SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Commerce | September 10, 2024


International Business Daily:

What new progress has China made in building a high-standard global free trade zone network in recent years? The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed improving systems and mechanisms for high-level opening up and proactively aligning with international high-standard economic and trade rules. What steps will MOFCOM take next to further expand high-level opening up? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

Promoting the construction of a high-standard global free trade zone network is an important task for MOFCOM. In recent years, following the instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have actively advanced relevant work and made good progress. So far, we have signed 22 free trade agreements with 29 countries and regions, and trade volumes with our free trade partners account for about one-third of China's total foreign trade volume. Our free trade partners are spread across Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe and Oceania. In the first half of this year, we implemented three free trade agreements with Nicaragua, Ecuador and Serbia, signed an early harvest arrangement for the free trade agreement with Honduras, completed substantive negotiations on upgrading the free trade agreement with Peru, and officially started free trade agreement negotiations with El Salvador and negative list negotiations with New Zealand. The content of our free trade agreements is also continuously being enriched. For example, new contents, such as cooperation on standards and the digitization of trade documents, are gradually being included in the free trade agreements being signed or negotiated.

At the same time, free trade agreements have further helped to enhance the bilateral trade and investment. For example, since the China-Nicaragua free trade agreement took effect this year, the two countries have seen their bilateral trade volume rise 56% year on year in just half a year. Another example is the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). China's non-financial direct investment in other RCEP member countries reached $9.53 billion in the January–May period of this year, a 28% year-on-year increase.

Next, MOFCOM will resolutely implement the relevant arrangements and requirements of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and further expand the high-standard global free trade zone network.

First, we will expand its scope. We will continue to follow the CPTPP's accession procedures, further conduct bilateral consultations based on previous exchanges with all members, and advance the accession process. We will strive to conclude negotiations as soon as possible on version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, on free trade agreements with Honduras and El Salvador, and on upgrading free trade agreements with New Zealand and others. We will vigorously promote the China-Japan-South Korea FTA talks, as well as free trade cooperation with the Gulf Cooperation Council, Norway, Switzerland, Bangladesh and other countries and regions. We will expand our network of free trade agreements with receptive countries and regions, aiming to boost our trade volume with free trade partners to 40% of the county's total foreign trade by 2030.

Second, we will improve its quality. We will further open up trade in goods in newly signed free trade agreements, promote more products to be included in the zero-tariff list, advance negotiations on service trade and investment through negative lists, and further open up key areas such as telecommunications, healthcare and tourism. We will also actively incorporate into future free trade agreements high-level economic and trade rules in areas such as the digital economy, green economy, intellectual property and standards certification. We seek to build a new development pattern through high-level opening up and achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes with our free trade partners.

Third, we will increase its efficiency. We will continue to ensure high-quality implementation of all the signed free trade agreements such as the RCEP, further enhancing their utilization. We will actively launch promotional events and training to help enterprises fully leverage the preferential policies of these agreements. Such efforts aim to further promote the flow of goods, services and investments, allowing the agreements to benefit people on both sides better. Additionally, through the dividends of free trade cooperation, we aim to strengthen the cooperative ties between China and our free trade partners.

Fourth, we will promote reforms. We will further collaborate with relevant departments to actively align with high-standard economic and trade rules at the international level and in accordance with the requirements of the third plenary session of the Central Committee of the CPC, further advancing reforms in areas such as property rights protection, industrial subsidies, environmental protection, labor protection, government procurement, e-commerce and finance. At the same time, we will intensify efforts in pilot projects and promptly summarize and promote successful experiences. All these efforts aim to boost the integration and compatibility of rules, regulations, management and standards, as well as achieve a favorable situation where high-standard opening up and deep reforms can mutually support and reinforce each other. Thank you.

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