Education

    Mr. Huang Shuxian, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs

    Mr. Yin Weimin, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

    Mr. Wang Menghui, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

    Ms. Li Bin, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission

    Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the 19th National Congress of the CPC and deputy director of the State Council Information Office

    Oct. 22, 2017

    The press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a press conference on securing and improving people's livelihood, in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 22, 2017. China's Minister of Education Chen Baosheng, Minister of Civil Affairs Huang Shuxian, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Yin Weimin, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Wang Menghui, and Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission Li Bin attended the press conference. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Weimin:

    Ladies, gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. Welcome to the fifth in the series of press conferences held at the Press Center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Attending today's press conference are: Mr. Chen Baosheng, the secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and the minister of the Ministry of Education; Mr. Huang Shuxian, the secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs; Mr. Yin Weimin, the secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and the minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; Mr. Wang Menghui, the secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and the minister of the Ministry of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; and Ms. Li Bin, the secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and the minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

    They will introduce work related to meeting people's new aspirations, and securing and improving people's livelihood. They will also answer some of your questions.

    I will now give the floor to Mr. Chen Baosheng.

    Chen Baosheng:

    Good morning. Education is quite integral to people's well-being. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China's education has made remarkable progress. General Secretary Xi Jinping fully endorsed the achievements in his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, saying that all-round progress has been made in the development of education, with remarkable advances made in the central and western regions and in rural areas.

    The achievements can be summarized in the following aspects.

    First, there are more distinctive Chinese characteristics in education over the past five years than before. We have upheld and strengthened the Party's leadership over education and guided those engaged in education to maintain political integrity, think in terms of the big picture, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We have strengthened and improved our ideological and political work and promoted core socialist values. Regarding these as fundamental projects, we have guided students to develop an accurate understanding of history, ethnicity, country and culture, enhancing their pride and confidence as Chinese nationals.

    Second, modernization of education has been accelerated over the past five years. Investment in education has increased to more than 3 trillion yuan from 2 trillion yuan five years ago. And that figure is expected to reach 4 trillion soon. Investment in education accounted for 4 percent of GDP in 2012, and that proportion has remained stable over the past five years. More than 90 percent of schools of various types and at all levels have access to the internet, up from 20 percent five years ago. Over the past five years, the education sector won two-thirds of the top national prizes for major scientific and technological achievements, namely the State Natural Science Award, National Science and Technology Progress Award and State Technological Invention Award, indicating that we have a strong buttress for improving educational quality. A total of 65 million graduates who have received higher education or training in professional skills entered the workforce in the past five years, having markedly enriched China's human capital and boosted the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies.

    Third, the people's sense of fulfillment in regard to education has grown stronger. Over the past five years, bearing in mind the principle that "no one should be left behind," we have increased investment in poor rural areas and ethnic group-inhabited areas. We have reached the outstanding goal that no child drop out of school due to financial difficulties. More than 90 percent of disabled children have access to education. More than 80 percent of the children of migrant workers have received education in public schools in the cities and towns where they and their parents live, and they are also allowed to take the college entrance exam in their cities of residence. In 2017, around 150,000 such students registered for the college entrance exam in their cities of residence, 35.6 times that of five years ago.

    We have established a system for subsidizing students from preschool to higher education, under which children from poor families are able to pursue their studies. Here are two examples. Two students, Wei Xiang from Gansu Province and Pang Zhongwang from Hebei Province, enrolled in Tsinghua University this year thanks to the special admission plans for students from rural areas.

    Fourth, China's education has gained an increasing influence internationally. Over 180 countries and regions have established cooperative relations in education with China. Forty-seven countries and regions have signed agreements with China on mutual recognition of education qualifications and degrees, signaling that Chinese education has been recognized across the world. A total of 516 Confucius Institutes and more than 1,000 Confucius classrooms have been established in 140-plus countries, giving a strong boost to Chinese-language education and the promotion of Chinese culture. China has become the largest overseas study destination in Asia and the third-largest in the world.

    Lastly, education reform has been consistently deepened. A number of signature and leading reform plans have been adopted, and the "multiple pillars" supporting the new education systems have been erected.

    Above are the five characteristics of China's education in the past five years. According to the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, with decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold into a new era. And the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved. What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. Our task in the next step will be to actively respond to what the people expect for education by seizing the principal contradiction and analyzing the phenomena reflecting the imbalance and inadequacy in this field.

    Guo Weimin:

    Now let's invite Minister Huang Shuxian to give an introduction.

    Huang Shuxian:

    Friends from the media, I'd like to brief you on the major developments of civil affairs work. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to people's livelihoods and civil affairs, and has made a series of important decisions and deployments. We have implemented in a comprehensive way the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and made remarkable progress in the work of safeguarding the livelihoods of people in difficulty.

    First, the social assistance has been effective in guaranteeing people a basic standard of living. All people in need have been provided with subsistence allowances. Temporary assistance systems have been established comprehensively. All county-level governments have established coordination mechanisms led by the heads of local governments to secure the basic living for people with special difficulties. Subsistence security systems in rural areas have been promoted to link up with poverty alleviation and development. Urban and rural subsistence security standards have increased by 59 percent and 97 percent respectively, with an accumulated expenditure of 731.7 billion yuan. The basic living of nearly 60 million people taking subsistence security allowances and with special difficulties has been guaranteed effectively.

    Second, the work in response to natural disasters has been performed efficiently and orderly. The country has activated natural disaster relief emergency responses 117 times, allocated 45.4 billion yuan of central government relief funds, provided assistance for 350 million disaster-affected people and resettled 45 million. In doing this, social stability in the disaster-stricken areas has been strengthened and the smooth operation of post-disaster rehabilitation has been safeguarded.

    Third, the elderly care service industry has been accelerated. The Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly has been revised and implemented. The elderly care service market has been fully opened, the service quality has been improved, and related programs have been implemented. A series of policies and regulations have been introduced on the national ageing-related undertakings and elderly care system building in the 13th Five-year Plan. The subsidy system for the very elderly and the elderly with difficulties or disabilities has been gradually promoted throughout the country. More than 28,000 elderly care homes have been registered with nearly seven million beds. Elderly care service facilities have been made available in all the urban communities and over 50 percent of communities in rural areas.

    Fourth, social welfare and children protection systems have become sounder. The system of the basic living subsidy for the disabled in difficulty and the nursing subsidy for the severely disabled has been full established, each benefiting more than 10 million people with disabilities. The care and protection system for left-behind children in the countryside has been fully built. The efforts to secure the welfare of children living in difficult circumstances have been strengthened. With these efforts, nearly 500,000 orphans and HIV-infected children have been included in the government's protection system.

    Fifth, standards of preferential treatment for servicemen have been promoted in successive years. Standards of pension and subsidies for disabled servicemen, families of martyrs, servicemen who lost their lives on duty or died of illness have been continuously raised at an integrated standard in urban and rural areas. Demobilized soldiers that are eligible for job placements have taken much better positions, and the efforts to encourage them to look for jobs on their own or start up their new business have been stepped up. The management on the resettlement of retired military officers has also been continuously promoted. Therefore, the legitimate rights and interests of the people who are eligible for preferential treatment have been better secured.

    Sixth, charity and voluntary service undertakings have developed vigorously. With the promulgation and implementation of the Charity Law and the Voluntary Service Ordinance, social donations have exceeded 50 billion yuan a year. Teams of professional social workers and voluntary services have been enlarging, with a total of 330,000 certificated social workers, nearly 57 million registered volunteers and 390,000 registered voluntary groups.

    In addition, special assistance projects such as "Bringing Warmth in Cold Winter" have been carried out with continuing efforts. Efforts to encourage land-saving and eco-friendly cemeteries, as well as green funeral and interment have been actively promoted. Services related to marriage and adoption have also been further enriched. Moreover, our work on optimizing the administrative divisions have moved on steadily and the overall civil service support capacity has continued to increase.

    Guo Weimin:

    Now, let's welcome Minister Yin Weimin to deliver his briefing.

    Yin Weimin:

    The work of employment and social security is a major issue that has a direct bearing on people's wellbeing, drawing wide attention from society. In the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave full affirmation to the work of employment and social security in the past five years. In terms of employment, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that employment has registered steady growth over the past five years. So what is the key mark of steady growth?

    First, in the past five years we have created more than 65 million jobs. That is to say, we have resolved the employment problem of 65 million people, mainly young people.

    Second, in the past five years we have solved the reemployment problem of over 27.9 million laid-off workers and the unemployed.

    Third, in the past five years we have solved the employment problem of more than 8.8 million vulnerable urban residents who had difficulty finding jobs, including those people from 280,000 families where no one had a job, known as "zero-employment" families. During the process of cutting overcapacity over the past two years, we have provided effective assistance to millions of laid-off employees. At the same time, we have solved the employment problem of more than 4.8 million rural people registered as living under the poverty line. General Secretary Xi Jinping said that employment has registered steady growth, and I think the several statistics mentioned above can fully illustrate this point.

    In terms of social security, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that a social security system covering both urban and rural residents has taken shape. This can be seen from the following three aspects.

    First, continuous improvements have been made in building the system and institutional framework. In the past five years, we have established a unified national basic old-age insurance system for both urban and rural residents, made steady progress in reforming the pension system for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions, and solved the problem of the "double-track" pension system which has long been a concern of the people. [Under the double-track system, civil servants in government organizations and institutions don't have to pay pension premiums during their time in office, while employees in enterprises and their employers have to pay a lot.] At the same time, we have deepened the reform of the medical insurance system, and one of the breakthroughs we have made is that medical expenses can be settled where they are incurred via basic medical insurance accounts. In addition, the improvements include the establishment of some other systems.

    Against a backdrop of slowing economic growth, further structural adjustments and ample labor force joining the job market, we have still made remarkable progress in ensuring employment. The progress has become a highlight of economic and social development, and has played a basic supporting role in the country's economic development.

    Second, social security coverage has rapidly expanded. We have established the largest social security network in the world, with the basic old-age insurance system now covering more than 900 million people. Here, the people who are covered by the system refer to all the eligible workers as prescribed by the law and does not refer to the whole population. In other words, after the deduction of preschool children and school students, the number of people covered by the system should be around 1 billion, and therefore the coverage rate has now exceeded 90 percent. In terms of medical insurance, its network covers over 1.3 billion people, so it can be said that a nationwide medical insurance has already been achieved. In a developing country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, such a large coverage, in terms of basic old-age insurance and medical insurance, has been highly praised by the world. During the meeting held by the International Social Security Association at the end of last year, an award was specially presented to the Chinese government in honor of its outstanding achievements made in the social security sector, which is a very tough job to accomplish not only for developing countries, but also for developed countries.

    Third, social security benefits have been steadily increased. In recent years, social pension benefits for participants of the basic old-age insurance have increased year by year, with the monthly average level of basic pension insurance for urban employees exceeding 2,300 yuan, and that of the basic old-age insurance for rural and non-working urban residents standing at over 120 yuan.

    Meanwhile, we still face a lot of problems in employment and social security. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, our people face many difficulties in employment and many challenges in social security. In our next step, we will seriously implement the guiding principles of the report to the 19th CPC National Congress. Particularly in terms of employment, the report said we must strive to achieve fuller employment and create better quality jobs. In terms of social security, the report said that we will act on the policy requirements to help those most in need, to build a tightly woven safety net, and to build the necessary institutions, as we work to develop a sustainable multi-tiered social security system that covers the entire population in both urban and rural areas, with clearly defined rights and responsibilities and support that hits the right level. We will strive to do a better job in employment and social security, so that our people will have a stronger sense of fulfillment and happiness.

    Guo Weimin:

    Now let's welcome Minister Wang Menghui for his presentation.

    Wang Menghui:

    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the housing and urban-rural development sector has seen outstanding achievements in its reform and growth. The progress made in ensuring and improving people's livelihoods has been particularly notable, and can be exemplified in the following aspects:

    Firstly, outstanding achievements have been made in housing security and the living conditions were upgraded for around 80 million people in need. Over the past five years, strenuous attempts were made to advance the renovation of houses in run-down areas, helping over 60 million residents there move into apartment buildings. The supply of public-rental housing was greatly increased, accommodating more than 19 million people in need of homes. The living conditions for urban low-and-medium income households were improved substantially. Access to housing is guaranteed for almost all the urban households with subsistence allowances and urban low-income families.

    Secondly, clear efforts were seen in real estate regulation, and the general real estate market remained stable. Since our basic guideline for housing is that it is for "living in," not for "speculating on," we launched categorized control and localized strategies to carry out a slew of policies observed largely by local governments to stabilize the target markets. This year, the growth of the newly-built commercial housing prices in first-tier cities and some major second-tier cities slowed down on a year-on-year basis, while the growth of the housing prices in the third- and fourth-tier cities was stable. Rental housing pilot projects have been initiated in 12 large and medium cities and the attempts to share housing ownership are encouraged in Beijing and Shanghai. A long-term real estate mechanism is under research and formulation, and efforts have been made to accelerate the enactment of rental housing laws. Real estate regulation has shown consistent effects.

    Thirdly, continuous advances were made in urban planning reform, and the transformation in urban development modes was stepped up. Putting new development concepts into practice, we have carried out pilot projects on the formulation of urban planning, focusing on implementing urban plans and stepping up urban transformation. We fully implemented urban design, strengthened the preservation of historical architecture, as well as the ecological and city rehabilitation. With these efforts, city environments have been improved constantly and urban public services have been enhanced accordingly.

    Fourthly, urban development has steadily improved and urban environments have become more suitable for living. During the last five years, we have built 55,400 kilometers of urban road and 1,600 kilometers of urban rail. At the same time, we have turned 458,000 hectares of land into green spaces, ensured an increase of 38.9 percent biosafety disposal capacity of municipal solid waste and witnessed the rise of sewage treatment to 92.5 percent nationwide. To add one more point, we have made large strides in developing "sponge cities" (i.e. cities which use the full potential of rain water) with the construction of underground utility tunnels extending more than 1,600 kilometers.

    However, to be frank, there are still remaining problems on housing and urban-rural development - especially, as most of you would be concerned about, the demand for a house to live in. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    I'll give the floor to Madam Li Bin.

    Li Bin:

    Good morning, friends from the press. There will be no moderate prosperity without the overall health of the population. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to the guiding principle of putting people first and established the initiative of a healthy China. It has thus elaborated the significance, major policies as well as goals and priority tasks of building a healthy china. Thanks to our unremitting efforts of the past five years, as outlined in General Secretary Xi Jinping's report to the 19th National Congress of the CPC, we have seen great progress in people's health and healthcare services. Here are some of the highlights:

    First, we have made significant progress in the reform of the medicine and healthcare system. The essential healthcare system with Chinese characteristics has built its policy framework. The integrated tiered healthcare system has been preliminarily established. We have made allotments of medical resources with an emphasis on healthcare capacities at the community level. More than 80 percent of residents have access to the closest clinics within 15 minutes of their homes. As a general practitioner service system accessible to 430 million people has been established, the Chinese people can have their own family doctors. The Chinese people can have access to high-standard medical services close to their homes thanks to the development of medical groups and telemedicine partnership networks. The rate of residents receiving medical services in their home counties has already reached 82.5 percent. Thanks to reforms, we have abolished the old mechanism of bolstering hospital revenues by selling pharmaceuticals, which has been in place for over 60 years. We have established a new system which is more non-profit, proactive and sustainable. Over 57 percent of hospitals are now private as China has encouraged private funds. We are also addressing problems regarding the shortage of clinic drugs, low-price drugs and pediatric medications. We have set up a basic medical care system involving basic medical care, major disease insurance, a medical aid system, and an emergency response and aid system. We are also improving the insurance system so as to ensure the direct settlement of inpatient bills for offsite medical treatment. The proportion of residents' out-of-pocket payments to the total health expenditure has decreased from 40.4 percent in 2008 to below 30 percent in 2016, the lowest level in the past two decades.

    Second, new progress has been made in the overall public health system. We are paying more attention to prevention and expanding free basic public healthcare services to 14 categories. We have improved the prevention and treatment of major diseases. The rate of major infectious diseases has decreased greatly. We have implemented the policy that all couples can have two children, and increased services in the obstetric and pediatric sectors. Moreover, we are providing medical care services for the entire process of childbirth to ensure mothers' and children's security. We have significantly reduced the maternal mortality rate and infant death rate, achieving the U.N. Millennium Development Goals ahead of schedule.

    We are making efforts to build a healthy Silk Road. We won the battle of assisting African countries in fighting against Ebola without any infection among our medical staff. China has given full play to its role as a responsible major country in global health governance.

    Third, we have significantly improved the quality and level of health services. We have launched campaigns in the past three years to improve medical services. The quality of China's supply of blood has been at the forefront of the world. We have launched a national action plan over antimicrobial drug resistance and greatly reduced the use of antibiotics. We are bringing out the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine. We have made breakthroughs in key medical technologies and world-leading achievements in specific medical fields through a collaboration between medical treatment and teaching, which greatly improved China's overall level of diagnosis and treatment. The health poverty alleviation project has been implemented. We have assisted over 3.6 million impoverished patients under the guideline of "adjusting measures to patients and diseases." We also provided partnership medical assistance. Therefore, the level of medical treatment in impoverished areas has been improved significantly.

    Generally, over the past five years since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China has seen the biggest input into the health industry, which ensured the rapid progress in this sector and more benefits to our people. The international community also recognized China as one of the countries in the world which has made the fastest development in improving its overall healthcare services.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his report to the 19th National Congress of the CPC that "a healthy population is a key mark of a prosperous nation and a strong country," and noted that we will continue to promote "the Healthy China initiative." We will be guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and step up efforts to implement our mission of providing all-around services to the Chinese people in a bid to meet their increasingly diversified medical and healthcare demands. Hence, the entire Chinese population will enter a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a healthier manner. Thank you.


    Guo Weimin:

    Thank you. Let's move on to the Q&A session. Please identify the media outlet you represent before raising your question.


    In the battle against poverty, what has been done by civil affairs departments in terms of building up the systems of social assistance and subsistence allowances and ensuring those in need get help? What achievements have been made in this regard? Thank you.

    Huang Shuxian:

    Social assistance is a safety net to ensure people's well-being and to alleviate poverty. Making this net strong is a major mission of civil affairs departments and their responsibility in the battle against poverty. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has made efforts in the following three aspects.

    First, improving the systems of social assistance and subsistence allowances in a holistic way.

    The Interim Measures for Social Assistance promulgated by the State Council stipulates the setting up of the "eight plus one" social assistance systems. The temporary assistance system has been established throughout the country. The medical assistance system for treating major and serious diseases has been promoted nationwide. Social assistance has been delivered to people with special difficulties in urban and rural areas in a coordinated way. The subsistence allowances system has been aligned with policies for poverty alleviation and development. A system has been put in place nationwide for granting living allowances to people with disabilities in financial difficulty and nursing subsidies to people with serious disabilities. Efforts have been strengthened to ensure care and protection for rural left-behind children and to provide support for children living in difficult conditions. The institutional reform of disaster prevention, reduction and relief has been promoted. All county-level governments have put in place coordination mechanisms to secure the basic living for people with special difficulties. All of these measures constitute a safety net to meet the basic living needs of those in need.

    Second, steadily promoting the level of social assistance and subsistence allowances.

    Subsistence allowances in urban and rural areas have witnessed an annual average increase of 10.7 percent and 16 percent respectively. The subsidy standards for rural people with special difficulties living in care centers or their own houses have grown by an average of 13.7 percent and 14.7 percent a year respectively. The subsistence allowance in rural areas has been raised to 4,079 yuan per person per year, well above the national poverty alleviation standard of 2,952 yuan. The number of counties with a subsistence allowance lower than the national poverty alleviation standard has dropped from 1,521 at the end of 2015 to 72. Financial expenditures of governments at all levels on social assistance have increased consecutively from more than 180 billion yuan in 2012 to nearly 250 billion yuan in 2017. This year, the subsidy for people suffering major natural disasters, living assistance during the post-disaster period and allowances for the construction of destroyed houses have greatly increased or even doubled.

    Third, making the management of social assistance and subsistence security more standard.

    We have checked with other departments the information about recipients' hukou, vehicles, houses, deposits and securities to make our assistance more targeted. Community-level and township-level one-stop offices have been established, making it easier for the people to access government services. We have strengthened inspection, evaluation and financial supervision of social assistance work, conducted full investigations into and punished various forms of misconduct that undermine the interests of the people, especially those in real need, so as to ensure fairness and justice of social assistance work.

    China Daily:

    My question is addressed to Mr. Yin. As you said just now, China's economic growth has slowed down in the past few years, but there is still a large labor force to be accommodated. So, how has China managed to maintain overall stability of employment? What are the new requirements for employment in the next period according to the report of the 19th CPC National Congress? Thank you.

    Yin Weimin:

    As I mentioned just now, China has managed to maintain overall employment stability in the past five years. The annual increase of urban employment has been kept at more than 13 million on average, and the surveyed unemployment rate and the registered unemployment rate in urban areas remain relatively low. It is not easy to achieve such a favorable performance, especially when economic growth slows down, structural adjustment deepens and the number of workers remains high. However, it has become a basic support for economic and social development.

    There are a couple of important reasons for the favorable performance. First, the CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to employment. As General Secretary Xi Jinping has made clear, employment is an eternal subject needing continuous work, as it affects numerous families, so we should spare no efforts in guaranteeing employment at all times. This is the fundamental reason.

    Second, China has maintained steady and healthy economic development. Although we are now growing at a slower pace, the speed still remains at a medium-high level, which creates very good conditions for employment. Moreover, great changes have taken place in our economic structure along with economic development in recent years, especially with the tertiary industry occupying an obviously higher proportion now, which has enhanced employment markedly. The number in employment increased by around 1.5 million for every percentage point gain in GDP during the 12th five-year plan period, but the number will have to be about 1.8 million in the 13th five-year plan period, which explains why the service industry has to provide a stronger boost to employment than the second industry.

    Third, employment has also benefited from the reforms. The government has been streamlining administration and delegating its powers, improving regulation and services, and promoting commercial system reform in the past five years, aiming to stimulate vitality in society and the market and facilitate employment and entrepreneurship. After commercial system reform, about 16,000 new businesses have been springing up every day, which would have been inconceivable in the past. So, with a large building-up effect, the reform has boosted employment.

    Fourth, employment has also benefited from positive policies. China has been giving high priority to pursuing proactive employment policies. With continuous improvement in practice, these policies are becoming more and more favorable, and more supportive measures in employment and entrepreneurship have been issued by the government as well. China's annual fiscal investment in employment now has reached nearly 100 billion yuan, among which more than 40 billion yuan comes from the central government. This represents very strong support. And the last point is the active participation of the labor force.

    Next, we will strive to achieve better performance in employment with higher quality and higher number according to the general requirements on employment in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress. It is a demanding goal that needs specific major measures if it is to be achieved. So, we will make our efforts in the following aspects:

    First, we will continue giving high priority to pursuing proactive employment policies, and combining them with macroeconomic, industrial, fiscal and financial policies in particular. We will create more jobs, especially high-quality ones, during the process of economic development.

    Second, we will carry out vocational skills training on a large scale to equip the labor force with abilities to change jobs and be re-employed. The contradictions in employment in the next period will lie in two aspects. On one hand, the amount of labor force will remain large. In the process of building a moderately well-off society in an all-round way in the next three years, the annual number of new jobs in urban areas will have to exceed 15 million, most of which are young students. The number of university graduates will surpass 8 million from next year on and will last at this level for some time. There will also be around 5 million graduates from secondary vocational schools and technical schools, and some from middle and high schools who will no longer continue their studies. So, the total number of new jobs needing to be created every year remains very large.

    On the other hand, structural contradictions will be more prominent. The most prominent is that job-seekers are reluctant to take jobs while employers have difficulty in finding employees. It is difficult for university graduates and young students to find jobs because they look for relatively high-quality posts. It is difficult to employ production workers because they engage in hard, dirty or dangerous work. A major measure to address the structural contradiction will be vocational skills training on a large scale to equip the workers with necessary qualities and abilities.

    Third, we will continue promoting employment by encouraging business start-ups. One of the reasons for the overall stability of employment in recent years is that many of the university graduates, migrant rural workers and returnees from abroad have started their own businesses. Business start-ups have a multiplier effect on employment, so we will give support to them, and we have put forward preferential policies in many aspects including loans, funding and venues to support employment by encouraging entrepreneurship.

    Fourth, we will safeguard the rights and interests of workers, and an equal employment system in particular. As pointed out in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, the barriers that block social mobility must be removed so that everyone can realize their own value through hard work. This is a critical point.

    Finally, we will provide high-quality and highly efficient employment services, especially internet-based services, so that everyone with the will to work can get access to help and support from the government through the public service system. Despite the severe challenges in the coming period, we have every confidence to maintain the overall stability of employment along with the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects, so as to provide support for economic and social development and help maintain social stability. Thank you.

    China National Radio (CNR):

    China has seen rapid development in education in the past five years. At a micro level, I've seen some of my schoolmates having reached a point in life where they are going to get married and produce children; some of them have children already going to kindergarten. They may worry about how they can send their offspring to a better kindergarten, and this kind of anxiety may last until higher education. From a macro level, we've seen some data indicating that China's education is now above average among all nations in the world. What is your opinion on that? What can the Ministry of Education do to help more people enjoy a better education? Thank you.

    Chen Baosheng:

    China's education has indeed made great strides in the past five years. It has achieved all-round change, enjoyed systematic improvement and historic gains. What does the change imply? What does an above-average ranking mean? It means that China's education has "grown bigger," is "stronger in capacity," "improved in terms of results," and "in the upper echelons in world ranking." First, the country's large scale in education is shown by it serving 260 million students every year. "Stronger in capacity" indicates that we have achieved huge progress in restructuring to make education more balanced, equitable and better-performing. "Improved in terms of results" indicates our capacity in nurturing human resources and achieving educational high performance. This means China's overall education level is above the world average with some of our disciplines lead the world and some of our universities enjoy an outstanding overall ranking. According to some media reports, China's universities have seen a big improvement in world rankings, which, I think, is attributable to years of efforts.

    China's education development can be summarized in the above four aspects. However, it does not mean it can fully meet public demand. In the past, people just wanted to have access to education; now, they want to enjoy good education, which partly shows the evolving principal contradiction facing Chinese society as pointed out in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress. You just mentioned that some people are having a hard time sending their children to kindergarten and that the fee is too high. Likewise, for compulsory education, where people have a hard time sending their children to a better school and more and more people seek a way out by sending them to study abroad at a younger age. We want more new labor force to receive senior secondary education, which is very important for a country's economic development; in higher education, everyone wants to get enrolled in a better college and study in a better major. People now demand more quality education, and this is the problem we are facing.

    Then, how to solve this problem? The guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress are that we strengthen education, speed up modernization and develop a system with which people are satisfied. The key is to provide more preferential policies towards rural areas, to help badly built or poorly operated schools, to impoverished areas and to groups with various difficulties.

    As for our key tasks, we must first, as General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his report, give priority to overall education. Second, we must promote the coordinated development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas. Third, we have to improve the system of vocational education and training, and promote integration between industry and education and cooperation between enterprises and colleges. Fourth, we need to see that the vast majority of the new members of the urban and rural labor force have received senior secondary education, and that more receive higher education, which is crucial to avoiding the "middle income trap." Fifth, we have to strengthen professional ethics and competence of teachers, and encourage public respect for educators and public support for education. Sixth, we must improve the system of financial aid to students and ensure that no child drops out because of family financial difficulties. Seventh, we have to establish a life-long learning system and improve continuing education, which means that we will step up efforts to build a learning society and promote the well-rounded development of all our people. If all of the above targets are achieved, we are literally delivering a great bonus to the general public.

    First, the proportion of eligible children enrolled in kindergarten will be increased from today's 77.4 percent to 85 percent by 2020. The proportion of kindergartens that provide inclusive services will account for over 80 percent of all preschool education from today's 60 percent.

    Second, compulsory education will be more balanced, standardized and integrated in both urban and rural areas. We will try to tackle problems like "top school overheating" and "big class size." By 2020, there will be no "big-sized class" in schools. We will work to relieve students from a heavy workload in and out of the school. This is the bonus for compulsory education.

    Third, we will make senior secondary education universally available. By 2020, the proportion of eligible students enrolled into senior secondary education will reach over 90 percent. Enrollment in higher education will increase from today's 42.7 percent to 50 percent, which means that higher education is roughly available for everyone.

    Fourth, it is very important to improve teacher competence and education quality in order to nurture capable young people to join the socialist cause. Therefore, we will work out suggestions on strengthening the competence of teachers and formulate related policy measures to motivate teachers' initiative in education.

    CCTV and CGTN:

    I notice that the report delivered at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress read: "We should make steady progress in ensuring people's access to childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing and social assistance" in a part about ensuring and improving living standards. This is a statement related to all of you officials present today and concerns all aspects of people's livelihood. What do you think are the hardest nuts to crack in your sphere of work mentioned in the statement? I also notice that the report sets many new goals. What are the goals that can be met in the short term? For the common people, what benefits can they expect now to improve their livelihood?

    Chen Baosheng:

    Ensuring people's access to childcare and education is of great importance. As for the "hard nuts" in this regard, I think there are three. The first concerns the three-year preschool education I just mentioned. China aims to increase its gross enrollment rate in three-year kindergarten education to 85 percent and the proportion of kindergartens open to all children to 80 percent by 2020. Why is this a hard nut? It is because even if these two goals are met, the problem of difficult and expensive kindergarten access is still not thoroughly solved. In addition, the two-child policy will increase the number of new births every year. The second hard nut is curbing the number of dropouts from compulsory education. It is especially a hard nut in ethnic, remote and poor areas because some students in these areas are not forced to leave school but choose to do so for lack of interest in schooling. Therefore, how to solve the problem in accordance with China's Compulsory Education Law so that dropouts' interest in schooling is aroused and the rate of compulsory education is increased to 95 percent from the current 93.4 percent is quite a big hard nut to crack. The third hard nut concerns the establishment of an enrollment system through a college entrance examination with Chinese characteristics by 2020. We will work to see the system is established and with it introduce a series of measures for institutional reform.

    Li Bin:

    I will answer your second question. General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forth a series of requirements for carrying out the healthy China initiative. Going forward, we will put the strategy in place. As for the hard nut to crack in ensuring people's access to medical services, it is mainly about addressing the issues arising from the new principal contradiction facing the Chinese society in health care, which is, to be specific, the contradiction between people's new needs for medical and health care and the country's unbalanced and inadequate supply of medical service. As you all know, China's best medical resources are mainly concentrated in big cities and cities with a relatively developed economy. How to address this unbalance? Next we will promote the transfer of medical resources to cities at the lower rungs of the ladder and expand the reach of advantageous medical resources to regions where such access is difficult. The work will be done through deepening the reform of the medical and health care system and through our new mechanism featuring multiple forms of consortiums composed of different tiers of hospitals.

    On the one hand, we will continue to introduce medical resources into poor areas, including border and ethnic areas. For example, we will continue to send groups of medics to Xinjiang and Tibet and help the poorest counties. So far we have established long-acting mechanisms for pairing up all the 834 designated poverty-stricken counties with medical resources through remote health care and sending groups of medics there.

    On the other hand, we will help train medics in poverty-stricken areas free of charge, including incubating college students majoring in medical science, to enhance the quality and quantity of medics in those areas.

    What are the benefits we have prepared for the common people to improve their livelihood in the near future? We will next expand the scope of contracted services by family doctors as part of our intensified efforts to ensure people's livelihood. Just as I mentioned a moment ago, currently 430 million people have access to contracted services by family doctors and we will continue to expand the scope, especially to include all the poor people. Poor families, families with members suffering from chronic diseases and elderly families will be given priorities in the process.

    We will continue to implement the action plan for improving medical services and promote the widespread implementation of people-benefiting measures such as the doctor-appointment service, remote medical care and ambulatory surgery. We will further weave the network for ensuring basic medical care to make it stronger and tighter and see that medical expenses are settled in places of treatment for migrant workers and those starting a business or engaging in innovation even if their insurances are registered elsewhere. We will intensify efforts to reduce poverty through improving health care standards and include more diseases in an intensive campaign to treat those suffering from them. Currently nine major diseases are covered in the campaign. For areas suffering from deep poverty, we will concentrate our efforts on overcoming the hardest issues so that people living there will not become poor or become poor again because of disease. We will improve the quality and efficiency of basic public health services so as to prevent diseases. While doing this, we will prioritize the improvement of health care services for women and children and especially address the weak links such as the shortage of doctors in pediatrics, obstetrics and anesthetics. We will further increase healthcare benefits to the people by enhancing the ability of grassroots medical institutions to provide services, incentivizing medics and deepening institutional reform. Thank you.

    Yin Weimin:

    I will answer your question from the perspective of ensuring people's access to elderly care. Having something to fall back on is the biggest aspiration of all senior citizens. China has entered a period when its population is rapidly aging. By the end of last year, the number of people aged 60 and above exceeded 230 million, accounting for 16.7 percent of the total population. The number of people aged 65 and above has surpassed 150 million, accounting for 10.8 percent of the total population. In the next period of time, the aged population will continue to expand at a faster speed and for a long peak of time. Therefore, almost all people are concerned about access to elderly care.

    To ensure people's access to elderly care by improving social security, we have two hard nuts to crack, or hard issues. The first issue is how to expand the scope of the old-age insurance scheme to cover the entire nation. As I mentioned just now, the old-age insurance scheme has covered more than 90 percent of the population, but since China has a big population, the remaining 10 percent means 100 million people, which is almost the population of a big country. How to include them in the old-age insurance scheme? Who are they? They fall into three categories: the first category is people with flexible employment; the second category is people in new forms of business. New forms of business like the internet industry and the express delivery industry are flourishing in China. The third category is employees of small- and medium-sized enterprises, especially migrant workers, who are the main body of the category. Since those three categories are not completely covered by the old-age insurance scheme, they may face a lack of basic social security when getting old. How to include them is a major hard issue we will focus on.

    The second hard issue is how to sustain the old-age insurance fund. When we first established the old-age insurance system, the ratio of insurers against pensioners was 5:1, and now it has fallen to 2.8:1 as the population ages more. Going forward, the ratio will drop further as the aging trend is still evident, posing severe challenges to the old-age insurance fund, putting it under great pressure to pay retirees and sustain itself. Therefore, we must think of ways to ensure sustainable development of the old-age insurance system.

    These are the two hardest issues facing us.

    Are there measures to address the issue? Yes. Ever since the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, we've carried out a reform of the old-age insurance system and formed a master plan. That is to say, we've finished the top-level design and now we are phasing it in. To solve the first hard issue, we will, as mentioned in the report delivered at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, see that everyone has access to social security. The scheme for doing this will register detailed information about all those still not included and then persuade them to join it.

    To solve the second hard issue, we have many measures planned. I will list a few here: First, we will, acting on the report delivered at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, start to bring pension schemes under national unified management next year. We will put in place a system for central government coordination of pensions to balance the burdens on different regions. China has a vast territory, so development varies from region to region and so does the degree of the population aging. For example, the ratio of insurers against pensioners is lowest in Heilongjiang at 1.3:1 and the highest is seen in Guangdong at 9:1. After the national unified management is introduced, the law of large numbers governing social security will work toward mutual help among different regions. Now, the pension fund has a surplus of over 400 billion yuan every year and the aggregate surplus is over 4 trillion yuan, an amount able to fund the payment for 16 months. But considering the differences among provincial regions, we need to take the first step in introducing the national unified management as soon as possible as required by the report.

    Second, we will improve the investment and operation of the pension fund. Eight provinces, as approved by the State Council, have entrusted the National Council for Social Security Fund to invest more than 400 billion yuan from their pension funds to maintain and increase their value.

    Third, we will replenish the pool of social security funds with state-owned assets.

    These are some of the measures we are considering to address the second hard issue in the near future. We also have measures for the long term and will roll them out when they mature with a view to sustaining the pension scheme so that all the people have access to social security in old age.

    Phoenix Satellite TV:

    Since last September, a string of policies have been rolled out to control the development of the real estate market. By now, the market has cooled down notably all over the country. How do you understand the current market situation? What long-term mechanisms will be launched? Thank you.

    Wang Menghui:

    I talked about this issue in my opening remarks. Since last October, following the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have worked with other government departments to exercise category-based regulation of the real estate market. Policies were formulated according to the specific conditions of each region and city, and targeted measures undertaken. We have ensured that local governments will shoulder the primary responsibilities in this regard.

    These efforts have yielded positive results in curbing speculation and investment, as well as in guiding people's reasonable demand in buying homes. Presently, the overall market remains stable and healthy.

    Please allow me to explain this in detail.

    First, the growth rate of the sales of commercial buildings has declined steadily. On a year-on-year basis, the growth rate in the first two months this year was 25.1 percent, while the figure of the first nine months dropped to 10.3 percent. In particular, the growth rate of the sales of commercial residential buildings dropped from 23.7 percent to 7.6 percent.

    Second, the trend of rapid price rises has been curbed. Regarding the price of newly-built commercial residential buildings, statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that, by August, year-on-year growth had dropped for 11 consecutive months in first-tier cities and nine consecutive months in second-tiered cities respectively, while the figure dropped 0.3 percentage points in third-tier cities. Regarding the price of newly-built commercial residential buildings in 16 major cities, the month-on-month growth rate declined in the majority, and remained flat in the rest. The growth rate in all the 16 cities declined on a year-on-year basis. We estimate that, in the fourth quarter, the growth rate of sales will decline further nationwide, and the price will remain basically flat. For the whole year, the real estate market will maintain stable performance.

    As the next step, we will commit to fulfilling our regulation goals, and will maintain the continuity and consistency of policies. In particular, we will follow General Secretary Xi's instructions to ensure houses are for living in, not for speculation, and establish a housing system that ensures supply through multiple sources, provide housing support through multiple channels, and encourages both housing purchase and renting. Thank you.

    Lianhe Zaobao:

    The second of the "two centenary goals" specified in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress provided a detailed description of what China will be like in 2049. My question is for all the ministers. What do you expect to see in 2049 in your particular field, such as education and the real estate market?

    Chen Baosheng:

    This is a good question. It needs talent to foresee the future. What we expect showcases our confidence and belief. I hope China's education will show the following features by 2049.

    First, it will lead the global trend. By 2049, China's educational standard might be taken as the international standard.

    Second, China will be the top choice among countries taking overseas students. More countries will likely desire to conduct cultural exchanges with China. More foreign teachers and students will come to China to learn our experiences, and share their own with us, seeking common progress.

    Third, China will have a bigger say in the world regarding how to promote education. I'm sure we will spare no efforts to offer our distinct solutions and share our wisdom.

    Fourth, text books in the Chinese language will be more widely used in the world.

    Besides, I hope that all Chinese people can enjoy the right to receive education, and all their aspirations in education can be fulfilled, so that they can seek free, comprehensive development.

    That's what I hope for 2049. Thank you.

    Wang Menghui:

    What you mentioned coincides with the focus of our research work in the next stage.

    From my personal view, when the goal of fully building a modern socialist country is achieved by the middle of this century, we should ensure that the living environment and living conditions of the Chinese people are the most advanced in the world. In other words, we should achieve the goal of "meeting the housing needs of all of our people" set in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress.

    And that is not all. We should also ensure that people can live in a beautiful environment, which means we must achieve the goal of "building a beautiful China". Besides, we should ensure that the living facilities are more convenient and complete. This will enable Chinese people to live a happier life with a stronger sense of fulfillment. Thank you.

    The Paper:

    Ordinary people care most about the practical results of reforms. As for the comprehensive reform of public hospitals, which has hardly been pushed by the country in recent years, what real benefits has it brought to ordinary people in terms of healthcare services? Thank you.

    Li Bin:

    You proposed a question that evaluates reform by putting people first. People's health is the basis and important symbol of a good life. In this sense, healthcare services are a major livelihood issue as well as being our political responsibility in practicing the guiding principle of putting people first. It is from such a starting point that we have taken the reform of public hospitals as the key section to solve in regard to problems with the healthcare services. We have been adhering to a program of focusing on difficulties and solving problems.

    Through deepening reform, five sustained and positive results have been achieved as follows:

    First, the comprehensive service capability has continued to increase. As medical resources have increased significantly, by the end of 2016, the number of medical and health institutions has reached 980,000, with medical and healthcare staff totaling over 11 million. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the number of licensed (assistant) doctors per 1,000 head of population has increased from 1.8 to 2.3, and number of registered nurses and beds per 1,000 persons rose from 1.5 to 2.5, and 3.6 to 5.4, respectively. We have been able to create more adequate basic conditions to serve the people.

    The community-level medical and health service network covering urban and rural areas has been basically completed, becoming more accessible and convenient for residents in seeking healthcare services. In 2016, 7.9 billion persons/times received healthcare treatment, which is unique in the world. This shows our people can seek immediate medical care when getting sick. The volume of services in grassroots medical institutions has exceeded 55 percent. It indicates that, although in the past, there were fewer patients visiting grassroots clinics, it is changing now.

    With improvements in the work at grassroots level and in areas of weakness, substantial progress has been made in the equitable allocation of healthcare resources. Presently, 90 percent of public hospitals nationwide are involved in the reform involving establishment of different forms of partnerships between medical institutions operating at different levels, and more than 6,800 public hospitals now offer long-distance healthcare services. Today, hospitals in Beijing can offer services to farmers and herdsmen in the remotest corners of the grasslands. The supply of personnel specializing in pediatrics, obstetrics, general practice, rehabilitation and nursing has been increased through multiple channels. Services at the grassroots level and in remote areas have been greatly improved. These have laid the foundation for achieving the goal of providing quality-based and efficient healthcare services as set out in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress.

    Second, people's medical expenditures have been constantly reduced. The coverage of basic health insurance has been maintained at a rate above 95 percent, and the reimbursable ratio has been raised. We have promoted the coordination of basic health insurance with major disease insurance, medical aid, emergency aid and commercial insurance, thus building a comprehensive network of medical security.

    Third, services that bring benefits and convenience to the people are being constantly introduced. We have improved medical services accessibility, making it more convenient to see a doctor. All the Grade-III hospitals can provide doctor-appointment service and quality nursing service, and many of these hospitals can conduct ambulatory surgeries. A total of 86 percent of hospitals now acknowledge each other's medical test results. Some hospitals have put in place real-time payment and smart pharmacy systems, shortening the time before being able to see a doctor. The application of the internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies also make it more convenient for people to access to medical services. There has been a significant increase in the types of medicine provided by hospitals and pharmacies at the community level. Long-term prescriptions, such as those covering two months, is allowed for patients with a chronic disease so that they don't need to go to hospital repeatedly. Some patients with common diseases have been guided to community-level hospitals, effectively relieving the burden of big hospitals.

    Fourth, the quality of medical services has been constantly enhanced. The medical service quality management system has been improved, and a control network has been established. Over 1,200 clinical pathways covering almost all common diseases have been developed and put into use at nearly 7,000 hospitals. Measures have been taken to ensure clinical medication in accordance with due procedures. The proportion of antibacterial drugs has decreased by 50 percent. Many county hospitals are able to conduct complicated surgeries such as removing brain tumors, thus enabling more patients at county-level to see doctors locally.

    Fifth, people's health has been constantly improved. I have elaborated on this aspect just now.

    I used the word "constantly," as our reforms are still underway. Outdated systems have been scrapped, but new ones are not yet in fully-fledged operation. Medical services have been improved, but there are still many problems causing public concern. The problem of unbalanced development needs to be solved and some areas of weakness, such as lack of professionals in rural and remote areas, need to be strengthened. We will make efforts to address all these problems.

    China Education Television, China Education Network Television (CENTV):

    My question is for Minister Chen. We all know that pushing forward the education reform involves many difficulties. What's the next step for reforming the education system? What measures will be taken?

    Chen Baosheng:

    Before answering your questions, I would like to first introduce three concepts. The reform of education is different from other reforms, as it has unique characteristics. Firstly, just like education, the education reform is also a slow variable. Why? A certain measure for example would only become effective after at least three years as the newly enrolled students should study at school for at least three years. Secondly, every measure we take to reform education is directly related to the people. It's hence actually the reform of the people. This point is very important. Thirdly, the reform of education involves many aspects, attracting attention from schools, society, families, principals, teachers, students and parents. And the evaluation criterion is diversified.

    The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council of China have promulgated the "Opinions on Deepening Reform of the Education System," setting up basic principles for the reform in this regard. As I just introduced, the reform policies of college entrance examination have already been published. The reform of senior secondary education will focus on improving the quality, and related plans have been unveiled. As for compulsory education, according to the Compulsory Education Law, the reform will revolve around balanced development and urban-rural integrated development, as well as improving the quality and reducing students' academic burden by modifying exam-oriented education. Besides, we have policies to guide the reform of pre-school education. The reform covers every stage of education, from pre-school to college, and related policies have all been approved by the central government.

    As another major part of the reform, China's educational cooperation and exchanges with other countries will be improved under the guidance of published policies, in a bid to further open the education sector. The main frame of reform in all fields with "multiple pillars" has been established.

    As mentioned just now, the education reform has entered the stage of full-scale implementation and inside adjustment. "Full-scale implementation" means the present reform plans are all being well carried out, while "inside adjustment" refers to adjusting those crucial reform plans which have made faster progress. Take the reform of college entrance examination as an example. Three years have passed since its implementation; now we focus on addressing the problems which have emerged in pilot areas. Step by step, we will forge ahead with the education reform to provide effective institutional safeguards for modernizing Chinese education and building the country into an educational powerhouse. Thanks.

    Guo Weimin:

    This ends today's press conference. Thank you.

    Press conference: Securing and improving people’s livelihood
  • Press conference: China's economic, social development

    Mr. He Lifeng, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and minister of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

    Mr. Zhang Yong, vice minister of the NDRC

    Mr. Ning Jizhe, vice minister of the NDRC

    Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the 19th CPC National Congress and deputy director of the State Council Information Office

    Oct. 21, 2017

    The press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a press conference on promoting the steady, healthy and sustainable development of Chinese economy, in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 21, 2017. Director He Lifeng (2nd L), vice directors Zhang Yong (2nd R) and Ning Jizhe (1st R) of China's National Development and Reform Commission attended the press conference. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Weimin:

    Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good afternoon. Welcome to the fourth in the series of press conferences held at the Press Center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

    This afternoon, we have with us: Mr. He Lifeng, the secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and the minister of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC); Mr. Zhang Yong, the vice minister of the NDRC; and Mr. Ning Jizhe, who is also a vice minister of the NDRC. They will introduce the work related to promoting the stable, sound and sustainable development of China's economy under the new development philosophy. They will also answer some of your questions.

    Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. He Lifeng.

    He Lifeng:

    The National Reform and Development Commission (NRDC) is in charge of macro-control of the general economy. The report delivered at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress contains a large proportion addressing economic work, which summarized the economic growth and social development in the past five years, analyzed the current economic situation and made plans for the major tasks in the future. We are seriously reviewing the report. In retrospect of the economic and social development since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the firm leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, confronted with severe and complicated domestic and international environments, we have adhered to the philosophy of people-centered development, remained committed to the underlying principle of making progress while keeping performance stable, implemented the new vision of development, advanced the supply-side structural reform, continuously created and improved macro-control measures, comprehensively deepened the economic structural reform, promoted concerted development between regions and between urban and rural areas, steadily improved the openness of the economy and advanced the program of building a beautiful China. Through the above-mentioned efforts, we have maintained stable, healthy and sustained economic and social development with remarkable achievements. I will give detailed introductions of three such achievements.

    In regard to economic growth, against the backdrop of a sluggish global economic recovery, the Chinese economy registered an average annual growth rate of 7.2 percent in the past four years. China's aggregate economic output steadily increased to 74 trillion yuan in 2016 from 54 trillion yuan in 2012. This year, the economy has maintained stability while making steady progress. It is expected to achieve the growth target of 6.5 percent for the year, and may even report a better outcome. It is predicted that the aggregate economic output at the end of this year will reach more than 80 trillion yuan. Over the years, the Chinese economy has maintained a medium-high growth rate, remaining one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world. China represents 15 percent of the global economy and is the biggest contributor to global growth with a proportion of over 30 percent every year.

    In regard to raising the quality of development, over the past five years China's economic structure has been undergoing adjustment and optimization. Consumption has outweighed investment in terms of demand structure and the tertiary accounted for more than the secondary industry in terms of industrial structure. As a result, the consumption and service sectors have better buttressed economic growth. In the first three quarters of this year, consumption made a 64.5 percent contribution to economic growth, with the service sector accounting for 52.9 percent. With regional development being reshaped and improved and a new type of urbanization making solid progress, the number of permanent urban residents has increased to 57.35 percent of the total population. The old growth drivers have been replaced with new ones in an orderly manner, and new technologies, new industries, new models and new businesses have kept emerging one after another. The contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth rose to 56.2 percent in 2016, and the expenses on research and development reached 1.55 trillion yuan.

    In regard to people's lives, we have scored eye-catching achievements in employment and poverty alleviation. We have boosted employment through promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, creating more than 13 million new urban jobs annually for four consecutive years. And the figure was 10.97 million in the first nine months of this year. During the fight against poverty, the indigent population was reduced by more than 55 million in the past four years, and this year will see a further 10 million-plus reduction. The incidence of poverty dropped to 4.5 percent by the end of 2016 and is expected to lower to less than 4 percent by the end of this year. Meantime, more than 5.8 million people were relocated from inhospitable areas. Looking at the history of world civilizations, only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and under the socialist system have we been able to make such outstanding achievements.

    One doesn't know the difficulty of an undertaking unless one does it personally. The achievements in the past five years resulted from the strong leadership of and scientific decisions made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and are also attributable to the fact that people of all ethnic groups across the country have been mobilized to overcome obstacles and forge ahead in an active and concerted effort. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has focused on the principal contradiction facing economic and social development and the principal factors of this contradiction. It has mapped out an economic policy framework after sizing up the situation in the context of a long economic cycle and the global political and economic environment. This framework, which has played a key role in promoting economic growth, can be summarized in the following aspects.

    The CPC Central Committee made the major judgment that China is in a "new normal" of economic development; adopted the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development and focused on supply-side structural reform; followed the work style of seeking truth from facts and upheld the principle of making progress while keeping performance stable. This economic policy framework, with a vision of both the short-term and long-term interests, has integrated a problem-oriented approach with a goal-oriented approach and includes both top-level planning and concrete practices. With scientific planning and effective implementation, it has been welcome by the whole society and tackled the problems efficiently, and therefore the expectation for the development of the Chinese economy remains positive.

    At the same time, we also realized that there are still many contradictions and challenges facing China's economic and social development, which we need to address seriously. The report delivered at the opening session of the 19th National Congress pointed out that the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved in the new era. To accomplish the goals set in the report, which are to finish the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020, to fundamentally realize socialist modernization by 2035 and by 2050 to develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful, we need to focus on the following aspects:

    We need to comprehensively study and implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress; analyze the new symptoms and problems emerging in regard to the principal contradiction during different developmental stages and periods of society; correctly grasp the principal contradiction facing economic and social development and the principal factors of this contradiction; continue to create new methods of macro regulation and improve existing ones; and put forward targeted solutions in a timely manner, so as to ensure that development becomes better in quality, more efficient, more equitable, and more sustainable.

    Guo Weimin:

    Thanks to Mr. He for his brief introduction. We now move to the Q&A session. Please identify the media outlet you represent before raising your question.


    Xinhua News Agency:

    In the past five years, there have been some voices wondering if China's economy will suffer a hard landing. But in fact, China's economy has maintained stability while making steady progress and outperformed other major economies. You are the head of the country's macroeconomic regulator - why do you think China's economy can make it? Based on growth figures in the first three quarters, many media outlets and organizations noted that China's economy is clearly stabilizing. Some even believe that the new cycle for economic growth has already come. What is your opinion of that? Thank you.

    He Lifeng:

    Thank you. Since 2012, the global economic recovery has struggled to take effect while China's economy has maintained stability and made steady progress. "Stability" can be seen in the following aspects:

    First, major economic indicators are stable. From 2013 to 2016, China's economy grew at an average rate of 7.2 percent, and the rate for the first quarter, first half as well as the first three quarters of this year are all 6.9 percent. The country's economic volume has grown from 54 trillion yuan in 2012 to 74.4 trillion yuan in 2016. If this trend continues, that number would surpass 80 trillion yuan. That's an increase of over 20 trillion yuan in five years, which would mean there was an average growth of 4 to 5 trillion yuan every year. This year, the increase may be over 6 trillion yuan, which is equal to the economic volume of a medium-sized developed country of about US$800 billion to US$900 billion. That is not easy. Although China's economy has shifted from a high speed to a medium-to-high speed of growth, the country's economic volume has been constantly expanding at a relatively large margin.

    Second, prices remain stable. In recent years, price increases averaged at about 2 percent, with the highest rate at 2.6 percent and the lowest at 1.4 percent. In particular, the prices for agricultural by-products remain stable, which has delivered tangible benefits to the general public. Stable prices have created a desirable environment and conditions for development.

    Third, employment is stable. Job growth reached 13 million additional positions in 2013 from 12.6 million in 2012 and the number remained over 13 million in the following years. Like I just mentioned, job growth this year reached 10.97 million by September, so the number is expected to reach 13 million by the end of this year. Without stable and healthy economic growth, an increase of 65 million positions in five years would not have been possible.

    Fourth, poverty reduction is progressing in a stable manner. Every year, over 10 million people are lifted out of impoverishment in China. The poverty rate is expected to be reduced to less than 4 percent by the end of this year. While there is still much work to be done, lifting over 60 million people out of poverty in a steady manner in the course of five years is indeed a huge achievement. One does not realize the difficulty of an undertaking until one has experienced it oneself. We have made strenuous efforts in this process.

    "Progress" can be seen in the following aspects.

    First, we have been progressing with institutional reform. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his report, over 1,500 reform measures were implemented to deal with difficult issues and the results are better than expected.

    Second, we have made steady progress in cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness. In our drive to promote economic restructuring and industrial transformation and upgrading, we have steadily cut overcapacity in steel and coal while employing market-oriented and law-based measures in the industries. Up to this point, we have cut over 100 million tons of steel capacity, 400 million tons of coal capacity, and resettled over 1 million workers laid off from the move. That is not easy. And we have also made significant progress in reducing excess inventory, deleveraging and strengthening areas of weakness.

    Third, we have made marked progress in economic transformation and upgrading. Traditional industries have undergone complete and rapid transformations in technology, products as well as research and development and are burgeoning with vitality. New forms of business, like car hailing and bike sharing, are in full swing, while business models that are combined with e-commerce and electronic data keep sprouting up. During the past National Day Holiday, Chinese tourists were reportedly not accustomed to life abroad as they could not pay for tickets, hotels and food using mobile payments. This shows that these new forms of business have made people's lives significantly easier and improved their livelihoods. New industries keep sprouting up. According to some authoritative media reports, the number of Chinese tech "unicorns" has reached 90, accounting for one-third of the world's total and only slightly less than the number present in the countries with the most. This means that China's new high-tech industries and enterprises are burgeoning and the country's business climate for medium and small businesses has greatly improved, which have paved a solid foundation for steady, healthy and sustainable economic development in the future.

    All the above demonstrate China's sustainable and healthy economic development in the past five years. What are these achievements attributable to? The report to the 19th CPC National Congress has given the answer. First, it is because of the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. Second, it is because of the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which is the latest achievement in adapting Marxist political economy to the Chinese context and has been greatly employed in real practice.

    Third, it is attributable to the strong and superior socialist system that is able to mobilize both resources and power to tackle difficult issues. Some huge projects that we have always wanted to but were unable to finish have been completed. That is quite remarkable.

    Fourth, CPC committees and governments at all levels have a strong capacity to get things done through, in my opinion, mobilized efforts and policy implementations. This has motivated tens of millions of entrepreneurs and has been driving China's socioeconomic development forward. We are fully confident in our future.

    Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group:

    Just now Mr. He mentioned that the report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress offered a very significant assessment of the principal contradiction facing Chinese society. I'd like to ask how we should understand this assessment, and, at the same time, how can the new contradiction be resolved. Thank you.

    He Lifeng:

    Thanks. In the report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping offered a significant political assessment that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and, correspondingly, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved accordingly. It means that what we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. This evolution represents an overall and historical shift that creates many new demands for the work of both the Party and the country. We are now studying earnestly and gaining a good grasp of the essence of the report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress. We need to make a profound analysis of how the principal contradiction faced by Chinese society evolves in different periods and at different developmental stages.

    In his report, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a detailed explanation of the six major problems and contradictions identified in regard to the country's unbalanced and inadequate development. These involve the economy, people's livelihood, social governance, as well as other important aspects. In terms of the economy, he pointed out the problems caused by unbalanced and inadequate development that are awaiting our solution, including the fact that China's ability to innovate needs to be stronger, the real economy must be improved and we have a long way to go in protecting the environment.

    We need to focus on these problems that have involved different forms of expression in different periods and developmental stages, make an in-depth study of the true causes, offer prompt countermeasures and solutions and resolve the problems one by one through practicable implementation of the chosen measures. We believe that the resolution of these problems will definitely promote economic development, meet the people's ever-growing needs for a better life in different periods and at different stages of national advance, and achieve better quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development. Thanks.

    China Global Television Network (CGTN):

    My question is about the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. We know the Xiongan New Area was formally set up last April, and the Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035) was officially published recently. So, what is the latest situation with the construction of Xiongan New Area and sub-center of Beijing? We have noticed that new plans have been drawn up to guide the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. So, what's the next big move in the development?

    He Lifeng:

    I would like to answer your latter question first, since the Xiongan New Area and Beijing's new administrative center are important parts of the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the concept of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2013. And the meeting of major Party and government leaders of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei was held to identify the concept as an important strategy of national development on Feb. 26, 2014. Since then, the strategy has been implemented in an effective and orderly way, especially in three major areas. In terms of transportation, we have extended incomplete national expressways and improved bottleneck sections of national highways, with a combined length of 800 kilometers. In terms of industrial upgrading and transfer, we transferred a batch of quality enterprises not suited to Beijing's future development, that is, not related to the capital function, to Tianjin and Hebei for a better coordinated development. In terms of ecological and environmental protection, we have achieved great development in landscaping and forestation around Beijing. While restricting less efficient, dispersed coal operations, we are striving to make the sky over China blue once again. In addition to the three aspects I have already mentioned, we have also worked to improve people's livelihood and quality of life, including education, medical and health care. So, the achievements we have made in developing the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region indeed have exceeded our projections.

    To phase out Beijing's non-capital functions is a major part of developing the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council approved the Beijing Urban Master Plan recently. The sub-center of Beijing is located in Tongzhou. Under the plan, Tongzhou and areas in southeast Beijing, such as the three counties in northern Langfang, Beijing's new airport and Zhuozhou are being developed in an orderly and effective way.

    Over the years, the construction of major buildings in the administrative office area has been basically finished. According to the plan, Beijing municipal institutions and administrative departments will initially take steps to move by the end of this year, sending a strong signal to the public that the phasing out of Beijing's non-capital functions has taken a big step forward.

    As a vital part of developing the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and also the major carrier in taking over Beijing's non-capital functions, the establishment of the Xiongan New Area was announced by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Apr.1, 2017. Located 30 kilometers from Baoding, the Xiongan New Area will span Xiongxian, Anxin and Rongcheng counties, totaling an area of about 2,000 square kilometers. The first phase of new area development will cover around 20 to 30 square kilometers and be expanded to 100 square kilometers fairly quickly. The great achievements we made in planning and constructing the new area in the last months are as follows:

    Firstly, we establish the effective and efficient working committee and management committee to carry out developments in the Xiongan New Area.

    Secondly, we have established 12 teams, including 300 experts from both home and abroad. The urban design for the new area must adhere to the requirement of "world view, international standards, Chinese characteristics and high-level positioning". The plan, as I understand, has entered a crucial stage of revision and modification.

    Thirdly, we have developed the necessary policy framework for the Xiongan New Area. It has been worked on by the NDRC and relevant departments in Hebei Province, and will be issued together with the Xiongan New Area Master Plan.

    Fourthly, based on the current situation, the projects not in conflict with the plan of Xiongan New Area have already been carried out in an orderly way, such as large-scale afforestation and development of the Beijing-Xiongan high-speed railway. Thanks.

    Xinhua News Network:

    My question is about China's economic development model. China's economic development has achieved great success in recent years and been recognized by the international community, especially by developing countries. Do you think China's model is worth learning by other countries?

    Ning Jizhe:

    Just as Mr. He explained, over the past five years, China's economic development has again made new and significant achievements on the basis of its reform and opening up beginning more than 30 years ago. These achievements were reached under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, by adhering to the socialism with Chinese characteristics and taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the nearly four decades since the reform and opening up, we have gone from a planned economy to a planned commodity economy, to a planned market economy and then to the socialist market economy, which have greatly liberated and developed productivity. At the same time, we have expanded the opening up to the outside world and carried out mutually beneficial exchanges with other countries. We have also adopted a series of policies and measures in line with China's national conditions, greatly promoting the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of hundreds of millions of people to develop the economy and improve their livelihoods.

    In his report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a scientific summary of the basic strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and with the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will do a better job and further expand our opening up to achieve peaceful development, mutual benefit and win-win results with other countries.

    The current trend of the whole world is still political multi-polarization, economic globalization, cultural diversity and social informatization, which has not changed. Countries have their own national conditions and culture, so seeking economic development and an improvement of people's livelihoods according to their own national conditions is a shared interest globally.

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics is pursued by China based on its own national conditions. It has provided a Chinese solution for the world and for other countries to develop their economies and improve people's livelihoods. Some developing countries can use it as a reference when moving forward from a low-income country to a middle-income one. General Secretary Xi Jinping in his report also proposed building a community for the shared future of mankind. We believe that all countries in the world can learn from each other in their mutual cooperation and development. We would also like to introduce some experiences and practices of China in its development. Thank you.


    Seen from figures for the first three quarters of this year, China's current investment growth is sluggish. Many market entities have pointed out the lack of a strong desire by private businesses to invest. I would like to know the views of the three officials present today on this. Will there be new measures adopted after the 19th CPC National Congress to encourage investment by the private sector, shore up their confidence and stimulate their vitality? Thank you.

    Zhang Yong:

    Thanks for your question. Fixed asset investment plays an important role in China's economic growth. I've read some statistics which show that over 700 million Chinese travelled during the eight-day National Day holiday. So many people traveling concurrently within such a short period of time is made possible by China's more than 20,000 kilometers of high-speed railways in operation as an infrastructure guarantee. This is an example of the important role fixed asset investment has played in China's economic growth for more than thirty years of reform and opening up.

    Fixed asset investment amounted to 45.85 trillion yuan in the first nine months of this year, up 7.5 percent year-on-year. This is a growth rate 0.3 percentage points lower than that for the first eight months of the year, but the fall in the growth rate is already 0.2 percentage points lower than the fall when comparing the figure for the first eight months of the year with that for the first seven months of the year. Of all the fixed asset investment, infrastructure investment still grew steadily and rapidly and real estate investment grew relatively steadily. Impressively, investment in high-tech manufacturing and technological transformation expanded rapidly, though private investment and the overall investment in manufacturing declined.

    You mentioned in your question that investment growth is sluggish, but I think there are two sides to every coin. After over thirty years of massive construction, China's infrastructure has improved significantly, so the high growth rate of over 20 percent or 10 percent seen in the past, I think, will now be followed by a relatively medium-high growth rate. If you pay attention, you may notice that in the past when you visited a city, you saw tower cranes everywhere. I once visited a provincial capital where tower cranes were seen everywhere and a local official, when asked, told me that the total number of tower cranes then being used in the city was 10,000, which was higher than the aggregate number of many countries.

    But now when we visit a city, especially a medium- or big-sized one, you can rarely see such a sight, which shows that massive infrastructure construction was already done well. Meanwhile, China's investment structure has improved as a result of its efforts to boost investment where it is unduly low, especially evidenced by the rapid development of the high-tech industry. The report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening of the 19th CPC Congress has highlighted a number of major advances in science and technology, such as the successful launch of the Tiangong-2 spacelab, the commissioning of the deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong and the test flight of airliner C919. In addition, China has overcome one difficulty after another to achieve intellectual property rights for high-speed railways. On the whole, fixed asset investment has remained within a reasonable range of growth, but many problems do still exist. For example, government investment is not as effective and targeted as it should be; private investment still faces barriers in terms of market access; the public-private partnership (PPP) needs to be further facilitated; and reform of the investment and financing systems needs to go deeper. These are all problems in need of greater efforts to be addressed.

    This is why General Secretary Xi Jinping in his report at the Congress specifically called for deepening the reform of the investment and financing systems so that investment can play a critical role in optimizing the supply structure. We will follow the guiding principles of the Congress, adopt a problem-oriented approach and further give rein to the important role of investment in stimulating economic growth.

    Private investment has always been an issue of high public attention. China's private investment has arguably seen rapid development and played an important role in the national economy, especially since China started the drive of reform and opening up. Over the past five years, the proportion of private investment in the total fixed asset investment remains steady at over 60 percent, with the highest being 65.4 percent. The proportion narrowed down to roughly 60.5 percent for the first nine months of the year. The private sector contributed 80 percent of China's employment, 60 percent of China's GDP and 50 percent of China's tax revenue. Moreover, currently 70 percent of China's outbound investment comes from private businesses. Therefore, private businesses have become a very important component of the national economy. The slower growth seen in private investment, I think, is to a certain degree linked to the slower growth in China's overall investment we mentioned just now. But there are private sector-specific reasons. Private investment is concentrated in manufacturing and real estate and those two industries are undergoing relatively weak growth as manufacturing is transforming and upgrading and real estate is cutting excess inventory and suffering from tightened control over land supply. Therefore, the relatively weak growth of the two industries is an objective result.

    However, private investment was steady and sustained on the whole. In the first nine months of this year, private investment grew 6 percent, 3.5 percentage points higher over the same period last year. The numbers were even lower at 2.1 percent for the first seven and eight months of 2016. The latest 6 percent is, I would say, a sign of stabilization.

    Yes, the report delivered at the opening of the Congress said China will support private businesses and stimulate the vitality of various market entities, so further promoting private investment is a focus of our work. We will especially focus on solving the following problems, as they are most complained about.

    First, areas off limits to private investment, or in other words market access. We will continue to streamline administration and delegate powers to further lower the threshold for market access, with special attention given to making a negative list so that the market becomes more transparent and private businesses are more empowered to make independent decisions.

    Second, a lack of desire to invest by the private sector. We are now working with relevant departments to speed up the establishment of a government information platform, especially a creditability system. The government should as well be credible and abide by the contracts it has signed to protect the legitimate rights and interests of private businesses.

    Third, a lack of courage to invest. We will intensify oversight to find out why private businesses are afraid to invest and correspond accordingly. We will also protect intellectual property rights and incubate entrepreneurs.

    Last, where to invest. Why is investment in manufacturing experiencing relatively slow growth? The reason is that the industry is transforming and we need to find new growth points. I think the government should undertake the responsibility to guide through policy and channel private investment into fields where the industrial chain is long and outlook is rosy.

    Economic Herald from Hong Kong:

    The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has become a focus of public concern since the national strategy was proposed. What does it mean for the development of Hong Kong and Macao? In addition, economic growth in the greater bay area remains unbalanced and the political and economic systems somewhat complicated and diversified. How will the central government deal with these problems?

    He Lifeng:

    Thank you. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his report at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress that the development of Hong Kong and Macao is closely tied up with that of the mainland. On July 1, he witnessed the event when the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the People's Government of Guangdong Province, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region jointly signed a framework agreement for constructing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. These were among a series of activities held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. In my view, promoting construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has great significance.

    First, its construction will help advance the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the country's overall development and promote better growth of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong Province and especially the Pearl River Delta region, so as to provide more benefits for Hong Kong and Macao people, and improve economic competitiveness and the level of public services in the Pearl River Delta region.

    Second, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area comprises nine cities in Guangdong, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, and Zhuhai, together with Hong Kong and Macao. It covers an area of 56,000 square kilometers with a population of more than 68 million. Last year, its aggregate economic output approached 10 trillion yuan, roughly equivalent to US$1.4 trillion. The amount matches world-renowned bay areas, such as the Tokyo Bay, the San Francisco Bay and the New York Bay areas. Through its construction, we aim to build a world-class urban agglomeration, where "nine plus two" can add up to more than eleven and even produce a multiplier effect considering its economic scale and aggregate economic output implying rich human resources and a solid material foundation with a well-developed transportation network and close interaction with other economies at home and abroad. Therefore, it has bright prospects as the member cities leverage their comparative strengths to promote construction.

    Since the framework agreement was signed on July 1, construction has achieved substantial strides. On the one hand, the NDRC, together with related government departments and Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao, have worked to speed up planning for the area. The plan will provide a guideline, or a blueprint, for its construction in future. We are now soliciting opinions on the initial draft of the plan.

    We are also promoting technological innovation that is reconcilable with the plan. Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other cities in the Pearl River Delta region have had close connections with Hong Kong and Macao before in economy and technological cooperation in such fields as unmanned aerial vehicles, electronic information and new forms of business, all of which have a good foundation. Thus, on the former basis, they are carrying out the contents of the framework agreement so as to turn them into specific projects through active communication and consultation. The work is already starting to produce good results.

    In my view, as the process is being accelerated, the bay area will become an important international center for scientific and technological innovation. What's more, the area is vast and has plenty of room to grow, and the same applies to its surrounding area. The cycle of developing, manufacturing and marketing will gain rapid progress. We have full confidence the area will become a new economic growth pole for China's future development through technological and institutional innovation. Its growth speed and quality, efficiency, fairness and sustainability during the development will all be of a most advanced nature.

    As for internal interconnection, more efforts are now being made to link up waterways, electrical engineering and especially transportation in addition to communications. Work is being accelerated for construction of the well-known Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Based on the current progress, it is expected to open to traffic by the end of this year. Besides, we are mulling policies to facilitate various other forms of contact, that is, how to facilitate the movements of personnel, funds and other market elements. We are working on related policies such as those related to customs and other aspects.

    I believe that, as we have a clear direction, and the report to the 19th CPC National Congress has put forward clear requirements, joint efforts at the national level, Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao will coincide to create a better future for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Thank you.

    People's Railway Daily:

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China's high-speed railway development has made great achievements, with both the scale and speed of high-speed railway networks ranking first in the world now. My question is for the National Development and Reform Commission. Do you have any specific plans and measures for the future development of the high-speed railway in our country? Thanks.

    He Lifeng:

    As you said just now, the total length of China's high-speed railway now ranks first in the world, exceeding 22,000 kilometers. Correspondingly, the complete set of equipment for the country's high-speed railway, including roadbeds, rails, locomotives and carriages, as well as the overall operation management have also reached an advanced world-class level. The point here is that, in future development, we will continue to push it forward as an important project in the industry. Currently, we are working with the Ministry of Transport and the China Railway (CR) to make an in-depth study of specific policies in this regard. It is estimated that an additional number of high-speed railways will be under construction and open to traffic every year in the future so as to better meet the needs of the people and better serve the passengers.

    While answering related questions just now, Mr. Zhang Yong said that the number of Chinese people traveling during the National Day holidays this year exceeded 700 million, which is an unimaginable figure anywhere in the world. The average daily volume of high-speed railway passengers during this period exceeded 15 million, which is also an unimaginable figure for any country in the world. Therefore, to strengthen areas of weakness and meet objective needs, we will pay more attention to the construction of high-speed railways in our next step. With the implementation of the country's Belt and Road Initiative at the same time, we will consult with the countries along the Belt and Road on the technology, standards and equipment of high-speed railways so as to meet the different needs of different countries, promote the building of a community of a shared future for mankind, and bring benefits to the countries and the peoples along the Belt and Road. Thank you.


    To what extent will China's efforts to combat smog this winter affect economic growth in the fourth quarter of this year and the first quarter of next year? Thank you.

    Zhang Yong:

    The central government attaches great importance to improving the environment and has issued action plans on prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution in the past five years. Curbing air pollution is one of the people's aspirations. General Secretary Xi Jinping reaffirmed in his speeches on ecological conservation that the environment is the people's livelihood, green mountains are beautiful, and blue skies provide happiness. Our development concept, or the idea of development, is to focus on the people. Therefore, the governance of air pollution is a priority. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and other departments are working together to push forward this fight.

    Great progress has been made in curbing pollution and reducing emissions in the past five years. Per unit of GDP energy consumption has dropped by 20.9 percent, and carbon dioxide emissions have also kept falling. The energy conserved is equivalent to over one billion tons of standard coal. But our efforts still need to be intensified. In the fight against pollution, some restrictions have to be placed on high-pollution enterprises, thus affecting their performance and profit to some extent.

    However, these restrictions are essential to the overall ecological conservation of the country, and will not have a great effect on China's economy. We have strengthened rectification of power plants and other high-pollution enterprises. We have set obligatory targets for all provinces and evaluated them each year. As a result, power plants and other high-polluting enterprises are equipped with more advanced technologies to reduce pollution. With our intensified efforts, we can enjoy more days with "blue skies" in the future. Actually, the construction of ecological progress will play a positive role in the development of economy.

    China News Service and Chinanews.com:

    According to some reports, certain foreign investments are withdrawing from the Chinese market, as some foreign-invested enterprises have complained about the changing business climate in China. What are your views about the issue? Are we tightening our control over outbound investment? Are there any measures taken to promote international cooperation on production capacity with win-win outcomes? Thanks.

    Ning Jizhe:

    Well, the questions you have asked concern three different aspects - the use of foreign investment, outbound investment and international cooperation on production capacity. All of these relate to the issue of opening up, an important obligation of the NDRC. First of all, I need to say that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has laid considerable emphasis on opening up. Last July, General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired a meeting of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs, urging the country to improveits investment and market environment and accelerate opening up to the outside world. Fundamentally speaking, the investment environment in China has been continuously improved in the past few years, and the opening-up policy in China will not change. According to the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, China will not close its door to the world; it will only become more and more open, with more inclusive, fairer and easier access to the use of foreign capital.

    In recent years, China continues to be the leading destination for foreign direct investment. In the first nine months of this year, foreign investment utilization in China hit US$92.1 billion, maintaining a high momentum. However, we still need to place more importance on improvement of the business environment, as there are still some problems and difficulties in the development of foreign-invested companies.

    This year, the State Council issued two special documents focusing on the use of foreign investment. One is "Measures to Expand Opening up and Actively Use Foreign Capital" and the other is "Measures to Promote the Growth of Foreign Investment."Issuing two documents on foreign investment utilization within one year fully demonstrates the central government's firm resolve to improve the environment for foreign investment.

    In the ensuing years, China will implement the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list across the board and significantly ease market access in a bid to create a better business climate. In terms of fair competition, we will also give equal national treatment to foreign-invested enterprises after they make investments. All businesses registered in China will be treated equally. In order to facilitate investment, we keep managing foreign investments mainly on a record-keeping basis. So far, more than 96 percent of the foreign investments have been managed this way. Besides, we are still seeking to deepen the reform in some areas to further improve investment facilitation in a holistic manner. I believe, through such efforts, China can definitely create a fairer, more reasonable and more efficient environment for businesses and their investments.

    China has always given equal access to "bringing in" and "going global," supporting qualified domestic companies to "go global" for win-win cooperation. This strategy has never been changed. By the end of 2016, our total outbound investment amounted toUS$1.36 trillion and the number of enterprises established in overseas markets reached 37,200. In 2016, the country's outbound investment totaled US$196.2 billion. China became the world's second biggest investor, and its related stock ranked sixth. The report to the 19thCPC National Congress has also stipulated that we will develop new ways of making outbound investments and form globally-oriented networks of trade, investment and financing, production and services. However, there are still some problems with outbound investments. We need to guide enterprises to invest abroad in accordance with local laws and regulations. We are also considering to issue laws to regulate outbound investments, ensuring they can obtain sustainable and sound development. In the first three quarters of this year, China's non-financial outbound investment reached US$78 billion, showing an improving structure with no new projects reported in property, sport and entertainment.

    Last but not least, we will comply with the requirements stipulated in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress to promote international cooperation on production capacity. With enterprises taking the leading role, we will take a market-oriented approach, follow the international norms and the guidelines of the government and make full use of the advantages of various countries to achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. We seek to better facilitate international cooperation on production capacity in the following aspects.

    First, we'll improve the safeguard mechanism. We have so far launched production capacity and investment cooperation mechanisms with 36 countries. The number will keep increasing and the mechanisms continue to be improved. We have set up third-party cooperation mechanisms with developed countries such as France and Germany, and launched multilateral cooperation on production capacity with regional organizations like ASEAN. We plan to further our endeavors on such a basis to help our enterprises to better target overseas demand while launching projects.

    Second, we seek to innovate our services. We are promoting investment and fundraising innovation and internationalization, and giving full play to financial platforms, such as the funds for production capacity cooperation, to create an investor-friendly environment.

    Third, we intend to provide more guidance and regulations. We encourage enterprises to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative as well as international cooperation on production capacity, guiding them to immerse themselves in both the global industrial and value chains, obey the laws and rules of the target country, fulfill their obligations, increase risk awareness and realize mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.

    To add one more point, we need to ensure the implementation of cooperation projects. We will enhance communication with pertinent countries, implementing relevant cooperation projects and improving the multi-party collaboration platform. We are pressing ahead with negotiations of relative protocols in a bid to achieve notable progress in the early phase and deliver the benefits to the peoples involved. Thank you for your questions.

    Economic Daily:

    In recent years, the real economy, in particular the manufacturing sector, has been faced with downward pressures and difficulties. To make the situation even worse, a substantial amount of funds have been drawn from the real economy, adding to the pressure. Can you help us understand the current situation, whereby investment has been diverted out of the real economy? What measures will be taken to solve the problem? Thank you.

    Zhang Yong:

    Thank you for the question. The situation you described is true to some extent. In recent years, due to the global financial crisis, both domestic and international markets have been sluggish. The real economy's profitability has dropped, with nongovernmental capital and enterprises shifting to other sectors. This is a bane on structural adjustment, transformation, upgrading and innovation-driven development of the real economy.

    But it's natural for enterprises to shift to sectors with greater profitability. Now that the virtual economy is seeing higher profits, it's natural that enterprises place greater emphasis on this sector.

    But I'd like to assure you that from the overall perspective, the real economy still maintains sustainable and stable momentum, despite the shifts towards the virtual sector.

    In the report delivered to the 19th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi placed particular emphasis on developing a modernized economy. He said that we must focus on the real economy, give priority to improving the quality of the supply system, and enhance our economy's strength in terms of quality. This is the action guide for our work in the next step. We will guide nongovernmental capital to go to the real economy, because the real economy has been the foundation of all of our economic achievements.

    In recent years, we have taken revitalizing the real economy as a major task in the supply-side structural reform. We have achieved notable outcomes, such as upgrading the industrial structure, reboosting the manufacturing sector, and stabilizing market expectations.

    The commissioning of the deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong, the test flight of the airliner C919, and other scientific and technological achievements mentioned in General Secretary Xi's report are all the results pulled off by various departments and regions' effective implementation of the CPC Central Committee's plans on reviving the real economy and deepening the supply-side structural reform.

    Yet, we still have to put the real economy as the top priority, seek to solve problems, and focus on addressing issues like low profitability of investments and the poor quality of supply.

    Under the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, we will take measures in the following fields:

    First, we will strengthen areas of weakness, and increase effective supply. We should focus on both the "software" and the "hardware." "Hardware" refers to accelerating the development of emerging industries and advanced manufacturing industries. "Software" refers to strengthening the construction of various certification, accreditation, standardization and other systems.

    Second, we will further streamline administration procedures and delegate more power to lower-level governments to relieve the pressures on enterprises. This year, the State Council has made a dedicated effort to cut taxes and fees by 1 trillion yuan. The aim is to stimulate enterprises' development, strike a balance between the role of government and that of the market, and make enterprises willing to engage in the real economy under the current market situation.

    Third, we will implement the strategy of innovation-driven development, and shift to new driving forces of growth. Innovation is the primary driving force for development. We should foster an environment in favor of innovation, and increase innovation's contribution to the real economy's growth. The campaign of mass entrepreneurship and innovation has been in full swing. Many of you might have visited startup business parks, which are found all over the country, and have attracted many college graduates and returning migrant workers seeking new jobs at home. We will give more support to this field.

    Fourth, we will cut overcapacity, and improve the allocation of inventories. Just now, Mr. He talked about the steel sector. The previous large-scale investments helped solve many long-term problems, such as poor roads, poor transportation, and low productivity, but it also caused new problems, such as overcapacity in the coal and steel sectors. To solve this problem, to improve the allocation of inventories, and to increase the efficiency of allocation, we need to adopt market-based and law-based operations.

    Last, we will improve the service system, including financial services and government services, to support the real economy, facilitate the real economy's development, and make its development more efficient, thus laying a more solid foundation for China's economic and social development.

    Guo Weimin:

    This ends today's press conference. Thank you.

    Press conference: China's economic, social development
  • Press conference: CPC's united front and international relations


    Mr. Zhang Yijiong, executive vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

    Mr. Ran Wanxiang, vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

    Mr. Guo Yezhou, vice minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee


    Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the 19th National Congress of the CPC and deputy director of the State Council Information Office


    Oct. 21, 2017

    The press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a press conference on the united front work and the external work of the CPC, in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 21, 2017. Executive Vice Minister Zhang Yijiong (2nd L) and Vice Minister Ran Wanxiang (1st R) of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Guo Yezhou (2nd R), vice minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the conference. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Weimin:

    Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. Welcome to the third press conference held at the Press Center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

    Today, we invited Mr. Zhang Yijiong, the executive vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, Mr. Ran Wanxiang, also a vice minister of the department, and Mr. Guo Yezhou, the vice minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, to attend the press conference, and introduce the Party's united front work and external exchanges.

    Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Zhang Yijiong.

    Zhang Yijiong, executive vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), speaks at a press conference held by the press center of the 19th CPC National Congress in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 21, 2017. The press conference was themed on the united front work and the external work of the CPC. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Zhang Yijiong:

    The united front is a political alliance led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) with the aim of joining together various political parties, social classes, ethnic groups, organizations and personages from all walks of life. At the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, said that the united front is an important way to ensure the success of the Party's cause, and included developing the broadest possible patriotic united front into the basic policy that underpins our endeavors to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the CPC Central Committee has held a series of meetings on work related to the united front, ethnic groups, religions, Xinjiang, Tibet, and people belonging to new social groups. The CPC United Front Work Regulations (Trial), the first document of its kind, and a batch of other normative guidelines were enacted. Uninterrupted progress has been made in the development, innovation, consolidation and expansion of the united front, which has played an important role in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    First, the strengths of the multi-party cooperation system have become increasingly prominent. The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the CPC, a political party system with Chinese characteristics, is an important way for China to achieve socialist democracy. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party has exerted great efforts to ensure better regulation of consultation among political parties, encourage the participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, and upgrade overall democratic oversight. In this way, the multi-party cooperation system has played an unparalleled role in extending political engagement, coordinating various interests, reaching a broad consensus and enhancing social harmony. General Secretary Xi chaired four or five party consultative conferences every year to hear the opinions of the primary leaders of non-CPC parties on major Party and state affairs. An "Express Train" system has been established in which the non-CPC parties are able to provide suggestions and constructive criticisms directly to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, thus ensuring Party and government decisions are made in a sound and democratic way. The central committees of eight other political parties provided democratic oversight of poverty eradication, which is an innovation in the supervision of major Party and state decisions. Members of eight other political parties, as well as personages with no party affiliations, have taken an active part in strengthening state power. Many non-CPC personages hold leading positions in the people's congresses, government departments and judicial organs at all levels. The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), as an organization of the patriotic united front of the Chinese people, conducts regular political consultation, democratic oversight and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, embodying the strengths and distinctive features of China's socialist democracy.

    Second, all social strata are fully invigorated. To adopt a holistic approach and promote all social strata to play their role and get along well is an important task for the united front work. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, our Party has united people from all walks of life on the basis of consolidating the alliance of workers and peasants, further cementing the class and mass foundation for the governance of the Party. We have unwaveringly encouraged, supported, and guided the development of the non-public sector of economy. We have provided support to leading figures in this sector to promote entrepreneurship, and to help them play an active part in the supply-side structural reform, the acceleration of economic transformation and upgrading, service to society and the people, and the endeavor to eradicate poverty. So, coincident with the development of their enterprises, they can give back to the country and society. We have also provided guidance and support to non-CPC intellectuals and Chinese students returning from overseas, allowing them to fully utilize their knowledge and skills in innovation and starting businesses. A batch of outstanding non-CPC intellectuals have made significant breakthroughs in science and technology, many of which reached a world-class level. We have adapted to changes of the social strata, and worked hard to expand the united front. So, non-CPC managerial and technical staff in private and foreign enterprises, employees of intermediary organizations and social organizations, freelancers and staff of new media are included in the united front, and rally closely around the Party and the government.

    Third, common development and prosperity achieved from the common endeavor of national unity. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party has adhered to the correct path of addressing ethnic issues according to China's special conditions. The system of regional ethnic autonomy has been upheld and further improved. Great efforts have been made to support the economic and social development of minority ethnic groups and areas inhabited by large ethnic minority populations. The cultivation of skilled individuals in minority ethnic groups has been enhanced. In areas with large ethnic minority populations, more efforts have been made to promote the development of the internal driving force for growth, accelerate poverty eradication, and provide people with equitable access to public services, thus bringing the benefits of reform and opening up to all. We have focused on creating a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and heightened public awareness of ethnic unity and progress. Active efforts have been made to foster a social atmosphere, in which people of all ethnic groups can live, study, work and enjoy the benefits of development together. The exchanges, communication and integration among them have been further intensified. We have conformed to the principle of addressing ethnic affairs on a legal basis, faithfully implemented the CPC Central Committee's strategies on the governance of Tibet and Xinjiang, and improved the coordinated management of our work to serve the migrant ethnic population. We have relentlessly fought against secessionism, which safeguards the national unity, ethnic solidarity and social stability.

    Fourth, active guidance was provided to religions, so that they can adapt themselves to socialist society. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party's basic policy on religious work has been implemented. Following the general requirement of providing active guidance to religions, we have effectively enforced the policy on the freedom of religious belief, stuck to the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, used socialist core values to lead the development of religions, and effectively protected the legal rights of the religious community. We have focused on elevating the level of regulation of religious work. In accordance with the principles of "protecting the legal, curbing the illegal, curtailing the extreme, resisting the infiltration and combating crimes," we have enhanced the administration of religious affairs concerning national interests and public interests. In addition, we have intensified the crackdown on activities that use religion to endanger national security, propagate extremism, conduct terrorist activities, or sabotage ethnic unity. Thus, religious activities are ensured to be conducted under the Constitution and within the law, effectively promoting harmonious relations between religions.

    Fifth, united as one, all Chinese both at home and abroad are striving to realize the Chinese Dream. Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, as well as overseas Chinese nationals are all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation related by blood to their compatriots in the mainland. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the united front, aiming at realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, has achieved unity to the greatest extent, and drawn a wide range of overseas Chinese to promote the reform and development of the country and defend the country's core interests. Adhering to the policies of "one country, two systems," "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong," "the people of Macao governing Macao," and a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong and Macao, we have provided support to the two regions for the development of the local economy, the improvement of people's livelihood, the promotion of democracy, and the fostering of social harmony. We have helped boost the exchange and cooperation between the mainland and the two regions in various fields. We have also guided people in the two regions to strengthen their sense of identity as citizens of China and as members of the Chinese nation. These efforts have greatly promoted the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. We have unwaveringly upheld the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, resolutely opposing "Taiwan independence." We have actively promoted people-to-people exchange and cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, worked hard to win popular support, and effectively strengthened the bond and promoted the well-being of people across the Strait. We have committed to putting people first and serving overseas Chinese. Focus has been put on further winning the hearts of overseas Chinese, pooling their wisdom and strength, and safeguarding their interests. Thus, they are being guided to work together for the tasks of advancing modernization and realizing China's reunification, for the global endeavor of opposing "independence" and advancing reunification, for the inheritance and development of fine Chinese culture, and for the friendship of the Chinese people and people all over the world.

    All in all, we have further consolidated the ideological and political foundation for the united front to work together. All political parties, social classes, ethnic groups, organizations, personages from all walks of life have shown unprecedented pride and confidence in the nation's development, fully demonstrating confidence in the path, the theory, the system and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We firmly believe that, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Chinese people will forge ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    Thank you, Mr. Zhang. I now give the floor to Mr. Guo Yezhou.

    Guo Yezhou, vice minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), speaks at a press conference held by the press center of the 19th CPC National Congress in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 21, 2017. The press conference was themed on the united front work and the external work of the CPC. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Yezhou:

    Good morning, everyone. I am pleased to meet you all. Just now, I heard a journalist from a TV station introducing the IDCPC to the audience, saying that "this is a department with which you may not be familiar." I'd like to thank the press center of the 19th CPC National Congress for this opportunity to introduce the CPC's foreign relations work. The IDCPC, a functional organ directly under the CPC Central Committee, is responsible for interactions and exchanges between the CPC and political parties and political organizations from other countries. In the past few days, we've been conscientiously studying, discussing and seeking to comprehend the report to the 19th CPC National Congress delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping on behalf of the 18th CPC Central Committee. In that report, he made a systematic review of the extraordinary undertakings and historic changes made by the Party in the past five years, as well as the country's overall diplomacy.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping described the Party's foreign relations work as "one of the important fronts of the Party and an important integral part of the country's overall diplomacy." This dual role seems to be a logical starting point for my introduction of the CPC's foreign relations work, which has made extraordinary strides and achieved historic shifts in the past five years.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and thanks to the full support and broad participation of the entire Party membership as well as the various localities and all the central Party and government departments, the IDCPC has pressed ahead with its work under the principle of "independence, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs." It has constantly sought to deepen exchanges with political parties and political organizations from other countries. In the past five years, this can be summed up in the following five aspects.

    First, we have deepened inter-party exchanges and promoted communication and understanding of each other's central ideas.

    Political parties play an important role in the political life of most countries. Dialogues between political parties facilitate deeper consensus in terms of values and developmental orientation, and strengthen political power for developing international relations.

    This is quite true.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, our Party has been constantly deepening bilateral and multilateral exchanges with all walks of life in various countries as well as with fraternal political parties.

    During the process, the CPC has not only emphasized exchanges with political parties from other countries with similar ideas and concepts, but also those differing from us. To date, the CPC has maintained regular exchanges with over 400 political parties and organizations in more than 160 countries. A new omni-dimensional, wide-ranging and multi-channel framework for exchanges between political parties has now been established.

    One thing I want to emphasize is how General Secretary Xi Jinping and other leaders of the CPC Central Committee and the central government meet personally with the leaders of political parties from other countries and engage in exchanges and communication with them, which facilitates strategic mutual understanding and political guidance.

    Second, it is very important to tell stories well to win more understanding and support.

    The CPC forms the core of the leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To understand China, one needs first to know the CPC. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the international community has been paying closer attention to China, the CPC, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's new thoughts on the governance of China.

    To respond to this closer attention from the international community, we have worked hard to tell stories of the CPC and interpret the major policies of the Party as well as General Secretary Xi Jinping's new thoughts on the governance of China.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have always hosted themed briefings and seminars, not only after the conclusion of the 18th CPC National Congress but also every plenary session, to provide a comprehensive introduction to foreign friends showing interest in these events. After the end of the 19th CPC National Congress, we will host a themed briefing in Beijing to which we will invite several experts, document drafters and heads of related departments of the CPC to discuss the overall guiding principles of the Congress. Moreover, we will also send delegations abroad to provide similar introductions. I can say that the footprints of CPC delegations now cover the five continents.

    Those events are designed mainly to introduce General Secretary Xi Jinping's new thoughts on the governance of China. The 19th CPC National Congress has introduced a new concept, that is, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We are actively introducing the Party's governance concept, sharing its governing experience, and deepening international understanding and support for these new explorations and new practices of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    Third, our activities serve to promote the overall diplomacy and safeguard national interests.

    Safeguarding national interests is a vital part of all kinds of external interactions and exchanges. General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out on many occasions that the biggest feature and the primary task of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics is to uphold the CPC's centralized and unified leadership in foreign relations work, its ruling party status and the overall political security of the country. This is also the most important task for our external interactions.

    In the past five years, we have focused on the country's major diplomatic agenda to safeguard national sovereignty, security and overall development interests.

    From the Hangzhou G20 Summit to the Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation, and to the recent BRICS Xiamen Summit, the Party's diplomatic work has been most active. Many international partners have offered strong support for the Party in those events, which has made us believe more than ever in the saying that one's "virtues will bring a wide circle of friends."

    Fourth, there is a strong emphasis on promoting people-to-people connectivity and consolidating the social foundation for international relations.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized many times: "Friendship, which derives from close contact between the people, holds the key to sound state-to-state relations." Keeping close contact with the public is a good tradition of the Party. Therefore, when engaging in communication with political parties from other countries, we not only need to interact and make friends with political figures and leaders of those parties, but also enhance public diplomacy and people-to-people diplomacy.

    I will only offer one example: after the Belt and Road Initiative was put forward, the IDCPC has supported related think tanks to build an alliance for the initiative, which includes major national research institutions as well as 100 foreign organizations that cover mainstream think tanks in the Belt and Road countries. As the ruling party, the CPC also strongly supports domestic social organizations in their drive to go global and get involved in international events held by NGOs. We also support domestic social institutions and groups to cooperate with their counterparts in the Belt and Road countries, and thus promote people-to-people connectivity, deepen friendship and drive cooperation in the promotion of individual livelihood.

    Fifth, we desire to make friends worldwide and work together for peace and development.

    China's peace and development needs understanding and support from various circles. Similarly, the great cause of peace and development for the entire human race calls for wide participation and efforts.

    As a department responsible for external interactions, the IDCPC has long been dedicated to the mission of making friends worldwide and working together for peace and development. In our specific work, we not only make friends with the ruling, participating and even non-ruling political parties and political organizations in various countries, but also maintain exchanges with friends from various sectors of society including think tanks, media and civil society groups.

    If you keep up with the news, you will notice that there are political parties and political figures, including heads of state and heads of government, as well as some heads of organizations worldwide sending congratulatory messages every day to the CPC on holding the present congress since it opened. They have expressed good wishes for the CPC and also provided many good suggestions for international relations and inter-party communications in the future. We can say that the CPC has a wide circle of international friends that incorporates both ruling and non-ruling parties as well as State organizations and the civil society.

    During his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "The Communist Party of China strives for both the wellbeing of the Chinese people and human progress. To make new and greater contributions for mankind is our Party's abiding mission."

    A party with such a lofty aim is bound to have more friends.

    Dear friends, General Secretary Xi Jinping said in his report that the CPC will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with political parties and organizations from other countries. The amendment to the Party Constitution also requires that we should develop relations with the communist parties as well as other political parties in various countries in accordance to the principle of "independence, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs."

    As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era and embarks on a new journey, we will, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, study hard and implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, make more progress in our work for external interactions, and make new and bigger contributions to carrying out our great struggle, developing our great project, promoting our great cause and achieving our great dream.

    Thank You.


    Guo Weimin:

    Thank you. Let's move on to the Q&A session. Please identify the media outlet you represent before raising your question.

    Journalists work at a press conference held by the press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 21, 2017. Executive Vice Minister Zhang Yijiong and Vice Minister Ran Wanxiang of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Guo Yezhou, vice minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the conference on the united front work and the external work of the CPC. [Photo/Xinhua]

    China National Radio:

    We noticed that currently the head positions of the united front work departments at various places are taken by the members of the local standing committees of the Party Committees of the same rank. And last year, the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee also set up two new bureaus. My question is: does this mean that the CPC has elevated the united front work to a more important position? Why does the CPC still attach such great importance to this work more than 60 years since it took power? Thanks.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    You raised a very good question. Indeed, General Secretary Xi Jinping has reiterated and emphasized the importance of the united front work since the 18th CPC National Congress and especially in his report at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress. We are now facing the task of realizing the "two centenary goals" and fulfilling the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, which are the common cause of the Chinese nation and people of all ethnic groups in China. Therefore, we need to unite the whole nation and strive to achieve this goal under the leadership of the CPC since it is not only our aspiration but also the aspiration of the whole nation.

    We need to unite Chinese people in all aspects and strive to achieve this goal together, which requires the united front to play its role. The theme of the united front is great solidarity and unity. We need to strive to achieve this goal by uniting the strength of the whole nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his report delivered at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress that the united front is an important way to ensure the success of the Party's cause and we must maintain our commitment to it over the long term. It is under the leadership of the CPC that the united front has fully played its role and we have achieved success in the cause of revolution, development and reform. The Chinese people have been standing up and achieving prosperity. In order to become stronger and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we have to let the united front play a bigger and more comprehensive role under the leadership of the CPC.

    Some of you may not be very familiar with the work of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. Let me give you a brief introduction to it. The United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee is a functional department in charge of the united front work of the CPC Central Committee. Just as you noted in your question, the head positions of the united front work departments at various places are taken by the members of the local standing committees of the Party Committees of the same rank. This indicates the great importance attached to the united front work by the CPC Central Committee. It also allows the united front work to play a better role in coordination and organization. Thank you.

    Guangming Daily:

    China has been actively involved in international affairs. General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of important expositions on the Party's external exchanges, reflecting important thoughts. How are these important thoughts and ideas put into practice in the Party's external exchanges? Thank you.

    Guo Yezhou:

    As I have just said in the introduction, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been attaching great importance to the Party's external exchanges, wherever he has worked – be it in local government or central government as well as in the top posts of the Party and the country.

    He has guided and participated in the Party's external exchanges on numerous occasions. In this process, Xi has followed the trend of global development with a view of China's future and destiny and has made a series of requirements and important instructions on the Party's external exchanges, which are systematic and scientific.

    I can't enumerate them one by one for time's sake, but these requirements and instructions which offer a scientific answer to a series of important theoretical and practical questions including "what we should do," "how we should do," "on whom we should rely" and "for whom we should work for" in the Party's external exchanges.

    They are Xi's important thoughts on the Party's external exchanges and an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They are also the latest achievements of Marxism in China. They are powerful ideological tools, fundamental purposes and the guidelines for promoting the Party's external exchanges.

    In the past five years, it has been the key job of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee to study and carry out Xi Jinping's important thoughts. Specifically, it has always been our fundamental purpose to maintain the Party's governing position and national political security. We have always made plans and pushed forward the job of focusing on the dual role of the Party's external exchange as "one of the important fronts of the Party and an important integral part of the country's overall diplomatic work," just as I mentioned at the very beginning.

    We have actively created an integrated trinity of inter-party diplomacy, public diplomacy and people-to-people diplomacy. We have strived to work hard on political party development, to improve investigation and research, to make friends and to establish a good image, which has been mentioned in the warm-up video played before the press briefing.

    During the past five years of practice, we were deeply aware that we should make efforts in the following five key points in doing the Party's external work and carrying out Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's external exchanges.

    First, we must uphold the "Four Consciousnesses" (namely consciousness of maintaining political integrity, serving the overall interests, upholding the leadership core, and keeping in alignment with the CPC Central Committee) and follow the fundamental guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which is the fundamental guideline for us to follow in the Party's external exchanges.

    Second, we must maintain the Party's governing position and serve the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, which is the basic task of the Party's external exchanges in the new era. Third, we must learn to do ideological work in the international community and make exchanges to promote effective political guidance, which is the fundamental path for the Party's external exchanges in a new era.

    Fourth, we must persist in keeping up with the times and making innovations, which is the fundamental force driving the Party's external exchanges in a new era to better implement Xi's important thoughts.

    Fifth, we must follow people-oriented principles and make persistent efforts to this end, which is the fundamental guarantee for carrying out Xi's important thoughts and the Party's external exchanges.

    The report of the 19th CPC National Congress has raised clear demands for the Party's external exchanges, while the Party Constitution also carries explicit stipulations on that. Therefore, we will uphold the fundamental guide of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the Party's external exchanges. We will strive to serve the overall interest of the country and make innovations to contribute to forging a community of a shared future for humans and pushing forward the Party's construction in a new era.

    Thank you.

    Bloomberg News:

    My question is for Mr. Guo Yezhou. Has China's relationship with North Korea deteriorated in the last year, specifically, has China's party-to-party relationship deteriorated? And when was the last time that Minister Song Tao had a high-level meeting with a North Korean counterpart? Thank you.

    Guo Yezhou:

    China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) are neighbors, and the two countries maintain traditionally friendly and cooperative relations. Maintaining, developing and fortifying the friendly and cooperative China-DPRK relationship is not only in the best interests of both sides, but also bears great significance in regional peace and stability.

    You also noted in the question that the communication between the two ruling parties of China and the DPRK plays an important role in the development of bilateral relations. Our Party and the Workers' Party of Korea have a tradition of friendly exchange. As for when and at what level the two sides will carry out exchange between our respective personnel, it depends on the needs and convenience of both sides. That's my answer to the question.


    We know that ethnic affairs have always been both international and regional hotspot issues. Different ethnic policies have various influences in dealing with ethnic affairs. My question is, compared to other countries, how does China deal with ethnic affairs in terms of policies and systems?

    Zhang Yijiong:

    I would be delighted to answer your question. It is generally known that China is a united and multi-ethnic country created through the joint efforts of the peoples of all its 56 ethnic groups. Therefore, the CPC always attaches great importance to maintaining national stability and improving the livelihood of all ethnic groups. With different historic and cultural backgrounds, various multi-ethnic countries under different national conditions are all exploring their own way to handle ethnic affairs. The CPC has developed the right path for addressing ethnic issues in terms of China's distinctive features, which is common development and prosperity achieved through common endeavors against the background of national unity.

    In 1947, the government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was founded. This was the first time a system and supporting policies of ethnic regional autonomy were successfully exercised in Inner Mongolia. Now, we have five autonomous regions at provincial level - Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang. We also have some autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    I would like to answer your question from several aspects:

    First, abiding by the principle of ethnic equality. The right of ethnic minorities to participate in the management of state and social affairs on an equal footing has to be guaranteed. Any discrimination against and oppression of an ethnic group are prohibited. I would like to give you an example. We make sure that minority groups have a proportionate number of representatives in legislative, administrative and political consultative organs at both central and local levels.

    Second, safeguarding the unity of ethnic groups. In addition to respecting and protecting the customs of ethnic minorities and their freedom of religious belief, we have carried out all kinds of educational programs to advocate ethnic unity throughout society. Because of differing historical, cultural and geographical backgrounds, all our 56 ethnic groups have achieved different levels of socio-economic development. Some ethnic minorities have their own special religious beliefs. The central government pays great attention to not only protecting and respecting the culture, history, words, language and traditions of different ethnic groups according to the law, but also requires all ethnic groups to respect, understand and learn from each other.

    Third, implementing the system of ethnic regional autonomy. Under the unified leadership of the central government, regional autonomy is exercised and organs of self-government are established for the exercise of the right of autonomy granted to areas where various ethnic minorities live in compact communities. Their political rights protected by law, various ethnic autonomous areas participate as equals in administering state affairs. For example, the head of any autonomous region has to be an elite citizen of the main ethnic group in the region. This applies in Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions, as well as autonomous prefectures and counties.

    Fourth, supporting the fast development of ethnic minorities and the specific ethnic-minority areas. The state has implemented the strategy of developing the western regions and the actions to enrich border areas and their residents, carrying out paired assistance programs for areas such as Tibet and Xinjiang. Since most of the ethnic minorities live in the northwestern and southwestern regions, for historical reasons, their socio-economic development, in terms of the economy, culture, education, transportation, medical and health care, has lagged behind major coastal and hinterland cities. Hence, since the founding of the People's Republic of China and especially since the reform and opening-up, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have provided powerful support.

    For example, in regard to infrastructure as well as improving education, health care, employment and housing, we have been providing extensive support and assistance. At the same time, apart from the help given by the central government, intensive paired assistance from other parts of the country has been provided to Tibet, Xinjiang and multi-ethnic Qinghai Province. All of these things show how the Party Central Committee encourages exchanges and interaction among different ethnic groups, helping them to remain closely united like the seeds of a pomegranate that stick together, with all ethnic groups working jointly for common prosperity and development.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    Fifth, protecting and carrying forward the culture of ethnic groups. We preserve and protect the intangible cultural heritage of the various ethnic minorities, supporting the development of their traditional medicine, for example. The system of ethnic regional autonomy we have implemented takes protection of traditional culture as one of its major tasks. You may all have enjoyed the cultural shows, exhibitions and costumes of ethnic minorities, and have even developed a taste for the special snacks of various ethnic groups available here in Beijing. All of these are the achievements we made through protecting ethnic culture. Besides, we should also explore and develop the cultural heritage of ethnic groups that are enriching the Chinese culture.

    We attach great importance to the culture and history of the ethnic minority groups which reflect the unity of a nation and the protection of the rights of ethnic minority groups. Our endeavor is welcomed and supported by over 100 million people of the various ethnic minorities. With the support of all ethnic groups, the Chinese people will strive for achieving the two centenary goals and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Thanks.

    Associated Press of Pakistan:

    Mr. Guo, we have taken note of the close exchanges between the CPC and parties in countries neighboring China. Can you shed some light on the role that these exchanges have played in promoting bilateral ties between China and its neighbors?

    Guo Yezhou:

    Your question is much appreciated. Pakistan is called "Batie" (iron friend) by many Chinese people. A Chinese colleague working in Pakistan for a long time told me that China-Pakistan friendship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the ocean, stronger than steel and sweeter than honey. I hope you can tell your people at home of our great desire to value and deepen China-Pakistan relations.

    As you indicated in your question, China has many neighbors. It shares a land border with 14 countries and faces some across the sea. As a Chinese saying goes, "With a border dispute unsolved, a country cannot enjoy peace." The CPC and the Chinese government have always paid close attention to aspects of neighborhood diplomacy. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, in particular, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed great value on this. The first work seminar on neighborhood diplomacy convened by the CPC long ago proposed the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and the policy of building friendship and partnerships with neighbors to intensify exchanges and promote practical cooperation on all fronts. Guided by the principles and the policy I mentioned just now, the CPC and parties in neighboring countries have expanded contacts in the past five years, which has played a positive role in promoting overall relations.

    For instance, General Secretary Xi Jinping met with Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and Bounnhang Vorachith, general secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party on many separate occasions and they reached a consensus on inter-party relations and cooperation in a number of fields, promoting mutual understanding and growth of friendship among the peoples, charting the future course of bilateral ties. Moreover, the CPC holds periodic theoretical seminars with the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party; we have taken measures for cooperation on training their leaders together. Those arrangements have played an important role in building socialism in each country and expanding the governing capacity of the respective parties.

    Just as I mentioned in the previous question, we have maintained close communications and dialogue with the Workers' Party of Korea. For our neighbors to the north, we have also kept up a very close dialogue and cooperation with the major parties in Mongolia and Russia. The China-Russia ruling party dialogue mechanism, and the China-Russia political party forum, constitute a fine mechanism and platform for inter-party dialogue, and have contributed much to consolidating and coordinating the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership. We have also maintained exchanges with Japanese parties, which is seen as a major feature of Sino-Japanese relations.

    As the CPC has expanded its international influence, neighboring countries around the perimeter, such as those in northeast, southeast, south and central Asia, have attached more importance to exchanges and dialogues with it. Many of their leaders take the opportunity of visiting China to come to the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and see their old friends. With unremitting efforts, we have established multi-level, multi-sectoral and diversified cooperation with the major parties of neighboring countries, which is not only conductive to better bilateral relations, but also helpful to promote regional cooperation and appropriate solutions to longstanding issues. The CPC will follow the four principles of inter-party exchanges to proactively advance the relationship with parties of neighboring countries.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping reaffirmed in his report to the 19th CPC National Congress that we will follow the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and the policy of building friendship and partnership to strengthen relations, which is the guideline for our neighborhood diplomacy. What we want to achieve is that, through exchanges with parties of neighboring countries, we can have a friendlier neighborhood, build stronger political trust, cement closer economic ties, deepen cooperation on security, and further people-to-people exchanges, thus making contributions to the development of China and neighboring countries as well as regional peace and stability. Thank you for your question.


    For Mr. Zhang, you noted in your report that a large part of your work involves mobilizing overseas Chinese to protect the core interests and to further the core interests of China. And I am sure you are aware that there have been numerous reports in the media and from government and academics, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, that say some of the actions of your organization constitute a degree of spying or manipulating the overseas Chinese communities and the media there in ways that could undermine the sovereignty and political systems of those countries. Just wonder how you respond to those accusations. Thank you.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    China has a large number of Chinese nationals living overseas due to historical reasons. Since China's reform and opening up, a new wave of citizens have settled and lived overseas. Historically, some Chinese traveled abroad and lived in different countries and regions around the world and became overseas Chinese without Chinese nationality. I noticed that you mentioned overseas Chinese in Australia and New Zealand. We have clear policies regarding overseas Chinese. We welcome the strengthening of communication with local citizens under the premise of respecting the laws, regulations, culture, history and customs of local countries. This is comparable to what we require for foreigners working and living in China, who should respect China's laws, regulations, history, culture and custom. We also warmly welcome overseas Chinese to come back and visit their own country or their motherland to know more about China and its development so that they can make contributions. We encourage overseas Chinese to conform to local laws and regulations and thus become welcome in their local communities. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    Overseas Chinese have played a very important role in the exchanges and cooperation between China and the rest of the world. Moreover, their influence is increasing. Let's continue.


    I would like to ask a question regarding the multi-party cooperation system. Most of the countries in the world have a multi-party system, while some socialist countries have a one-party system. China adopts a multi-party cooperation system, but some Western media outlets may not understand this very well. From the perspective of the united front, what is the key role of the multi-party cooperation system? What is the significance of the non-CPC parties? How will the CPC cooperate with them to enhance the system? Thank you.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    I will invite my colleague, Ran Wanxiang, vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, to handle this question.

    Ran Wanxiang, vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), speaks at a press conference held by the press center of the 19th CPC National Congress in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 21, 2017. The press conference was themed on the united front work and the external work of the CPC. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Ran Wanxiang:

    China's political system, especially the Party aspect, has been receiving increased attention from around the world. This is a CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation system. The basic structure involves leadership of the CPC, and the participation of eight non-CPC parties, namely the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, China Democratic League, China National Democratic Construction Association, China Association for Promoting Democracy, Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, China Zhi Gong Dang, Jiu San Society and the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League.

    The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is an important part of this CPC-led multi-party cooperation and consultation system, which minister Zhang Yijiong mentioned in his remarks when previously talking about the united front. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the cause of multi-party cooperation has made remarkable progress, and its advantages have been fully revealed. China's multi-party cooperation system is like a towering mountain that offers differing perspectives from different angles. If you observe the system from different aspects, you may find various characteristics and advantages.

    First, the multi-party cooperation system has a long history. This system was established and has been developed during the long-term practice of the Chinese revolution, construction and reform. It is a choice of history, and a choice made by the people. In the development process of the new democratic revolution, various non-CPC parties gradually endorsed and accepted the political principals the CPC espoused. In 1948, non-CPC parties and people without party affiliation responded to the "May Day slogans" issued by the CPC, which is a milestone marking their voluntarily choice to accept the leadership of the CPC. It opened a new chapter in the construction of China's political democracy and party system.

    Second, multi-party cooperation has a common political foundation. The CPC, with the spirit of striving for the well-being of the people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, constantly encourages and inspires other non-CPC parties to join in its efforts. They support wholeheartedly the leadership of the CPC, and they voluntarily follow its endeavors. They have taken socialism with Chinese characteristics as their own political guideline, and incorporated it into their party constitutions, forming a shared ideal and theoretical foundation for the multi-party cooperation system.

    Third, multi-party cooperation has a practical social foundation. The CPC is the vanguard both of the Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority. Non-CPC party members, mainly higher and mid-level intellectuals, are part of the political alliance of socialist working people, builders of socialism and patriots who support socialism. Consequently, the multi-party cooperation system shows the diversity of China's political forces in representing various interest groups in China.

    Fourth, multi-party cooperation has a unique democratic form. Based on the principle of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with sincerity and sharing each other through weal and woe," the CPC and the non-CPC parties follow the mode of "multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the CPC, with the CPC holding power and the other non-CPC parties participating fully in State affairs." This clearly demonstrates China's consultative democracy in which the people get to discuss their own affairs. It has ensured the non-CPC parties can participate in China's political life in an extensive, continuing and intensive manner. This is a unique feature and advantage of China's socialist democracy.

    After the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, you may have noticed the non-CPC parties sent congratulatory messages. They all made it clear they firmly support the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and also expressed their commitment to the great cause of the socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation under the leadership of the CPC. Thus, the multi-party cooperation system continues to gain momentum. Thank you.

    Japan's Kyodo News:

    My questions are for Mr. Guo. The year 2018 will see the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China. Is there any commemorative activity planned for the event between the political parties on both sides? Not long ago, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the summit meeting between China, Japan and South Korea was going to be held within the year, and he hoped to visit China next year, and that President Xi Jinping would visit Japan. Do you think such mutual exchanges can be achieved, and are there any specific arrangements for them? Thanks.

    Guo Yezhou:

    As I mentioned earlier in an introduction of the contacts between the Communist Party of China and political parties in neighboring countries, party-to-party exchanges between China and Japan are a major feature of China-Japan relations, and are also an important part of China-Japan relations.

    This year marks the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between the two countries, and the year 2018 will see the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the People's Republic of China and Japan. Over the past 45 years, the relationship between the two countries has been tested and experienced twists and turns, but has still made considerable achievements on the whole, bringing great benefits to the two countries and the two peoples, and making positive contributions to the peace, stability and development of the region and the world as well.

    Presently, these bilateral ties face both new opportunities and some challenges. The two sides should seize the opportunities to resolve the challenges, and promote the development of bilateral ties towards stability and improvement. There is also an open platform for political dialogue between the Communist Party of China and the ruling party of Japan. In August this year, China and Japan held the sixth China-Japan ruling party talks in Japan, where the two sides had extensive contact and expressed a positive will to continue to improve bilateral relations.

    High-level visits between the two countries bear great significance for the development of bilateral ties, but we also know that such visits need support from the public opinion and understanding among the general public. We expect both sides to work together to provide better conditions and a better atmosphere for commemorating these two important events, namely the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between the two countries and the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the People's Republic of China and Japan, as well as for the development of bilateral relations.

    Economic Daily and China Economic Net (CE.cn) reporter:

    My question is, the non-public sector has undergone constant development since the reform and opening up, and the population working in this sector has also grown into a large community. However, there are still some constraints in regard to their further development, which has been likened to three mountains, or, three gates. I would like to ask what the further initiatives will be to promote the development of non-public ownership. Thank you.

    Ran Wanxiang:

    I'm going to answer this question. Just as we mentioned, the non-public economy has enjoyed fast development and has become an important force in China's national economy. The number of China's private enterprises has reached nearly 25 million. Their role and contribution can be summed up with five figures: "five, six, seven, eight, and nine." The number "five" refers to the fact that private enterprises contribute to more than 50 percent of the country's tax intake. The number "six" refers that private sector contributes over 60 percent of GDP growth, the fixed asset investment and foreign direct investment. The number "seven" refers to the proportion of high-tech enterprises which is well over 70 percent. The number "eight" refers to the urban employment rate which is well beyond 80 percent. The number "nine" refers to private enterprises' contribution to new employment– which is 90 percent.

    The non-public economy is an important force of the socialist market economy, and those working in this sector are builders of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. They are both an important member of our united front and also an important object of our united front work. The theme of our united front work towards the non-public economy is to promote the healthy development of two aspects, namely, to promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and those working in this sector. Our united front work is mainly carried out around the two. Specifically, there are three main aspects:

    Ran Wanxiang:

    First, to get them organized with stronger guidance. Through all levels of federations of industry and commerce and various organizations like the chamber of commerce, we have bridged the Party and the government with those working in the non-public sector - thus strengthening ideological guidance and political leadership.

    Since 2013, the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) carried out ideals and belief education with a focus on "observing the law, acting with integrity and holding a firm conviction." We also encouraged them to take party in poverty alleviation activities such as "the China Guangcai Program" and the "private enterprises helping poor villages program," through which their faith of socialism with Chinese characteristics and their trust of the Party and the government, their confidence in the outlook of their enterprises, and their integrity towards the society are all strengthened.

    Second, to collect and report problems. We must strengthen ties with those working in non-public economic sectors and smooth the communication and consultation channels. We must collect the problems, difficulties, views and suggestions, and the variety of demands met by the non-public economic sector during their development and report in time to the decision-making departments at all levels, in order to promote the formulation or improvement of relevant policies.

    Just now, you mentioned the so-called the "three mountains" and the "three gates." They refer to the problems encountered by private enterprises during the transformation and upgrading of China's economic structure. The United Front Work Department collected the problems in a timely manner and reported them to the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the relevant departments, who in turn introduced a series of laws and policies to tackle these problems in order to create a favorable environment for the development of the non-public economy.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important remark at a panel discussion of political advisors from the China Democratic National Construction Association and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce during the fourth session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on March 4, 2016. His remark, further clarified the government's attitude towards the non-public economic sector, has greatly boosted the confidence of the development of private enterprises, and has injected a powerful driving force for their transformation and upgrading.

    Ran Wanxiang:

    Third, to mobilize private entrepreneurs and implement various supportive policies. We must arouse the initiative of private entrepreneurs, mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors of society, and implement with real earnest various policies and regulations published by our Party and the government for the development of the non-public economy, so as to create a favorable environment for the development of non-public economy.

    The so-called problems of "three mountains" or "three gates" mostly occur in the policy implementation level. They belong to the "last mile" problem in the implementation of the policy. In order to solve these problems, we have in the past two years pushed governments of all levels to formulate a "close" and "clean" new government-business relationship. We put forward measures and suggestions on market access, private investment and some other aspects, all of which received a warm welcome from private enterprises.

    From 2013, commissioned by the State Council, the ACFIC has carried out seven times the third-party assessments on the implementation of related policies. These assessments are aimed at solving the problem of the failure in implementing policies commonly known as problems of the "three mountains" or "three gates," and assessing the progress of the implementation of the policies by local governments, which have forcefully promoted the implementation of the policies. Thank you.

    Phoenix Satellite TV:

    My first question is for Mr. Guo. It's known that the CPC has kept a good relationship with Myanmar's National League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi, whose visits to China were quite successful. In her recent interview with Phoenix Satellite TV, she expressed her willingness to further promote such good bilateral ties. But the political situation in Myanmar is not stable, and the issue of the Rohingya in Rakhine State has attracted intense attention worldwide. Western countries and the U.N. condemned the Myanmar government for ethnic cleansing. In contrast, China has showed its support to the Myanmar government in stabilizing the state's situation. Why has China taken this stance?

    My second question is for Mr. Zhang. Despite China's strong opposition, some countries have been consistently inviting the Dalai Lama for a visit. We know that the Dalai Lama just concluded his European trip. I want to know if China will take tougher stance on this issue. And the foreign media have been focusing on the freedom of religious belief. In your briefing, you stressed that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation and China will further encourage religious believers to play a positive role. Can you explain more about this?

    Guo Yezhou:

    Thanks for your attention to the China-Myanmar relationship, especially the relations between the political parties of the two countries. China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors, enjoying a long and deep-rooted friendship. We hope, through various channels, including the exchanges between political parties, to make joint efforts with our Myanmar counterparts to give a strong boost to the China-Myanmar friendship and deepen exchange and cooperation in various fields. As we all know, Myanmar launched its political transformation in 2010. Since then, political parties have been playing more prominent roles in their political life. The CPC has established and developed friendly exchanges and cooperative ties with the major political parties in Myanmar. For example, we established friendly cooperative relations with the Union Solidarity and Development Party in 2010. In June 2015, Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy, paid a visit to China at the invitation of the CPC, ushering in a deeper communication between the two parties. As for the issue of Rakhine State, China condemned the violent attacks in Rakhine State and understands and supports the Myanmar government in their efforts to safeguard the peace and stability in that region. We sincerely hope that Myanmar, including the Rakhine State, will see sustained peace, stability and development.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    Let me answer your second question. The 14th Dalai Lama continues to go around the world and seek visits with foreign countries. What new measures will the Chinese government take? First, I want to make clear that the 14th Dalai Lama is not only a religious figure, but also a political one. The aim of the so-called "Tibetan government-in-exile" he organized in a foreign country in 1959 is, in essence, seeking "Tibetan independence" and splitting the motherland. As head of the group, the 14th Dalai Lama has never stopped his activities in this regard over the past decades. Therefore, the Chinese government certainly opposes the 14th Dalai Lama's visits to some foreign countries and his meetings with some political leaders of those countries. Here, I want you all to pay attention to two points.

    First, no country in the world recognizes the so-called "Tibetan government-in-exile." Although individual officials in some countries have received the Dalai Lama, their countries do not recognize the group. Second, there is no country in the world that will not protest about foreign governments receiving an individual who goes around the world with the intention of separating the home country. So, the Chinese government opposes governments and organizations in any country in the world receiving the Dalai Lama in any name. We consider such visits a severe insult to the feelings of the Chinese people and a deviation from their commitment to recognizing the government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government representing the whole of China. So we hope governments around the world exercise caution in both words and deeds and give full consideration to their friendship with China and their respect for China's sovereignty. I'd like to add the fact that a decreasing number of countries received the Dalai Lama in their official capacity in recent years and the Dalai Lama could only manage to give lectures in universities or hold religious activities instead. All in all, we will continue to oppose the Dalai Lama's visits in any name.

    Zhang Yijiong:

    As for the issues that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation and that China will further encourage religious believers to play a positive role, let me start with Tibetan Buddhism. It was born in ancient China and has Chinese characteristics. It's true that it has been influenced by Buddhism in neighboring countries during its formation and evolution. But Tibetan Buddhism has developed its unique doctrines and rituals in response to local conditions. It is a fine example of religion adapting to Chinese conditions.

    There are five major religions in China and also some foreigners working, living and studying in China who believe in other legitimate religions. They are all protected by the Chinese government. Adapting religions to Chinese conditions is a responsibility that should be shared by the government, religious groups and professionals. All religions in the world have their own laws during the process of emergence and development. One of the laws is indisputably that for a religion to exist and develop, it must synergize with the concurrent social stage and trend of development in the country. Otherwise, the development of religions will be met with setbacks and even big obstacles. There are many such examples in religious histories.

    Therefore, we have actively guided Tibetan Buddhism to adapt itself to the Chinese conditions in Tibet, with the aim being for it to integrate excellent traditional Chinese culture in its development. The Tibetan culture is an important component of Chinese culture. The greatness and excellence of the Chinese nation is attributable to the abundant and profound cultures of all its ethnic groups. It's necessary for the sound development of Tibetan Buddhism to take in the fine culture of the Chinese nation and give interpretations suitable to the tide of the times. Thank you.

    Xinhua News Agency:

    My question is for Mr. Guo. Nowadays, Chinese society attaches much importance to the CPC, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's thought on Party and national governance. How does the CPC handle exchanges with the political parties of other countries over its thoughts and practice in regard to governance? How should we tell Chinese stories concerning this aspect? Thanks.

    Guo Yezhou:

    Thank you for your question. As you just mentioned, the international community has increasingly focused on the CPC, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's new ideas on national governance. Our publicity department introduced the distribution of the book "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" abroad, and I personally witnessed its distribution in South Asia, Eastern Europe and North Africa. It's obvious the international community has been paying increasing attention to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era from increasingly diversified angles. A growing number of political parties and government officials from other countries, think tanks and media organizations have realized that China has undergone historic changes in various fields over the past five years, and the key is the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core and the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. If you want to learn about China, you have to first learn about the CPC and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Your question involves two aspects: one is how to tell stories, and the other is how to share the experience of governing a country. Our Party officials at all levels attach much significance to telling stories of CPC work and national development while carrying out foreign relations work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has set a good example himself. While attending State events, meeting with foreign leaders and heads of international organizations, and delivering speeches at various international forums, he will always tell many vivid and moving stories. Leaders of some political parties from other countries once commented that General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches have depth and demonstrate a great human touch.

    Here, I want to share several cases of how we tell stories as the Party's functional organ carrying out foreign relations work. We focus on Party officials at all levels familiar with the CPC's organizational structure. Starting from the basic level, we have invited delegations of political parties from other countries to undertake study tours of community-level Party organizations. We have encouraged the latter to tell stories so that our foreign friends can learn how CPC workers play a vanguard and exemplary role. We have also invited delegations of political parties from other countries to attend meetings of the Standing Committee of local CPC committees at county and municipal level. As you might know, meetings of the Standing Committee are the most important decision-making mechanism for any local Party Committee. We hope our foreign friends can learn how the local Party Committee implements the relevant decisions of the CPC Central Committee according to local conditions. Furthermore, we have invited leaders of political parties from other countries to visit our CPC provincial committees, and major officials of some CPC provincial committees to attend thematic briefings on "Stories of the CPC: Practice of the CPC Provincial Committees". This year, up to September, we held five such briefings on the themes of "Targeted Poverty Reduction," "Supply-Side Structural Reform," "The Party's Strict Self-Governance in All Respects," "Innovation-Driven Development" and "Green Development." These are all important components of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We have also invited political parties from other countries to visit Party departments, including the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Organization Department, International Department and the Party School of the CPC Central Committee. At the highest level, our Party and State leaders have directly held talks with leaders of political parties from other countries. This year, we are also holding a dialogue between the CPC and the world's other political parties.

    There are almost 300 delegations of political parties from foreign countries visiting China every year. Nearly every day, there are guests and friends worldwide coming to China to contact the CPC. Besides, our Party officials at all levels also head delegations to visit other countries. Such exchanges at various levels and arrangements in different forms aim to help these countries to better understand the CPC, China, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's practice of governing the country. Such activities are well received by our foreign friends. Many political parties from other countries indicate that, with the Party organizations at various levels open to them, they have understood what the CPC leaders mean by "exercising overall leadership and coordinating all efforts," and how the local committees of the CPC implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee. They have learned about the advantages and characteristics of China's system of political parties, and believe the CPC is an open-minded and confident party able to advance with the times, work diligently for the people, and that always keeps the well-being of the world in mind.

    Here is another example. As a familiar slogan goes in China, our Party has been punishing both "tigers" and "flies" while exercising strict self-governance in all respects and combating corruption. During exchanges with political parties from other countries, we also told stories about our Party's practice of combating corruption and building clean government. They are always very interested and greatly enlightened; despite coming from various cultural backgrounds, some countries have proposed to "catch fish, big or small."

    In a word, our Party, from its core leadership to officials at various levels, always takes the initiative to tell stories about Party work. As one of the functional organs directly under the CPC Central Committee, we will consciously tell such stories in a better way and make them known to more people. We hope our journalists can also give more attention and support. Thanks.

    Guo Weimin:

    The morning's press briefing ends here. At 3 p.m. this afternoon, we will invite He Lifeng, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, and other relevant officials to meet journalists. Welcome back! Thank you.

  • Press briefing on promoting ideological, ethical and cultural progress

    Mr. Sun Zhijun, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee

    Mr. Xia Weidong, deputy director of the Office of the National Steering Committee for Ethical and Cultural Progress

    Mr. Xiang Zhaolun, vice minister of the Ministry of Culture

    Mr. Zhang Hongsen, vice minister of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television

    Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the 19th CPC National Congress and deputy director of the State Council Information Office of China

    Oct. 20, 2017

    The press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a press conference on promoting ideological, moral and cultural progress, in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 20, 2017. Sun Zhijun (C), vice minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, Xia Weidong (2nd R), deputy director of the General Office of the Central Spiritual Civilization Development Steering Commission, Vice Culture Minister Xiang Zhaolun (2nd L) and Zhang Hongsen (1st R), deputy minister of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television attended the conference. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Weimin:

    Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to the second press conference held at this press center related to the 19th CPC National Congress. Today, we are delighted to have with us Mr. Sun Zhijun, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee; Mr. Xia Weidong, full-time deputy director of the Office of the National Steering Committee for Ethical and Cultural Progress; Mr. Xiang Zhaolun, vice minister of the Ministry of Culture; and, Mr. Zhang Hongsen, vice minister of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.

    They will introduce the work related to promoting China's ideological, ethical and cultural progress, and answer some of your questions.

    Now I will give the floor to Mr. Sun Zhijun.

    Sun Zhijun:

    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the publicity, ideological and cultural work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has chaired a series of important meetings on literature and artwork, news and public opinion, network information, philosophy and social sciences. With his visionary planning and instruction, and comprehensive and unprecedentedly powerful and pragmatic measures, breakthroughs have been made in publicity, ideological and cultural work. The outcomes of the Party's theoretical innovation have gained greater popularity, and its communication ability, influence and credibility have also been enhanced significantly. The core values of socialism have been written into laws and regulations, and have integrated into Chinese society. Literature and art are booming in the country. Cultural services to the public are becoming increasingly standardized and equalized, and the cultural market has become increasingly vibrant and prosperous. China's cultural soft power has improved greatly, which has contributed to the efforts aimed at pushing forward historic transforms in the undertakings of the Party and the country.

    When promoting cultural progress, we have pursued reforms in a systematic, holistic, and coordinated way. Great efforts have been made to promote innovation in our institutions. Cultural reform frameworks have substantially taken shape.

    (1) Major innovations have been made in the development philosophy in the cultural sector. General Secretary Xi said that cultural confidence represents a fundamental and profound force that sustains the development of a country and a nation. He stressed that social benefits should always be the priority, though economic benefits should also be pursued. He emphasized that the creation of cultural products should be people-oriented. He stressed that China's outstanding traditional culture should be developed creatively. Chinese culture and China's stories should be presented to the world at a faster pace and in a better way. He emphasized that reform should stay true to its original purpose. His insightful new thoughts reflect the Party's new strategic thinking and understanding of cultural development under the socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    (2) Structural reform in the cultural sector has yielded significant results. We have released over 70 important documents on topics including the integration of social and economic benefits, media convergence, the development of high-end think tanks, reform of literature and art awards, and the aid given to industries such as TV, film and traditional opera. The governance of internal and external publicity work and the administration of cyberspace affairs have also become more coordinated. We have worked vigorously to promote the establishment of a national cultural asset management system and modern enterprise system with unique cultural characteristics. A series of major trial reform projects have been launched. The pillars of the cultural system under socialism with Chinese characteristics have been put in place.

    (3) Much headway has been made in the development of cultural programs and industries. Laws have been enacted to ensure the government is responsible for meeting people's basic cultural needs. A public service framework is taking shape. Supply-side reform has made positive progress. At the end of 2016, the total value added of the cultural industry reached 3.08 trillion yuan, and its share of GDP reached 4.14 percent. China has become the largest book publisher and TV drama producer and broadcaster in the world. It also has more movie screens than any other country. A number of masterpieces have made a strong impact. China's brands, voice, and image have gained increased recognition around the world.

    (4) Legislation in the cultural sector has made major achievements. Four relevant laws have been promulgated, which are the Cyber security Law, the Film Industry Promotion Law, the Public Cultural Service Guarantee Law, and the National Anthem Law. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has released the Decisions on Strengthening Network Information Protection. A large number of culture-related administrative regulations and rules have been released or amended.

    In conclusion, since the 18th National Congress, substantial progress has been made in the cultural sector. We firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we will make a greater contribution to the fulfillment of the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    Now, I will give the floor to Mr. Xia Weidong.

    Xia Weidong:

    Good morning everyone. Glad to have the opportunity to speak with you.

    As you may have noticed, expressions like "historic change" and "historic achievements" have been used to summarize China's development since the 18th CPC National Congress. I think such phrases are completely applicable to China's ideological, moral and spiritual progress. In modern times, China has never been as close to the dream of national renewal as it is today. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has complied with the Chinese people's expectations and put forward to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to achieve the Two Centenary Goals, and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

    A series of new concepts, thoughts, and strategies have been introduced to advance the goals and dreams that embody the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and all its citizens. These include the five-sphere integrated plan, the four-pronged comprehensive strategy, the new development principles, and the core values of socialism, which require all Chinese to unite around ideals, values and ethics, and to work together to achieve shared goals. The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era by Xi Jinping is the latest achievement of the theoretical innovation of our Party, which embodies the principles of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and reveals a fundamental strategy ensuring that our great goals and dreams must and surely will be realized.

    All people across China work with theory and practice upon these shared ideological and moral foundations. Reinforcing these foundations has been the focus of China's civilizational development in the five years since the 18th CPC National Congress.

    On the one hand, we have conscientiously carried out innovative research, education and dissemination of our theories to help people better understand this powerful ideological weapon and use it to guide the practice of achieving these great goals and dreams. The comprehensive education and dissemination of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese Dream, and the core values of socialism have made clear the following: socialism with Chinese characteristics was the fundamental achievement after tremendous and strenuous effort , and should be cherished; the Chinese Dream is the dream of the country and its citizens, and everyone has the historic opportunity to realize his or her dream; and the core values of socialism are the essential principles supporting the efforts to achieve our great goals and dreams, which embody the values of the country, society and citizens.

    On the other hand, we have made great efforts to strengthen and innovate the spiritual development of our civilization. We have promoted role models and values by conferring honorary titles such as "most beautiful person ," "virtuous person," "paragon of morality," and "role model of the times" in China; built exemplary cities, villages, townships, organizations, families and schools; and fostered a culture of integrity and encouraged voluntary service to promote cultural and ethical progress within society.

    Looking back at the past five years, we feel deeply that the ideological unity of the Party and society has become more solid, a new ideological and moral consensus has been formulated and a new spiritual perspective has been adopted. To strive for great goals and dreams has become the strongest imperative of the whole society. Thank you!

    Guo Weimin:

    Now let us invite Xiang Zhaolun to speak with us.

    Xiang Zhaolun:

    In the report delivered at the opening of the Party's 19th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the progress of socialist culture, and the development of cultural programs and industries. He said that to meet people's new aspirations for a better life, we must provide them with rich intellectual nourishment. This instruction will be the guide for our next steps. Now, I'd like to introduce three aspects of our work.

    1. The creation and production of cultural products.

    Since the Party's 18th National Congress, we have carefully put into practice the important thought of General Secretary Xi's speeches on cultural works. A series of projects have been launched to foster outstanding productions of the performing arts at the national level, to rejuvenate traditional Chinese operas, to popularize and revitalize national operas in China, and to promote the national development and collection of works of fine art. In 2015 and 2016, nearly 2,900 original shows were presented nationwide.

    You may have noticed that China's performance market has become increasingly diversified. It has provided more platforms for the public to access cultural products, and helped common people to receive more benefits from robust cultural creation. A series of art festivals have been held, including the 10th and 11th China Art Festivals, and special festivals showcasing Peking opera and Kunqu opera. Themed events for local operas, children's plays, dance productions, acrobatic shows and various other performances have also been staged. In particular, the Galaxy Award has hosted more than 14,000 events to present various shows to the public and to select the best from them. They attracted a total audience of nearly 1 billion annually from 2013 to 2016.

    2. Public cultural service.

    In recent years, we have committed to making cultural products more accessible to the public, pooled all our resources to promote cultural progress and ensured all sides are benefitting from this process. We have accelerated the building of a modern public service system. Presently, there are 3,153 public libraries, 4,109 museums and memorial halls, 3,322 cultural centers at the county level or above and 41,175 cultural stations at township level. At least two-thirds of villages have their own cultural center, and all communities have a special space for cultural activities. A six-tier public cultural service network is fundamentally in place, providing services to both rural and urban residents at national, provincial, city, county, township and village (community) levels. From 2013 to 2016, nearly 2.3 billion people visited public libraries, and nearly 3 billion people visited museums.

    3. The protection of cultural heritage.

    General Secretary Xi said that we must promote the creative evolution and development of fine traditional culture. This remark serves as the basic guidance for our work. In recent years, we have made greater efforts in protecting cultural relics. Special steps have been taken to protect the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, major historical monuments and sites related to China's revolutions. More heritage resources have been utilized. More outstanding exhibitions have been presented. More creative merchandise related to cultural heritage has been produced. More Chinese cultural relics went overseas for exhibition, greatly boosting cultural exchange with other countries. In protecting our intangible cultural legacy, we have committed to ensuring that this heritage can be passed down to the next generation and encourage further cultural development. After extensive research, we launched a project to record the practices of those who bear our cultural heritage. We have vigorously promoted the teaching and training of these practices. In 2016, the subsidy for representative bearers of national cultural heritage increased from 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan annually.

    Together with the Ministry of Education, we have launched projects to train bearers of intangible cultural heritage. Currently, the course is available in 78 colleges. By the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (2016-2020), 100,000 people are expected to have taken the course. Furthermore, we are working with other departments and local governments to launch a project to rejuvenate traditional craftsmanship and enable it to adapt to modern life. We are also working on different policies to protect and promote the development of intangible cultural heritage in oral traditions, performing arts and other fields.

    Guo Weimin:

    Please invite Mr. Zhang Hongsen to give his introduction.

    Zhang Hongsen:

    During General Secretary Xi Jinping's report to the 19th CPC National Congress the day before yesterday, he made a penetrating summary on and highly recognized the ideological, moral and cultural progress of the past five years.

    We are all greatly motivated. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the comprehensive arrangements and requirements of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, the scale of the media sector, including press, publication, radio, film and television, has been expanded, the strength of the industry has been upgraded and the capability of serving the overall interests of China has improved. China is making strides to becoming a powerful nation in the publication, radio, film and television sectors, which can be seen in the following aspects.

    First, we have formed a modern media system with relatively strong influence. China has now 584 publishers for books, 1,894 publishers for newspapers, 10,084 publishers for journals, 2,578 radio and TV broadcasters including China National Radio (CNR), China Radio International (CRI) and China Central Television (CCTV), as well as a batch of new media convergence platforms. Flagship media outlets for international communication are developing rapidly. Since China Global TV Network (CGTN) began broadcasting in late 2016, it has gradually set up a multilingual, multi-channel and multi-platform framework with six TV channels, three overseas branches, and one new media cluster; CCTV has further expanded globally: its coverage of major global news events reached 97 percent in 2016.

    Second, we have formed a large-scale content production system. Last year, China has published 500,000 different books, produced 7.71 million hours of radio programs, 3.52 million hours of TV programs, 772 feature films, 334 domestic TV series containing 14,912 episodes, around 120,000 minutes of TV animations, as well as over 10,000 hours of TV documentaries. China's publications of books, TV series, animations and feature films are all among the world's top. We have also introduced a batch of excellent works which spread contemporary Chinese values and demonstrate Chinese culture and spirit.

    A series of themed book publications including the book featuring Xi's speeches (2016) and "Anecdotes and Sayings of Xi Jinping" were warmly received by readers. A series of mainstream films like "The Founding of an Army" and "Wolf WarriorsⅡ" have set examples in movie productions. "Wolf WarriorsⅡ" has raked in 5.6 billion yuan at the box office.

    Third, we have formed a wide modern transmission and publication system. China boasts the world's largest multi-technique radio and TV transmission coverage network. The proportions of the population who have access to radio and TV are 98.37 percent and 98.88 percent respectively. The number of movie screens in China has reached 49,000, ranking first in the world. In 2016, urban theatres received 1.37 billion visits and the number is increasing this year. The number of sales outlets for publications reached 163,000.

    Fourth, we have formed a well-structured industrial system. China now boasts 126 publishers, distributors and printing groups for books and journals, over 2,000 film production and investment groups, and 14,389 radio and TV production and operation entities, among which 69 are listed companies.

    In 2016, China's press, publication, printing and publishing services saw a turnover of 2.36 trillion yuan, an increase of 42.17 percent over the 1.66 trillion yuan in 2012. The radio and TV sectors generated incomes of 503.98 billion yuan, an increase of 54.19 percent over the 326.85 billion yuan generated in 2012; in 2016, box office sales nationwide reached 49.28 billion yuan, an increase of 188.66 percent over the 17.07 billion yuan sales in 2012. China's media sector, including press, publication, radio, film and television is continuing to contribute an increasing share in the national economy.

    Guo Weimin:

    Now let's move on to the question and answer session.


    China Global Television Network (CGTN):

    We have noticed that in recent years structural reform of the cultural sector has highlighted the importance of putting social benefits first while pursuing economic returns. This point is once again clearly defined in the report delivered at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress. We would like to know about your considerations behind this order of priority and the situation in this area.

    Sun Zhijun:

    Under the condition of a socialist market economy, culture has dual functions of educational guidance and entertainment, which determines that cultural products and services also have dual ideological and commercial attributes. Therefore, we simply cannot take market share, audience rating, box-office revenue and circulation figures as the only measurement standards, and we absolutely cannot become "slaves" to the market. So, how to ensure that cultural enterprises always put social benefits first while pursuing economic returns is indeed a major issue in the structural reform of the cultural sector.

    While deepening this structural reform, we lay much emphasis on the establishment of system and mechanisms that put social benefits first while pursuing economic returns and make it a key area in policy design and an important standard in the overall assessment and evaluation system. This is mainly related to the following four aspects.

    First, strengthening top-level design. The General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council have issued guidance on putting social benefits first while pursuing economic returns. The guidance is of fundamental and overall significance because it further defines the overall requirements and policies.

    Second, establishing a modern enterprise system with strong cultural characteristics. We encourage cultural enterprises to build, in accordance with laws and regulations, the necessary assets organizational forms and management modes that can give full expression to cultural characteristics and meet modern enterprise requirements in terms of business philosophy, governance structure, institutional establishment and performance assessment.

    Third, improving the cultural management system. We focus on the establishment of a State-owned cultural assets management system that integrates the management of brainpower, administrative affairs, assets and guidance for cultural progress. We have introduced specific measures for assessing social benefits, making clear that social benefits must account for more than 50 percent in the proportion of performance assessment of State-owned cultural enterprises. At the same time, we have also strengthened the management of the cultural market to create a good external environment.

    Fourth, improving economic policies for the sound development of the cultural sector. We have issued relevant economic policies, and improved the mechanisms to guide, incentivize, support and compensate cultural enterprises. These approaches are designed to ensure that cultural enterprises, while adhering to social values and social benefits in the market economy, can get down to work without any excessive mental burden, achieve their own development, and enhance their development vitality, strength and competitiveness. Thanks.

    Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV) :

    Mr. Zhang, you mentioned just now that China is making great strides towards becoming a strong nation in the publication, radio, film and television sectors, so what are the concrete measures China has taken in this respect?

    Zhang Hongsen:

    China has established a firm ideological, material and technical basis for becoming a powerful nation in the publication, radio, film and television sectors. Our efforts focus on the following three aspects:

    First, deepening reforms to boost media vitality. We will deepen the supply-side structural reform, so as to optimize the industry structure and increase quality and value. A large number of modern enterprises in publication, radio and television have emerged and developed as a result.

    Second, accelerating media convergence and industry transformation. We have promoted integration, especially the integrated development of traditional and new-era publishing means to develop new and modern mainstream media. We have also enhanced the building of a "Smart Radio and TV" network, and digitization of the publication sector, so as to foster new driving forces and engines for growth. New models and businesses have become strong growth points in the fields of publication, radio and television.

    Third, sparing no effort to create various masterpieces. We have implemented a high-quality strategy, aimed at encouraging excellent and original works. We are carrying out a long-term plan of presenting 100 excellent works in five areas - films, TV plays, cartoons, documentaries and online content products. In recent years, high-quality works in fields such as film, TV plays, network literature, internet audio and visual compositions, books, newspapers and magazines, have emerged and been well received by the audience and the market at large. Our high-quality works are not only popular in China, but also have built brand recognition and won market share abroad.

    An overall arrangement of publicizing our thinking and culture was part of the report to the 19th CPC National Congress. We must remain confident in our culture and promote the prosperity of socialist culture in particular. We plan to take even more steps towards creating a powerful force in the publication, radio, film and television sectors and make our contribution to the prosperity of socialist culture. Thank you.

    People's Daily:

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics has seen steady progress since the 18th CPC National Congress. What role has ideological and theoretical guidance played in this process?

    Xia Weidong:

    Using theories that adapt with the times is a long-standing convention and the biggest advantage of the CPC. As our practices evolve over time, so too does our theoretical guidance. One major advancement since the 18th CPC National Congress has been the formation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Over the past five years, the historic shifts and achievements of the Party and the nation are attributable to the scientific guidance of this innovative theory.

    Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era demonstrates a deep understanding of the nature of the times, historical trends and our actual conditions; it demonstrates a deep understanding of the principles for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics; it fully reflects the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people of China; it represents the full application of strategies to govern the country. It is the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, an important component of the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a powerful ideological tool to guide the Party in carrying out our great struggle, developing our great project, promoting our great cause and realizing our great dream. The Party must adhere to its theoretical guidance for a long time.

    Over the past five years, the core task of our ideological and theoretical development has been using this innovative theory to arm the whole Party, motivate the public and guide our practice.

    China National Radio:

    I have a question for Mr. Xiang. You mentioned just now that China has increased its investment in public cultural services over the past few years. You also mentioned that the construction of the public cultural services network has been completed. And the Public Cultural Service Guarantee Law of China also proposed to realize the equalized sharing of public cultural services between urban and rural people.

    However, while looking back to our interviews, we have learned that some hinterland villages in the middle and western parts of China still have very limited access to the service, and the local cultural facilities there have not been well maintained. So would you please tell us what approaches the Ministry of Culture will adopt to reach out and provide the resources needed at these far-flung areas?

    Xiang Zhaolun:

    Thanks a lot. You have raised a very important question. When addressing the construction of the public cultural services, we have three key words: basics, standardization and equalization. They are essential to the actual situation of the nation in our resolve to address unbalanced and insufficient development. Our focus is to promote regional equilibrium.

    Reaching out and providing the resources needed at these far-flung areas is also one of the most critical works in the public cultural services. In view of that, we are now adopting a slew of measures to solve this problem and the elements of the job can be summarized as standards, internet, content and talents.

    First is the standards. We have formulated guidance standards on the national basic public cultural services. The standards have made specific provisions for the content and quantity of cultural services that can be enjoyed free of charge by the urban and rural grassroots. Now, the standards are still being implemented everywhere, and we are promoting the implementation of these standards one by one so that they can become a real part of the cultural life of the people.

    Second is the internet. The internet service should be available to all areas and grassroots communities. As a result, we have specifically initiated certain projects including the program of cultural service centers covering underdeveloped ethnic autonomous prefectures and border villages, and moving libraries, to facilitate the construction of county-level libraries, cultural centers and sub-centers, driving high-quality cultural resources to towns and villages, especially, the poverty-stricken regions.

    Third is the content. The development of cultural undertakings and industries has greatly enriched our cultural resources. We are actively using various means to provide increasingly rich public cultural resources to grassroots communities. For example, a large measure we are carrying out is the digital library promotion project at the county level. The county level libraries will have free access to the digital resources provided by the national library. Over 1.6 million copies of e- books from the national library and more than 1,000 kinds of periodicals, as well as 600 kinds of newspapers and over 1,500 sections of open lectures are now available to the county level libraries.

    Fourth is relying on talents to build public culture. We should focus on the teamwork of full-time or part-time staff dedicated to the construction of community-level cultural services. In the past few years, we have sent more than 80,000 outstanding cultural figures to remote and impoverished regions, border areas and the former revolutionary bases. Meanwhile, we have organized and sent a large number of cultural volunteers to the countryside and far-flung areas for voluntary service. There are more than 100,000 volunteers offering their services to grassroots communities.

    When accomplishing those tasks, we should still increase our efficiency and improve the quality of our services to provide more real and concrete benefits to our people. Thank you.


    According to a survey of the Pew Research Center, China and the United States are almost neck and neck in global popularity, which is seen as an improvement to China's global image. Were you surprised by the result? Some critics say China is investing heavily in developing soft power, spending billions to extend its global media influence. Is that true? What can be expected from the 19th CPC National Congress in terms of China reinforcing its soft power competition with the U.S. Thank you.

    Sun Zhijun:

    Thank you for your great attention to China's global image. We have noticed that recently many international research centers have published their findings which indicate a constant rise in China's overall international influence, the attention it garners and its overall image. The findings are positive and objective. The main reasons for the rise are as follows:

    First, faced with the complex situation in the world, especially the influence of the global financial crisis, China has explored a road suitable for its own development conditions. In recent years, the country's economy has seen stable and healthy development, its society has seen progress in all respects, and the people's living standards have improved significantly, which combine to create the "China miracle."

    Second, China has fulfilled its responsibilities as a major country in the world. We put forward the Belt and Road Initiative and the concept of Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind. China is not only the biggest contributor to the world economy, but also has contributed to the tackling of global challenges regarding climate change, cyber security, public health and poverty reduction.

    Third, we have actively promoted cultural exchanges with other countries. We have strengthened cooperation with media organizations in other countries; we also actively developed services for foreign cultural trade so that Chinese culture can get across to other countries and China's stories can be properly told.

    Through increased exchanges, people elsewhere have gained a better understanding of China and have become more friendly towards China. With this China has gained a good global image. It is arguably the advantage and vitality of China's system, the positive significance of China's approach and the unique appeal of Chinese wisdom which has earned China increasing and better understanding, acquaintance and recognition from other countries. Therefore, we firmly believe that guided by the principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, China will achieved better development and make new impressive progress in a new era.

    Of course, we remain committed to peaceful development, mutual benefit and advancing the common interests of all in strengthening international exchanges and cooperation. We will work to establish a new type of international relations that features mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation with other countries including the United States; we will promote exchanges, mutual learning and co-existence of different civilizations to better preserve the diversity of civilization in the world; and we will pursue the building of a community of shared future for mankind with other countries to create a better future for humanity.

    China & Africa Magazine affiliated with Beijing Review:

    In recent years, the Chinese film industry has been growing fast. In the past five years, what measures have been undertaken by the relevant departments to ensure that while the industry is booming the films can still play a positive role in spreading socialist core values? What the new measures can we expect to see in the future?

    Zhang Hongsen:

    Over the past five years, the achievements of the Chinese films have attracted worldwide attention, and there have been a number of excellent films appearing, such as "The Taking of Tiger Mountain,""Operation Mekong,""Wolf Totem,""Monkey King: The Hero Returns,""Wolf Warriors 2.".The statistics show that, for example, from 2012 to 2016, the number of Chinese film investment, creation and production entities has surpassed 2,000. In 2012, the industry only grossed 17.073 billion yuan in box office returns. By the end of 2016, the box office gross had reached 49.283 billion yuan. This year, we are achieving a double-digit increase from 2016.

    The number of screens at urban theaters around the nation stood at 13,000 in 2012. As of today, that number has reached 49,000, a 270 percent increase. In 2012, the number of theater admissions at urban cinemas was 466 million. Last year, admissions reached 1.372 billion, an increase of 194 percent. This year, the admissions have already reached the level for the whole last year.

    In 2012, the Chinese film box office gross accounted for 48.46 percent of the total market. In 2015, domestic films accounted for 62.82 percent, while in 2016 the figure was 58.33 percent. This set of figures can show that, in the scale of development and the development speed, China has become the world's second largest film market with a dominant national film culture.

    In the past five years, the reason for the great prosperity in the development of the film industry is inseparably intertwined with the following experiences. First, we adhered to people-centered creative orientation, vigorously promoted socialist core values, told Chinese stories well, and managed to advance supply-side reform in the film industry by improving the quality and level of the products, as well as strengthening the core competitiveness of domestic films;

    Second, we have deepened the reform of film industry system and mechanism, and constantly mobilized social forces to participate in the development of the film cause, and formed a new prospect for Chinese film development with co-participation by diverse economic sectors, a variety of ownerships and various social forces;

    Third, we insisted on an innovation-driven approach. In the creative aspect, filmmakers have constantly explored the themes, forms, genres and styles of the art form represented by motion pictures, so that more outstanding and innovative works now occupy the main market. In the talent training aspect, we broke the traditional model, and helped in multi-level, multi-form ways to promote the rise of a new force in the Chinese film industry. According to statistics, in three consecutive years, the Chinese film new forces represented by young talents have seen their works occupying more than 60 percent of domestic output;

    Forth, we insisted on opening up, strengthening efforts for foreign co-operation. We have signed cooperation deals with partners in 20 countries to make films, and the cooperation between China and the United States, between China and Central European countries, between China and Asian countries have become increasingly active. The prospects in regard to opening-up, competitiveness, cooperation and win-win benefits is taking shape.

    In the report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the 19th CPC National Congress, he clearly pointed out the new direction for building stronger cultural self-confidence and helping socialist culture to flourish. The film industry will follow the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, and work hard in three aspects: First, we will establish "three attentions" and resist the "three vulgars." The "three attentions" means paying attention to taste, style and responsibility in terms of creative fashion, while consciously resisting making the vulgar, kitsch and coquetry-dominated works; Second, we will strengthen the efforts for realistic film creation. We will advocate the original creative spirit for "paying close attention to reality, addressing the concerns of society, and sincerely caring for others;" Third, we will make China's film industry and film market bigger and stronger, initiating a new journey for China to go from being a major market for films to becoming a strong country in making films. Thank you.

    Kyung Hyang Daily News:

    China recently issued an intellectual property rights (IPR) solution for foreign-invested enterprises. So are there IPR protection measures for TV, publishing and cultural industries? Can you share some of the details? In addition, due to THAAD disputes, there are obstacles between China and South Korea in terms of cultural cooperation. After the 19th CPC National Congress, can we expect positive exchange between the two sides? Thank you.

    Zhang Hongsen:

    Let me answer your questions. For the first one, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television works with various government departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Public Security to crack down on network infringement piracy in a special campaign called "Sword Net Action." "Sword Net Action" includes investigating online infringement and piracy cases, rectifying the copyright order in key areas, promoting the cooperation of relevant copyright parties and other measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese and foreign intellectual property rights holders, which also includes foreign enterprises. This effectively regulates the copyright order on the internet. This campaign has been praised and recognized by the Motion Picture Association of America, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, the International Organization for Standardization, the Publishers Association, the Association of American Publishers and many other foreign institutions.

    In September of this year, we carried out "Sword Net 2017." The focus of this special campaign was to enhance the special protections of intellectual property rights for foreign-invested enterprises. In the online areas of film, television, music, animation, software, teaching materials and others, and on platforms of e-commerce and app stores, we have conducted major copyright maintenance, standardization and remediation. This campaign is still in action. We believe that as this campaign deepens , the rights and interests of domestic and foreign intellectual property rights holders will be more effectively protected, and the copyright order will be better regulated.

    For the second question, I noticed that at the recently concluded Busan International Film Festival, there were a lot of Chinese filmmakers. Within the scope of my business, I also observed many of the exchange and cooperation projects between China and South Korea proceeding to new phases. Here I would like to stress that cultural exchange is not an average commodity trade or a trade in goods. Cultural exchange is about where the people's hearts are, and about making choices with emotion. So we can say that cultural exchange is an exchange of warmth, which comes from people's hearts and emotions. When people's hearts are interlinked, and the feelings on each side are mutual, cultural exchange and cooperation will certainly move in a positive direction. The depth and breadth of cultural exchange depend on the emotional temperature. We have to face this and think about it together. Thank you.

    Xinhua News Agency:

    The cultural industry has been developed quickly in recent years, continually enriching people's spiritual and cultural life. Meanwhile, new requirements to further promote the cultural industry were put forward in the report. Would you like to introduce the current development of the cultural industry and the likely next step?

    Sun Zhijun:

    Developing the cultural industry is an important part of building an extensive socialist culture, and also a vital path to satisfy people's needs for a better life. As mentioned in the report, it's a major program we have adopted to tackle unbalanced and inadequate development in some regions, and also to adjust the economic structure. For years, we have attached great importance to actively promoting the overall development of the cultural industry.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the total added value of the cultural industry increased from 1.81 trillion yuan in 2012 to 3.08 trillion yuan in 2016, and its share of GDP increased from 3.48 to 4.14 percent. We are going to take the following measures taken to promote the cultural industry:

    First, implementing new concepts. We will push forward the supply-side structural reform in the cultural industry under the guidance of new development concepts, make sure it is developed in a healthy way with increased quality and efficiency.

    Second, satisfying new needs. In order to satisfy the primary cultural needs of the masses, we will improve cultural services by innovating in terms of contents, methods and ways, while maintaining the right tone in public. We will work to deliver more quality cultural products and improve cultural services. At the same time, we will seek to guide cultural consumption patterns to ensure the cultural industry develops in a healthy way.

    Thirdly, nurturing new cultural business models. We will rely on high technology to inspire cultural innovation, at the same time reflect the elements of Chinese culture, and provide fresh impetus for the advance of the cultural industry through implementation of the "Internet Plus" strategy and "Culture Plus" initiative.

    Fourthly, expanding markets. We will focus on establishing a sound modern cultural industry and market system, encourage and guide social capital to flow into cultural industry, which now enjoys dynamical development. At the same time, we will work hard to promote international cultural trade, so as to expand the space for cultural development, better lead the domestic market and improve China's cultural influence in overseas markets, in the process further developing a modern cultural industry in faster and better ways. Thanks.

    Prensa Latina:

    I want to know in which way the Belt and Road Initiative have strengthened the cultural ties between China and other countries. The second question is does China have new proposals to promote its cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road in the culture and information field.

    Xiang Zhaolun:

    Thank you very much for raising a very important question. The Belt and Road Initiative doesn't just involve economy and trade, but is the road of culture. The joint construction of Belt and Road has brought new opportunities for economic growth and cultural exchanges between China and countries along the routes. This will vigorously promote friendship among the people in China and those in countries along the Belt and Road, and promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between them in an all-round way.

    Over 300 inter-governmental cooperation agreements and related action plans covering cultural exchanges have been signed so far.

    First, in terms of cooperation in culture and art, the Silk Road International League of Theaters and the Silk Road International League of Museums have already been established, and we will promote and set up other leagues covering art festivals, libraries and art galleries to form closer cooperative relations. We will also provide renowned Sinologists and young scholars with more opportunities to take part in exchanges and to visit China, and encourage more translations and the introduction of literary works, films and television programs from countries along the Belt and Road. Meanwhile, we will also do our part to present more literary works, films and television programs and cultural products to countries along the Belt and Road.

    Second, in terms of cooperation in cultural trade, we will focus on promoting mutual investment in cultural industries and carry out cooperation in sectors of animation, game, cultural relics and museum. There is huge potential and broad prospects in this regard.

    Third, in terms of cooperation in cultural relics protection, countries along the Belt and Road all possess a long history of civilization and are rich in cultural relics. We have carried out cooperative archaeological activities with 15 countries, and more than 1,000 items (sets) of cultural relics related to the theme of the Belt and Road have been put on display in more than 20 countries along the Belt and Road in recent years. Thank you.

    Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group:

    What measures have been taken and what progress has been made in integrating core socialist values with the development of rule of law?

    Xia Weidong:

    You have raised a very relevant question.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, a prominent aspect of ideological and ethical progress has been giving full play to the complementary and reinforcing the role of rule of law and rule of virtue in national governance.

    With the guidance of the core socialist values, relevant legislation, law enforcement, the judiciary and law-abiding norms are now all based on clear and consistent principles. With the support of various laws and regulations, ethical progress is supported by a strong institutional guarantee. To promote this endeavor, the Guiding Opinions on Integrating Core Socialist Values into the Development of Rule of Law was launched last December.

    The supporting role of laws and regulations is also strongly valued in the various initiatives to raise the people's cultural-ethical standards. For example, the Law on National Anthem was enacted so there is a firm legal basis in paying tribute to the national anthem. The Regulations on Volunteer Services have been introduced to provide legal protection for the relevant entities. The newly-amended Advertising Law contains clear provisions on public service announcements. Many local governments have introduced regulations on civility to regulate the behavior of citizens in public. These measures have paid off in ensuring the real and effective implementation of core socialist values.

    Guo Weimin:

    This ends today's press conference. Thank you.

    Press briefing on promoting ideological, ethical and cultural progress
  • Press briefing: Party building, self-governance

    Yang Xiaodu, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, minister of Supervision, and chief of the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention

    Qi Yu, vice minister of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee

    Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the 19th National Congress of the CPC and deputy director of the State Council Information Office

    Oct. 19, 2017

    The press center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a press conference in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 19, 2017. Yang Xiaodu (C), deputy secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Qi Yu (R), deputy head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the press conference. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Guo Weimin:

    Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. During the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), six press conferences will be held. My name is Guo Weimin. I'm the spokesperson for the Congress, and the vice minister of the State Council Information Office (SCIO). We welcome you to attend these press conferences. If you need any help with your reporting, please feel free to contact me, any member of my team or the press center.

    Today, we are holding the first of the six press conferences. Present here are: Mr. Yang Xiaodu, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Minister of Supervision, and the chief of the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention, and Mr. Qi Yu, who is the vice minister of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee.

    They will introduce the work related to strengthening Party building and comprehensively practicing strict Party self-governance. They will also answer your questions.

    Now, let's welcome Mr. Qi Yu to introduce the work for strengthening Party building.

    Qi Yu:

    I am glad to meet our media friends. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened successfully yesterday. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a report on the historic changes that have taken place in the cause of our Party and our nation in the past five years.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping made clear in the report that "we have achieved remarkable outcomes in ensuring full and strict governance over the Party," which summarized and recognized the achievements in Party building and the organizational work. Now, I would like to brief you on these aspects of our work over the past five years.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has incorporated exercising strict governance over the Party into the Four-Pronged Strategy, and has strengthened the Party leadership and Party building. This has brought about a historic, structural and fundamental shift from a lax, weak and slack approach to a strict, stringent and tough approach to Party self-supervision and self-governance. The CPC's organizational work has firmly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's thoughts on Party building, and the requirements for exercising strict governance over the Party. It has focused on the main responsibilities and tasks, stayed problem-oriented and stressed the need to take up these responsibilities with marked progress in the following areas:

    First, by giving priority to ideological and political education, we have greatly elevated the political and theoretical level of Party officials and further strengthened their commitment to the Party. We have made it a priority to study and implement the guiding principles of the policy addresses of General Secretary Xi Jinping and his new vision, concepts and thoughts about the governance of China. We have guided Party officials to build up their confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through these efforts, we are calling on all Party officials to enhance their political integrity, develop a better understanding of the general picture, follow the core leadership of the Central Committee, and act consistently with its policies, thus closely following the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in terms of thinking, political stand and actions.

    Under the overall arrangement of the CPC Central Committee, activities have been undertaken to heighten awareness of and thus implement the CPC's mass line. We have implemented educational programs on the "Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and the Three Basic Rules of Conduct" and have launched Party-wide education in regard to the "Two Studies, One Action." Intraparty education has been expanded from "the essential few" to the vast number of Party members, and developed from concentrated to regular education. Through involvement in these three programs, Party officials have experienced intensive political education, and a number of longstanding problems have also been addressed. We have also organized regular Party activities and strengthened political and cultural development within the Party. The political performance of the Party has undergone fundamental and profound changes.

    At the same time, Party organizations at various levels have launched training courses for accurately targeted officials and have thus constantly improved their leadership and professional competence. Over the past five years, some 100 million officials from all levels have received full-time training.

    Second, we have selected good people for Party work and made important progress in building the ranks of key high-caliber officials. We have carefully implemented the standard for good officials under the new circumstances by revising and promulgating regulations for their appointment, refining the way officials are recommended democratically, improving the way they are elected on a competitive basis, improving the system for assessing and evaluating performance, ensuring that officials are not selected simply based on votes received, overall scores, GDP and age, thus establishing the correct approach in selection and appointment. All this has made it possible for a large number of loyal, honest and pragmatic officials willing to take up the responsibility to become leading officials.

    We have also strengthened the leading and guiding role of Party organizations. In order to prevent officials with a poor record of conduct from being promoted, we have ensured that when an official is being considered for advancement, the relevant files are carefully examined, the reports on personal matters are checked, the opinions of commissions for discipline inspection are solicited, and the complaints lodged by the masses in letters or calls with clear clues are investigated. We have also ensured that, when an official is to be promoted, his or her promotion form is signed by the chief of the Party committee and the chief of the commission for discipline inspection confirming incorruptibility and a good sense of self-discipline. During the recent election of new municipal, county and township leaderships, over 9,300 officials were not promoted due to their failure to pass these reviews.

    We have formulated regulations on promoting and demoting officials and worked hard to establish a mechanism for the selection and appointment of officials, whereby competent people are promoted while incompetent ones are demoted or eliminated. So far, we have handled more than 22,000 officials at and above the county and section chief level in accordance with these regulations.

    In the follow-up of the inspection tours made by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, we have sent inspection teams to check the selection and appointment of officials in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, as well as in the central government and Party departments. In particular, in the recent elections of local leaders, we worked to give proper guidance, warned candidates on unacceptable behavior, and tried to prevent malpractice. We sent inspection teams to inspect the process of the elections on a circuit basis to ensure sound conduct for the elections of new leaders.

    Third, we have tightened the governance of officials and sought to enhance the system of managing and supervising them. We have worked to nip problems in the buds and prevent them from arising. We have conducted strict routine oversight and supervision. In recent years, the organizational and personnel departments at all levels wrote to officials and issued admonishment on over 600,000 occasions.

    We have established a sound system with Chinese characteristics whereby officials report their personal affairs, with a focus on their family matters and property closely linked to their exercise of power, ensuring that the results of the reviews are put to good use and problems identified are investigated. So far 1.25 million reviews have been carried out nationwide, 125,000 officials have been punished for submitting falsified reports.

    We have focused on addressing prominent problems such as overstaffing, "naked" officials, falsified filing, and have regulated the business activities of relatives of Party and government officials. Preliminary achievements have been made.

    We have also made efforts to give officials positive incentives. We have established a system that allows public servants below county level to be able to rise up the career ladder through either promotion in regard to their post or a rise in rank. This has benefited more than a million public servants concerned.

    Fourth, to promote exercising strict governance over the Party down to grassroots Party organizations, the vigor and vitality of grassroots Party organizations and of the Party members involved has been greatly enhanced. According to the general requirement of "controlling overall size, optimizing structure, improving quality and playing the due role," we have insisted on strict procedures for new recruitment and installed a candidate's political integrity as a precondition so as to ensure the quality, structure and proper size of Party membership. Compared with 2012, the number of party members has increased by 4.32 million with an annual growth rate of 1.2 percent, which is line with our goal of managing membership growth.

    Daily education and management of Party members has been strengthened, including regularly organizing "three meetings and one class" and dealing with Party members considered unqualified. Party building at the grassroots level has been promoted in a coordinated manner in different areas. We have worked continuously to straighten out weak and lax grassroots Party organizations, and the role of grassroots Party organizations in rural areas as the core leading force has been further strengthened; we have explored new ways for Party building and grassroots-level governance in neighborhoods and streets; we have strived to enhance any weakness and marginalization of the leading role of the Party and Party building in SOEs and universities. Efforts have been made to increase the coverage of Party organizations and the coverage ratio in the non-public business sector and social organizations. We have comprehensively promoted and strengthened Party building at the grassroots level.

    We have worked to serve the Party's mission of poverty alleviation through our overall work in Party building. We have selected 195,000 officials from county and above-level government organs to work in poor villages as first Party chiefs so as to ensure the Party's political and organizational strength is turned into a driving force for development.

    We have also improved the accountability system for Party building work and initiated appraisal of municipal and county level Party chiefs of their performance in this regard, and are gradually applying this practice to other government institutions, enterprises and universities, aimed at urging Party organizations and Party chiefs at various levels to earnestly perform their duty of governing Party affairs.

    We have further deepened institutional reform for the development of talents to give more autonomy to employers of talents and remove obstacles for talent development, so as to motivate their creativity. By now, the overall size of China's talent pool has reached 175 million persons, up by 43.8 percent compared to five years ago. The contribution ratio of talents to China's economic and social development has witnessed a big increase.

    We have continuously pushed forward institutional reform of the Party building work by formulating important institutions and strengthening their enforcement. Until now, the institutional reforms for Party building decided by the 18th CPC Central Committee have been basically completed.

    That is what I would like to introduce so far. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    Thank you. I now give the floor to Mr. Yang Xiaodu.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    Good morning. It's my pleasure to give you the following briefing.

    We all witnessed the opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China yesterday. At the Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered on behalf of the 18th Party Central Committee a report entitled "Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era."

    The report is impressive and encouraging. It won warm applause and full support from all Party members and the Chinese people. Strengthening Party leadership, advancing the great project of Party building, and exercising strict Party self-governance in every respect are important elements highlighted in the report.

    Now I would like to take this opportunity to brief you on the achievements of the Party in exercising strict self-governance in every respect since the 18th National Congress and the major principles concerning this endeavor set forth in the report to the 19th National Congress. My briefing is formed of two main parts.

    1. Notable progress has been made in exercising full and strict Party self-governance, and the Party has grown stronger through revolutionary tempering.

    As the Chinese saying goes, it takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. Since the 18th National Congress, to strengthen the Party's ability to fulfill its historic mission, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made exercising all-round strict Party self-governance a strategy of crucial significance. With the determination to "offend several thousand rather than disappoint the 1.3 billion Chinese people," the Central Committee has attached unprecedented importance to improving Party conduct, building integrity, and combating corruption. It has made resolute efforts to improve Party conduct, tighten discipline, fight corruption, and punish wrongdoing, and seen historic changes in Party building.

    First, we have combined ideological work and institution building, and seen a marked improvement in the political atmosphere within the Party.

    We have made it clear that Party leadership is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have launched activities to see Party members develop a good understanding of and act on the Party's mass line, initiated a campaign for the observance of the Three Stricts and Three Earnests (i.e. to be strict with oneself in practicing self-cultivation, using power, and exercising self-discipline; and to be earnest in one's thinking, work, and behavior) and carried out activities that require all Party members to have a solid understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major addresses and to meet Party standards. We have worked to strengthen Party members' consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment, and enhanced their confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    We have made it a task of fundamental importance to ensure a disciplined political life within the Party. We have worked to see that the principal responsibility for governance over the Party and the oversight responsibility are fulfilled at every level, and tightened political discipline and rules, thus markedly improving the intraparty political atmosphere and the political ecosystem of the Party.

    Second, we have persevered in implementing the eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, with a view to using fine Party conduct to improve social behavior.

    The 18th Party Central Committee has pursued the endeavor by first addressing the misconduct most resented by the people, improving Party conduct, and ensuring implementation of the eight-point decision. The Political Bureau of the Central Committee has led by example, and the whole Party has followed with firm resolve and perseverance. Many unhealthy trends have been reversed. This is an accomplishment previously regarded by many as a mission impossible. "The eight-point decision is changing China." Conduct improvement bears testimony to the Party's progress in capacity building. Previously, people claimed that the public expenses of the banquets amounted to some 200 billion yuan, and they thought that this trend cannot be stopped. Yet, after the introduction of the "eight-point decision," the problem has been fundamentally solved.

    The Publicity Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and China Central Television jointly produced a four-episode documentary series on rectifying work related to practices. It aroused a huge public interest, and attracted an on air audience of 350 million with 300 million more viewers online.

    Third, we have strengthened intraparty oversight, and ensured within this term of office full coverage of disciplinary inspection, which cuts like a blade through corruption and misconduct.

    We conducted 12 rounds of central discipline inspections and inspected a total of 277 Party organizations; took a "second look" at 16 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government that had been inspected earlier; and carried out flexible inspections over 4 departments at the central level. For the first time, a full coverage of disciplinary inspections was realized within one term of office. In carrying out inspections, we have coordinated the efforts of the entire Party throughout the country and addressed both the symptoms and root causes of corruption. The Publicity Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and CCTV also produced a four-episode documentary series covering the inspections, attracting a total audience of 550 million on air and 530 million online. This shows the people's full trust in and support to disciplinary inspection. It gives the general public a channel to report misbehaving officials and expose corruption cases. It also creates an opportunity for the Party and the general public to root out corruption together.

    We have furthered the reform of the disciplinary inspection system, and improved procedures and institutions to ensure that a discipline inspection commission is under the leadership of both the Party committee at the same level and the discipline inspection commission at the next level up.

    The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatched 47 disciplinary inspection teams, stationed at the Party organizations of all the 139 departments subject to this form of oversight.

    We have continued the reform of the national supervision system, improved the self-oversight systems of the Party and the state, and completed relevant pilot reforms in Beijing, Shanxi, and Zhejiang.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping said in the report yesterday that the work should be carried out nationwide. This is our task in the next step ahead.

    Fourth, we have taken comprehensive steps to tighten Party discipline and exercise stricter supervision and governance over the Party.

    We have ensured that Party discipline requires more of Party members than the law codes, and a disciplinary action is taken before a legal action is needed. By conducting four forms of oversight over discipline compliance, we are able to identify problems early and correct them while they are nascent, and build layers of defense to prevent them from growing serious.

    Our aim is to prevent people from making the very first mistake, because if one makes a minor mistake and no one warns him immediately as to its bad consequences, that person will not feel anxious about making bigger mistakes - and may eventually commit crimes.

    We have taken a series of measures to stop people from making small mistakes in the very first place. As I said, we have been committed to ensuring that Party discipline requires Party members to go further and beyond what the law states, and a disciplinary action is taken before a legal action is needed. Why? That's because Party members are the vanguard of the times and the progressives of the nation. They must observe stricter discipline codes. They chose to join the Party, so they must receive stricter discipline codes than common citizens.

    Over the past five years, discipline inspection commissions and supervision agencies across the country dealt with 2.674 million leads on discipline violations, filed 1.545 million cases, punished 1.537 million Party members, and transferred 58,000 suspects to judicial bodies. This demonstrates our commitment to the principles that discipline must be strictly enforced and, that all discipline violators must be punished, and our adherence to the practice of learning from mistakes to prevent recurrence and treating the illness to save the patient. We are serious about this. Action will definitely be taken if one dares to step across the line.

    Fifth, by both "taking out tigers" and "swatting flies," we have built and consolidated an overwhelming momentum in the fight against corruption.

    We have made determined efforts to eradicate interest groups that are involved in both political and economic corruption, and investigated and prosecuted serious discipline and law violations committed by Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Sun Zhengcai, Ling Jihua and others.

    Cases were filed to investigate 440 Party members in leadership positions at and above the provincial and army commander level and other leading Party officials under Party Central Committee management. Among them, 43 were members or alternate members of the 18th Central Committee, and 9 were members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. More than 8,900 officials at the director-general level and 63,000 at the county and director level have also been investigated. Meanwhile, we are resolute in addressing corruption that occurs on the people's doorsteps, disciplining a total of 278,000 Party members and officials working at the primary level.

    Progress has also been made in hunting corrupt elements who have fled overseas and in recovering their ill-gotten assets. A total of 3,453 fugitives have been brought back, including 48 of the 100 on Interpol's red notice list.

    We also produced an eight-episode documentary on the fight against corruption, attracting an on air audience of over 600 million and 650 million viewers online. The achievements we made were recognized by both the Party and the general public, who have given us strong support and great help in our work. In my opinion, in the fight against corruption, the utmost power of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core comes from all Party members and the common Chinese people. With them behind us, we are fully confident to win the battle.

    Sixth, we have upheld rule-based Party self-governance by improving Party regulations and tightening the cage of institutions.

    Integrating the work of comprehensively deepening reform with institutional innovation, acting in strict accordance with the Party Constitution, and drawing on the experience gained through exploration and practice, the Party Central Committee amended or enacted over 90 Party regulations, bringing them in line with state laws. This has enabled rule-based self-governance of the Party and law-based governance of the country to complement and reinforce each other. As a result, the fight against corruption is based more on institutions, rules and laws.

    Over the past five years, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and with the concerted efforts of the whole Party and the people, the political life within the Party has taken on a new look, and the Party's political ecosystem has markedly improved. The Party's ability to innovate, power to unite, and energy to fight have been significantly strengthened; Party unity and solidarity have been reinforced; and the Party's engagement with the people has been greatly improved.

    The Party has made major breakthroughs in exploring an effective path to self-purification in the context of long-term governance, and has grown stronger, purer and more advanced through revolutionary tempering. It now radiates with great vitality, providing strong political underpinning for realizing the two centenary goals and revitalizing the Chinese nation.

    2.We must put into practice the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and continue to exercise full and strict Party self-governance.

    For the Party to unite the people and lead them in carrying out our great struggle, advancing our great cause, and realizing our great dream, we must unwaveringly uphold and improve Party leadership, advance the great new project of Party building, and make the Party still stronger.

    The report to the 19th National Congress has clearly set out the overall requirements, plan, and objective as well as key tasks for Party building in the new era. We must follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the basic policy, gain a good understanding of them through earnest study, fully apply them in practice, and earnestly perform our duties entrusted by the Party Constitution. We will focus on the following areas.

    First, we will put political building of the Party first, resolutely uphold the authority and centralized, unified leadership of the Central Committee, ensure earnest intraparty discipline and rules, and create an atmosphere in which discipline and rules are strictly observed. With this we will bring fundamental improvement in our political ecosystem.

    Second, we will launch a campaign on the theme of "staying true to our founding mission" with the emphasis on studying and applying the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will urge our Party members and officials to study and put into practice the Thought, keep firmly in mind the Party's ideals, convictions, and purpose, and forever preserve the political character of Communists while steadfastly serving the people.

    Third, we will work ceaselessly to improve Party conduct and enforce discipline. We will continue to implement the eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, fully strengthen the Party's disciplinary building, make good use of the four forms of oversight over discipline compliance, and bolster the foundation of the Party's governance through fine conduct and strict discipline.

    Fourth, we will continue to see that in fighting corruption, there are no no-go zones, no ground left unturned, and no tolerance shown. We will maintain a tough stance and a long-term deterrence, and resolutely punish corruption. We will intensify efforts to address corruption that occurs on the people's doorsteps, and continue to pursue corrupt elements who have fled overseas and recover their ill-gotten assets. We will address both the symptoms and root causes of corruption. We will strengthen deterrence so officials dare not be corrupt, strengthen the cage of institutions so they are unable to be corrupt, and strengthen their vigilance so that they have no desire to commit corruption. With this we will secure a crushing victory in the fight against corruption. Now that the anti-corruption campaign has been built into a crushing tide, we will do all we can to achieve a sweeping victory in the fight against corruption.

    Fifth, we will strengthen intraparty oversight, develop sound Party and state oversight systems, and deepen reform of the national supervision system in line with the Central Committee's plan. We will give play to the role of disciplinary inspection as a blade that cuts through corruption and misconduct, and the role of oversight by stationed inspectors as a "probe" against corruption and misconduct. This will make the Party better able to purify, improve, and reform itself.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    With this I conclude my briefing. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    Thank you, Mr. Yang. Now, let's give the floor to our media friends. We kindly remind you to identify the media outlet you represent before raising questions.


    China Daily:

    Just now, Mr. Yang said that the anti-corruption campaign has built a crushing tide. My question is: What will be done in the next step to achieve a sweeping victory?

    Yang Xiaodu:

    Thanks for your question. I just introduced what we have done since the 18th CPC National Congress. Thanks to these efforts, the anti-corruption campaign has built a crushing tide. Removing all forms of corruption is recognized as a tough job worldwide. As long as there are officials, there will be corrupt individuals lurking among them.

    The CPC is a ruling party that always places people's interests first, so the constraints on corrupt behavior should be a longstanding endeavor that requires our full attention.

    We will continue to ensure that the Party exercises effective self-supervision and practices strict self-governance in every respect so that every Party member and organization can fully follow the Party Constitution and disciplinary codes.

    We will sustain the rigorous momentum that was defined by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his report yesterday. His remark that the resolve to stamp out corruption is as firm as a rock won thunderous applause. It clearly shows our resolve to maintain the drive against graft with tightened rules.

    At the same time, we need to improve our systems and institutions so officials dare not be corrupt; and we need to strengthen the cage of institutions so they're unable to be corrupt. We need to continue to learn from mistakes to prevent recurrence and treating the illness to save the patient. We must educate our officials to strengthen their political consciousness so that they will transition from a fear of reprisal and inability to commit corruption to a disinterest in committing corruption. When the majority of our Party members and officials make this transition, we will be getting closer and closer to securing a sweeping victory in the fight against corruption.

    I think that the strong and sound leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core will surely bring us to this goal. The full party membership hopes that our Party is able to do so, and the broader public will support our Party in this direction. Therefore, we can achieve such a goal by improving the Party's political ecosystem, forming a good atmosphere of political life within the Party, relying on the support of the people and relying on our own strict discipline. Thank you.


    My question is for Mr. Qi. We have noticed that the number of delegates to the 19th CPC National Congress was set at 2,300. A total of 2,287 delegates were elected, and the qualifications of 2,280 were confirmed as valid. How to explain the difference in the numbers? And I wonder if there are any new features during this year's election process compared to previous Congress gatherings.

    Qi Yu:

    Thanks for your question. The CPC Central Committee attached great significance to the delegate election for the 19th National Congress, stressing that candidates should be scrutinized politically and ethically. Delegates should all be advanced people and highly representative. All election units, in accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee, gave full play to the leadership and oversight of Party organizations at all levels in the election of delegates. The candidates underwent several rounds of strict examination for their political quality, integrity and conduct.

    After the delegates to the 19th CPC National Congress were elected, we continue to make conscientious examinations of their qualifications, especially for those who have been reported for possible misconducts.

    Unqualified delegates have been removed in accordance with party rules. With the approval of the CPC Central Committee, Sun Zhengcai and other 26 formerly elected CPC delegates were disqualified due to wrongdoings related to the violating of laws and disciplines.

    Because of a relatively large number of vacancies in the Chongqing delegation to the 19th CPC National Congress, a by-election of the CPC Congress was held timely in accordance to the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and established procedures, and14 delegates were elected. A list of 2,287 delegates to the 19th CPC National Congress approved by the CPC Central Committee was released on Sept. 29.

    After its release, seven people were deemed to be inappropriate ever since and were disqualified from their roles as delegates to the 19th CPC National congress.

    A total of 2,280 delegates to the 19th CPC Congress are qualified for their roles after deliberation from the congress's Credential Committee. This not only shows the high standards and strict qualifications for the delegates but also demonstrates the CPC's resolve for ensuring strict Party self-governance.

    Compared to the past, the election of delegates to the 19th CPC National Congress is indeed stricter. It has the following features.

    First, we placed more emphasis on political performance. We adhered to the criteria set up for the representatives, and examined each in a strict manner as required. We set the following four requirements to ensure a well-qualified team of representatives: a detail report on the career of each representative must be reviewed, relevant major matters concerning them must be examined, suggestions from disciplinary inspection authorities must be carefully considered, and any accusatory letters providing detailed clues must be thoroughly investigated. What we have introduced already is attributable to our examination according to the criteria established at all levels.

    Second, we paid more attention to intraparty democracy. The nomination process started from the grassroots to fully listen to the opinions of Party members. Nominations came from almost all grassroots Party organizations, and the participation rate of Party members reached 99.2 percent.

    Third, we paid more attention to improving the representational structure. We increased the proportion of workers from the production side as well as other posts. As you can see during these two days, special passages have been set up for contact with representatives in the Great Hall of the People, and most of those interviewed were Party representatives from grassroots organizations. The proportion of grassroots party representatives this time reached 33.8 percent of the total, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from the 18th CPC National Congress. It is not a small increase.

    We have always given priority to discipline and adherence to the rules, and insisted on zero tolerance of any violations of discipline and rules, ensuring a fair and just election process for the representatives. Thank you.

    Asahi Shimbun:

    My question is for Mr. Yang. What will be the focus of the fight against corrupthigh officials after the 19th CPC National Congress? In addition, what kind of changes will the establishment of the National Supervisory Committee bring to the work of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection next year? Thank you.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    Thank you. After the 19th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will still target corrupt high officials who have not restrained themselves since the 18thCongress, are frequently reported by citizens for misconduct, and now occupy important positions with potential promotional opportunities. Our primary target will be anyone who meets these criteria or is suspected of political and financial corruption.

    The CPC takes serving the people wholeheartedly as its purpose and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people as its mission. Corrupt officials undermine the people's interests and go counter to the nature and purpose of the Party. They are eroding the very foundation of the Party's governance and must be eliminated.

    Deepening reform of the national supervision system and establishing a national supervisory commission is a major political decision made by the CPC Central Committee. It aims to strengthen the Party's centralized and unified leadership of the fight against corruption, put in place an authoritative and efficient national supervision system with complete coverage under the Party's unified command, and promote the modernization of China's system and capacity for governance.

    Under the leadership of the CPC committees, supervisory commissions share office spaces and work together with the Party's disciplinary inspection commissions. This is an embodiment of the organic unity of intra-party oversight and oversight by state organs, of the Party's disciplinary inspection and national supervision, and of law-based governance of the country and rule-based governance of the Party. In this way, anti-corruption forces will now be concentrated in shared office spaces and the scope of this drive will be expanded. The Party's disciplinary inspection commissions and supervisory commissions will assume more responsibilities and our work will be more effective. Thank you.

    Phoenix Satellite TV and ifeng.com:

    My question is about the supervision of senior officials. Sun Zhengcai, Wang Min, Su Rong and Zhou Benshun were prosecuted on corruption charge. However, they were still promoted before their investigations. I wonder if there exists any blind spot in the supervision of senior officials?

    Yang Xiaodu:

    Thank you for the question, which is a good one. Indeed, for some time, the self-governance of the Party was somewhat lax and weak, giving an opportunity to corrupt officials, like Sun Zhengcai, Su Rong, Wang Min and Zhou Benshun, to perpetuate evil without being punished. However, the Party never shies away from admitting its mistakes. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has been fully committed to ensuring full and strict governance of the Party to improve the conduct of members, promote integrity and fight corruption. We have done our utmost to ensure no "tigers" and "flies" can escape punishment now, that no zones will remain unchecked, and that no loopholes have been left unfixed. We have captured many corrupt officials and punished them.

    As I just said, the disciplinary authorities have investigated 440 Party members in leadership positions at and above the provincial and army commander level and other leading Party officials under Party Central Committee management. They accounted for a rather large proportion of total officials punished. We did so to correct the errors we had previously made. Besides, as Mr. Qi just said, we have put great energy into assessing the qualifications of delegates to the Party's 19th National Congress. In my opinion, these moves have made it much more difficult for any official to seek personal gain through illegal acts. Of course, I cannot promise you that we have captured all the miscreants, but I'm sure that nobody can live the sort of life they enjoyed in the past.

    Over the past five years, our inspections have expanded into full coverage, and contingents of discipline inspection officials have carried out their missions in all aspects. At the same time, an oversight mechanism for officials of the commissions for discipline inspection has been adopted. Every effort is being made to reduce blind spots in intra-Party supervision and to avoid loopholes in daily works.

    The regulations on intra-Party supervision passed at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee highlighted the importance of oversight over the "key few", and laid emphasis on the supervision of leading Party organs and officials, especially, those holding a high rank. When seeking to close any loopholes, we need to strengthen top-down organizational oversight, improve bottom-up democratic oversight and practice peer oversight.

    During our inspections, we have kept in contact with a substantial number of people to listen to their comments regarding targeted CPC officials. Once the inspection groups are dispatched, they undertake a clear obligation to listen to the voices of the people and stay close to them in the long run. The CCDI also needs discipline. To impose stringent rules on members, the CCDI established a supervision office to observe the conduct of its members in leadership positions and has increased the powers of its discipline inspection authority with a clear duty to connect with people and listen to what they are saying.

    According to the report delivered by Xi Jinping at the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, we must adhere to the principles of self-governance of the Party and exercise full and rigorous governance over the Party.

    The newly revised Party Constitution has added the content of political responsibility for governance over the Party in the chapters of the Party organization system, central organizations of the Party, local organizations of the Party, primary-level Party organizations, and Party officials so as to ensure that power is exercised in an institutional cage with strengthened internal oversight.

    All these approaches have reflected that our Party has the courage to face problems squarely, solve the problems, and strengthen the Party's ability to purify itself. It also demonstrates our Party's determination and confidence in exploring the approaches to avoid history's cycle of rise and fall.

    We firmly believe that, while adhering to the right thought and policy of the Central Committee of the CPC with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we will certainly more effectively exercise self-governance of the Party and full and rigorous governance over the Party, improve Party conduct and fight corruption, ensure that intraparty political activities are carried out in earnest, further strengthen the Party's advanced nature and purity, and enable our Party to more wholeheartedly serve the people.

    Market News International:

    Some enterprises in China, including some Sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises, have been asked to set up Party organizations in recent years. May I ask what the purpose is of this measure? Will this measure have some impact on the normal operation of the enterprises?

    Qi Yu:

    Thank you, let me answer your question. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the vanguard both of the Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is the nature of our Party. The establishment of Party organizations inside of basic social units including enterprises is very logical and also our long-standing and consistent practice.

    Setting up Party organizations in enterprises is, first of all, consistent with China's laws and relevant regulations. The Company Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that in a company, a Party organization shall be established to carry out the activities of the Party in accordance with the Constitution of CPC and the company shall provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the Party organization. The Constitution of CPC also stipulates that enterprises, rural areas, schools and other basic units which have at least three full Party members should set up primary Party organizations. Therefore, to set up primary Party organizations in enterprises is not only a consistent practice but also in line with relevant regulations.

    Second, establishing Party organizations in enterprises also conforms to the wishes of employees. Currently, enterprises of various kinds in China have more than 140 million employees, who are the main body of the working class in our country. The enterprises' Party organizations pay attention to safeguarding the legitimate interests of all parties of the companies, making known reasonable demands of the workers and office employees, and helping to solve practical difficulties. Therefore, the workers and office employees think that with the Party organizations, they have a "backbone."

    Third, setting up Party organizations in enterprises is also conducive to promoting the development of the enterprises' production and operation. The main task of Party organizations in enterprises is to ensure the implementation of the Party's line, guidelines and policies, to guide and supervise the enterprises to abide by the country's laws and regulations, to unite the employees and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, and to promote the healthy development of the enterprises. Many of the Party members in enterprises are the advanced elements of the employees. Most of them are the backbones of production and operation of the enterprises. They can endure hardships and have the courage to sacrifice and tackle difficulties. In their own posts, they are role models in various tasks, and they are an important force in pushing forward the development of enterprises.

    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have increased our efforts to establish Party organizations and carry out Party building and Party activities in enterprises, and continued promoting the reach of Party organizations and Party work. This is our focus. At this moment, the vast majority of state-owned enterprises and most non-public enterprises, including most foreign-invested enterprises, have established Party organizations. I can give you a few statistics: by the end of 2016, we had 147,000 state-owned enterprises, of which 93.2 percent set up Party organizations; there are 2.73 million non-public enterprises, of which 67.9 percent established Party organizations; and 106,000 foreign-invested enterprises, of which 70 percent established Party organizations.

    In practice, we require the enterprises' Party organizations to combine and integrate Party activities with the production and operation of enterprises in order to provide strong support for the healthy development of enterprises. In this regard, it is needless to speak about the work and role of Party organizations in state-owned enterprises. Many non-public enterprises, including Sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises, highly recognized the Party organizations we set up in them and the activities we carried out there. Many executives and investors of non-public enterprises have said that when the party building is done well, it is not only a productive force, but also a competitive edge of the enterprises. Some executives of foreign-funded enterprises said that the Party organizations can help them to keep abreast of China's policies, resolve labor disputes, and provide positive energy for the development of their enterprises. Most investors welcome and support the Party organizations to carry out activities inside their enterprises.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    Let me add an example. I used to work in Shanghai. When I attended an executing meeting of the Shanghai mayor, I heard Rick Wagoner, the then-CEO of General Motors, himself say that in his company, the best work was done by the Party members, and the best work order was in the workshops which had Party organizations. So he said, "I hope there will be more Party members in my company, as well as more Party organizations." This is such an example. I heard it with my own ears seven or eight years ago.

    People's Daily:

    The 19th CPC National Congress has made major arrangements to promote the great new project of Party building and exercise full and rigorous governance over the Party. What measures will be taken to ensure the implementation?

    Yang Xiaodu:

    Thank you for your question. In my opinion, full and rigorous governance over the Party relies on the Party itself, Party organizations at all levels as well as its members. Every member has a role in it. At the same time, all members are subjected to education, management and supervision.

    First, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and the Party's local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels should study and implement the guiding principles from the 19th CPC National Congress, and put it as a top political task for now and the years to come. We also need to thoroughly study the CPC Central Committee's analysis and judgment of the current situation and implement its decisions and plans.

    Second, we should conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities bestowed by the Party Constitution, and adapt them to our work. We should implement the new requirements for Party building as well as full and rigorous governance over the Party as designated by the report delivered to the 19th CPC National Congress and the amendment to the CPC Constitution. We need to find weak points, fill the gap, and stick to the undertakings that meet the CPC Central Committee's requirements.

    Third, we need to bolster intra-Party political life and supervision, comprehensively strengthen Party discipline, and develop a bigger role for the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work. We are now planning to carry out new inspection work after the 19th CPC National Congress concludes. We need to fortify, consolidate and implement the results of the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct. We have already achieved much progress in the fight against extravagance and waste, and will continue to correct bureaucracy and formalism. Generally speaking, we need to be persistent and resilient in our drive to win an overwhelming victory in the war against corruption.

    Fourth, we will stick to reform and innovation. We need to strengthen the reform of the disciplinary inspection system, comprehensively advance the reform of the national supervision system, improve the supervision system in the Party and in the country, and deepen full and rigorous governance over the Party.

    Fifth, we need to improve the self-governance of commissions for discipline inspection. As the saying goes, it takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. We need to engage in self-discipline as we implement the guiding principles from the 19th CPC National Congress and the amendment to the CPC Constitution, improve our ideological and political character and the capacity to fulfill our duties, enhance our management, be loyal to the Party, be clean in our conduct and shoulder our due responsibilities.

    I assume all of you have watched the three-episode documentary called "It Takes a Good Blacksmith to Make Good Steel." It detailed CCDI's efforts in anti-corruption since the 18th CPC National Congress. Around 300 million people have watched the show. Altogether it has been viewed 320 million times online. And I think what we did has been highly recognized by CPC members and the general public.

    Qi Yu:

    I want to add a little bit. The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the organizational bodies at all levels also shoulder a heavy responsibility in exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party. Many of their new tasks, as pointed out in the report by General Secretary Xi Jinping yesterday, need to be arranged and implemented by the Party's organizational bodies at all levels.


    The 19th CPC National Congress will amend the Party Constitution. What do these changes mean for the CPC? How will these changes affect China's economic, social and political prospects?

    Qi Yu:

    Thank you. The revision of the Party Constitution is one of the important duties of the CPC National Congress. Our present Constitution was amended and enacted by the 12th National Congress. With its basic content remaining pretty much unchanged for 30 years or so, it has played a crucial role in Party work. However, some amending work according to the Party's development and innovation in theory and practice occurred in every National Congress from the 13th to the 18th.

    Along the process for the CPC Central Committee to gather opinions on the topics for discussion during the current 19th CPC National Congress, it is widely believed the Party has obtained fruitful achievements in development and innovation in theory and practice since the 18th CPC National Congress, and that the situation faced by the Party today, as well as its tasks, have also undergone profound change. So, there was a general consensus for the Party Constitution be amended. On the basis of further research, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee adopted the proposal and decided to undertake the amendment.

    The Party Constitution provides the fundamental law of the Party. The Party's guiding ideology requires the appropriate amendments at the 19th National Congress in order to advance with the times, which will be beneficial for the Party's unity in ideology with innovative theory and will ensure the conformity of both the ideology and the action among all sections of the Party.

    The development of the Party and national cause also requires such amendment. The timely embodiment of new governing concepts, ideas and strategies of the CPC Central Committee into the Party Constitution is conducive to promoting a better understanding of the new requirements dictated by the new era among Party members, and leading the Party and national cause in the right direction.

    The great new project of Party building also requires such amendment be undertaken. General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted this in his report yesterday. The embodiment of innovative achievements in the theory, practice and system of Party building in the Party Constitution focuses on urging all Party members to exercise strict self-discipline and improve the Party building process.

    Moreover, the implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress also requires such an amendment process. All of you must have listened to the report by General Secretary Xi Jinping yesterday, when many important new ideas, strategies and arrangements were put forward. The embodiment of the important content of the report in the Party Constitution will create normative conduct by all party members, and will be conducive to solidly promoting the implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress.

    With regard to the specific amendment, there will be a special press conference after the National Congress ends, and relevant officials will give you a more detailed introduction. Thank you.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    I would like to add a few words. As the fundamental law of the CPC, the Party Constitution embodies the will of all party members. It also serves as the fundamental basis of all the work of the discipline inspection authority. The duties of our commission are determined by the Party Constitution, and our work, including supervision and disciplinary action, are authorized by the Party Constitution. Therefore, the amendment of the Party Constitution is of great significance for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to exercise our power and fulfill our duties more effectively. The amendment strictly complies with the comprehensive strengthening of Party self-discipline and the cause of anti-corruption, which, as a fundamental norm, urges our party to maintain its pioneering nature and fulfill the mission of serving the people wholeheartedly. Therefore, we hope the amendment of the Party Constitution can be completed as soon as possible. Thank you.

    Xinhua News Agency:

    My question is for Minister Qi Yu. You mentioned in your report about "strengthening Party building to implement targeted poverty reduction and alleviation." We know that, in recent years, many first Party secretaries were sent to local villages for poverty alleviation. Could you provide us an introduction to that?

    Qi Yu:

    Thanks. Strengthening Party building to implement targeted poverty reduction and alleviation is clarified by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Party Committee. The central organization department of the CPC and the Party committees at all levels should fully grasp and put into practice the principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major addresses, to guarantee victory in the fight against poverty.

    The work we did to implement targeted poverty reduction through Party building:

    Firstly, the leading groups in poor counties teamed up with the best cadres. At the same time, we kept their original positions to make sure that they were fully committed to their work on poverty reduction and alleviation.

    Secondly, we provided support so that more cadres and talents can go to work in poor areas. A total of 1,054 cadres were selected from the central government departments and eastern China to go to poor counties, mostly in central and western regions, and assumed a temporary post for poverty reduction. And we also encourage talents to make their contributions in the front-line of the battle against poverty. Every year, about 100,000 talents, including teachers, doctors, scientists and technicians, implement their specific work in poor areas.

    Thirdly, we bring into full play the role of community-level Party organizations in leading the Party members to devote themselves to poverty reduction. In recent years, we selected over 30,000 cadres as the Party branch secretaries in poor areas, in order to organize a strong leading group in the front-line of poverty reduction.

    The best cadres are those who are good at leading people to lift themselves out of poverty. A total of 195,000 cadres from county and above-level government organs were sent to work in poor villages as first party secretary. Different from the Party branch secretaries who are already working in local poor villages, the cadres who we send there are called the First Secretary.

    At the same time, we untied all forces from teams stationed in villages, college graduates working as village heads as well as volunteers. We also strengthened the training for CPC members, especially for those who work in poor areas, in a bid to lead the local people to lift themselves out of poverty.

    In addition, through the transfer payment system and supported by the Party membership dues, we improved the fund guarantee system at the village level, especially in the poor villages. We encourage the development of collective economies in undeveloped villages where young and able labor is limited.

    Fourthly, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee has held work meetings for poverty reduction and alleviation through Party building for two years, and calls for exchanging experiences on poverty reduction.

    As required, heads of the Organization Department at provincial level should visit all the poor counties, and also the poor villages. The Heads of the Organization Department at municipal level should also visit all the poor villages and towns. The Heads of the Organization Department at county level should also visit all the poor villages. Through these on-the-spot investigations, we can further push forward the work on poverty reduction and alleviation.

    Practice has proven that Party building has offered solid guarantees for poverty reduction and alleviation. The achievement made in poverty reduction and alleviation also represents the progress made in Party building.

    Guo Weimin:

    I also take part in the poverty reduction work. The first party secretaries sent to the poor villages play a vital role in lifting people out of poverty. And there are many touching stories. For example, a young female cadre, a mother of two kids, was appointed as the first secretary in a poor village in Jilin Province, where she stays for at least six days every week. If reporters at home and abroad are willing to report on the first party secretary, we'd love to offer services and arrange it for you.

    The Beijing News:

    The five years since the 18th CPC National Congress has witnessed an unceasing momentum of exercising full and strict governance over the Party and officials. It seems that this momentum has led to inaction and a mass exodus from government to business. What are your thoughts on this? What effective measures can be taken to solve the problems?

    Qi Yu:

    You raised two questions. I will answer the one regarding the exodus from government to business first. Statistics show that the number of public servants has been stable in recent years, with an annual average resignation rate of 0.1 percent or a little more. There are a total of over seven million public servants in China, and only about 10,000 of them have resigned each year. So the mass exodus from government to business has not taken place at all.

    It is normal that a small number of public servants resign, which is a law of personnel turnover rates universal to all countries. Despite their resignations, many talented people have joined the group of public servants through examinations and transfers each year, giving rise to a virtuous mechanism of resignation and recruitment which is in accordance with the overall system of public servants.

    We have to admit that there is inaction, but only on the part of very few officials. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the cause and building of the Party has assumed a new look, and the nation has remained mobilized for brand new endeavors. The phenomena of inaction of officials has persisted from the past until the present, and will continue. At present, in rare cases, there are government officials half-hearted in doing their jobs due to lacking an understanding of the requirements for exercising full and strict governance over the Party and also the initiative to correct their behaviors and conduct in accordance with the action to transform lax and weak governance over the Party. Also, some officials are incompetent to fulfill their duties to meet new visions and the requirements for development.

    Although inaction is a problem on the part of very few officials, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to it and instructed us to solve it. In accordance with its instructions, the Party committees at all levels and organizational departments have taken or are taking the following measures:

    First, educating the officials with low ideological awareness and increasing their motivation to fulfill their duties. Second, helping the officials with low competence update their knowledge and improve their abilities through training and practice. Third, intensifying efforts to punish incompetence or indolence and exercise supervision, evaluation and accountability, and removing those incompetent officials from office so that no one dare perpetuate inaction and dereliction of duty. Most importantly, we must stick to the correct criteria of assessing officials, promoting responsible officials with ethical conduct and moral integrity, punishing and even removing those who fail to perform their duties from their positions. The Party's disciplinary inspection commissions at all levels have made great efforts in this regard.

    What's more, we will strengthen positive incentives, helping officials improve their political ideology and caring about them in their work and life. We will look at their mistakes in a constructive way, differentiating: honest mistakes from knowing violations; faults in innovations from defiance of laws and disciplines; and errors made when pursuing public interests from making private profits. We will encourage officials to take risks and break new ground.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    I would like to add something. I agree with Comrade Qi Yu. What I am going to say may be more relevant to the questions raised by the journalist with the Beijing News. He asked whether the fight against corruption would lead to inaction. In my opinion, whether an official performs his duties or not hinges on his sense of responsibility. Officials in all positions are the servants of the people and should have public service consciousness. Some officials don't work hard enough as a result of incompetence. Corrupt officials often take irresponsible action and pursue interests for themselves rather than for the people. Few of the officials that we have investigated and prosecuted made dedicated efforts to serve the people. So I think anti-corruption can increase government officials' sense of responsibility, deterring them from improper desires, misconduct and playing their prize at the cost of the people's interests.

    In other words, anti-corruption motivates high-caliber officials to perform their duties better and officials with poor performance to improve their work. The CPC's intra-party liability regulation published last year has specified the responsibilities and accountabilities of officials. We will clear those who seek high ranks but do not want to serve the people away from their positions or transform them so that they dedicate themselves to serving the people. Thank you.

    Macau Asia Satellite TV:

    China has made great progress in its anti-corruption work. What kind of successful experience do you think could be offered for other countries and regions? Thank you.

    Yang Xiaodu:

    We've tried to keep pace with the changes occurring in the world, our nation and the Party, exploring various modes of Party management, governance and building. We have comprehensively advanced the great cause of Party building to new height with a pioneering spirit, and developed various successful practices for strict governance of the Party and preventing corruption, which can be taken as the experience you've just mentioned. They are indeed precious, and can be summarized as follows:

    First, take a clear-cut stand on upholding and strengthening Party leadership. We should firmly maintain the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee and its authority, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, willingly maintain political integrity, always think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment, enhance strict governance of the Party in a comprehensive way, ensure that the policies, guidelines, decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee are fully followed and implemented, and all Party members move in step in terms of thinking, political standpoint and action, thus forming powerful force in Party governance and anti-corruption work. I have visited Singapore and New Zealand by way of Hong Kong, and talked with the principal of the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong. It is commonly held that the crucial element for anti-corruption work is the resolve of the leadership. As for China, that sort of resolve comes from the CPC Central Committee, and its perseverance, with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core. We have witnessed it.

    Second, stick to the principle of holding firm to ideals and convictions. A solid ideological basis should be laid for Party members and leading cadres to ensure they remain loyal to the Party and to the masses. We should remain confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We hold that the strict governance of the Party and the anti-corruption work should be implemented at the political and ideological level and should arouse people's consciousness. As for the advanced organization of our Party, members' consciousness is always the source of power and we have accumulated great experience in this aspect. Party members are willing to receive positive education and exude positive energy once we create the environment and conditions with the CPC Central Committee leading the way.

    Third, combine ideological work and institution building. It has been a political advantage and good tradition of our Party to strengthen ideological work. Ideological Party building means holding firm to ideals and convictions. Strengthening Party rules and regulations is the long-term and fundamental solution in ensuring strict governance over the Party and winning the fight against corruption. The two aspects should be combined and should supplement each other with joint force.

    Fourth, make sure the whole Party follow with firm resolve and perseverance of the lead of example of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, implementing problem-oriented measures and fulfilling the political responsibilities in Party management and governance. The secretaries of Party committees and groups at all levels should have the first responsibility. They should learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping, manage their leading group and cadres in a proper way, develop loyal, clean and responsible teams and create an upright political environment. Just as is said in management: subordinates behave like the shadows of their superiors; high-minded leaders don't need to call the tune.

    Fifth, stick to the practice of learning from mistakes to prevent recurrence and treating the illness to save the patient. We should make sure that Party discipline requires more of Party members than the law does, and that a disciplinary action is taken before a legal action. We must conduct four forms of oversight over discipline compliance to maintain a high-pressure posture as a backup force. Investigation and prosecution according to related laws and disciplines should be applied in a very small number of cases while criticism and education should be applied in the majority of cases. Most people tend to follow the crowd and if those who have made mistakes are not held accountable and punished, more people may follow. If there is a clear requirement to be a moral and well-mannered people and learn advanced and positive things, all of society will become positive and form a favorable environment.

    Six, continue to exercise full and strict Party self-governance. We should lay more emphasis on strict, practical, profound and detailed implementation of discipline, and make party members dare not, be unable to, and not want to become corrupt. The three phases need to be completed step by step. We have generally realized the "dare not" phase, as it has received recognition from the masses. We are now advancing to the "cannot" stage, as the space for discipline and law violation has become less. To realize "don't want to do so" is indeed a long process and if we can achieve that, we can claim we have resolved the problem at the very roots.


    General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a very impressive report yesterday. He stressed that the CPC will continue to fight against corruption and he also showed confidence in enhancing governance over the Party. But, it's very hard for a ruling party to exercise complete self-supervision, as independent supervision is usually required in this place. The CPC has been fighting against corruption during the past decades; will there be any new measures from now on? Or, will some institutions be established for the anti-corruption campaign? Moreover, how do you balance between ensuring full and strict governance over the Party and protecting human rights?

    Yang Xiaodu:

    In my opinion, although there are many new requirements with the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, the fundamental key to anti-corruption remains strengthening the CPC leadership and enhancing Party building. As a ruling party in governance for a long period, the CPC should made Party building a priority, ensuring a strong, righteous and pure Central Committee as well as strong and pure Party organizations at all levels.

    We will make all-out efforts to see the Party's political building enhanced, its theory strengthened, its organizations consolidated, its conduct improved and its discipline enforced. Meanwhile, we will integrate intraparty oversight with oversight by state organs, democratic oversight, judicial oversight, public oversight, and oversight through public opinion. Self-supervision plays a dominant role, however there should be oversight from outside the Party. One example is the inspection mechanism, which integrates intraparty oversight with the public oversight.

    Promotion of law-based governance is conducive to ensuring full and strict governance over the Party. According to the report delivered at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress, the CPC will advance the reform of the national supervision system. It's foreseeable that a national supervision law will be formulated. The law will strengthen the integration of intraparty oversight with oversight by state organs, ensuring a more extensive and effective supervision with more concentrated strengths.

    Moreover, you spoke of the issue of human rights, which is a very modern issue as well. I used to work in the Tibet Autonomous Region for a long time, and I have learned that human rights are a very interesting topic.

    Here I would like to talk about this issue a little bit further. Once I visited the United States, I had a meeting with a former American assistant secretary of state. I said that, in the eyes of the Chinese people, Abraham Lincoln was a hero, because he liberated black American slaves, and that the Chinese people and the American people share the same understanding on this point, which is an issue of human rights. However, when we liberated serfs in Tibet, some Americans couldn't understand why. This is also an issue of human rights. According to Lincoln's point of view, China's overthrow of serfdom in Tibet is well grounded.

    Therefore, the issue of human rights has always been given specified premises and conditions. In my opinion, China's approach of exercising law-based governance and practicing strict Party self-governance in all respects will certainly protect the fundamental interests of the Chinese people from all ethnic groups, and promote the development of human rights in China.

    As long as our disciplines and laws are improved, breaches of disciplines and illegal activities will be curbed further, and the violations of human rights caused by such actions will be reduced. I don't know if this answers your question. Thank you.

    Guo Weimin:

    Our press conference will end here. Thanks to Mr. Yang and Mr. Qi. Thank you all.

    Press briefing: Party building, self-governance