SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council | August 20, 2024


The Enterprise Observer:

A new round of large-scale equipment renewal is currently proceeding smoothly. Can you provide an update on the recent progress of related work by central enterprises? What are the considerations and arrangements for future work? Thank you.

Wang Hongzhi:

Thank you for your questions. The new round of large-scale equipment renewal is an important initiative by the CPC Central Committee, focusing on the overall goal of high-quality development. This initiative is widely anticipated across society and represents a significant opportunity for central enterprises to build development advantages. Last Friday, the State Council held a special meeting to deploy additional support for large-scale equipment upgrades. Recently, the SASAC also held a special progress meeting to mobilize related work. The meeting guided enterprises to effectively utilize support policies, coordinate technological upgrades, equipment renewals, and industrial upgrading, ensure initiatives are well-executed and accelerate high-quality development. Mrs. Liu will provide more details on this matter.

Liu Shaowei:

As Mr. Wang just introduced, SASAC recently held a meeting to advance large-scale equipment renewal for central enterprises. The main purpose of this meeting was to guide these enterprises to take the lead and focus on the "five accelerations," ensuring the implementation and advancement of related key tasks.

First, we are quickly upgrading equipment to advanced ones. By swiftly replacing and renovating production devices and equipment that have long service time, low efficiency and outdated technology, we are deploying equipment that is high-tech, highly efficient and highly reliable.

Second, we are speeding up the digital transformation. We are rapidly implementing a series of projects focused on achieving an "intelligent, digital and connected transformation." This involves deeply integrating cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence across all aspects of the manufacturing process, rapidly upgrading and replacing outdated equipment with intelligent solutions and extensively expanding our network infrastructure with new technological advancements.

Third, we are accelerating our green transformation efforts. These efforts focus on promoting a range of eco-friendly equipment, aiming to significantly reduce pollution, cut carbon emissions, save energy and lower consumption. We are also working to improve the energy efficiency management of our equipment by rapidly updating and renovating devices and equipment with subpar energy performance. Moreover, we are vigorously planning for the recycling and reusing of resources, thereby establishing a sustainable cycle of eco-conscious product development, manufacturing and recycling.

Fourth, we are stepping up the promotion of intrinsic safety measures. A series of renovations of outdated facilities is in progress to strengthen the application of safety technologies and apparatus. In areas vulnerable to safety risks, initiatives are being implemented to replace manpower with machines, automated solutions and robots. There is an enhanced focus on online monitoring and management of various hazardous sources, with the goal of improving accident and disaster prediction and prevention capabilities.

Fifth, we are advancing our efforts to reinforce effective supply. By developing a new range of devices and equipment, we are pushing forward their applications in various fields including industrial machinery, agriculture, healthcare, education and more. Our goal is to provide technologically advanced, green, low-carbon, energy-efficient and market-adaptive equipment.  

Moving forward, we will maintain the principle of offering all possible support, thus intensifying policy backing for investors. We will guide central SOEs to align closely with the trends of the new technological revolution and industrial transformation, performing a pioneering and exemplary role during this round of extensive equipment upgrades. In the next five years, central SOEs are expected to arrange equipment renewal and renovation with a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan. Concurrently, we mandate that central SOEs treat different types of enterprises equitably when procuring equipment, focusing on acquiring equipment that is technologically advanced and offers the best value for money. This approach will allow equipment suppliers that are distinguished by superior quality and competitive prices to stand out. Thank you!

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